Do you Really believe Epstein committed suicide?

Yes, the moment he crossed the Clintons.

  • Yes, somehow a magic noose was invisible and the guards could not see it while he hung himself.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • No, Epstein was plainly murderedd.

    Votes: 45 78.9%
  • I dunno, what on the tube?

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
Epstein would have been a hero in jail. Most of those gangs deal in underage girls as sex slaves themselves one of the reasons Democrats hate the wall or any kind of interference with criminal illegal migrations, the other being dope smuggling; only idiots think otherwise. He would just be admired as an upper class pimp is all. If he raped and killed 4 year olds, maybe, but like all Democrats adults screwing 12 + year old girls and boys is perfectly fine with the vast majority of prison scum; after all they have the same morals and principles as Democrats.
Many of those inmates are dads. Child rapists often find themselves on the other end of the rape while in prison.
They would have gotten no more justice than this.

So you're glad the rest of Steins victims wont be able to bring their case to the courts.
Thats telling....
I'm glad a child rapist is dead. Get it right.
Oh please. Even Epstein wasn't a child rapist. At worst he was guilty of statutory rape.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
So you're glad the rest of Steins victims wont be able to bring their case to the courts.
Thats telling....
I'm glad a child rapist is dead. Get it right.
Oh please. Even Epstein wasn't a child rapist. At worst he was guilty of statutory rape.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
None of the girls was younger than 14. You should come to grips with reality. This is why democrats are bewildered so much of the time. Events don't go the way they are expected to go. Because democrats just cannot accept reality.
I'm glad a child rapist is dead. Get it right.
Oh please. Even Epstein wasn't a child rapist. At worst he was guilty of statutory rape.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
None of the girls was younger than 14. You should come to grips with reality. This is why democrats are bewildered so much of the time. Events don't go the way they are expected to go. Because democrats just cannot accept reality.

After that, Trump allegedly threatened to harm or kill Johnson and her family if she ever told anyone. Johnson said Trump told her he could make them “disappear” like Maria — a 12-year-old girl Johnson says Trump also forced her to have sexual contact with, and whom Johnson hadn’t seen since that encounter.

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
I guess now all the victims from perv island and elsewhere can come on out and put it all all out there

Yeah... Get it off their chests before they commit suicide...
Only the stupidest amongst them would have missed the message of Epstein’s death.
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Oh please. Even Epstein wasn't a child rapist. At worst he was guilty of statutory rape.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
None of the girls was younger than 14. You should come to grips with reality. This is why democrats are bewildered so much of the time. Events don't go the way they are expected to go. Because democrats just cannot accept reality.

After that, Trump allegedly threatened to harm or kill Johnson and her family if she ever told anyone. Johnson said Trump told her he could make them “disappear” like Maria — a 12-year-old girl Johnson says Trump also forced her to have sexual contact with, and whom Johnson hadn’t seen since that encounter.

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
Total fabrication. After trying to file this tripe several times the woman looked for an attorney. Not even Gloria Allred would touch this stinking pile. Finally a patent attorney in New Jersey took the case. After totally refusing to cooperate with Either the lawyer or the court the judge prohibited the filing of any more fake complaints and the case was dismissed.

Which is why you don't hear anything about this case now.

Talk about a dumbfuck! Believing this turkey gives you some sort of prize.
Until evidence is provided that proves otherwise I will accept the initial determination that it was suicide.

Let me tell you something, lemming:

I did two years in prison. I know how these assassinations work (high level cartel/organized crime do hits all the time in prison): There will never be any evidence of this murder.

Any one who has ever bore true witness to such a murder will never speak nor make any indication to the proper authorities that they ever did. Any CO that breaks this code will find himself "murdered by several inmates" whose families get money from the outside for the deed. Any inmate that breaks this code will "be murdered by several inmates for being a snitch."

No CO or inmate will ever dare speak of it even after they are retired/released, because the CO will somehow "be accused of past misconduct" and lose his pension/benefits/etc and the released inmate will be "arrested on a new high felony drug charge" (planted drugs) and then "commit suicide" as well.
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A man locked up in a cell by himself? Yeech. He committed suicide. He knew what he did and he knew the consequences that he was facing, so he took the one road out. This murder theory is ridiculous. Another cheap conspiracy theory.
"Do you Really believe Epstein committed suicide?"

