Do you believe the official 911 story?

You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

This way they get to claim for example, that a different plane hit the pentagon, no plane hit the pentagon and a drone hit the pentagon. In NY they get to claim no plane hit the buildings and imaginary explosives did the damage, that the planes were part of a two pronged attack with explosives and that only one plane ever hit any of the buildings. In Pennsylvania they can simultaneously claim a fighter jet shot down the plane, or that the passengers did it.

Further they get to do stuff like at the same time as claiming a drone or different plane hit the Pentagon, not have to explain how the real plane flew out of DC undetected,Not have to explain how the passengers and crew vanished if not in the wreckage nor explain away the telephone poles or the eyewitness sightings.

They get to keep changing the story every time someone points out why the one they started with doesn't work. And by never actually saying what they supposedly believe happened they don't have to detail how it worked they can just fall back on the 15 different stories that are most popular and link to different videos.

EOTS routinely links to groups that do not believe the government had anything to do with it but have a single question about some aspect and then he claims they all support the Government did it.
You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

This way they get to claim for example, that a different plane hit the pentagon, no plane hit the pentagon and a drone hit the pentagon. In NY they get to claim no plane hit the buildings and imaginary explosives did the damage, that the planes were part of a two pronged attack with explosives and that only one plane ever hit any of the buildings. In Pennsylvania they can simultaneously claim a fighter jet shot down the plane, or that the passengers did it.

Further they get to do stuff like at the same time as claiming a drone or different plane hit the Pentagon, not have to explain how the real plane flew out of DC undetected,Not have to explain how the passengers and crew vanished if not in the wreckage nor explain away the telephone poles or the eyewitness sightings.

They get to keep changing the story every time someone points out why the one they started with doesn't work. And by never actually saying what they supposedly believe happened they don't have to detail how it worked they can just fall back on the 15 different stories that are most popular and link to different videos.

EOTS routinely links to groups that do not believe the government had anything to do with it but have a single question about some aspect and then he claims they all support the Government did it.

dont lie now...I never made any such claims
You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

This way they get to claim for example, that a different plane hit the pentagon, no plane hit the pentagon and a drone hit the pentagon. In NY they get to claim no plane hit the buildings and imaginary explosives did the damage, that the planes were part of a two pronged attack with explosives and that only one plane ever hit any of the buildings. In Pennsylvania they can simultaneously claim a fighter jet shot down the plane, or that the passengers did it.

Further they get to do stuff like at the same time as claiming a drone or different plane hit the Pentagon, not have to explain how the real plane flew out of DC undetected,Not have to explain how the passengers and crew vanished if not in the wreckage nor explain away the telephone poles or the eyewitness sightings.

They get to keep changing the story every time someone points out why the one they started with doesn't work. And by never actually saying what they supposedly believe happened they don't have to detail how it worked they can just fall back on the 15 different stories that are most popular and link to different videos.

EOTS routinely links to groups that do not believe the government had anything to do with it but have a single question about some aspect and then he claims they all support the Government did it.

dont lie now...I never made any such claims
You repeatedly linked to two different groups as examples of people that believed the Government was in on a cover up, both groups had a single question about a single part of an aspect of the investigation they found they couldn't believe. NONE of them ever stated the Government was covering up anything.
This way they get to claim for example, that a different plane hit the pentagon, no plane hit the pentagon and a drone hit the pentagon. In NY they get to claim no plane hit the buildings and imaginary explosives did the damage, that the planes were part of a two pronged attack with explosives and that only one plane ever hit any of the buildings. In Pennsylvania they can simultaneously claim a fighter jet shot down the plane, or that the passengers did it.

Further they get to do stuff like at the same time as claiming a drone or different plane hit the Pentagon, not have to explain how the real plane flew out of DC undetected,Not have to explain how the passengers and crew vanished if not in the wreckage nor explain away the telephone poles or the eyewitness sightings.

They get to keep changing the story every time someone points out why the one they started with doesn't work. And by never actually saying what they supposedly believe happened they don't have to detail how it worked they can just fall back on the 15 different stories that are most popular and link to different videos.

EOTS routinely links to groups that do not believe the government had anything to do with it but have a single question about some aspect and then he claims they all support the Government did it.

dont lie now...I never made any such claims
You repeatedly linked to two different groups as examples of people that believed the Government was in on a cover up, both groups had a single question about a single part of an aspect of the investigation they found they couldn't believe. NONE of them ever stated the Government was covering up anything.

