Do you have a life outside this board?

You just shoot them and let them lie because They carry the black plague...

What is black plague?
A bacteria that is carried by fleas.
Plague Decimates Prairie Dogs
I grew up in central Okiehoma, there were outbreaks there at times with the prairie dogs. As a kid they always told us to stay away from them..
Yeah they are nasty creatures, they are just crawling with fleas. Plus they are cannibals when you shoot them the others will eat the dead ones.
Many animals are cannibalistic. When I first started to raise chickens I was amazed to see the chicks ganging up on the sick ones to kill and eat their brains.
Yes, I have a life outside of these boards. But, if there is nothing better to do, or if I'm curious about how things are going on here, I will check in.

However..............if there is something better to do in my life? I go do that. Not that many of you here would have noticed, but I've been gone for the past 2 weeks or so, because I had to go to CO to watch my favorite cousin's daughter graduate high school. Didn't visit the boards once during that time because I was catching up with family., just got through with all the chores that piled up while I was gone, so now I've got some free time again.
I noticed. You used to be here a lot.

Awww..................I didn't know you cared. Yeah, usually I'm on here in the afternoons, mainly from 5:00 to 6:30 or so, because that is the in between time for my tv viewing. But, like I said, for the past few weeks, I was visiting relatives, but now I'm back to be a pain in the ass to some, and a friend and savior to others.
I just remember sparring with you years ago over Obama. The tables flip and then we do, sometimes not metaphorically
5 years of 12 chemo's, 8 surgeries, drugs and radiation kicked my ass for a while in the last 2 years, so I have loved it here to cut loose. I am here a lot..
I get tired, but I am getting stronger.

I have met some really awesome people, mostly our age.

Can't take things too seriously, here. So I love the wise crackers...

I have traveled , I sell online, garden, and I love to cook for my family... so I blast the music in my kitchen and Bam dinner is served..:)
Come out to South Dakota this fall or summer, we'll shoot hundreds of prairie dogs...

If I drive to Minnesota in the next few years , I will be sure to come see you and your gun store. Maybe shoot some cans, but no prairie
You're missing out man
5 years of 12 chemo's, 8 surgeries, drugs and radiation kicked my ass for a while in the last 2 years, so I have loved it here to cut loose. I am here a lot..
I get tired, but I am getting stronger.

I have met some really awesome people, mostly our age.

Can't take things too seriously, here. So I love the wise crackers...

I have traveled , I sell online, garden, and I love to cook for my family... so I blast the music in my kitchen and Bam dinner is served..:)
Come out to South Dakota this fall or summer, we'll shoot hundreds of prairie dogs...
View attachment 130490
I'm pretty sure that's the chipmunks or a ground squirrel
Ground squirrel.
I work...I also teach pet dog training classes in our communities. I work with and foster rescue dogs. And run with dogs.
View attachment 130489

My first attempt at wet on wet
I do not paint wet on wet ever. I paint in layers, sometimes I'll have 20 glazes and they all have to dry completely.

A example of painting in layers and glazes.

5 years of 12 chemo's, 8 surgeries, drugs and radiation kicked my ass for a while in the last 2 years, so I have loved it here to cut loose. I am here a lot..
I get tired, but I am getting stronger.

I have met some really awesome people, mostly our age.

Can't take things too seriously, here. So I love the wise crackers...

I have traveled , I sell online, garden, and I love to cook for my family... so I blast the music in my kitchen and Bam dinner is served..:)
Come out to South Dakota this fall or summer, we'll shoot hundreds of prairie dogs...

If I drive to Minnesota in the next few years , I will be sure to come see you and your gun store. Maybe shoot some cans, but no prairie
You're missing out man
Tell her you'll let her hunt with a Thompson sub machine gun.
View attachment 130489

My first attempt at wet on wet

"Billy's neck cracks as he flips his head over."

Very nice.
I'm still learning how to post pics! All these years and I just caught on lol

Just copy paste on this need to upload.
I tried that the other day in the post a pic forum. Failed of course. I'm on a phone 99.9% of the time. Away from home or the office.


  • 20170520_221231.jpg
    428.1 KB · Views: 25
I grew up in central Okiehoma, there were outbreaks there at times with the prairie dogs. As a kid they always told us to stay away from them..
Yeah they are nasty creatures, they are just crawling with fleas. Plus they are cannibals when you shoot them the others will eat the dead ones.
Many animals are cannibalistic. When I first started to raise chickens I was amazed to see the chicks ganging up on the sick ones to kill and eat their brains.
Birds are aggressive animals…I've even seen Cows lick dead prairie dogs.
I'm not judging you if the answer is no. Some of you have likely lived your lives and being social is not your cup of tea.
Having said that how many of you have avid social lives? Boating, concerts, plays, charities, kids, grandkids...etc.

I'll be 49 this year and I enjoy all of the above. My kids often get me to try things that I would have scoffed at before. Are you so wrapped up in politics that this is it for you?
I have 4 kids and a wife. Got 1 in softball who just played her last game tonight and son plays his last 2 games of the season tomorrow. Son is already signed up for youth football and I look forward to teaching him stuff there. Like to go yard sale shopping and thrift store shopping with the wife,love watching sports,love to travel,actually just got back from Gatlinburg,Tn last weekend and planning trip to Florida later this summer. USMB is my cooling off area...I can come here talk shit with people I have known for 2 years now and not get banned. Its a nice relaxing place IMO. Life is stressful and this is my reliever,especially when it comes to politics who no one in my family really cares about much.
View attachment 130489

My first attempt at wet on wet

"Billy's neck cracks as he flips his head over."

Very nice.
I'm still learning how to post pics! All these years and I just caught on lol

Just copy paste on this need to upload.
I tried that the other day in the post a pic forum. Failed of course. I'm on a phone 99.9% of the time. Away from home or the office.
See, I failed again. WTF
I work...I also teach pet dog training classes in our communities. I work with and foster rescue dogs. And run with dogs.
I rescue dogs also and birds, well just about any critter here in the woods. The dogs get spayed or neutered and then trained them to clean dishes, it's the folding of laundry that makes them frustrated.
I grew up in central Okiehoma, there were outbreaks there at times with the prairie dogs. As a kid they always told us to stay away from them..
Yeah they are nasty creatures, they are just crawling with fleas. Plus they are cannibals when you shoot them the others will eat the dead ones.
Many animals are cannibalistic. When I first started to raise chickens I was amazed to see the chicks ganging up on the sick ones to kill and eat their brains.
Birds are aggressive animals…I've even seen Cows lick dead prairie dogs.
Me too. They captured a deer eating a human carcass on a trail camera.
I work...I also teach pet dog training classes in our communities. I work with and foster rescue dogs. And run with dogs.
I rescue dogs also and birds, well just about any critter here in the woods. The dogs get spayed or neutered and then trained them to clean dishes, it's the folding of laundry that makes them frustrated.
I have a high volume K9 dishwashing system. And it is 100% organic:D

I feed the wild birds :)
I work...I also teach pet dog training classes in our communities. I work with and foster rescue dogs. And run with dogs.
I work with rescuers grooming dogs to ready for adoption. I don't foster. I know that I would never let them go.

I have a rescue, a 13 year old maltipoo. I was at the vet with him when a woman came in to pick up her rescue. The dog was part of a group of dogs taken from a Chinese dog meat farm. It was a golden retriever. What a lover. She ran around kissing everyone. Then she was gifted with her very first toy. How precious that was to her.

Just an ordinary loving dog.

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