Zone1 Do you get a lot of misogyny when you ditch MARY in your religion?

You just said it was. A woman's role can only be measured in response to men and vise versa. No part decides its own role only relative to itself. That is like leaving it up to the motor cam to be SQUARE, just because the cam prefers four sides to being round, makes no sense.

I disagree entirely ... in science, we try not to measure things against each other ... rather, we measure against a defined standard ... and here I'm using reproduction as our metric ... which is better equipped to raise children in our society? ... I say women, each child starts out inside her ...

No, we are right back to one company having forty CEOs again. Can't work that way. If every part in an engine gets to decide its own role for itself independent of all other considerations, all you'd end up with is a non-functioning pile of junk, exactly what the Left have given us as a society with all of their prog philosophies.

Traditionally ... the woman is compelled to stay at home and raise children ... even I remember the girls were required to take Home Economics in high school, or not graduate ... progressives brought the allowance or women getting jobs and having careers ...

Would you take that away from women? ...

(You analogy fails, the traditional family only has two parents ... presumably with deep emotional attachments ... and that's a horrible business practice ... never ever dork your business partner) ...
Mary appears??
How convenient for an exorcist to say that. I’ll bet he has some other outrageous stories too.
u strike me as someone who believes what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone who has a different opinion

that's your choice

some of us live differently and think differently, though
I disagree entirely ... in science, we try not to measure things against each other ... rather, we measure against a defined standard ...
In science, you do BOTH, depending on the situation and needed reference point.

... which is better equipped to raise children in our society? ... I say women
Well, that might be true in most cases, but basically, that is a purely SEXIST view. I've seen a lot of women who shouldn't be within 100 feet of a child, hers or otherwise.
u strike me as someone who believes what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone who has a different opinion

that's your choice

some of us live differently and think differently, though
I deal in facts and I know what was said is a complete lie and delusion.
Continue if you like.
In science, you do BOTH, depending on the situation and needed reference point.

Let us consider the typical goat herd ... the always a lot of extra males ... now it's just plain logical that the typical lion is too damn lazy to chase down the breeding females if said lion has a belly-full of billy goat ... one in fifteen is all the herd needs and that's just for the season ... plenty more males next season ... so it makes sense for billy goats to evolve into total assholes picking fights with everything ... more breeding female survive to breed more kids if stupid males throw themselves at the leopards ...

Well, that might be true in most cases, but basically, that is a purely SEXIST view. I've seen a lot of women who shouldn't be within 100 feet of a child, hers or otherwise.

Yes ... God made things so only the female can bear children ... makes snese the female is better equiped to raise the child ... and keep in mind, it's fairly common in mammals that the male has no role in raising young ... strictly the female is equiped for such tasks ... male bears eat their young ...

I am a sexist ... "Man smart, woman smarter" ...
Let us consider the typical goat herd ... the always a lot of extra males ... now it's just plain logical that the typical lion is too damn lazy to chase down the breeding females if said lion has a belly-full of billy goat ... one in fifteen is all the herd needs and that's just for the season ... plenty more males next season ... so it makes sense for billy goats to evolve into total assholes picking fights with everything ... more breeding female survive to breed more kids if stupid males throw themselves at the leopards ...

Yes ... God made things

Did he really??? No he didn’t and we have evolution to thank for that.
so only the female can bear children ... makes snese the female is better equiped to raise the child ... and keep in mind, it's fairly common in mammals that the male has no role in raising young ... strictly the female is equiped for such tasks ... male bears eat their young ...

I am a sexist ... "Man smart, woman smarter" ...
Did he really??? No he didn’t and we have evolution to thank for that.

Then why are billy goats such assholes to leopards? ... for the record, it was my wife's dairy goat operation ... that's how I became familiar with these behaviors ... I'd like to hear why you don't think billy goats are total assholes ...
u strike me as someone who believes what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone who has a different opinion

that's your choice

some of us live differently and think differently, though

There's the pot calling the kettle black. Get over yourself.
Then why are billy goats such assholes to leopards? ... for the record, it was my wife's dairy goat operation ... that's how I became familiar with these behaviors ... I'd like to hear why you don't think billy goats are total assholes ...
Do you really think I give a rats about you and your silly goats?
You might need a more regular does of meds.
I disagree entirely ... in science, we try not to measure things against each other ... rather, we measure against a defined standard ... and here I'm using reproduction as our metric ... which is better equipped to raise children in our society? ... I say women, each child starts out inside her ...

Traditionally ... the woman is compelled to stay at home and raise children ... even I remember the girls were required to take Home Economics in high school, or not graduate ... progressives brought the allowance or women getting jobs and having careers ...

Would you take that away from women? ...

(You analogy fails, the traditional family only has two parents ... presumably with deep emotional attachments ... and that's a horrible business practice ... never ever dork your business partner) ...
I took Home Ec. The zipper on my skirt ended up on the WRONG SIDE!!!!! My blouse almost fell apart because I was told to snip at the seam allowance.
The food we did was inedible.
Do you really think I give a rats about you and your silly goats?
You might need a more regular does of meds.

Thank you for the ad hominem argument ... you admit my claim is unassailable and have only my person to attack ... you know I'm right, it's just your foolish pride getting in the way ...
I took Home Ec. The zipper on my skirt ended up on the WRONG SIDE!!!!! My blouse almost fell apart because I was told to snip at the seam allowance.
The food we did was inedible.