What are these mystery two groups ? are what are the mystery single aspects they questioned ?...stop talking out your ass
You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

There are many theories one can read, the question is why lie about what really happened and cover it up? What are the perpetrators of the OCT afraid of? Why don't the 9-11 Commission panelists even believe what they were told? The evidence that has come forward in the last 12 years that shows the lies told regarding the 9-11 attacks and the subsequent wars are readily available for one to research. As to why nothing has been done about it, a good long hard look into who is in charge could answer some of that. I suppose anyone could just take on the powerful forces and waltz into a courtroom tho?
Your CT is as phoney as the fucks the people "elect" and the news outlets that are too controlled to bring anything 9-11 related to light.

[You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?
The obvious question is this: Why fly planes into buildings AND plant explosives?
To assure the destruction of problem buildings that were deemed for dismantling years prior by the Port Authority. To able to claim a terrorist attack destroyed your properties and collect insurance payouts. To horrify America, blame the nemies of Israel and use the stupid gullible Americans to fight Israels enemies.
Why is it you guys always blame Israel for atrocities committed by muslims?
To assure the destruction of problem buildings that were deemed for dismantling years prior by the Port Authority. To able to claim a terrorist attack destroyed your properties and collect insurance payouts. To horrify America, blame the nemies of Israel and use the stupid gullible Americans to fight Israels enemies.
Why is it you guys always blame Israel for atrocities committed by muslims?

It seems to be part of the CT genome. Israel was even blamed for the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. They start with their conclusion - the Jews did it - and then work backwards. Evidently the CTBS is easier to sell if it blames the Jews and after all, selling this crap is what they are all about. :cuckoo:,d.dmQ
Why is it you guys always blame Israel for atrocities committed by muslims?

It seems to be part of the CT genome. Israel was even blamed for the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. They start with their conclusion - the Jews did it - and then work backwards. Evidently the CTBS is easier to sell if it blames the Jews and after all, selling this crap is what they are all about. :cuckoo:,d.dmQ
Makes perfect sense.
You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

Not afraid, just don't know. Why are you afraid of a real investigation by a prosecuted with subpoena power? Or do you think that the biggest attack in history upon America should just be assumed to have been carried out by some guys living in caves? So what if a forty seven story high rise crumbled into its own footprint is seconds and that the "official" investigation asserted that fire caused the failure of a single structural column which caused the entire building to collapse, something that has never happened.
You really have to wonder how come those who believe there were bombs planted, US government planning, faked phone calls, evidence planted, etc... are so hesitant to simply write a narrative as to what they think happened on 9/11. I's been going on 12 years; surely they have formulated some sort of story to lay out what they think happened....

What are they afraid of?

Not afraid, just don't know. Why are you afraid of a real investigation by a prosecuted with subpoena power? Or do you think that the biggest attack in history upon America should just be assumed to have been carried out by some guys living in caves? So what if a forty seven story high rise crumbled into its own footprint is seconds and that the "official" investigation asserted that fire caused the failure of a single structural column which caused the entire building to collapse, something that has never happened.

Certainly you have some idea of what you think happened 12 years later.....c'mon. It won't sound as crazy as you think.:tongue:

It was proven to you that 18 floors at the corner of WTC 7 were missing.
It has also been proven that none of these people were "living in caves".

Come on now...simply write a narrative of what you think the passenger DNA got at the Pentagon if there was no plane, how five light poles got knocked down (and a big ass generator got an airplane-engine-sized-hole-in-it and knocked off it's moorings) by a single missile, how airplane wreckage was found all around the grounds of the building. If you can't explain these are admitting that a plane crashed otherwise. Surely there aren't invisible people in your world are there?
Let's slice up your post so we can get a better idea of just how much wrong information you have presented.

OK, number one. Did you know that a third office tower in New York collapsed entirely into its own footprint on 911?

False. An you explain why other buildings were damaged by the collapse of WTC7 if it fell into its own footprint?

Many hours (I think it was like at five or six o'clock) building 7 a 47story modern steel frame office tower collapsed. It was not hit by a plane and had a moderate office fire of unknown source when it went down.

Unknown source? It was started by falling debris from one of the twin towers? Moderate fires???

No like structure has ever failed like that as a result of fire
This is a lie. Show us a structure similar to the design of WTC7 that had unfought fires and remained standing.

though many skyscrapers have had bigger and more sustained fires, in fact none have even partially collapsed due to fire alone. Don't take my word for, type Building Seven into google.

More garbage. Explain this partial collapse?

I'm a general building contractor and I've ask the structural engineer who I work with about building seven, could it collapse due to fire, he immediately said no, the steel members are all coated in insulation to prevent structural failure in a fire.
Tell you what. Ask your engineering friend it he would 100% guarantee any of his steel framed office structurse would NEVER globally collapse due to unfought fires.

