Do You Believe Obama Doesn't Know Anything?

Do you believe Obama knows nothing about these scandals?

  • I think Obama knows and I think he should do more of the same

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  • I don't care

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He knows plenty, especially at this point...if he gets away with convincing people that he was kept out of the loop all along, then he confirms why he was a poor choice in '08 with no experience governing. What an embarrassment in leadership either way.
I think he knows a great deal, and is shrewd enough to play the "plausible deniability game".

No President after Nixon is going to directly order the IRS to target anyone. But after listening to Obama publicly attack the Tea Party, casting aspersions on their motives, source of funds, etc., the IRS had plenty of clues as to where it should focus. That's the danger of our unaccountable, highly partisan permanent bureaucracy. It doesn't even see that what it is doing is political anymore.
he knows !! he's just playing dumb , and shucking and jiving to our faces ,and laughing at us behind our backs !! typical arrogant narcissist !! the man is so arrogant he thinks he can do whatever he pleases and no one can stop him !! he's wrong !!
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I think he knows a great deal, and is shrewd enough to play the "plausible deniability game".

No President after Nixon is going to directly order the IRS to target anyone. But after listening to Obama publicly attack the Tea Party, casting aspersions on their motives, source of funds, etc., the IRS had plenty of clues as to where it should focus. That's the danger of our unaccountable, highly partisan permanent bureaucracy. It doesn't even see that what it is doing is political anymore.

A cop would call Obama's speeches probable cause.
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I think he knows a great deal, and is shrewd enough to play the "plausible deniability game".

No President after Nixon is going to directly order the IRS to target anyone. But after listening to Obama publicly attack the Tea Party, casting aspersions on their motives, source of funds, etc., the IRS had plenty of clues as to where it should focus. That's the danger of our unaccountable, highly partisan permanent bureaucracy. It doesn't even see that what it is doing is political anymore.

A cop would call Obama's speeches probably cause.

A rational person would call them that. Kimberly Strassel nails it:

The same threat was made to conservative groups that might dare play in the election. As early as January 2010, Mr. Obama would, in his state of the union address, cast aspersions on the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, claiming that it "reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests" (read conservative groups).

The president derided "tea baggers." Vice President Joe Biden compared them to "terrorists." In more than a dozen speeches Mr. Obama raised the specter that these groups represented nefarious interests that were perverting elections. "Nobody knows who's paying for these ads," he warned. "We don't know where this money is coming from," he intoned.

In case the IRS missed his point, he raised the threat of illegality: "All around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates . . . And they don't have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are. You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation."

Short of directly asking federal agencies to investigate these groups, this is as close as it gets. Especially as top congressional Democrats were putting in their own versions of phone calls, sending letters to the IRS that accused it of having "failed to address" the "problem" of groups that were "improperly engaged" in campaigns. Because guess who controls that "independent" agency's budget?...

Strassel: The IRS Scandal Started at the Top -
Our government is Too Big To Succeed, and is run for the benefit of banks that are Too Big To Fail.
It's could be..

1. he knows nothing, his handlers use him like a mouthpiece puppet..(he really is an idiot)

2. he delegates everything and remains insulated from anything..(he could care less)

3. He or his handlers guide a course of utopian liberalism using Chicago style politics and he's incapable of true leadership, integrity, morality or accepting responsibility for the consequences of his or others actions or non-actions.

4. I'm thinking it's a combination of all..
He is a car salesman and no more. He is selling points that has been given to him and only knows what he is told. He runs the government in the US about as much as the Queen runs England.
The only defense he has is that he's detached and uninvolved in running the government.

However, I believe he knows the people he picks to be in charge and has discussed with them what is expected of them.

He wants this. His claim that he is angry is total bull shit.
Obama is smart enough to feed his "lost will" legions of excusers with just enough bullshit to keep him in power, at times it's comical but mostly it's a sad state of affairs for the future of America.
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How do I know Obama is Lying?

He Speaks. He's the most arrogant LIAR POTUS in my lifetime.
I noticed there haven't been any stories about 4 year old kids shooting their 2 year old sisters lately.

I guess the media has dropped the government approved BS for awhile.
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Doesn't matter because he will never be connected. His hands are clean and they will always be clean even if other have to get their hands dirty.

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