Zone1 Do you get a lot of misogyny when you ditch MARY in your religion?

The two were “betrothed” which at the time was considered the same as being married.


Legally wed

As stated previously, betrothed couples (like Mary and Joseph) were considered, under God's law (intended to be applicable to all Israelites, and ultimately the world, not just to Jews), to be legally married.

If a man decided to end the relationship any time after the betrothal agreement is made (including after consummation), he had to pursue legal steps to do so (see Deuteronomy 24:1, also Jeremiah 1:3, 8,).

Unlike today, where sex before the wedding is anything but scandalous, the penalty for having sex during the period of betrothal could be punishable by the death penalty (Deuteronomy 22:23 - 24). This is something Joseph and Mary, being righteous, did not indulge in even though they were married.

why they wrote the forgeries and fallacies - c-bible - in the 4th century.

no, mary was who she was and not afraid of moses and their evil 10 commandments the same with joseph - why they were chosen by the heavens for their valor, the opening scene of the 1st century events their relevance - liberation theology, self determination. they lived together happily till their time came to an end ...
Yeah but that actually worked out well for the world for 2000 years. Ever since the Left "fixed" everything and made everything equal, the entire world has gone to pot for everyone! Just sayin.

they didn't make a damn thing equal. They may think they are "more equal than others" but they think all kinds of nonsense
Yeah but that actually worked out well for the world for 2000 years. Ever since the Left "fixed" everything and made everything equal, the entire world has gone to pot for everyone! Just sayin.

Do you wish to go back to when wimin were property? ... and when it was illegal for wimin to own property? ...

My friend ... you can go to Saudi Arabia today and experience all that ... if you like seeing wimin get their heads cut off in public ... for the CRIME of being outside her home without father/brother/husband ... if you're an American, they'd love to have you there and pay you well to teach English ...

Would you like a place where only half the adults are allowed to speak? ...
It seems this is so. The Protestants overall seem more misogynistic than Catholics, although I normally don't like to overly-generalize. I am basing this view on my own experiences.

I've had issues with both Protestant and Catholic people, both "faith communities" so don't think for a moment that I am always in the Catholics' "camp" because I am not. If anyone has reason to leave the CC, it is yours truly. But I don't ditch the whole thing like tossing out the baby w/ the bathwater..

In any case, I read a book written by an exorcist and he says that while they are praying the rosary over thedemon possessed.. Mary eventually appears and that is when the demon goes back to Hell

so that's interesting. I have also found Mary to be helpful in .. lesser situations, shall we say.

she is our loving Mother (given to us through Jesus who gave her to St John right before He died on the Cross)

Nope. Mary's only role was being Jesus's mother.
Nope. Mary's only role was being Jesus's mother.
Believe what you like.

I'm not giving up connecting with Mary just because some ignorant non-Catholics on the internet who have never spoken to her but think they know all about that. . so presumptuous and stupid
Believe what you like.

I'm not giving up connecting with Mary just because some ignorant non-Catholics on the internet who have never spoken to her but think they know all about that. . so presumptuous and stupid

LOL, sorry kid. I talk directly to my Savior I don't need Mary for anything.
LOL, sorry kid. I talk directly to my Savior I don't need Mary for anything.
People who talk to theirSavior outside of the Churchsaid Savior gave us.. could be talking to the devil half the time

Why would Jesus give us a Church (as per Mt 1618) and then not give a rip if anyone is a member or adheres to its teachings?

But that's protestant "logic" for ya. They will answer that the true "church" came along when Martin Luther or some other heretic came along and fixed the old church.

Gee... I thought God never changes?

I thought the Church Christ himself founded would.. ditto: never change, seeing as how God never does?

But we Catholics are so silly, aren't we?
People who talk to theirSavior outside of the Churchsaid Savior gave us.. could be talking to the devil half the time

Why would Jesus give us a Church (as per Mt 1618) and then not give a rip if anyone is a member or adheres to its teachings?

But that's protestant "logic" for ya. They will answer that the true "church" came along when Martin Luther or some other heretic came along and fixed the old church.

Gee... I thought God never changes?

I thought the Church Christ himself founded would.. ditto: never change, seeing as how God never does?

But we Catholics are so silly, aren't we?

Son take a breath, you're welcome to believe anything you like. Since you're obviously correct (Just ask you ), I feel terrible for all of those folks who weren't introduced to Mary prior to Constantine creating Catholicism.
People who talk to theirSavior outside of the Churchsaid Savior gave us.. could be talking to the devil half the time

Why would Jesus give us a Church (as per Mt 1618) and then not give a rip if anyone is a member or adheres to its teachings?

But that's protestant "logic" for ya. They will answer that the true "church" came along when Martin Luther or some other heretic came along and fixed the old church.

Gee... I thought God never changes?

I thought the Church Christ himself founded would.. ditto: never change, seeing as how God never does?

