Do you give your plants names and/or talk to them?


Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013
So let me tell you about my plants and their names and stories.

Perhaps the most prolific plant in our garden is "the Donald". This is a trumpet vine that is trying to take over the entire neighborhood. I spend quite some considerable time yesterday going up and down a ladder cutting back the growth that was trying to climb both my home and the neighbors. BTW it is the "comb over" on top of the pergola that inspired the nickname.

Speaking of invasive we used to have a wonderful tea rose. However it too wanted to invade the neighborhood until it committed suicide by completely blocking the holes in the bottom of the pot it was in and then drowning in the fall rains. (I nicknamed that one Adolf :badgrin:)

The Twins were a pair of arborvitaes that we purchased to go on either side of the gate. Only one survived and is now about 9' tall. We purchased a creeper that was on an A frame that insisted upon growing two curved "horns" each year no matter how often I pruned them so hence the nickname El Diablo. :eusa_whistle:

Both Mrs Te and my father died within a year of each other and we were giving indoor plants on both occasions. Mrs Te named them Tim and Ron respectively. We also have small garden statues. The pig with wings is my favorite and the dove is named after my late nephew Graham.


So do you have names for your plants and do you talk to them?

[Edit] Following on Luddly's excellent post (#2) the OP is now expanded to include names for anything in your garden, including wildlife. :)
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I don't want to hijack your thread but we name all the wildlife ...

For example, the great blue herons are all Gilbert. Except for the females who are Sullivan.
The little chipmunks are all Braveheart.
The foxes are Fannie and Freddie.
All the vultures are Vinnie and they all drive big black Buicks that have cinder blocks and lengths of chain in the trunk.
The deer are Bambi because if we say the word "deer", our dog barks and runs from window to window to see them.

I do agree though that plants seem to have their own personalities.

We also have an enormous trumpet vine the hummers and bees like. And, I was thrilled to see bees on the redbud trees.

As I type this, the sun is dappled, coming through the trees and I can see one of my favorite spring sights - the sparkle of the horizontal spider webs left by tiny spiderlings as they leave their egg sac. The sun glints on the fish surfacing in the lake, the door is open to the bird's singing and its gonna be a beautiful day.

Love your flying pig and thanks for inviting me to this thread.
Well, we have so many plants, that it would be too difficult to keep track if we named them all. Plus we have 3 cats, 2 dogs, numerous fish that my daughter wants to name all of them, that it would be too hard to keep track. I have about 20 houseplants and about 10 different gardens and various containers outside-over 100 easily to name-I just don't have that kind of memory, LOL. I just go by hostas or Peonies or daylillies or clematis or whatever it is.
I don't name my plants but I do believe in playing classical music and speaking positive words over them and I'm told my flowers are the best! So something must be happening there, Derideo. Words are energy / vibrations and according to research done by scientists the words are either negative or positive. Dr. Emoto's rice experiment is proof that even rice is effected by words. If rice can respond to negative or positive words then certainly plants can too.
Well, we have so many plants, that it would be too difficult to keep track if we named them all. Plus we have 3 cats, 2 dogs, numerous fish that my daughter wants to name all of them, that it would be too hard to keep track. I have about 20 houseplants and about 10 different gardens and various containers outside-over 100 easily to name-I just don't have that kind of memory, LOL. I just go by hostas or Peonies or daylillies or clematis or whatever it is.

I don't want to hijack your thread but we name all the wildlife ...

For example, the great blue herons are all Gilbert. Except for the females who are Sullivan.
The little chipmunks are all Braveheart.
The foxes are Fannie and Freddie.
All the vultures are Vinnie and they all drive big black Buicks that have cinder blocks and lengths of chain in the trunk.
The deer are Bambi because if we say the word "deer", our dog barks and runs from window to window to see them.

I do agree though that plants seem to have their own personalities.

We also have an enormous trumpet vine the hummers and bees like. And, I was thrilled to see bees on the redbud trees.

As I type this, the sun is dappled, coming through the trees and I can see one of my favorite spring sights - the sparkle of the horizontal spider webs left by tiny spiderlings as they leave their egg sac. The sun glints on the fish surfacing in the lake, the door is open to the bird's singing and its gonna be a beautiful day.

Love your flying pig and thanks for inviting me to this thread.


Your naming is so creative. :) I don't have the same variety of wildlife but I can understand the temptation to name them. I recall one morning watching a chipmunk sitting on the frog statue trying to eat an earthworm. Every time it took a bite the two ends would drop down to the ground and it would jump down, grab one end and leap back up onto the frog's head again. It did this over and over again. :lol:

And no, you haven't hijacked this thread. Naming things in your garden might have been a better name for this thread. Perhaps one of the mods can change it for me. (hint, hint) :D
No, I've never named my plants, nor talked to them. And they flourished. I was told, by many, when I had plants that I had a green thumb. It wasn't true, though, as I just followed directions on how to properly care for them. :lol:

I do name my automobiles.
I don't name my plants and right about now I'm getting a little antsy hoping they WILL take over the place. Still not the warmest and sunniest it can get as far as the weather goes around here. Things are not vining, twining and blooming as fast as I want them to!
I haven't named everything that is around here as it would be impossible to remember all the names. I've got the same hummingbirds coming back every year for years now. I believe creatures understand more than we give them credit for. My husband told me one morning he was going to shoot a grey bird that kept flying into our bay window in living room. The bird was apparently seeing his reflection in the glass and he wouldn't stop. His feet had clay on them and he had his little clay footprints all over the window. I told my husband I'd handle it and not to shoot him. So I went outside and told the bird, you have all this land to fly around in but you cannot fly into my window! You will not do that again! Understand? Don't you know he flew around to the back window and flew into that one! I went out back and looked at him and said, I mean all the windows! You won't be flying into my windows again! Now stop it! He did.
I went back to the front and cleaned my bay window with windex and then did the back one I believe but that was the end of it. He never flew into another window. Many months later I saw him out there taking a bath in a puddle out front! I said that is the same bird! So he still lives here but he minds his p's & q's. God knows I am grateful for that because otherwise he would be one dead bird.
I don't name my plants and right about now I'm getting a little antsy hoping they WILL take over the place. Still not the warmest and sunniest it can get as far as the weather goes around here. Things are not vining, twining and blooming as fast as I want them to!

