Do you notice how gun control legislation proposed by democrats never has anything to fo with banning all guns or going to…

The federal form 4473 asks those questions. The form is required for all firearm purchases. It's the same form Hunter Biden lied on when he illegally purchased a handgun in 2017. Until Biden and all the DemoKKKrats prosecute that crime, anything they say about guns is illegitimate and deserves no attention.
Why isn't Hunter Biden in jail?

Is it because he is the son of a Democrat piece of shit with power and he is above the law?


If you and I lied like that we would be facing federal charges.
Just grab your 5 ARs, get under that bed and keep those puppies clean. It'll make you feel better. I know I will feel better with you off the streets.

I don't own a gun but I refuse to give up my right to own one and use one in self defense. Just like I have never been arrested but refuse to give up my right to due process, and a trial by a jury of my peers.
lol self responsibility huh? You mean these former lawyers/judges don’t like the idea of self responsibility? I know you like the idea of most people being lazy government leeches, but it’s not something rooted in reality. MOST people have jobs and support themselves.

Most people LIKE YOU are leeches.

Just look at what happened in the Soros Prosecutor cities, they coddled criminals thinking they would all suddenly turn over a new leaf. Instead petty crime shot up, serious crime increased, and that dipshit Boudin got his ass recalled.
No we won't. You're just mad, bro.

My brothers neighbor is this liberal single woman with a kid. Then she married a black guy. A professor. Seemed nice but after several years she just threw him out because all he does is play video games all night when he gets home.

Her daughter was this absolutely adorable little girl. Now she's an ugly teen boy. WTF???

I can't help but think how all these liberal choices she made have come back to bite her in the ass. Being married to a lazy black guy and having a daughter who thinks she's a boy. I wonder is she's still as liberal as she once was.

And yet you suck SJW dick.....
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

Do you notice that if you take one step off the summit of a mountain that you're still at the top of the mountain?

The fall has to begin somewhere, and this is where it begins.
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…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

...shall not be infringed.

BTW, neither Soros nor Schwab care at all about how many of their Flying Monkeys get killed in the next US Civil War. In fact, they're hoping for a great culling of humanity.

My personal preference rather than, or at this point, perhaps along with a Civil War, is to declare the WEF a terrorist organization and send in the 101st Airborne to round them all up and have they face military tribunals
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

The 2nd amendment does not mean there can not be any firearm restrictions, but it DOES prevent ANY and ALL federal firearm laws.
The SCOTUS has been allowing these illegal laws, but clearly the 2nd amendment says the feds were to have ZERO firearm jurisdiction.
If you want firearms laws, they ALL have to be state or municipal.

But state and municipal government also may not make arbitrary laws and can only legally restrict anyone when necessary in order to defend the rights of others. But there is absolutely no way such as weak and short range rifle like the AR-15 could possibly ever infringe on the rights of anyone. It is about the weakest rifle sold, so anyone trying to ban the AR-15 would have to have first banned all more powerful rifles, and all pistols since they are what are almost exclusively used in crimes. The AR-15 has to be the very LAST firearm that logically and legally could be banned.
Hell, I can't even buy as many rocket launchers and explosives as I want -- not without going thru a bunch of limitations and regulations....

When are Conservatives going to get all these gun laws struck down as unconstitutional so I can achieve my life long dream of owning a javelin missile system....

Explosives, rockets, etc., are essentially unregulated in the US.
You do have to sign for them, but there is no background check or any difficulty buying them.
Lol how many more gun models are there than 206?

…in the context of a regulated militia.

You’re welcome for explaining that to you.

The word "regulated" mean "well functioning", such as a "well regulated clock".
It does not mean constrained by laws.
And the "militia" is every able bodied, adult, male.
Government is supposed to be beneath the militia, not above it.
The 2nd amendment does not mean there can not be any firearm restrictions, but it DOES prevent ANY and ALL federal firearm laws.
The SCOTUS has been allowing these illegal laws, but clearly the 2nd amendment says the feds were to have ZERO firearm jurisdiction.
If you want firearms laws, they ALL have to be state or municipal.

But state and municipal government also may not make arbitrary laws and can only legally restrict anyone when necessary in order to defend the rights of others. But there is absolutely no way such as weak and short range rifle like the AR-15 could possibly ever infringe on the rights of anyone. It is about the weakest rifle sold, so anyone trying to ban the AR-15 would have to have first banned all more powerful rifles, and all pistols since they are what are almost exclusively used in crimes. The AR-15 has to be the very LAST firearm that logically and legally could be banned.

Most of the amendments have been incorporated onto the State governments via the Supreme Court, so States can't do it either.

The States are given militias, the PEOPLE are given the arms.
Why would democrats remove guns for the hell of it? What would be the motivation for doing that?

