Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

Its a slippery slope, billy.

Remember back in the 1990's, when Slick Willy instituted a 10 year draconian style ban on certain firearms?

It did , BTW, fail completely to eliminate Violence in America, so it wasn't renewed.

But the point is that the ink wasn't even dry on the new law when Gun Control Freaks were pressing for even more wild gun control.

The libs negotiate in bad faith, they are unwilling to accept any freedom, and just take any acquiescence as a sign of weakness.

So, you are sure that no instances if violence were prevented by that arms limitation? I would be interested in your source on that.
If you are sure there are why don't you post some sources that say as such?

Should I prove to you, first, how many lives have been spared by denying private sales of hand grenades to the public?
Since no such proof exist sure, i'd like to hear some more arrogant lies.
Do you notice how gun nuts never talk about any limits to gun ownership?

I've Never Heard Anyone But Libs
Insinuate The Question Like That

We Could Talk About It For 53pgs
Never-Mind The Last 40yrs
And You'll Spin Around, Do It Again
Like You've Posed Some Kind Of New Point
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?

All one has to do is read the second amendment. It shouldn't be too hard as it's all of a single sentence. BTW it has nothing to do with guns but any sort of arms including tanks or fighter jets if you can afford them. Just don't be driving your tank on public roads and tearing them up.
Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.
Great Point - A symbolic gesture.

Similarly, does anyone remember what statistics proved was the highest 'DUI offense age group' when our politicians raised the drinking age to 21yo?

(I would actually be surprised if anyone did know...) I read several studies at the time that identified American males OLDER than 21 (in their 30s) made up the highest group found to have been responsible for DUIs.

About 7% of all persons confined in local jails on June 30, 1983, were charged with or convicted of DWI; nearly 13% of jail inmates had a current charge or prior conviction for DWI.
o Those in jail for DWI were 95% male, had a median age of 32

So why the hell did they target young adults aged 18-20?

Because our brain continues to develop until we are 25+ years of age. Being that is a fact, how can pouring poison into that brain be a good idea?

Alcohol and College Students:
  • Prevalence of Alcohol Use:
    • Prevalence of Drinking: According to the 2015 NSDUH, 58.0 percent of full-time college students ages 18–22 drank alcohol in the past month compared with 48.2 percent of other persons of the same age.21
    • Prevalence of Binge Drinking: According to the 2015 NSDUH, 37.9 percent of college students ages 18–22 reported binge drinking in the past month compared with 32.6 percent of other persons of the same age.21
    • Prevalence of Heavy Alcohol Use: According to the 2015 NSDUH, 12.5 percent of college students ages 18–22 reported heavy alcohol use in the past month compared with 8.5 percent of other persons of the same age.21
  • Consequences—Researchers estimate that each year:
    • 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes.22
    • 696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.23
    • 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.23
    • Roughly 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for AUD.24
    • About 1 in 4 college students report academic consequences from drinking, including missing class, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall.25
Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
There is no such thing as "Gun Violence". It is criminals committing crimes that sometimes use guns to fulfill that crime. The criminal is the issue not the tool.
Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.

How is a drastic increase in violent crime going to be a good thing for those kids? How is not being able to defend and protect those kids a good thing?
Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.

What is the liberal plan to ensure there safety of Seasoned Citizens such as myself? If a criminal pulls a gun on me, I'm a dead man if I'm not armed myself. As I get older, and presumably more decrepit- even a strong armed nogoodnik will be able to severely injure or kill me if I am not both armed as well as dangerous.

I don't have a personal bodyguard, and wouldn't want to spend on it.

Should the government be providing a lot more safety for us old timers?
There is no such thing as "Gun Violence". It is criminals committing crimes that sometimes use guns to fulfill that crime. The criminal is the issue not the tool.

Absolutely true. If you look back through history, you will find much violence even before firearms were even invented. The first murder, Cain whacking Abel, was done without any guns at all.
Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.

anybody who uses the words " ending gun violence" is a complete tool
just get off the thread now and go virtue signal on TWITer


why do you hate women ?

ANd in

why are you pro gun violence WAHHHHHHHH
gimmie your guns WAHHHHHHH

ever hear em say why are you pro gun violence ?

Should I prove to you, first, how many lives have been spared by denying private sales of hand grenades to the public?

Your desperation is duly noted. Hand grenades have never been part of the discussion. Please grow up and address the topic. If you cannot, please remain on the sideline.
Should I prove to you, first, how many lives have been spared by denying private sales of hand grenades to the public?

Your desperation is duly noted. Hand grenades have never been part of the discussion. Please grow up and address the topic. If you cannot, please remain on the sideline.
Why, Markle, I am addressing the topic quite directly. The topic is the post by PolishPrince that Clinton's limiting some firearm sales was a total failure. All I am doing is asking how he measures that it was a total failure. For example, are these 1,000 people who are dead that Clinton assumed would be alive with this limitation? If so, could we get their names? I can't be held responsible if you can't follow a simple conversation.
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Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.
--------------------------------- Candy talked about the NRA , GOA Gunstore , where is it located BBRo ??
Ending gun violence in this country is an issue of changing hearts and speaking to people's humanity. We can't give up that fight. Our kids' lives have to come before gun lobby greed.

What is the liberal plan to ensure there safety of Seasoned Citizens such as myself? If a criminal pulls a gun on me, I'm a dead man if I'm not armed myself. As I get older, and presumably more decrepit- even a strong armed nogoodnik will be able to severely injure or kill me if I am not both armed as well as dangerous.

I don't have a personal bodyguard, and wouldn't want to spend on it.

Should the government be providing a lot more safety for us old timers?
------------------------- to me the whole gun deal is that guns are independence and Freedom rather than 'government provided ' safety
Are they cool with the prospect of people open carrying fully automatic wherever they go? After all, it’s the second amendment! Why is this not a thing?! Surely at GOP conventions those tough republican politicians would feel safe with knowing any fucker carrying a weapon around them is allowed to. Republicans’ idea of limiting gun violence is more guns after all. More guns the better!

If they do draw the line at these scenarios, then don’t they see how ridiculous it is to say any from of gun control is unconstitutional? Who are republicans to arbitrarily decide what level of gun laws are acceptable but democrats can’t? Hell, even their St. Scalia said gun control measures were constitutional.

Do you notice how kids have freedom of speech? You may pretend they don’t because what they choose to say can be punished by an adult in charge, but adults can be punished for what they say as well by adults in charge. After all, you can lose your job if you find yourself catcalling that new hot intern everyday.

All that matters when it comes to the first amendment and kids is that they can’t be charged with a crime for their speech. Now all this being said, are toddlers being denied their bill of rights by not being able to carry a gun?
Dude the Second Amendment gives us the right to walk armed.

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