Who cares how he died?
Yes, really. The guy deserved death. He would been killed in prison had he even been introduced to the general population. He got what he deserved, as far as I'm concerned.
I agree but it is very likely he was murdered to silence him, and protect some very wealthy pedos. I want justice. Don’t you?
It is not "very likely." No one knows and you have no evidence other than conspiratorial delusions.
Oh brother are you gullible.
Epstein would have been a hero in jail. Most of those gangs deal in underage girls as sex slaves themselves one of the reasons Democrats hate the wall or any kind of interference with criminal illegal migrations, the other being dope smuggling; only idiots think otherwise. He would just be admired as an upper class pimp is all. If he raped and killed 4 year olds, maybe, but like all Democrats adults screwing 12 + year old girls and boys is perfectly fine with the vast majority of prison scum; after all they have the same morals and principles as Democrats.
Many of those inmates are dads. Child rapists often find themselves on the other end of the rape while in prison.

Rubbish. If tht were the case, most of the gangbangers would be dead, including the biker gangs and the rest. You're just delusional with your prison rape fantasies, like most deviants.
Oh please. Even Epstein wasn't a child rapist. At worst he was guilty of statutory rape.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
None of the girls was younger than 14. You should come to grips with reality. This is why democrats are bewildered so much of the time. Events don't go the way they are expected to go. Because democrats just cannot accept reality.

After that, Trump allegedly threatened to harm or kill Johnson and her family if she ever told anyone. Johnson said Trump told her he could make them “disappear” like Maria — a 12-year-old girl Johnson says Trump also forced her to have sexual contact with, and whom Johnson hadn’t seen since that encounter.

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained

Some dumbfuck here is calling people 'dumbfucks'. Must be a Democrat who loves deviants trying to pretend it's against deviants and sickos. Let's see who it is ... why yes, it's Faun .... never mind.
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Either it was staggering corruption or it was staggering incompetence. I was a difficult time believing it was the latter considering the whole fucking country knew that Epstein was ripe for murder/suicide. Maybe nobody had to kill him. Maybe "they" just needed to give him the opportunity to kill himself - again.
If some liberal politician would get a law passed lowering the age of consent to 12 guys like Epstein could come and go as they please.
Raping under aged girls isn't rape?
Of course it's rape. It's called statutory rape where the girl is willing but underage. According to MOST of these girls, they were aged 14 to 17 and paid 300 per session. That's statutory rape. The most serious crimes of which he was accused was sex trafficking of minors. He was flying them here and there across state lines.
Some of them were as young as 12. If Epstein were still alive, I'm sure he'd appreciate your support.
None of the girls was younger than 14. You should come to grips with reality. This is why democrats are bewildered so much of the time. Events don't go the way they are expected to go. Because democrats just cannot accept reality.

After that, Trump allegedly threatened to harm or kill Johnson and her family if she ever told anyone. Johnson said Trump told her he could make them “disappear” like Maria — a 12-year-old girl Johnson says Trump also forced her to have sexual contact with, and whom Johnson hadn’t seen since that encounter.

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
Total fabrication. After trying to file this tripe several times the woman looked for an attorney. Not even Gloria Allred would touch this stinking pile. Finally a patent attorney in New Jersey took the case. After totally refusing to cooperate with Either the lawyer or the court the judge prohibited the filing of any more fake complaints and the case was dismissed.

Which is why you don't hear anything about this case now.

Talk about a dumbfuck! Believing this turkey gives you some sort of prize.

Even if that were the case, all they do now is put pedos in protective custody, which they can request; some state even have separate prisons for them. the majority of them don't get killed, and they get out to repeat their crimes, since the recidivism rate for pedos is something like 90%, and 40% of them are self-identifying homosexuals, so they get out to lots of community support.
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As much as I'd love to blame the Clintons for this one...….I'll error on the side of caution, that he did himself in.

But really, what does it matter? The scum-bucket is gone
You have a family member that was a victim at the hands of one of his buddies would you say it doesn't matter as long as Epstein is gone?

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