Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

Socialist religion, and Hitler based on his crazy religion, killed a lot of people. And they got folks to follow them by making them think their afterlife (or future advance) was dependent on them following the crazy orders they were given.

Those were religions. And just like many other religions, they killed a lot of people, because they thought they were right! They were brainwashed into thinking they were right! And it allowed them to kill people like crazy, because they though they were doing the right thing. Based on their religious brainwashing.

Christians did the same. And those were really horrible deaths, because it took knives and rocks and swords. They evil ones didn't die quickly. And they killed and raped and rampaged throughout the world. Because God and Jesus told them to.

Or so they say...

They're all full of shit. And anybody who follows that is full of shit too. You can't forgive your religion for the crimes it has committed. This is what people follow. And it will happen again.

Just like today where the Church is giving a blind eye to kids who have been molested by wicked gay priests. There are thousands of kids, now grownups, saying they were blown by priests and nobody cared. The Pope is even under scrutiny for allowing this under his watch.

If these priests and popes are really holy people connected directly to god, then god should smite them.

But he doesn't.


Because your God doesn't exist.

You're starting to ramble on because you do not reply to my truthful statements backed up by my links. It goes to show that your statements are based on assertions and do not present a coherent argument. Is this typical of atheists? No, I've heard atheists with better arguments, but they end up being wrong. Still, they presented an actual argument.

First, we know that socialism (politics and ideology) is based on secular humanism. Secular humanism is based on Marxist humanism and Karl Marx. Is it any wonder that this is the basis of your rants against Christianity? At least, the atheists I know admit this is their foundation. If you haven't realized this already, then this is the path you are heading down.

As for the Christians doing violence and killing because God told them to, it is the story of the Canaanites which has been explained several times already. God had good reason for destroying his enemies that stood in the way and would kill the Israelites.

Why did God command the extermination / genocide of the Canaanites, women and children included?

As for the gay priests, you're referring to Catholics and Pope Francis has to deal with it. The church should be sued by its victims in my opinion.

There is no reason for the god of the world to smite Catholics. Many Christians think the Catholics may be fall under Satan when the time comes. It is a form of Christianity under human influence instead of following the Bible. Satan doesn't just influence non-believers. He influences believers, too. The theistic evolutionists.

And from all your nonsense, you conclude God doesn't exist. It's just the rantings of someone who's gone looney tunes.

It's a made-up tale to make people feel good, and ultimately to make them follow a ruler that says he talks to "god", so he can create an army of followers to fight his battles.

People that tell you to argue the fallacy that we came from monkeys, are the same people that are using you to fight their battles.

You, Bond, are fighting a battle that you were brainwashed into. Despite all obvious evidence. You do it because you feel like a warrior for Christianity.

You were brainwashed into this

It's not made up at all. It was written down many centuries ago by people from different walks of life. It's part history, part science (even though it's not a science book) and for our lives in the future. If one studies it, then there is no other conclusion that they can come to. As I stated, I compared evolution from and what the Bible says and the Bible is correct. Prior to that, I believed in evolution. However, around 2011 I had serious doubts about evolution based on its own merits.

Darwin was wrong and much of evolution has not panned out. I started seriously questioning it in 2011 when there wasn't an explanation of how multicell creatures come into existence. How did sexual reproduction evolve? Where is the mountain of evidence of transitional fossils? What are scientific breakthroughs based on evolution? Why is evolution considered science when it's more forensics and forensics without adequate evidence could be wrong (and it usually is)? Living creatures and their births look like there is intelligence behind their designs just like DNA. Evos cannot explain nor have arguments to disprove, but try to pass off their dogma instead. Why is evolution dogma taught as science? It's more philosophy and religion. Creation should be taught as science since it provides the origins to biology, zoology, geology and paleontolgy which is filled with erroneous ideas taught from evolution.

You keep believing we came from a monkey or a common ancestor, but there is no evidence of this monkey or common ancestor. They should be in abundance. When asked why there aren't any today, we get the same fossil evidence circular reasoning mumbo jumbo. How does knowing you came from an ape help at all then? What other science has it led to? What good does knowing that your DNA is similar to a monkey's DNA done? What good is knowing birds came from dinosaurs? It's just used to promote evolution, as circular reasoning is ought to do.

