Do you have any major regrets?

I have two:

1.) That I didn't go to Kansas City two weeks ago from this Sunday to see Bill Maher, and then walk up to him to punch him in the face when his "performance" was done.

2.) That I didn't punch one or two of my professors in the face when I was working on my Bachelor's at the University of Arkansas in the early 90s.
I'm kinda like you Early. Everything we chose to do led us to where we are now. Good and bad. Life lessons...and those choices we made, regretfully or not, affected other people too. So if we regret, they weren't set on another path that maybe made their lives better...or not...and then if they regret, those they affected would not be set on THEIR path. And on..and on..and on.
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I'm kinda like you Early. Everything we chose to do led us to where we are now. Good and bad. Life lessons...and those choices we made, regretfully or not, affected other people too. So if we regret, they weren't set on another path that maybe made their lives better...or not...and then if they regret, those they affected would not be set on THEIR path. And on..and on..and on.

And mine influence my children and theirs theirs. Its how it has to be. I dont like much of what I have done. But my boys and my girl done do any of it. The im okay with that. Even what they hate me for. In case he end my path is mine. I will account for it to God as no one else. But im okay. And I feel regrets are healthy, but having them does no one any good. In the end its already done so you may as well move on. Some drunk wisdom right there.
Drunk or sober, yes. It is wisdom, Early. Right on, buddy. :)
My one regret is having a child late in life. Not that she is here, far from that, but that I won't be able to enjoy her company for as long as I could have, had I had children earlier.
My one regret is having a child late in life. Not that she is here, far from that, but that I won't be able to enjoy her company for as long as I could have, had I had children earlier.

Dude, just be there now. When you do it sticks in their heads. When your long gone your lessons will be there. Its what they will pull on as well as lean on when the shit hits the fan. Dude you were a father at the perfect time. ENJOY it!
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My one regret is having a child late in life. Not that she is here, far from that, but that I won't be able to enjoy her company for as long as I could have, had I had children earlier.

Dude, just be there now. When you do it sticks in their heads. When your long gone your lessons will be there. Its what they will pull on as well as lean on when the shit hits the fan. Dude you were a father at the perfect time. ENJOY it!

Oh, believe me I am! I love spending time with her! She's a sponge, we regularly take a whole day and head out into the deep desert (either flying or driving) and explore the area....she's not doing too bad on her flying either! She can do a pretty clean two minute turn!
Regret the hurt I have caused people over the years.

The rest I would not change for anything.

Both of the above have made me what I am, and all in all, I will keep me.

That hurt made them who theh are to Jake. May have sucked, but doeznt mean it wasnt supposed to be dude.

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