I could never get any of my sons to wear dresses, so I was stuck sewing knee-patches for fifteen solid years ... so when step-daughters came along, I jumped at the opportunity ... alas, the girl grew through the dress while I was sewing, but it wound up fitting "baby sissy" well enough for middle school ...

Now that the kids are all grown and gone ... all I have left is sewing curtains ...
Do you really think I give a rats about you and your silly goats?
You might need a more regular does of meds.
Carrying on a conversation with someone generally indicates a level of interest in excess of the rat's patoot level. Now you know.
Let's go back to what Jesus taught. He taught repentance for the forgiveness of sins. No sacrifice needed. He announced Sins are forgiven. The religious leaders of the time said that Jesus had no authority to make this pronouncement. Jesus said it was a New Covenant (Testament) of God. The rulers of the time pointed out that all other Covenants (Testaments) were put into effect with a blood sacrifice. They demanded a sign that Jesus had God's authority to pronounce to all that Sins are forgiven.

Jesus became our blood sacrifice, our sign, that God's statement is indeed true. Sins are forgiven. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

The priest carries on with Christ's cry Sins are forgiven. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why non-Catholics are so against this announcement being repeated down through the ages. Yes, a priest can identify if there has been no repentance and give direction so that the penitent can continue to make amends and restitution.

I get that non-Catholic Christians can say, "Well, everyone knows that now, so we don't need to continue being told." As for me, I believe it is a lovely tradition and it reminds me daily of all Christ gave so that all might know Sins are forgiven; repentance (turning away from the sin) for the forgiveness of that sin).
Why then does the priest prescribe token acts of contrition, if not to satisfy HIMSELF that a person is worthy to be forgiven, and thus to put the priest in the position of granting or withholding forgiveness? I have yet to hear from you a definitive answer, does the penitent and the priest believe that the priest actually has the power to forgive, in God's eyes, his/her sin?
Mary has 6 children and your Jesus was apparently the third. I don’t know the father of any of them but it wasn’t the Holy Spirit. Just a bit of slap and tickle behind the camel shed.
Just thought I would get that out of the way.
Wow, what an imagination. Now get yourself out of the way.
People can have all the personal persuasions they want. The lack of intellectual consistency or penetrating rational thought may not affect them. For those who involve themselves in pursuits of the mind that require more vigor, such maudlin devices as certain cults provide are recognized as diversions from what is important.
Why then does the priest prescribe token acts of contrition, if not to satisfy HIMSELF that a person is worthy to be forgiven, and thus to put the priest in the position of granting or withholding forgiveness? I have yet to hear from you a definitive answer, does the penitent and the priest believe that the priest actually has the power to forgive, in God's eyes, his/her sin?
The difficulty in our discussion is our different perspectives. Allow me this analogy. Visualize a wall. I decide I want to see outside, yet keep the room weatherproof. You say to be able to see outside, I need to put in glass, because humans can see through glass. To have a window, I note that I will need studs, frames, latches, rollers, etc. You point out I don't need a latch to see outside. I argue that a latch is part and parcel of a window. You are correct is saying only glass is needed to see outside. I am correct in noting a viable window is not glass alone. Now to return to the main discussion.

Jesus taught us several things about sin and repentance:
  • Sins are forgiven
  • Repentance for the forgiveness of sin
  • Not only must we vanquish the sin, we must replace that sinful action with another act, less even more sin enters into the empty place.
  • Jesus life and death centered around whether he had the authority to announce "Sins are forgiven"
  • What is done in darkness will be brought to light
As Catholics, we celebrate Christ's life, death, and resurrection. The seven sacraments were the structure of Jesus' ministry and therefore the structure of life in the Church. Jesus spoke the words and spoke out, "Sins are forgiven." That was a big part of his ministry.

Wrong-doings are sins against God, usually against one or more individuals, and the Church community. Therefore, the sins we commit in darkness, we do not keep to ourselves. We bring them to light by confessing them to the community (the priest represents the entire community). This is the first step towards turning away from that sin: We recognize the sin and admit to it. For serious sin, the priest determines if restitution has been made to the injured parties. This must be done before Jesus' words of forgiveness are announced. Is there true sorrow and the determination to turn away from this sin? A prayer is assigned/recommended/used (however anyone wants to put it) to turn to when one is again tempted to commit that sin. Assigning a prayer (which you see only as a "token") is an assignment of a period of time for reflection of Christ telling us we must take time to discern the will of God and follow it.

What you are calling a priest's "power" to forgive sin is not quite right. More precisely, the priest has the authority from God (being an ordained priest), and from the community, to announce the forgiveness of sins, and the community, all being disciples of Christ have the birthright of their baptism to hear Christ's words spoken to them personally, "Your sins are forgiven." We participate in the life of Christ and hear the words he spoke with our own ears, just as his disciples did in their time.

You can rightly advise, "You want to see outside? Poke a whole in the wall and be done with it." In the same way, you can commit a sin, drop to your knees in prayer and say you committed a sin, but you totally believe in his promise that sins are forgiven. Amen.

For Catholics, the sacraments and our rituals have great meaning and are a doorway back into the memory and tradition of Christ and the Apostles. It is not for everyone.
Wow, what an imagination. Now get yourself out of the way.
I don’t take instruction from ignorant believers. I know and you can check it, what I said is fact.
I don’t care if you don’t believe it but that won’t change the fact it is true.
So much for her being a virgin.

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