So, clearly I wasn't brainwashed into anything. My faith in Jesus is my faith. It has led to my discovering creation science and discovering it better explains our reality and origins and our future than the myths of evolution. All your mountain of evidence, theories and "facts" has led to a lot of nothing which beliefs in myths are ought to do. While belief in creation science and the Bible has led to all kinds of breakthroughs such as mathematics, magnetic field strength, continental drift and plate tectonics, radioactive decay and helium in rocks, cold material near the earth's core and much more. I don't have to list all the scientists who believed in creation and their accomplishments as it will fill multiple pages here.
I'm sorry for whatever happened to you in 2011.

If it makes you feel good to follow these beliefs, then go for it!

Do not hurt, do not kill, do not do anything wrong based on those beliefs. Do not think you are superior because of those beliefs. Do not use your beliefs to hurt or hinder others.

And then I'm totally cool with it!

Don't worry about me. You think I base it on beliefs (faith), but it's based on truth and facts. Worry about yourself and how unhappy you are and being wrong.

I have happiness. Peace. Objective moral values. Satisfaction. Ready to die if the world ends tomorrow. I have Jesus. I have the Spirit. I have the Trinity. I have God. I have creation science. I understand how Satan has lied and misled the world and he will come again and mislead millions more.
Are you willing to kill for your beliefs?

Murder and unjustified killing is against God's commandments. Most human laws follow God's commandment not to kill. OTOH there are no morals against unjustified killing by atheists and state atheism. The evidence shows they've killed billions, more than any other group in history.

Thus, your question implies untruth and wrong basis on my beliefs. Atheists are usually wrong.
Seriously. Let's look at some of the most crazy mass murders in the world. The Crusades, and the subsequent Inquisitions.

Dictated by somebody's "god".

And it made Christianity rule the world.

Murder, rape, genocide, pedophilia, torture, corruption, and slander, made Christianity what it is today.

That's great stuff to try to live up to, if you're an asshole.

And that also applies to other religions. But Christianity is the bitch, because followers say they are against it, but instead they promote it. To this day, especially the little kid stuff... Fucking sick assholes!
Seriously. Let's look at some of the most crazy mass murders in the world. The Crusades, and the subsequent Inquisitions.

Dictated by somebody's "god".

And it made Christianity rule the world.

Murder, rape, genocide, pedophilia, torture, corruption, and slander, made Christianity what it is today.

That's great stuff to try to live up to, if you're an asshole.

And that also applies to other religions. But Christianity is the bitch, because followers say they are against it, but instead they promote it. To this day, especially the little kid stuff... Fucking sick assholes!

You are wrong again. You do not present any evidence to back it up while I do. State atheism killed more people than any other group or ideology.

Atheist regimes in 20th century alone killed more people than all world religions killed in the last 20 centuries put together.

Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,00 people murdered
Jozef Stalin (USSR 1932-39 only) 15,000,000 people murdered
Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79) 1,700,000 people murdered
Kim II Sung (North Korea 1948-94) 1.6 million people murdered
Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987) 570,000 people murdered
Suharto (Communists 1967-66) 500,000 people murdered
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45) 359,000 people murdered
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56) 200,000 people murdered
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (USSR, 1917-20) 30,000 people murdered
Adolf Hitler, secular and anti-religion (Germany 1939-1945) 12,000,000 people murdered

Atheist Murderers
Atheist Murderers

Top 10 People Who Gave Atheism a Bad Name
10 People Who Give Atheism a Bad Name - Listverse
How many times do I have to say... Socialism and Nazism are religions.

You can't get mass amounts of people to willfully kill and die, unless they believe in a religion. Or are defending against a religion.

Religion is the tool to create wars. And none of them are true.
If the world was all atheists, maybe we would have wars about money and land?

But those would all be settled in a room with a dozen lawyers.

