Do you notice how gun control legislation proposed by democrats never has anything to fo with banning all guns or going to…

Gun control is a very, very slippery slope. We can already see Democrats overstepping the 2nd Amendment in Democratic run cities and states. They will do exactly the same and more at the national level if given the chance.
It’s not a “.very, very slippery slope”. You just assume it is. You’re basing that off of nothing lol.
Are you serious? You don't know why power hungry Democrats would want to remove guns from all citizens?
Well that wouldn’t be for “the hell of it” if that were even remotely true.
You mad bro?

No we are just potentially ruining their lives due to a bunch of fetishists trying to become a protected class.

And again, we SIMPLY DONT TRUST YOU when it comes to fairly implementing things like red flag laws, because your side won't. They will use them to remove guns from people for the hell of it, for the flimsiest of reasons, and that person loses their RKBA with a drawn out process designed to make them just give up.
Cool story bro...

Why would democrats remove guns for the hell of it? What would be the motivation for doing that?

Because they are gun grabbing ninnies, and don't care about law abiding citizens being able to protect themselves.

Gun ownership = self responsibility and Dems can't have that shit.
Lol how many more gun models are there than 206?

…in the context of a regulated militia.

You’re welcome for explaining that to you.
Its ok you dont know what regulated means, moonbat. Most of you federal supremacists dont.
Because they are gun grabbing ninnies, and don't care about law abiding citizens being able to protect themselves.

Gun ownership = self responsibility and Dems can't have that shit.

Just grab your 5 ARs, get under that bed and keep those puppies clean. It'll make you feel better. I know I will feel better with you off the streets.
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

Yet again you ignore the root of the problem. Nutballs and criminals. You're only focused on guns. If you took away every gun right now all the nutballs and criminals would still be right here. You wouldn't have solved the problem at all.

You also ignore the fact rifle deaths are nothing next to handgun deaths. You're focused on what you're being told to focus on. Sure the school shooting was awful, but nothing compared to what criminals do everyday across the country with handguns.

You also ignore the fact if AR-15 sales are illegal then owning them would be right behind it. If you can't sell something then why would you be allowed to own it?

But Ive seen enough of your threads to know you only see what you want to see so you can make a closed minded and short sighted post that is "I hate republicans". Even your childish derp derp derp comments show you have no desire to have a conversation and exist purely to try and piss people off.

No one here will ever take you seriously.
Because they are gun grabbing ninnies, and don't care about law abiding citizens being able to protect themselves.

Gun ownership = self responsibility and Dems can't have that shit.
lol self responsibility huh? You mean these former lawyers/judges don’t like the idea of self responsibility? I know you like the idea of most people being lazy government leeches, but it’s not something rooted in reality. MOST people have jobs and support themselves.
205 guns. Although it isnt all guns, it still makes you look like a jackass.

Thats twice.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED you illiterate federal supremacist.
Hate to tell you but it has been infringed on many times from the Tommy Gun to the Uzi, so it has been and can be infringed on when it come to what you can buy on the open market…
Hate to tell you but it has been infringed on many times from the Tommy Gun to the Uzi, so it has been and can be infringed on when it come to what you can buy on the open market…
I know but that doesnt make him right.
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

^^^Don't listen to Nazis like this. These are the same people who wanted to take away your job, your home, and your children for refusing an experimental medical procedure. In fact, when Nazis like this show up at your door, consider any reaction as self defense.
Proficiency. Disciplined. Organized.
Who is all those things? The public? Nah no way. I mean already the constitution is being violated. Come on, proficiency? Plenty of morons who know very little about guns own them. Accidental shootings happen all the time as a result. And what context are you even referring to with being organized?
Who is all those things? The public? Nah no way. I mean already the constitution is being violated. Come on, proficiency? Plenty of morons who know very little about guns own them. Accidental shootings happen all the time as a result. And what context are you even referring to with being organized?
Not that you actually give a shit, but read the federalist papers. You have no clue.
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

Correct, democrats will curb gun ownership the best they can, that is, what they can get away with politically.

It is virtually never ending

Whatever regulation on guns they pass will never be enough.

They will keep coming back for more and more and more.

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