Because all dictatorships require the general population to be totally unarmed.
Otherwise an armed rebellion would be ensured.

All foreign wars the US has been involved in were illegal, like Vietnam, Desert Storm, the invasion of Grenada, the invasion of Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
We already have an out of control dictatorship.
How much worse does it have to get?
Well that wouldn’t be for “the hell of it” if that were even remotely true.

Exactly, there is a purpose and it has nothing to do with saving lives, but that is a good excuse to try and fool the bleeding hearts who don't think things through.
It’s not a “.very, very slippery slope”. You just assume it is. You’re basing that off of nothing lol.

No, it is absolutely a slippery slope. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. That is evident in many policies throughout government that have morphed from their originally cited intent.
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

It's even sillier to ban the sale of a weapon based on cosmetics
…people’s homes to confiscate guns already owned? Even if we banned sales of AR-15’s, it doesn’t somehow mean it would involve taking them from existing gun owners. Republicans entertain this specific idea because it makes them feel manly and tough picturing some suit showing up and saying “give me your guns! I’m here to collect!” They would respond with “come take it mother fucker! Derp, derp, derp!”

The whole thing is a silly, childish fantasy but that’s how they think.

If we already make it illegal for kids to buy guns from businesses, why would it be unconstitutional to add further restrictions? The 2nd amendment clearly already has limitations and always has.

Dumbshit, banning AR-15's will do NOTHING.

People will just use shotguns instead. And then you'll have twice as much carnage.
but I thought the very nature of your existence was to fearmonger and panic over "LIBERALS" taking away your guns like Nazis tho....which has never been a policy

Pelosi & the House just asked legislation allowing a judge to take away your existing owned guns if he deems you to be 'dangerous'.

How likely is that to happen?

Well, gee...

This WH, corrupt US AG, and rogue, criminal FBI (that illegally spied on Americans and participated in Hillary's & Barry's fake Russian Collusion coup attempt) just worked together to designate parents as 'terrorists' ...

...and our dain bramaged President recently called a large portion - millions of Americans - of this country 'the biggest danger / threat to this country'..
You seem confused. Hunter broke the law and purchased an illegal handgun. You're here defending that crime, while calling for others to be prosecuted for it. Classic DemoKKKrat privileC

And yet you suck SJW dick.....
Well did you hear everything about the January insurrection yesterday? They laid out a pretty damning case against Trump. If anyone still wants Trump to be president then they must be just like Putin supporters or Hitler supporters. They do/did have supporters you know. And Trump supporters are just like them. They don't care. They don't appreciate the two party system. They'd rather their kind take over America.

I really can't believe Trump. But then again, he was just trying to pull off what Bush pulled off in 2000. Only Bush and the Supreme Court only had to steal 1 state, Florida. And in 2004 Ohio.

Bush and Co successfully rigged those two elections. Trump wasn't even close so he tried an all out coup. He tried to get the VP to go along, he wouldn't. Justice Department, said fuck off. Everyone around him except the worst scum resigned rather than go along with the steal.

And you want to talk about Hunter? Fuck off ok? Fucking traitors.

Bush started a riot too to stop the counting of votes. Trump was just trying to do what he did.

Bush fucked with Florida. Trump tried fucking with the US Federal Government. He should go to prison like Hitler did. Go write his Mine Comps.
Well did you hear everything about the January insurrection yesterday? They laid out a pretty damning case against Trump. If anyone still wants Trump to be president then they must be just like Putin supporters or Hitler supporters. They do/did have supporters you know. And Trump supporters are just like them. They don't care. They don't appreciate the two party system. They'd rather their kind take over America.

I really can't believe Trump. But then again, he was just trying to pull off what Bush pulled off in 2000. Only Bush and the Supreme Court only had to steal 1 state, Florida. And in 2004 Ohio.

Bush and Co successfully rigged those two elections. Trump wasn't even close so he tried an all out coup. He tried to get the VP to go along, he wouldn't. Justice Department, said fuck off. Everyone around him except the worst scum resigned rather than go along with the steal.

And you want to talk about Hunter? Fuck off ok? Fucking traitors.

Bush started a riot too to stop the counting of votes. Trump was just trying to do what he did.

Bush fucked with Florida. Trump tried fucking with the US Federal Government. He should go to prison like Hitler did. Go write his Mine Comps.

LOL going back to the Gore thing, how fucking pathetic.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.
LOL going back to the Gore thing, how fucking pathetic.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.
You'd love to change the subject to 2000

  • Former Attorney General William Barr told Trump that his claims of widespread election fraud were "bullshit."
You'd love to change the subject to 2000

  • Former Attorney General William Barr told Trump that his claims of widespread election fraud were "bullshit."

More crap from the same crap.

Sorry but something stunk about the 2020 election, and while so far there has been no smoking gun, plenty of people think like I think.

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