Do you believe the official 911 story?

18 floors of the building were gone at the corner. FDNY reported the building was listing to the side well before it collapsed.

You are ignorant of the facts.

Those are not facts, look with your own eyes, does the building look like it is listing to you? The curtain wall was damaged on the side facing the TT but no floors were gone. You are repeating lies. LOOK WITH YOUR OWN EYES!!!!!!


You're welcome.

Thanks for proving my point, damaged curtain wall ( a non structural element used to enclose the structural steel frame).
If you have the courage of your conviction then visit the AE911 site.

he he he...

Explain what knocked down the light poles outside of the Pentagon on 9/11 if it was a missile as you're stating.

You're move.

What light poles? Where's the plane? Give an answer or admit you don't have one.

The plane crashed as the wreckage and DNA indicate.
The light poles confirm it was an aircraft that knocked them down since they were spaced far enough apart to confirm that only an aircraft's wings could have hit them.


What light poles? These:

Those are not facts, look with your own eyes, does the building look like it is listing to you? The curtain wall was damaged on the side facing the TT but no floors were gone. You are repeating lies. LOOK WITH YOUR OWN EYES!!!!!!


You're welcome.

Thanks for proving my point, damaged curtain wall ( a non structural element used to enclose the structural steel frame).

I advise you to wear a hat to cover your point because I'm sure thats the only one you have. The building is missing 18 floors dumbass.
Clinging to all the bits of controversy while ignoring the elephant in the room helps no one. A skyscraper collapses in seconds, a jumbo jet vanishes, explain those to indisputable facts or stop denying the lie. Nothing else, not DNA, not oil and gas fire or any of the other smoke screens. You can see both with your own eyes. EXPLAIN those two indisputable facts!

I see no evidence that would preclude towers of that construction from collapsing the way they did. The jet that hit the Pentagon didn't disappear, it disintegrated. Pieces of the tail penetrated into the third ring of the building.
I dont believe the official story is 100% of the story. But I believe the official story tells a large part of the truth, and probably 10-20% of the truth is being held back.

That said, I dont think Bush and Cheney bombed those buildings. I think pissed off Muslims did.

They both made a contribution to pissing off the Muslims.

Angry Muslims don't kill people, they're just the tools, people kill people. ;)
I dont believe the official story is 100% of the story. But I believe the official story tells a large part of the truth, and probably 10-20% of the truth is being held back.

That said, I dont think Bush and Cheney bombed those buildings. I think pissed off Muslims did.

They both made a contribution to pissing off the Muslims.

Angry Muslims don't kill people, they're just the tools, people kill people. ;)

Does that mean angry Muslims aren't people?
Clinging to all the bits of controversy while ignoring the elephant in the room helps no one. A skyscraper collapses in seconds, a jumbo jet vanishes, explain those to indisputable facts or stop denying the lie. Nothing else, not DNA, not oil and gas fire or any of the other smoke screens. You can see both with your own eyes. EXPLAIN those two indisputable facts!

I see no evidence that would preclude towers of that construction from collapsing the way they did. The jet that hit the Pentagon didn't disappear, it disintegrated. Pieces of the tail penetrated into the third ring of the building.

and I am sure the amount of time you spent examining the NIST report and the method for reaching its conclusions is about zero
Debris from the twin towers damaged building 7, taking down at least one of its support beams. A fire fed from internal oil and gas supplies burned for 7 or 8 HOURS and it is assumed that it weakened the central support which caused the collapse. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE explosives were used. No evidence that someone was in the building before or during the emergency lacing it with explosives. In fact the fires would have destroyed any control runs to said explosives as well as prevented systematic lacing during the event. THAT is common sense.

As to the plane.... watch a couple videos on what happens to a plane when it flies into a reinforced concrete wall. And there was debris just not a lot survived.

perhaps you can explain how the DNA from the passengers and crew got INSIDE the Pentagon? Or where the plane went if it did not hit the Pentagon? Where the known passengers went if not into the Pentagon?

In order for any explosives to have been used in New York would have required City, County and State, as well as Federal Investigators to have lied about what happened. In order for no plane to have hit the pentagon the actually plane would have had to fly away, no record of that happening. The Plane would have had to land somewhere, no record of that. The Passengers and crew would have to have been removed from the plane, guarded and murdered and with in 40 minutes of the supposed crash body parts and DNA delivered to be dispersed through out the pentagon.

That would have required the cooperation of the Local and federal investigators and the police and military securing the scene.

Literally HUNDREDS of people would have to have known about the set up. Yet after 12 years NOT a single soul as said a thing. Perhaps you can explain what leverage the Government had over all those people to keep them silent this long or to have ever agreed to participate in the cover up?

