Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

Does them being separated bother you?

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  • No

  • Indifferent

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I don't like it. I think it's inhumane and unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. If one of the immigrant parents has committed a serious crime, then, yes, segregate him or her from their kids. Otherwise, we need to keep parents and kids together if the parents' only crime was trying to enter America illegally to build a better life.

Bull shit. Coming here illegally is a serious crime
I consider rape and murder serious crimes. Not trespassing.
-------------------------------------------------------- thing is that these illegal alien kids hang around in the USA spreading their culture and outlook on life around in USA schools , neighborhoods and society Coyote .
Only Republicans can block a vote, the guys you vote for. Sure, tell the Dems to fix a problem that Trump started. I agree they should however let's hold numbnuts in the White House responsible for the new policy they started.

Just curious, which Democrats are not negotiating?
Baloney.............the Senate without a Super Majority can block anything....and the Rhinos are nothing more than Dems as well..........the influx was caused by the Welcome mat of the Dems and the last who didn't care about securing the border and still don't......If they cared the facilities I cited and manpower would already be there.
Not all problems, but we absolutely had a hand in this. Starting with Reagan and continuing through to Trump.
Yet you lay it on Trump's feet for all the blame of our broken system and not the career politicians who have had 30 years to fix this problem but haven't.
What are you talking about? The Trump administration didn't just start enforcing laws, they changed how they do it.
Obama E.O. are not the law..........if they were the law then they must be passed by Congress and signed into Law.........which is exactly why Trump can kill them with another E.O. he had no real authority to create laws outside of Congress.......but didn't anyway..........Mr. Pen and a Phone himself.

Republicans hold the purse strings and to say that the Trump administration isn't in charge of the money they are budgeted is disingenuous and they haven't even bothered to ask for more, then again you guys don't really want more money spent on this in the first place.
and they have pushed laws forward only to die in the already stated.

I don't and I fail to see ANY problem.
Then clearly you have no education or expertise in any field of scientific medicine or any other field related to the well being of human beings, as all of the experts are warming of the dangers of this practice

I'll defer to the experts.
Here is another very important question:

WHY are WE liable to raise illegals children when the parents are arrested for ILLEGALLY ENTERING our country? Are our pockets so deep we can do this over and over again? How many of YOU who wish for the kids to be put in foster homes willing to PAY YOUR OWN MONEY to support these kids? I know..I know...YOU don't have to, you think. The government will. Well, guess who is financing the government?? WE ARE.
Let's forget for a moment about the illegal entry, and lets look at what the effect of being separated from your family is................................

I was orphaned at 8, and spent the rest of my time in foster care until I ran away to live with my Grandparents the last year of H.S. Kids that are removed from their parents at an early age suffer from low self esteem, abandonment issues, and it can cause them to be afraid to have close relationships with other people. I know, because that is what happened to me. Through the help of some really good friends and a bit of counseling, I was able to exorcise most all of those demons and am now fairly happy and healthy.

However...........................I had one advantage that those kids on the border don't. Closure. I had attended my mother's funeral and knew that she was dead and I would never see her again. These kids on the border? They don't know where they are, where their parents are, if they will see them again, or if they are even alive. Stuff like that can really wear on a person, especially if they are a kid.

No. I don't think that separating the kids from their parents is either necessary or even a good idea because of all the mental damage it can do.
Well that’s a bummer and all but leads me to two questions.

One, why ignore the law breaking part? If you went to foster care because she went to jail would you not put the blame on her?

Two, where were your grandparents from 8-17?

If I went to foster care because my mother had gone to jail, she would have been given a couple of days to get her affairs in order, which means finding someone to care for me.

As far as where were my Grandparents? Although they loved me and my sister, after we had been there a few months, they figured they were too old to be good caregivers for kids, so they enrolled us in a foster program with a group called the Casey Family Foundation. It's a good program, but I just got stuck with a shitty family. After being used and abused for a few years, I finally decided to run away. The reason I picked my Grandparents is because they had me over every summer to spend with them.
No. She wouldn’t have. My brother went to jail for a while. He was arrested while his daughter was with him (mom was a pile of crap and left a couple years before) I got a call from the cops and was informed I had 15 minutes to come get her if I wanted to. If I didn’t she would go to CPS. I asked for 20 minutes and was told fine but no longer. The only “affairs” that got taken care of was what I could or wanted or was able to do. So I suggest illegals get their affairs in order before crossing the border. May want to start with leaving the kid with a family member.

