Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

Does them being separated bother you?

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This atrocity reminds me of slavery, trail of tears, and Japanese internment camps. We're America, bitch!
Well if illegals didn’t try to gain entry using their children this wouldn’t be a problem would it bitch?
Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

I have a problem with the whole fucking national disgrace!


So you would like children to be incarcerated with their parents? Does go for everyone or just illegal aliens?

Children should be kept with their parents.
Parents shouldn't drag their kids for a thousand miles to get here then...........plenty of countries down there and in between..........but they don't allow them to stay there......they help them on their way to America.............but if they try to stay they are thrown out on their heads..........don't see you complaining about that.
I don't like it. I think it's inhumane and unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. If one of the immigrant parents has committed a serious crime, then, yes, segregate him or her from their kids. Otherwise, we need to keep parents and kids together if the parents' only crime was trying to enter America illegally to build a better life.
I think it adds to the deterrent. Until we get real border security I have zero issues with it.
So it is acceptable to punish children it it might deter the parents.
Absolutely not, both parent and child should be escorted TOGETHER back across the border!
I don't like it. I think it's inhumane and unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. If one of the immigrant parents has committed a serious crime, then, yes, segregate him or her from their kids. Otherwise, we need to keep parents and kids together if the parents' only crime was trying to enter America illegally to build a better life.

So, when citizens break the law and go to jail, the children should go with them? Many face jail over things like not being able to afford to pay their taxes and there was a threat of jailing people for not buying healthcare insurance.

People who break laws should expect consequences and that means separation from families.

Obama separated families and his administration is the one who put those children in cages. Not a peep from the left then.

Do you have a problem with Mexico not doing anything for their poor citizens? Isn't that why they leave? In fact, some might say they have good reason to leave shithole countries. Yet you guys had a meltdown when someone calls them shithole countries. If they are so great, shouldn't people be flocking to them instead of escaping them? Make your damn minds up.
This atrocity was created by Trump. Just like with North Korea, Trump loves to create crises and then take credit for solving them and "saving" us. Even NaziCons should be smart enough to understand that.

I don't like it. I think it's inhumane and unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. If one of the immigrant parents has committed a serious crime, then, yes, segregate him or her from their kids. Otherwise, we need to keep parents and kids together if the parents' only crime was trying to enter America illegally to build a better life.

So, when citizens break the law and go to jail, the children should go with them? Many face jail over things like not being able to afford to pay their taxes and there was a threat of jailing people for not buying healthcare insurance.

People who break laws should expect consequences and that means separation from families.

Obama separated families and his administration is the one who put those children in cages. Not a peep from the left then.

Do you have a problem with Mexico not doing anything for their poor citizens? Isn't that why they leave? In fact, some might say they have good reason to leave shithole countries. Yet you guys had a meltdown when someone calls them shithole countries. If they are so great, shouldn't people be flocking to them instead of escaping them? Make your damn minds up.
The policy changed with the Trump Administration, dingbat dupe. Legalize drugs and treat addicts and then they won't be shitholes, the ones in Central America.
When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? .... :dunno:
Many are here trying to get refugee status.

What are they refugees from? Poverty? Ignorance? Liberalism?
There is a GOP ignoramus, change the channel get some news for crying out loud. They're getting away from drug gangs caused by the GOP War on Drugs d u h.
Releasing these folks on the promise they'll show up for a court hearing clearly is not working.
simply put ankle bracelets on them, until their refugee status is denied and they have gone through the courts with their misdemeanor charge, and are deported.

we are in the age of technology, and it is a hell of a lot cheaper than the separation and basically, imprisoning the whole family in all different locations.... even little siblings are not 'stored' together if a son and daughter

Do you not understand what Foster Care is all about? The same Foster Care we use when American criminals are put in jail when they also have minor children?
The Foster care that puts children in more danger than if they had stayed with their parents in the first place...

Stay with their parents in jail?

Damn, you are harsh.
It's more like a concentration camp facility..

Most liberals don't have the brain power to concentrate. Where do we put them?
Okay. We detain the illegal adults. We detain the kids of the illegal adults.

Then we keep them separated. In one case for over 85 days without contact.

Seems to me that there is no X factor involved in allowing the detained adults to see their detained kids for a few hours each week. Your detainment is the price you pay for breaking the law. In no case is the State allowed (or should be allowed) to ratchet up the penalty because it adds to deterrence. We do not do this for any other crime. For example, we do not withhold food from mass murderers and starve them even after they have been convicted of a crime. We do not set the temperature in their cell at 40 degrees F to punish them. The detainment is the punishment.
There are a lot more successful people in the world than white Europeans

Asian Americans for one...... and the democrats won't let them go to the best schools in the country because they out perform the pet race groups of the democrats...

Indians as well. There are a lot of people from Mexico also who would be welcome additions. Democrats are only recruiting the poorest Mexicans though because they only want Democrat voters
Another lie to cover up the capitalist pigs which hire the illegals and they are not just Democrats doing it, it's both..But you play that lie puppet boi.

Here is how to stop it:

A wall will not stop what can be done legally. A wall is fixed in one place, to defeat a wall all one must do is go around wall..

That can be quite a long walk.
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This atrocity was created by Trump. Just like with North Korea, Trump loves to create crises and then take credit for solving them and "saving" us. Even NaziCons should be smart enough to understand that.

--------------------------------------- Trump had to take care of the 'norks' while it sounds like YOU woulda just kept kissing 'nork' azz like 'mrobama' and others have been doing for 30 - 40 years . Next up for President TRUMP may be 'iran' , maybe 'china'and the rest of the world Lakhota.
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This atrocity was created by Trump. Just like with North Korea, Trump loves to create crises and then take credit for solving them and "saving" us. Even NaziCons should be smart enough to understand that.

--------------------------------------- Trump had to take care of the 'norks' while it sounds like YOU woulda just kept kissing 'nork' azz like 'mrobama' and others have been doing for 30 - 40 years . Next up for President TRUMP may be 'iran' , maybe 'china'and the restof the world Lakhota.
So North Korea is mission accomplished? LOL!

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