I won't be able to go over every bit of evidence and I'm not going to say I know who or how, only an independent investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power can find out, but what I have said is true, no other steel frame high rise has ever completely collapsed due to fire, yet no change in building codes. The NIST which asserted that it collapsed due to fire presented no science to back it up. Take a look at it, your eyes don't lie, the building completely collapsed in seconds, it's just not possible for all the structural columns to fail in perfect unison and sequence due to one failed column or a moderate fire. As for how DNA could have been found at the sight, I don't know, but I do know that a jumbo jet can't simply vanish due to a crash and fire, again your eyes don't lie, there is no plane there.

Living the lie.
want to try again? Debris from the plane was there. In fact one of the deniers tried to claim it was a wheel from the wrong jet. And claimed a tent was a wing from the wrong jet.

It is simple, hundreds of people would have to have kept quiet for a cover up to be true. The building was not blown down by explosives. SIMPLE common sense prevails. Any wiring to explosives would have been damaged or destroyed by the fire. The explosives them selves would have been damaged. NO ONE saw anyone lay explosives before the attack on the twin towers. It takes days even weeks to properly wire a high rise for demolition especially if you are going to bring it down on itself. Yet no evidence exists, no witnesses no video NOTHING to show the building was ever wired. No construction on supports to lay the explosives, no wiring, no one carrying the materials or doing the job.

Further in order to hide the explosives evidence all the investigators from all 4 agencies would have had to be in on the fix.

Again for Pentagon, it is physically impossible for someone to have diverted the plane locally with out being seen, physically impossible for someone to have had the men needed to take the passengers and crew off, murder them take dna and tissues from the bodies and dispose of the rest and gotten it to the Pentagon in the time before the site was secured and being investigated. So again Hundreds of investigators, local police, FBI, Military and civilians would have to have been in on the scam.

I realize most of the truthers are mentally deficient but reality simply does not support the claims made.

Watch a video of a jet running at speed into a concrete wall, they are out there, the plane literally disappears except some of the larges metal parts like engines and wheels. And those were at the pentagon and recovered.
debris from the twin towers damaged building 7, taking down at least one of its support beams. A fire fed from internal oil and gas supplies burned for 7 or 8 hours and it is assumed that it weakened the central support which caused the collapse. There is absolutely no evidence explosives were used. No evidence that someone was in the building before or during the emergency lacing it with explosives. In fact the fires would have destroyed any control runs to said explosives as well as prevented systematic lacing during the event. That is common sense.

As to the plane.... Watch a couple videos on what happens to a plane when it flies into a reinforced concrete wall. And there was debris just not a lot survived.

Perhaps you can explain how the dna from the passengers and crew got inside the pentagon? Or where the plane went if it did not hit the pentagon? Where the known passengers went if not into the pentagon?

In order for any explosives to have been used in new york would have required city, county and state, as well as federal investigators to have lied about what happened. In order for no plane to have hit the pentagon the actually plane would have had to fly away, no record of that happening. The plane would have had to land somewhere, no record of that. The passengers and crew would have to have been removed from the plane, guarded and murdered and with in 40 minutes of the supposed crash body parts and dna delivered to be dispersed through out the pentagon.

That would have required the cooperation of the local and federal investigators and the police and military securing the scene.

Literally hundreds of people would have to have known about the set up. Yet after 12 years not a single soul as said a thing. Perhaps you can explain what leverage the government had over all those people to keep them silent this long or to have ever agreed to participate in the cover up?

i won't be able to go over every bit of evidence and i'm not going to say i know who or how, only an independent investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power can find out, but what i have said is true, no other steel frame high rise has ever completely collapsed due to fire, yet no change in building codes. The nist which asserted that it collapsed due to fire presented no science to back it up. Take a look at it, your eyes don't lie, the building completely collapsed in seconds, it's just not possible for all the structural columns to fail in perfect unison and sequence due to one failed column or a moderate fire. As for how dna could have been found at the sight, i don't know, but i do know that a jumbo jet can't simply vanish due to a crash and fire, again your eyes don't lie, there is no plane there.

Living the lie.

18 floors of the building were gone at the corner. Fdny reported the building was listing to the side well before it collapsed.

You are ignorant of the facts.

NIST concluded damage played no signifigent role in the collapse and the failure of a single column initiated the collapse sequence and the failure of this single column would of initiated the collapse sequence regardless of are ignorant of the
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Clinging to all the bits of controversy while ignoring the elephant in the room helps no one. A skyscraper collapses in seconds, a jumbo jet vanishes, explain those to indisputable facts or stop denying the lie. Nothing else, not DNA, not oil and gas fire or any of the other smoke screens. You can see both with your own eyes. EXPLAIN those two indisputable facts!

I see no evidence that would preclude towers of that construction from collapsing the way they did. The jet that hit the Pentagon didn't disappear, it disintegrated. Pieces of the tail penetrated into the third ring of the building.

