Zone1 Do you get a lot of misogyny when you ditch MARY in your religion?

Sigh. It is not only priests. We all constantly intercede for one another. "Where two or three are gathered..."
When I say intercede, it's primarily in the arena of sin. Can a human forgive sin without the sinner confessing and repenting to God? Remember that Christ infuriated the religious leaders of His day when He did that.
Catholics, like all Christian denominations follow Christ. We do not follow a pope, a priest, a saint(s). Sometimes it seems (to this Catholic) that some denominations have a "Jesus and me alone" mindset--two separate from everyone else, two walking alone.

Catholic mindset is more a kingdom led by Christ. We are a community made up of those living and those who have passed on (Saints and saints). The reason for a Pope is to point to the correct path as Christ and the Apostles passed on to us.
the only problem is that we do not have a valid pope and havne't since we had Pius XII

I have been following this topic for a long time and have gone through many experiences to come to this conclusion. None of the other theories as to what is happening to the Catholic Church in modern times makes sense. Only Sedavacantism makes sense.
When I say intercede, it's primarily in the arena of sin. Can a human forgive sin without the sinner confessing and repenting to God? Remember that Christ infuriated the religious leaders of His day when He did that.
what are you talking about?

In confession, that is exactly what the penitent does
The church that Christ founded met in homes, not in cathedrals.
So they first met in homes. Big deal

Every time you defy the Church Christ founded, you are choosing Luther, a fallen sinner like yourself, over Jesus Christ and HIS Church
Catholics, like all Christian denominations follow Christ. We do not follow a pope, a priest, a saint(s). Sometimes it seems (to this Catholic) that some denominations have a "Jesus and me alone" mindset--two separate from everyone else, two walking alone.

Catholic mindset is more a kingdom led by Christ. We are a community made up of those living and those who have passed on (Saints and saints). The reason for a Pope is to point to the correct path as Christ and the Apostles passed on to us. It is not the Pope--a man--who is infallible, it is the two community decisions made after Christ and the Apostles and verified by two past popes that are infallible rulings that no future pope may change.

We do have individual prayer, but we also have community prayers that include both those living now and those who have passed on (praying with Mary, the saints, and the Saints). Our faith is not only about 'me' or 'self', it is about 'us' and the kingdom.
Where then have all the extra layers come from, the castes of leadership, the extra-Biblical teachings? Christ recognized no earthly authority between Himself and His followers. He set up an intimate relationship between us and the Father, to the extent that we can call Him "Daddy".

The bottom line is that the life of the church is about the family of God (which extends far beyond artificial denominational barriers), but salvation and relationship with God IS an individual thing.
what are you talking about?

In confession, that is exactly what the penitent does
Why does he have to go to a priest? That's the question. I'll tell you right now, the priest doesn't have the power to forgive sin, Christ got in a lot of trouble when He did that, because only God can forgive sin, a priest cannot.
So they first met in homes. Big deal

Every time you defy the Church Christ founded, you are choosing Luther, a fallen sinner like yourself, over Jesus Christ and HIS Church
The early church was NOT the CC. You say Christ founded the CC and reject Christ followers from other denominations. How arrogant can you be? Show me in Scripture where Christ founded the CC.
When I say intercede, it's primarily in the arena of sin. Can a human forgive sin without the sinner confessing and repenting to God? Remember that Christ infuriated the religious leaders of His day when He did that.
We read Christ constantly saying, "Sins are forgiven." People heard, "Your sins are forgiven." This is one of Jesus' practices that the Apostles continued. People could hear, "Your sins are forgiven." The other part of confession is that all will be brought to light before Christ. Sins, while kept confidential within the confessional room, are brought forth into light and spoken aloud. We still hear the words Christ spoke: "Your sins are forgiven."
the only problem is that we do not have a valid pope and havne't since we had Pius XII

I have been following this topic for a long time and have gone through many experiences to come to this conclusion. None of the other theories as to what is happening to the Catholic Church in modern times makes sense. Only Sedavacantism makes sense.
When God brings judgement, He first brings it to His people.
so saith the follower of a heretic. The formally excommunicated Martin Luther is called The Father of Protestantism. He was a vile man who said really nasty things about priests and others, many of whom he didn't know from Adam. I have read--have you?--a book c alled The Facts About Luther. His own words are quoted copiously so you can see what kind of "man" he was. He was someone who could not maintain himself sexually, therefore thought that no one else could either and that the Church should not require that of priests. He was a former priest himself.. once said that you could commit adultery 20 times a day and still get into Heaven..

what a freak. And you follow this fallen human being rather than Jesus Christ who would never say such a thing about the sin of adultery.

Well, we all have our choices in life to make
what a freak. And you follow this fallen human being rather than Jesus Christ who would never say such a thing about the sin of adultery.

you mean moses - who you fear and their lie for heavenly tablets etched w/ 10 commandments -

and your statement also is a condemnation of mary who had no such evil misgivings as youself nor jesus her son. nor mary magdalene - your flawed understanding for their mission, liberation theology, self determination, the 1st century events. - - bigot.
The early church was NOT the CC. You say Christ founded the CC and reject Christ followers from other denominations. How arrogant can you be? Show me in Scripture where Christ founded the CC.
speaking truth is arrogant now.

outa here
Why does he have to go to a priest? That's the question. I'll tell you right now, the priest doesn't have the power to forgive sin, Christ got in a lot of trouble when He did that, because only God can forgive sin, a priest cannot.
Catholics do not make the Bible the end all to be all of their Faith but they do adhere to the true Bible..

which gives us the story of Jesus saying to a crowd

Which is easier, for a man to say: Get up and walk or "I forgive you of your sins"

and then it says that He gave man the power to do so.
I do, however, follow Christ, not a human pope that we are taught is infallible, not a human priest who says he is a mediator between God and me, not a human ancestor that someone says is a saint and is listening to hear my prayers.