But we Catholics are so silly, aren't we?
You are, kind of. Christ's Church exists in the hearts of His followers. It extends to people of all nations and creeds and crosses all denominational boundaries. An organization that expressly ignores what Christ taught and adds heavily to it has a very hard case to make when they claim to be the one and only Church of Christ. Face reality, the early Church would not recognize today's Catholic Church and would not likely be very welcome in it. The CC is no more the original church than is anything that came from Martin Luther.
You are, kind of. Christ's Church exists in the hearts of His followers.
so saith the follower of a heretic. The formally excommunicated Martin Luther is called The Father of Protestantism. He was a vile man who said really nasty things about priests and others, many of whom he didn't know from Adam. I have read--have you?--a book c alled The Facts About Luther. His own words are quoted copiously so you can see what kind of "man" he was. He was someone who could not maintain himself sexually, therefore thought that no one else could either and that the Church should not require that of priests. He was a former priest himself.. once said that you could commit adultery 20 times a day and still get into Heaven..

what a freak. And you follow this fallen human being rather than Jesus Christ who would never say such a thing about the sin of adultery.

Well, we all have our choices in life to make
so saith the follower of a heretic. The formally excommunicated Martin Luther is called The Father of Protestantism. He was a vile man who said really nasty things about priests and others, many of whom he didn't know from Adam. I have read--have you?--a book c alled The Facts About Luther. His own words are quoted copiously so you can see what kind of "man" he was. He was someone who could not maintain himself sexually, therefore thought that no one else could either and that the Church should not require that of priests. He was a former priest himself.. once said that you could commit adultery 20 times a day and still get into Heaven..

what a freak. And you follow this fallen human being rather than Jesus Christ who would never say such a thing about the sin of adultery.

Well, we all have our choices in life to make
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. I don't follow Martin Luther. That would make me a Lutheran, and I'm not a Lutheran. You didn't bother to even find out anything about me before attempting to assassinate the character of someone you think I follow. I do, however, follow Christ, not a human pope that we are taught is infallible, not a human priest who says he is a mediator between God and me, not a human ancestor that someone says is a saint and is listening to hear my prayers.
so saith the follower of a heretic. The formally excommunicated Martin Luther is called The Father of Protestantism. He was a vile man who said really nasty things about priests and others, many of whom he didn't know from Adam. I have read--have you?--a book c alled The Facts About Luther. His own words are quoted copiously so you can see what kind of "man" he was. He was someone who could not maintain himself sexually, therefore thought that no one else could either and that the Church should not require that of priests. He was a former priest himself.. once said that you could commit adultery 20 times a day and still get into Heaven..

what a freak. And you follow this fallen human being rather than Jesus Christ who would never say such a thing about the sin of adultery.

Well, we all have our choices in life to make

Too funny kid. There is no need for a "middle" man. You can talk directly to God.

See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. I don't follow Martin Luther.
of course you don't. Or so you THINK. But every time you defy the Church Christ founded, you are choosing Luther, a fallen sinner like yourself, rather than Jesus Christ and HIS Church
LOL, sorry kid. I talk directly to my Savior I don't need Mary for anything.
I do need her, apparently. . I'd give some stories but I am not being listened to so why bother?

In any case, I have found that I benefit from connecting to her.

You don't need her. So you think.. so you reject her (maybe because she is female? God knows)

But you are right and I am wrong

just bc you say so.

ok.. whatever
I do need her, apparently. . I'd give some stories but I am not being listened to so why bother?

In any case, I have found that I benefit from connecting to her.

You don't need her. So you think.. so you reject her (maybe because she is female? God knows)

But you are right and I am wrong

just bc you say so.

ok.. whatever

I don't reject her at all, she is Jesus mother and that's it.
of course you don't. Or so you THINK. But every time you defy the Church Christ founded, you are choosing Luther, a fallen sinner like yourself, rather than Jesus Christ and HIS Church
The church that Christ founded met in homes, not in cathedrals. The church that Christ founded worshipped Him and prayed to Him, not to dead ancestors and Mary. The church that Christ founded searched the Jewish Scriptures, not things written in Latin hundreds of years after His resurrection. The church that Christ founded extends far beyond any artificial denominational barriers erected by man. The church that Christ founded was made up of fallen sinners saved by His grace, not by any works they did, not by any confession to any priest, not by being baptized as an infant.

Need I go on?

Now, where is your evidence that Christ founded the CC? Where is your evidence that priests are required to intercede between God and man, and that they have the authority to absolve people of their sin? Where is your evidence that people can pay to have their ancestors' time in purgatory shortened? Actually, where's your evidence that purgatory exists? And I want it from the Scriptures, not something written by a pope or a priest hundreds of years after Christ's resurrection.

And, lastly, I will point out that the CC was unable to counter Luther's manifesto. They just got really mad at him.
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. I don't follow Martin Luther. That would make me a Lutheran, and I'm not a Lutheran. You didn't bother to even find out anything about me before attempting to assassinate the character of someone you think I follow. I do, however, follow Christ, not a human pope that we are taught is infallible, not a human priest who says he is a mediator between God and me, not a human ancestor that someone says is a saint and is listening to hear my prayers.
Catholics, like all Christian denominations follow Christ. We do not follow a pope, a priest, a saint(s). Sometimes it seems (to this Catholic) that some denominations have a "Jesus and me alone" mindset--two separate from everyone else, two walking alone.

Catholic mindset is more a kingdom led by Christ. We are a community made up of those living and those who have passed on (Saints and saints). The reason for a Pope is to point to the correct path as Christ and the Apostles passed on to us. It is not the Pope--a man--who is infallible, it is the two community decisions made after Christ and the Apostles and verified by two past popes that are infallible rulings that no future pope may change.

We do have individual prayer, but we also have community prayers that include both those living now and those who have passed on (praying with Mary, the saints, and the Saints). Our faith is not only about 'me' or 'self', it is about 'us' and the kingdom.

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