Do you know liberals still think Michael Brown was murdered?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Just that simple fact (it is a fact too), regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, tells you all you will ever need to know about the useless left.

BTW, there are 7police officers killed by those animals in the last ten days.

Has our beloved race dividing saul alinsky disciple mentioned one word about the cop that was shot 15 times? It is national news. Any comment. I have not found any. If you can find one, please let me know.

On another note. Even the socialist French president had the class to honor those three that stopped a deranged muslim gunman.

Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

Anything about the big fagflag in that black faggs apartment that killed the two white news people last week? Cause a lot of shit was said about the fucking confederate flag.....

Never mind.

This is what we are dealing with folks. Don't you just fucking hate liberals?
"Do you know liberals still think Michael Brown was murdered?"

Do you know this is a ridiculous lie and fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.
Just that simple fact (it is a fact too), regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, tells you all you will ever need to know about the useless left.

BTW, there are 7police officers killed by those animals in the last ten days.

Has our beloved race dividing saul alinsky disciple mentioned one word about the cop that was shot 15 times? It is national news. Any comment. I have not found any. If you can find one, please let me know.

On another note. Even the socialist French president had the class to honor those three that stopped a deranged muslim gunman.

Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

Anything about the big fagflag in that black faggs apartment that killed the two white news people last week? Cause a lot of shit was said about the fucking confederate flag.....

Never mind.

This is what we are dealing with folks. Don't you just fucking hate liberals?
What is this bizarre obsession you have with black people? Were you using one of those genealogical web sites and discover there is a negro in your gene pool somewhere back there?
Just that simple fact (it is a fact too), regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, tells you all you will ever need to know about the useless left.

BTW, there are 7police officers killed by those animals in the last ten days.

Has our beloved race dividing saul alinsky disciple mentioned one word about the cop that was shot 15 times? It is national news. Any comment. I have not found any. If you can find one, please let me know.

On another note. Even the socialist French president had the class to honor those three that stopped a deranged muslim gunman.

Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

Anything about the big fagflag in that black faggs apartment that killed the two white news people last week? Cause a lot of shit was said about the fucking confederate flag.....

Never mind.

This is what we are dealing with folks. Don't you just fucking hate liberals?
Where is the proof you know what every liberal thinks?
I don't and never will. Brown fucked up attempting to grabs the officers gun! God bless our police....They deserve a bigger pay check.

No republican here would call me anything but a liberal for my infrastructure, science, education and exploration belief's.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.
The message board is being run amuck with these pronoun slingers...So much for thinking they did get an education...
Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

What kind of news garbage do you read or listen to. Not only did the President mention them, thank them and speak highly of them, he called them on the phone and talked to them.
I don't and never will. Brown fucked up attempting to grabs the officers gun! God bless our police....They deserve a bigger pay check.

No republican here would call me anything but a liberal for my infrastructure, science, education and exploration belief's.

Oh, you are one of those guys that believe in this man made glowbull warming thing. That is right. Regardless of the facts that contradict it. Like the cooling that has been happening over the last 18 years or so. If indeed it is man that is causing it, and the output of "greenhouse gases" and carbon dioxide, then how is it cooling?

Oh, and another thing. I did not say ALL liberals. I did say it is LIBERALS that think he was murdered. Let me clarify. Those left wing voters who are committed obama voters and hillary voters.

Did I say ALL liberals? No. I didn't.

Now, can you tell me any conservative that you have seen or can quote that thinks officer Wilson was a murderer? No?

Let me know, Mr Scientist.

Damn, I fuck up liberals. They sure are insecure about themselves. Aren't they? What assholes.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Would you mind popping into this current thread and informing these liberals that they are wrong about the Michael Brown shooting please.

Hands up, Dont Shoot! They shot anyway.. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The police officer whose poor, overly-aggresive response, brought on the violent, justfiied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:
The police officer whose poor, overly-aggresive response, brought on the violent, justfiied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

Told you it was liberals. The pathetic thing about this dancing asshole obama voter is he thinks he made an intelligent post.
Just that simple fact (it is a fact too), regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, tells you all you will ever need to know about the useless left.

BTW, there are 7police officers killed by those animals in the last ten days.

Has our beloved race dividing saul alinsky disciple mentioned one word about the cop that was shot 15 times? It is national news. Any comment. I have not found any. If you can find one, please let me know.

On another note. Even the socialist French president had the class to honor those three that stopped a deranged muslim gunman.

Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

Anything about the big fagflag in that black faggs apartment that killed the two white news people last week? Cause a lot of shit was said about the fucking confederate flag.....

Never mind.

This is what we are dealing with folks. Don't you just fucking hate liberals?

From the Black Lives Matter website:

"This past weekend I traveled to Ferguson, Missouri as part of the #BlackLivesMatter freedom ride to demand justice for slain black teenager Mike Brown, whose murderer, police officer Darren Wilson is on paid leave and has yet to be arrested. As national co-organizers..."

"Teen groups like The Lost Voices have camped out in tents and organized since Brown’s murder,"

"I think its also important for media outlets to make connections between what is happening in Ferguson and the larger systemic context his murder exists in."

"Mike Brown’s murder, and the brutalizing way his killing was turned into a public spectacle,..."

"Since the moment Michael Brown was murdered on August 9, women in Ferguson have played a critical role in mobilizing their communities..."

"Take us back to some of the early moments of protesting after Mike Brown’s murder. How did you all mobilize then?"

"That was the way in which almost every one of us got the news that Mike Brown had been murdered..."

"We recognize that if Darren Wilson is not arrested for murdering Mike Brown the city will burn..."

"We knew that not only was the murder of Mike Brown unjustified, it was another example of how the systems in place made it acceptable to gun us down."

Shit, they even think Trayvon Martin was "murdered"...

"17-year-old Trayvon Martin was post-humously placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable..."

"We are the generation that was ignited by Trayvon Martin’s murder..."
The police officer whose poor, overly-aggresive response, brought on the violent, justfiied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

So where are you getting that information? You can't ban someone from lawful employment. Police officers who have been terminated regularly and very easily find employment in the public sector.

If anything, he could always move to Sanford, Florida. I hear they are looking for a volunteer neighborhood watchman, seeing as how George Zimmerman moved.
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The police officer whose poor, overly-aggresive response, brought on the violent, justfiied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

So where are you getting that information? Police officers who have been terminated regularly and very easily find employment in the public sector.

Don't treat that bag of shit with respect.
The police officer whose poor, overly-aggressive response, brought on the violent, justfied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

Wow. I remember you.

And how much of a colossal idiot you were for posts like these.

Even after the facts of the case were laid out for all to see, you still spout this bullshit, whilst saying nothing about that sheriff in Texas who had his brains blown out and a full magazine emptied into his lifeless corpse.

You know what would be a justified reaction to that? Summary execution of anyone who guns down a peace officer. You want to play this war on cops? What happens when they begin fighting back? A cornered animal will only cower in fear for so long before it lashes out.
Sticking up for thugs makes liberals look bad. We should be for building, investing and bettering America...

Burning down communities is the opposite of our mission!
Sticking up for thugs makes liberals look bad. We should be for building, investing and bettering America...

Burning down communities is the opposite of our mission!

You really have no clue what the goal of your democrat socialists is do you?

I mean you really do believe they actually care about the poor and illegals don't you?

They are all about creating voters. They are about acquiring and keeping power. They are all about taking the power from we the people and keeping for themselves and their billionaire friends.

The middle class is their enemy and this so called president has absolutely declared war on the middle class they hate. In the mean while they make the poor class larger, and create avenues for the illegals to invade this country. With false promises of free gifts.

You cannot see that? You call yourself smart. You, cannot see it? You think they fucking care?
The police officer whose poor, overly-aggressive response, brought on the violent, justfied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

Wow. I remember you.

And how much of a colossal idiot you were for posts like these.

Even after the facts of the case were laid out for all to see, you still spout this bullshit, whilst saying nothing about that sheriff in Texas who had his brains blown out and a full magazine emptied into his lifeless corpse.

You know what would be a justified reaction to that? Summary execution of anyone who guns down a peace officer. You want to play this war on cops? What happens when they begin fighting back? A cornered animal will only cower in fear for so long before it lashes out.

Agreed. It took alot of restraint for those officers, when they captured the piece of shit who killed that cop. I would have been more than tempted to put a bullet behind his ear, thus saving the taxpayers the cost of a trial.

But it's Texas, so the cocksucker will get the death penalty. Make no mistake about that. I hope he goes to the gurney screaming and pleading for his life. I hope they have to poke him a shitload to times before they find a good vein, or a needle breaks off in in arm.

And when his heart does finally stop, I hope he pisses and craps all over himself, like that stinking mouse I caught in a trap this morning. I'm just going to throw the fucker's body out in the woods and let the dogs eat it.

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