Do you Really believe Epstein committed suicide?

Yes, the moment he crossed the Clintons.

  • Yes, somehow a magic noose was invisible and the guards could not see it while he hung himself.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • No, Epstein was plainly murderedd.

    Votes: 45 78.9%
  • I dunno, what on the tube?

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.
MI6 ...Mossad...Deep State Clintons (and all that scum in the US).....

All of them have a motive to have killed him.

and they probably did.
Don’t forget trump was one of his best buddies for decades.

Trump gave ivanka to Epstein on her 15th birthday.

Trump already popped her at 14
Shitstain obama rented Sasha to Harvey Weinstein for an entire summer. He needs money for his presidential center.

Trump, however, was no friend of Epstein's.
MI6 ...Mossad...Deep State Clintons (and all that scum in the US).....

All of them have a motive to have killed him.

and they probably did.
Don’t forget trump was one of his best buddies for decades.

Trump gave ivanka to Epstein on her 15th birthday.

Trump already popped her at 14
Shitstain obama rented Sasha to Harvey Weinstein for an entire summer. He needs money for his presidential center.

Trump, however, was no friend of Epstein's.

Pictures are worth 1000 words



The caption on this one should be, "which one are you going to rape tonight? I'm going to rape that one"
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.
How badly does it matter if his ending was self written or not? If that man truly was the monster that he is said to be, shouldn't a party at Golden Corral be happening instead of a Q&A session?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Whoever did the deed will go before the Lord at some point anyway no matter who it is.
Will the lord be happy?
I highly doubt it.

God bless you always!!!

How badly does it matter if his ending was self written or not? If that man truly was the monster that he is said to be, shouldn't a party at Golden Corral be happening instead of a Q&A session?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Whoever did the deed will go before the Lord at some point anyway no matter who it is.
Will the lord be happy?
I highly doubt it.

God bless you always!!!


I don't think Jeff is in heaven right now. So why would god care about someone killing a monster like him? Do you think God was upset the day we dropped a bomb on Hitler? How about the soldier who killed Bin Ladin?

Please tell me how Jeffrey Epstein deserved more than Bin Ladin did. And where do you draw your line?
I don't.

the bastards had him killed, I am sure of it.

The timing is certainly suspect. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, but nothing would surprise me given the circumstances. There seems to be a wide spread belief among people all across the political spectrum that this guy was knocked off.
Clinton and Epstein were best of friends, they had/have the same interests and desires. End of story
How badly does it matter if his ending was self written or not? If that man truly was the monster that he is said to be, shouldn't a party at Golden Corral be happening instead of a Q&A session?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Whoever did the deed will go before the Lord at some point anyway no matter who it is.
Will the lord be happy?
I highly doubt it.

God bless you always!!!


I don't think Jeff is in heaven right now. So why would god care about someone killing a monster like him? Do you think God was upset the day we dropped a bomb on Hitler? How about the soldier who killed Bin Ladin?

Please tell me how Jeffrey Epstein deserved more than Bin Ladin did. And where do you draw your line?

That's not the problem. The problem is who he had information on, who shared the underage girls with him. Now there'll be no testimony from him about them. Once again, the rich and well connected have a problem removed.
Clinton and Epstein were best of friends, they had/have the same interests and desires. End of story

But if you listen to the usual suspects, his name is NEVER mentioned with Epstein. It's almost as if they don't want anyone to talk about the two of them.
Clinton and Epstein were best of friends, they had/have the same interests and desires. End of story

But if you listen to the usual suspects, his name is NEVER mentioned with Epstein. It's almost as if they don't want anyone to talk about the two of them.
There’s a reason why Clinton went to that islands at least 26 times, Clinton like little girls just like Jeffrey Epstein that is why they were best buds… No one’s going to keep slick Willy away from a place called Sex Island.
MI6 ...Mossad...Deep State Clintons (and all that scum in the US).....

All of them have a motive to have killed him.

and they probably did.
Don’t forget trump was one of his best buddies for decades.

Trump gave ivanka to Epstein on her 15th birthday.

Trump already popped her at 14
You truly are a sick and silly bo bo
Well the fact is that he’s dead and fact seekers want to know how and why. Liberals however are pursuing their “truth” about what Trump had to do with it.
Well the fact is that he’s dead and fact seekers want to know how and why. Liberals however are pursuing their “truth” about what Trump had to do with it.

And they'll make it all up if they have to.
MI6 ...Mossad...Deep State Clintons (and all that scum in the US).....

All of them have a motive to have killed him.

and they probably did.
Don’t forget trump was one of his best buddies for decades.

Trump gave ivanka to Epstein on her 15th birthday.

Trump already popped her at 14
You truly are a sick and silly bo bo

I would never think to say such things if Trump himself didn't call her a piece of ass and say if she wasn't his daughter he'd be fucking her.

Oh yea he said dating her but that was on tv. What do you think Trump does to women he dates? He fucks them. And he said he would be fucking his daughter if she wasn't his daughter.

You're sick for supporting Trump. Just as sick as we were for supporting Bill Clinton.
As much as I'd love to blame the Clintons for this one...….I'll error on the side of caution, that he did himself in.

But really, what does it matter? The scum-bucket is gone
You have a family member that was a victim at the hands of one of his buddies would you say it doesn't matter as long as Epstein is gone?

In this particular case, with who he was and who he has associated's a much bigger type of case and most likely any investigations are more media hype than actually trying to put any of the abusers behind bars for their offenses.

Do you really think Clintons, Prince Andrew, Governors, Senators and other high profiles will go to jail to serve time and/or register as sex offenders??? IDK, it might happen, but I really doubt it will.

It's already become the media's new source of jerking the publics chains with the 'Any day now' somebody will pay......but WILL they? I'll believe it when I see it happen instead of theorizing what happened to him. Ultimately the bastard is dead & can't hurt anyone anymore.

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