Religions have to kill and rape and decimate and destroy, and then enslave or torture anyone who survives. And make sure their children follow the new way of order. Or otherwise, kill them too.

It's a big difference the way atheists and religionists handle things.
How many times do I have to say... Socialism and Nazism are religions.

You can't get mass amounts of people to willfully kill and die, unless they believe in a religion. Or are defending against a religion.

Religion is the tool to create wars. And none of them are true.

No one's denying that, but stating atheism murdered the most people. When one has no objective morality, these things happen. Or are you too hypocritical to be able to admit it?
If the world was all atheists, maybe we would have wars about money and land?

But those would all be settled in a room with a dozen lawyers.

Religions have to kill and rape and decimate and destroy, and then enslave or torture anyone who survives. And make sure their children follow the new way of order. Or otherwise, kill them too.

It's a big difference the way atheists and religionists handle things.

We don't need wars about money and land nor lawyers, looney. We got the politics board ha ha.
How many times do I have to say... Socialism and Nazism are religions.

You can't get mass amounts of people to willfully kill and die, unless they believe in a religion. Or are defending against a religion.

Religion is the tool to create wars. And none of them are true.

No one's denying that, but stating atheism murdered the most people. When one has no objective morality, these things happen. Or are you too hypocritical to be able to admit it?

Socialism and Nazism together murdered the most people. But those are religions as I've stated. Christianity is a very close 2nd. Jews and Muslims are very close 3rds.

Being an atheist has nothing to do with that. We just scratch our heads wondering how people can be so crazy...

Why not get along?
Why kill, rape, and destroy?

Just love your neighbor. That's what ur book says.

If people would just follow it, dang, this would be a totally different world.
Instead we have disagreements on stupid shit about imaginary beings, and then hatred, and then just stupid shit to try to control the other person's imaginary belief, and their response, etc....

It's absolutely terrible. I sit outside of the bubble, and laugh.

I'm going to turn you on to a new way of thinking Bond...
How many times do I have to say... Socialism and Nazism are religions.

You can't get mass amounts of people to willfully kill and die, unless they believe in a religion. Or are defending against a religion.

Religion is the tool to create wars. And none of them are true.

No one's denying that, but stating atheism murdered the most people. When one has no objective morality, these things happen. Or are you too hypocritical to be able to admit it?

Socialism and Nazism together murdered the most people. But those are religions as I've stated. Christianity is a very close 2nd. Jews and Muslims are very close 3rds.

Being an atheist has nothing to do with that. We just scratch our heads wondering how people can be so crazy...

Why not get along?

In that regard, then we can say that Socialism, Nazism and State Atheism were gods that failed.
Yes, all gods and false religions fail.

They fail the test of altruism and humanity.

Every single one, outside of Buddhism... but then maybe that one too... who knows?

Religion is a weapon.
And I ain't gonna get used as such.

You wanna be a tool? To promote hatred, murder, rape, and child molestation? And then sweep it under the rug in the future?

Go ahead.

If there is a hell, there's a warm and cozy spot there for you.

But of course, there is no hell. You realize that and that's why you religious peeps don't care, and continue to commit atrocities.

It's all fun and games, to try to make as much money as possible by converting as many as you can.
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Religions are terribly evil... and they prey on the weak and needy.
They give false promises, and then dire consequences, if their rules are not followed.
How many times do I have to say... Socialism and Nazism are religions.

You can't get mass amounts of people to willfully kill and die, unless they believe in a religion. Or are defending against a religion.

Religion is the tool to create wars. And none of them are true.

No one's denying that, but stating atheism murdered the most people. When one has no objective morality, these things happen. Or are you too hypocritical to be able to admit it?

Socialism and Nazism together murdered the most people. But those are religions as I've stated. Christianity is a very close 2nd. Jews and Muslims are very close 3rds.

Being an atheist has nothing to do with that. We just scratch our heads wondering how people can be so crazy...

Why not get along?
Christianity killed NO ONE. Anyone who murders the innocent is NOT a practicing Christian. The Christian faith condemns murder. Islam and Atheism does not.

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