What the hell does that mean? For the first time ever a skyscraper collapses due to fire and you don't even find that remarkable? You're lying to yourself. There is no evidence of the plane at all, for the first time after a plane crash there is no reconstruction of the plane? Nothing to comment on there either? There is no plane but by golly some light poles were found on the ground? You're really reaching. Just give a look at the evidence. It never occurred to me for eight years that anything was amiss but I stumbled across building seven while googling something for one of my jobs. It took me weeks to come to grips with it. Look I don't have enough info to put together the story of what happened but the official story is a lie. If you have the courage of you conviction you'll look at the AE911 site.
Ok I've waited long enough. Again, I don't know who was involved, the President and VP could have been duped as surely as the rest of America.

I'm just saying there are two pieces of evidence which indisputably show that the official story is a lie. The implications of this are so great that it is unthinkable (literally) for most people. But we must confront it because we have been living a lie for over a decade.

OK, number one. Did you know that a third office tower in New York collapsed entirely into its own footprint on 911? Many hours (I think it was like at five or six o'clock) building 7 a 47story modern steel frame office tower collapsed. It was not hit by a plane and had a moderate office fire of unknown source when it went down. No like structure has ever failed like that as a result of fire though many skyscrapers have had bigger and more sustained fires, in fact none have even partially collapsed due to fire alone. Don't take my word for, type Building Seven into google.

There is an organization called AE911 which has over two thousand Architects and Engineers who state unequivocally that it is impossible for a n office fire to cause the collapse of such a structure. It's interesting to note that the building codes were never changed even though this was an unprecedented event.

Second, the plane which supposedly crashed into the Pentagon. Look at the photos of the Pentagon immediately after the explosion, you can see the hole in the side of the building. You can see the destruction inside the collapsed roof. You can see everything EXCEPT the plane! Where did it go? Missiles completely explode when detonated and are obliterated, that's how they are designed. Planes are not missiles, they are not laden with explosives. The wings are full of fuel so they will explode in a crash but the fuselage? No, it's designed to be very strong, even in the worst of crashes there is plane debris to be recovered, think of the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie Scotland which blew up in mid air because of a bomb planted on board, there was still enough recovered to piece it back together. Not at the Pentagon. Again look for yourself, where is the plane?

Again I don't know who or how, I only know that these two pieces of evidence are indisputable, though I'm sure some will. Check out the AE911 site, if you have the courage of your conviction. Final note, I'm a general building contractor and I've ask the structural engineer who I work with about building seven, could it collapse due to fire, he immediately said no, the steel members are all coated in insulation to prevent structural failure in a fire. When I asked if he ever says that to anyone he says no because he is afraid it would harm his business.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK, this is a joke, right? You're just trying to make the CTs and the 9/11 CT Movement look silly, right? Nice work. :D
i won't be able to go over every bit of evidence and i'm not going to say i know who or how, only an independent investigation by a prosecutor with subpoena power can find out, but what i have said is true, no other steel frame high rise has ever completely collapsed due to fire, yet no change in building codes. The nist which asserted that it collapsed due to fire presented no science to back it up. Take a look at it, your eyes don't lie, the building completely collapsed in seconds, it's just not possible for all the structural columns to fail in perfect unison and sequence due to one failed column or a moderate fire. As for how dna could have been found at the sight, i don't know, but i do know that a jumbo jet can't simply vanish due to a crash and fire, again your eyes don't lie, there is no plane there.

Living the lie.

18 floors of the building were gone at the corner. Fdny reported the building was listing to the side well before it collapsed.

You are ignorant of the facts.

NIST concluded damage played no signifigent role in the collapse and the failure of a single column initiated the collapse sequence and the failure of this single column would of initiated the collapse sequence regardless of are ignorant of the

:lol: Any chance you could repeat that? :lol:
Clinging to all the bits of controversy while ignoring the elephant in the room helps no one. A skyscraper collapses in seconds, a jumbo jet vanishes, explain those to indisputable facts or stop denying the lie. Nothing else, not DNA, not oil and gas fire or any of the other smoke screens. You can see both with your own eyes. EXPLAIN those two indisputable facts!

I see no evidence that would preclude towers of that construction from collapsing the way they did. The jet that hit the Pentagon didn't disappear, it disintegrated. Pieces of the tail penetrated into the third ring of the building.

What the hell does that mean? For the first time ever a skyscraper collapses due to fire and you don't even find that remarkable? You're lying to yourself. There is no evidence of the plane at all, for the first time after a plane crash there is no reconstruction of the plane? Nothing to comment on there either? There is no plane but by golly some light poles were found on the ground? You're really reaching. Just give a look at the evidence. It never occurred to me for eight years that anything was amiss but I stumbled across building seven while googling something for one of my jobs. It took me weeks to come to grips with it. Look I don't have enough info to put together the story of what happened but the official story is a lie. If you have the courage of you conviction you'll look at the AE911 site.