Go on. Ask him.
Building 7 was very likely a controlled demolition. They "Pulled It." Go look at which agencies the building housed. That will answer many questions. The official 9/11 story is a Fairy Tale...But not the good kind of Fairy Tale.
Let's slice up your post so we can get a better idea of just how much wrong information you have presented.

OK, number one. Did you know that a third office tower in New York collapsed entirely into its own footprint on 911?

False. An you explain why other buildings were damaged by the collapse of WTC7 if it fell into its own footprint?

Many hours (I think it was like at five or six o'clock) building 7 a 47story modern steel frame office tower collapsed. It was not hit by a plane and had a moderate office fire of unknown source when it went down.

Unknown source? It was started by falling debris from one of the twin towers? Moderate fires???

This is a lie. Show us a structure similar to the design of WTC7 that had unfought fires and remained standing.

though many skyscrapers have had bigger and more sustained fires, in fact none have even partially collapsed due to fire alone. Don't take my word for, type Building Seven into google.

More garbage. Explain this partial collapse?

I'm a general building contractor and I've ask the structural engineer who I work with about building seven, could it collapse due to fire, he immediately said no, the steel members are all coated in insulation to prevent structural failure in a fire.
Tell you what. Ask your engineering friend it he would 100% guarantee any of his steel framed office structurse would NEVER globally collapse due to unfought fires.

Go on. Ask him.

that building is standing tall...moron
Building 7 was very likely a controlled demolition. They "Pulled It." Go look at which agencies the building housed. That will answer many questions. The official 9/11 story is a Fairy Tale...But not the good kind of Fairy Tale.

Despite your years of braying there still is no evidence of a controlled demo and only a shrill and desperate CT would claim a CD to have been likely.
Wouldn't planted charges have exploded willy nilly as the fires reached them, causing a very unpredictable (read: uncontrolled) demo?
You can twist all the fairy tales you like around who, what and where but without evidence of a CD you still have nothing but wild speculation, innuendo and assumptions. Nothing. :cuckoo:
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Building 7 was very likely a controlled demolition. They "Pulled It." Go look at which agencies the building housed. That will answer many questions. The official 9/11 story is a Fairy Tale...But not the good kind of Fairy Tale.

Despite your years of braying there still is no evidence of a controlled demo and only a shrill and desperate CT would claim a CD to have been likely.
Wouldn't plantedcharges have exploded willy nilly as the fires reached them, causing a very unpredictable (read: uncontrolled) demo?
You can twist all the fairy tales you like around who, what and where but without evidence of a CD you still have nothing but wild speculation, innuendo and assumptions. Nothing. :cuckoo:

Well, we'll never know now. Where's the steel? Oh, China's probably using it to build their fancy new Warships. The evidence was destroyed and disposed of. There hasn't been a credible 9/11 investigation. And unfortunately, there likely never will be one. But hey i know, i wear a Tinfoil Hat and so on and so forth.
Building 7 was very likely a controlled demolition. They "Pulled It." Go look at which agencies the building housed. That will answer many questions. The official 9/11 story is a Fairy Tale...But not the good kind of Fairy Tale.

Despite your years of braying there still is no evidence of a controlled demo and only a shrill and desperate CT would claim a CD to have been likely.
Wouldn't plantedcharges have exploded willy nilly as the fires reached them, causing a very unpredictable (read: uncontrolled) demo?
You can twist all the fairy tales you like around who, what and where but without evidence of a CD you still have nothing but wild speculation, innuendo and assumptions. Nothing. :cuckoo:

fires where mostly contained to the impact zone.. firefighters made into the impact zone reporting two small fires secs before the collapse
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Watching the video clips,they reveal that two plans were flown into the WTC,watching the video from DC a plan was flown into the pentagon. as far as the third plan we have audio that revels much about that flights fate also.

Pissed of nut cases flew plans into buildings is not to hard to get.
Watching the video clips,they reveal that two plans were flown into the WTC,watching the video from DC a plan was flown into the pentagon. as far as the third plan we have audio that revels much about that flights fate also.

Pissed of nut cases flew plans into buildings is not to hard to get.

Those "Pissed of nut cases" probably worked for your CIA. We know Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega and others did. In fact, most of our bloody Wars and other awful tragedies usually have a CIA connection. Check into it and think on it for a bit.
Watching the video clips,they reveal that two plans were flown into the WTC,watching the video from DC a plan was flown into the pentagon. as far as the third plan we have audio that revels much about that flights fate also.

Pissed of nut cases flew plans into buildings is not to hard to get.

Translation = if your not to bright its easy to swallow
After everyone gets done telling me that I'm a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, I'll tell you why I don't.

I think 911 was a spontaneous demonstration inspired by an anti-muslim video that got out of control.

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