I’m so tired of seeing people put so much devotion to RELIGION and their church, instead of what is truly important.

I’m probably gonna ruffle a lot of feathers here but it reminds me of the football mentality hyper-partisans on this site who put party over principle. And end up being deceived because they’re not putting what is important first.

I grew up going to Catholic Church, so I actually have a lot to say on this topic but… I’ll hold my tongue for now. (Don’t get me started, lol)

I’m so tired of seeing people put so much devotion to RELIGION and their church, instead of what is truly important.

I’m probably gonna ruffle a lot of feathers here but it reminds me of the football mentality hyper-partisans on this site who put party over principle. And end up being deceived because they’re not putting what is important first.

I grew up going to Catholic Church, so I actually have a lot to say on this topic but… I’ll hold my tongue for now. (Don’t get me started, lol)
people who grew up Catholic (so called) in the 60s and 70s did not grow up Catholic (although they did--if they attended Sunday mass-- grow up in the Real Presence. Jesus promised He would be with us until the End.. Mt 28:20)

They were not taught true Catholicism in their catechism classes

It has been a false church since 1958
Do you wish to go back to when wimin were property? ... and when it was illegal for wimin to own property? ...
I don't know if that is necessary or not, but what if it were ceremonial only done benignly? I mean, up until recently, or maybe still, marriage rituals asked if the woman would love, honor and OBEY her husband! Looking at nature, things work best when there is an order with rules, like only one CEO or president of a company--- that doesn't mean it has to be hostile, punitive and cannot be done with love and care. Is the state equal to the fed? Do you have the same rights and powers as the government? Do you know any business where everyone working there has equal power and authority? So why did anyone ever think it would work in a marriage much less a society? History suggests that it HASN'T. WE may just be fooling ourselves with more PC.

My friend ... you can go to Saudi Arabia today and experience all that ... if you like seeing wimin get their heads cut off in public ... for the CRIME of being outside her home without father/brother/husband ...
Again, you quote an extreme example as if that were the only way it can be done. But likewise, also note that the Saudis have little or none of the social chaos and disorder WE have . . . .so. . . .
Where then have all the extra layers come from, the castes of leadership, the extra-Biblical teachings? Christ recognized no earthly authority between Himself and His followers. He set up an intimate relationship between us and the Father, to the extent that we can call Him "Daddy".

The bottom line is that the life of the church is about the family of God (which extends far beyond artificial denominational barriers), but salvation and relationship with God IS an individual thing.
The Bishop of Rome was known as "Papa" which became "Pope". We have an individual relationship with our own fathers here on earth. Many of our fathers have more than one child. We and our dads are not solely a solitary relationship...we are also family, which is just as vital. The same with Church. We all have One Father, who is God. We are also family, both the living and those who have passed on.

You criticize layers, but all families have layers...child, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Often there are step-family relationships as well. The Church layers, like family layers, are quite liquid. Sometimes people and families are in a position of serving; sometimes in a position of leadership.
The early church was NOT the CC. You say Christ founded the CC and reject Christ followers from other denominations. How arrogant can you be? Show me in Scripture where Christ founded the CC.
Founded=foundation. The foundation of the Catholic Church is Christ. The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church are founded upon the actions in the life of Jesus. What Jesus did, we continue to celebrate. His teachings we read, study, and live. Everything the Church is can be traced back to Christ. He is our foundation, therefore our founder. Without Jesus Christ, there would be no Catholic Church.
I don't know if that is necessary or not, but what if it were ceremonial only done benignly? I mean, up until recently, or maybe still, marriage rituals asked if the woman would love, honor and OBEY her husband! Looking at nature, things work best when there is an order with rules, like only one CEO or president of a company--- that doesn't mean it has to be hostile, punitive and cannot be done with love and care. Is the state equal to the fed? Do you have the same rights and powers as the government? Do you know any business where everyone working there has equal power and authority? So why did anyone ever think it would work in a marriage much less a society? History suggests that it HASN'T. WE may just be fooling ourselves with more PC.

great points. And besides, it is not half as unequal as people think.. to --for example-- say that the man is the head of the household.. because the woman provides things the man cannot (bearing, nurturing children) and so THAT is where things really are equal. If people would just stay close to God and nature, maybe things would appear to be more equal than they do otherwise..
great points. And besides, it is not half as unequal as people think.. to --for example-- say that the man is the head of the household.. because the woman provides things the man cannot (bearing, nurturing children) and so THAT is where things really are equal. If people would just stay close to God and nature, maybe things would appear to be more equal than they do otherwise..

Look at it this way, is the carburetor of an engine equal to the cam? Each part is unequal, each part is different, yet each part fits a role based on its nature and all those pieces fit together and work in unison as a whole.

We have "equality" now, and look what it has given us:
  1. Women on football teams.
  2. Women fighting in combat on the front line.
  3. Policewomen.
  4. MEN calling themselves and dressing as women.
Is this truly the standard of "success" we really wanted for women?

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