Okay, lets go down the rabbit hole...if there was no plane at the Pentagon, how did all of the wreckage get there? And the DNA from the passengers?
want to try again? Debris from the plane was there. In fact one of the deniers tried to claim it was a wheel from the wrong jet. And claimed a tent was a wing from the wrong jet.

It is simple, hundreds of people would have to have kept quiet for a cover up to be true. The building was not blown down by explosives. SIMPLE common sense prevails. Any wiring to explosives would have been damaged or destroyed by the fire. The explosives them selves would have been damaged. NO ONE saw anyone lay explosives before the attack on the twin towers. It takes days even weeks to properly wire a high rise for demolition especially if you are going to bring it down on itself. Yet no evidence exists, no witnesses no video NOTHING to show the building was ever wired. No construction on supports to lay the explosives, no wiring, no one carrying the materials or doing the job.

Further in order to hide the explosives evidence all the investigators from all 4 agencies would have had to be in on the fix.

Again for Pentagon, it is physically impossible for someone to have diverted the plane locally with out being seen, physically impossible for someone to have had the men needed to take the passengers and crew off, murder them take dna and tissues from the bodies and dispose of the rest and gotten it to the Pentagon in the time before the site was secured and being investigated. So again Hundreds of investigators, local police, FBI, Military and civilians would have to have been in on the scam.

I realize most of the truthers are mentally deficient but reality simply does not support the claims made.

Watch a video of a jet running at speed into a concrete wall, they are out there, the plane literally disappears except some of the larges metal parts like engines and wheels. And those were at the pentagon and recovered.

Amazing what these loons will believe isn't it?

About taking a lot of time to wire a building to collapse: It can take months to set up a building much smaller than the Twin Towers to collapse, and that's working in broad daylight not worrying about being caught with a large crew of people. Now try to imagine doing it only at night and trying to avoid being seen cutting in support beams, damaging support, and wiring shit tons of explosives and running miles of detonation cord throughout the building that the planes just happened to miss. That's what CT's want us to believe.
want to try again? Debris from the plane was there. In fact one of the deniers tried to claim it was a wheel from the wrong jet. And claimed a tent was a wing from the wrong jet.

It is simple, hundreds of people would have to have kept quiet for a cover up to be true. The building was not blown down by explosives. SIMPLE common sense prevails. Any wiring to explosives would have been damaged or destroyed by the fire. The explosives them selves would have been damaged. NO ONE saw anyone lay explosives before the attack on the twin towers. It takes days even weeks to properly wire a high rise for demolition especially if you are going to bring it down on itself. Yet no evidence exists, no witnesses no video NOTHING to show the building was ever wired. No construction on supports to lay the explosives, no wiring, no one carrying the materials or doing the job.

Further in order to hide the explosives evidence all the investigators from all 4 agencies would have had to be in on the fix.

Again for Pentagon, it is physically impossible for someone to have diverted the plane locally with out being seen, physically impossible for someone to have had the men needed to take the passengers and crew off, murder them take dna and tissues from the bodies and dispose of the rest and gotten it to the Pentagon in the time before the site was secured and being investigated. So again Hundreds of investigators, local police, FBI, Military and civilians would have to have been in on the scam.

I realize most of the truthers are mentally deficient but reality simply does not support the claims made.

Watch a video of a jet running at speed into a concrete wall, they are out there, the plane literally disappears except some of the larges metal parts like engines and wheels. And those were at the pentagon and recovered.

Amazing what these loons will believe isn't it?

About taking a lot of time to wire a building to collapse: It can take months to set up a building much smaller than the Twin Towers to collapse, and that's working in broad daylight not worrying about being caught with a large crew of people. Now try to imagine doing it only at night and trying to avoid being seen cutting in support beams, damaging support, and wiring shit tons of explosives and running miles of detonation cord throughout the building that the planes just happened to miss. That's what CT's want us to believe.
[ame=]Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician - Loader - - YouTube[/ame]
18 floors of the building were gone at the corner. Fdny reported the building was listing to the side well before it collapsed.

You are ignorant of the facts.

nist concluded damage played no signifigent role in the collapse and the failure of a single column initiated the collapse sequence and the failure of this single column would of initiated the collapse sequence regardless of are ignorant of the

:lol: Any chance you could repeat that? :lol:

why to complicated for you ?
The obvious question is this: Why fly planes into buildings AND plant explosives?
Why not just plant the explosives and blame the muslims? OR just let the muslims fly the planes into the buildings?
Do they have to collapse to give Bush an excuse to go to war? No. This conspiracy theory is ridiculous in so many ways.
Besides the fact that there was no reason to do BOTH, do you realize how difficult it would be to coordinate BOTH?
More people involved, more chance of getting caught. This is silly in every way. It makes no sense, and it shows the how utterly stupid and gullible some people can be.

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