Have you tried FuelRod's suggestion of insulting them instead? :D

If Jeremiah is right and that it is all about the vibrations then it won't matter what you say as long as you give them some attention.
I think you misunderstood me, Derideo. What I read in a study was about Quantum Physics and how the scientists did a study of words and saw they had effected atoms / molecules in some form. The pattern was the same in that negative words gave a different vibration from positive words and therefore a different effect / outcome. So negative words produced a completely different set of vibrations / energy from the positive word experiment.

So for FuelRod to get spectacular plants he speaks you are so healthy, so beautiful, I hope you live forever, you are the best! his plants.

In Grandma's case I'd believe for some sunshine!
So let me tell you about my plants and their names and stories.

Perhaps the most prolific plant in our garden is "the Donald". This is a trumpet vine that is trying to take over the entire neighborhood. I spend quite some considerable time yesterday going up and down a ladder cutting back the growth that was trying to climb both my home and the neighbors. BTW it is the "comb over" on top of the pergola that inspired the nickname.

Speaking of invasive we used to have a wonderful tea rose. However it too wanted to invade the neighborhood until it committed suicide by completely blocking the holes in the bottom of the pot it was in and then drowning in the fall rains. (I nicknamed that one Adolf :badgrin:)

The Twins were a pair of arborvitaes that we purchased to go on either side of the gate. Only one survived and is now about 9' tall. We purchased a creeper that was on an A frame that insisted upon growing two curved "horns" each year no matter how often I pruned them so hence the nickname El Diablo. :eusa_whistle:

Both Mrs Te and my father died within a year of each other and we were giving indoor plants on both occasions. Mrs Te named them Tim and Ron respectively. We also have small garden statues. The pig with wings is my favorite and the dove is named after my late nephew Graham.


So do you have names for your plants and do you talk to them?

[Edit] Following on Luddly's excellent post (#2) the OP is now expanded to include names for anything in your garden, including wildlife. :)

most of the plants in my yard came pre named

like grass oak tree and dandelion

dont talk too much to them but rather about them

like looks like i have to mow the grass again


the wind was so strong last night that it broke off the branch of that tree

which took out the power for the whole block
When I lived in the States and had a house and garden, I did a lot of gardening: big vegetable gardens, herb gardens, flower gardens and house plants. Now, because of my life style and all the traveling I do, I don't have anything like that. But, when I did, I didn't give my plants names and I didn't talk to them. I just liked to grow them and eat them or look at them. I like having nice smelling flowers too.


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I think you misunderstood me, Derideo. What I read in a study was about Quantum Physics and how the scientists did a study of words and saw they had effected atoms / molecules in some form. The pattern was the same in that negative words gave a different vibration from positive words and therefore a different effect / outcome. So negative words produced a completely different set of vibrations / energy from the positive word experiment.

So for FuelRod to get spectacular plants he speaks you are so healthy, so beautiful, I hope you live forever, you are the best! his plants.

In Grandma's case I'd believe for some sunshine!

Interesting that they were able to detect differences between positive and negative. I need to read that study and see how that altered the outcomes.
When I lived in the States and had a house and garden, I did a lot of gardening: big vegetable gardens, herb gardens, flower gardens and house plants. Now, because of my life style and all the traveling I do, I don't have anything like that. But, when I did, I didn't give my plants names and I didn't talk to them. I just liked to grow them and eat them or look at them. I like having nice smelling flowers too.


The Good Life: Series 3 Episode 4 (Part 2 of 3) - YouTube

Thank you, Esme. I don't recall seeing that episode but I do recall that Britcom. :)
Do you give your plants names and/or talk to them?

Giving plants names and talking to them is just plain silly. I do, however, talk to my mounted deer head named Fred.
Do you give your plants names and/or talk to them?

Giving plants names and talking to them is just plain silly. I do, however, talk to my mounted deer head named Fred.

Do you have one of those mounted salmon that talks and sings? :D
I think you misunderstood me, Derideo. What I read in a study was about Quantum Physics and how the scientists did a study of words and saw they had effected atoms / molecules in some form. The pattern was the same in that negative words gave a different vibration from positive words and therefore a different effect / outcome. So negative words produced a completely different set of vibrations / energy from the positive word experiment.

So for FuelRod to get spectacular plants he speaks you are so healthy, so beautiful, I hope you live forever, you are the best! his plants.

In Grandma's case I'd believe for some sunshine!

Interesting that they were able to detect differences between positive and negative. I need to read that study and see how that altered the outcomes.

It's called Quantum Physics, by Anita Capps. I think her first name is Anita. She is the daughter of Charles Capps. The experiment is explained in the book. I have it. I will try to find it and I'll post what she wrote here. I might be able to find it on google too, Derideo. I'll check. It was a fascinating study!
Another thing for your plants. Willards water is a water that has been remolecularized somehow and it is wetter than normal water which means greater absorbing for plant life, etc. there are other benefits to it as well. You can take a small amount of Willards water and add it to a gallon of regular water and it will change the water so one gallon lasts a very long time. There was a story about it on 60 minutes years ago and the report was everything grows better. I haven't used it yet. I'll let you know.

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