I get you grand parents situation. It’s not easy suddenly gaining another kid. Especially one that’s had a pretty jacked up life before they arrive.
Here is another very important question:

WHY are WE liable to raise illegals children when the parents are arrested for ILLEGALLY ENTERING our country? Are our pockets so deep we can do this over and over again? How many of YOU who wish for the kids to be put in foster homes willing to PAY YOUR OWN MONEY to support these kids? I know..I know...YOU don't have to, you think. The government will. Well, guess who is financing the government?? WE ARE.
------------------------------------------------- these widdle invaders are just going to embed themselves in USA society , public schools , neighbor hoods at taxpayer expense . They are 'mexicans' , will alwaysbe 'mexicans' and are simply reinforcements for the already established 'fifth column' within the USA .
I don't like it. I think it's inhumane and unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. If one of the immigrant parents has committed a serious crime, then, yes, segregate him or her from their kids. Otherwise, we need to keep parents and kids together if the parents' only crime was trying to enter America illegally to build a better life.

Bull shit. Coming here illegally is a serious crime
I consider rape and murder serious crimes. Not trespassing.

And between us, I'm the one who wants to keep out the illegal aliens who committed serious crimes. You're advocating a system that freely allows them here. And the ones who suffer the most are the poor. You're a piece of work. Leftists are bad people
Here is another very important question:

WHY are WE liable to raise illegals children when the parents are arrested for ILLEGALLY ENTERING our country? Are our pockets so deep we can do this over and over again? How many of YOU who wish for the kids to be put in foster homes willing to PAY YOUR OWN MONEY to support these kids? I know..I know...YOU don't have to, you think. The government will. Well, guess who is financing the government?? WE ARE.
------------------------------------------------- these widdle invaders are just going to embed themselves in USA society , public schools , neighbor hoods at taxpayer expense . They are 'mexicans' , will alwaysbe 'mexicans' and are simply reinforcements for the already established 'fifth column' within the USA .
Not just mexicans. Hondurans, middle easterners via mexico, etc. Doesn't matter the color of their skin or their race or whatever. What matters is the ILLEGAL ENTRY and US having to pay for their damn kids. No no and HAYELL no.
Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

I have a problem with the whole fucking national disgrace!

i simply mentioned NATIONALITY , i coulda summed it up by saying that they will ALWAYS be foreigners with foreign thinking and ways of looking at things as they agitate and gain the power to vote . Hey , i figure , let them in as punishment to millenials and their kids Gracie .
these little mexicans and 'otm' are simply widdle invaders that stupid people cry over . The have a lifetime ahead of them of being foreigners in the USA .
i say , don't let them into the USA as all they do is disperse throughout the USA with all the BS of the Law . And if others can't see it , dispersal throughout the USA is the goal of previous USA Administrations , maybe even this administration although i am not sure Papa . .
Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

I have a problem with the whole fucking national disgrace!


So you would like children to be incarcerated with their parents? Does go for everyone or just illegal aliens?

Children should be kept with their parents.
Sure, mr fake indian.
So....all of us are supposed to support them, right? Wouldn't you, mr fake indian, rather see that money go to pine ridge rez to assist starving and freezing children there and old people facing the same horror?
Do you have a problem with children and parents being detained in separate facilities?

I have a problem with the whole fucking national disgrace!


So you would like children to be incarcerated with their parents? Does go for everyone or just illegal aliens?

Children should be kept with their parents.

So a single parent robs a bank and the kids should go to jail with the parent?
Let's forget for a moment about the illegal entry, and lets look at what the effect of being separated from your family is................................

I was orphaned at 8, and spent the rest of my time in foster care until I ran away to live with my Grandparents the last year of H.S. Kids that are removed from their parents at an early age suffer from low self esteem, abandonment issues, and it can cause them to be afraid to have close relationships with other people. I know, because that is what happened to me. Through the help of some really good friends and a bit of counseling, I was able to exorcise most all of those demons and am now fairly happy and healthy.

However...........................I had one advantage that those kids on the border don't. Closure. I had attended my mother's funeral and knew that she was dead and I would never see her again. These kids on the border? They don't know where they are, where their parents are, if they will see them again, or if they are even alive. Stuff like that can really wear on a person, especially if they are a kid.

No. I don't think that separating the kids from their parents is either necessary or even a good idea because of all the mental damage it can do.
So again I ask, should all American inmates have their children with them? Yes or no?

Well, that is kind of an interesting question. Because there are jails where the mother is allowed to have their newborn with her in jail.

Raising babies behind bars

But, you also have to remember, in many cases when a person who has posted bail and then goes to trial and is sentenced to jail time, they are given a few days to get their affairs in order, which means finding someone to take care of their kids while they are gone. The immigrants don't have that luxury, because they are separated and jailed with no time to make arrangements for child care.

Apples and bananas dude.
Are you talking about legal immigrants or illegals?

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