Do you Really believe Epstein committed suicide?

Yes, the moment he crossed the Clintons.

  • Yes, somehow a magic noose was invisible and the guards could not see it while he hung himself.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • No, Epstein was plainly murderedd.

    Votes: 45 78.9%
  • I dunno, what on the tube?

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I don't.

the bastards had him killed, I am sure of it.

I woulds think that the person(s) with the most to lose would be a suspect so, my money is on Trump being the person responsible for Epstein's 'suicide.'

Epstein had a lot of dirt on a lot of very important men (Trump). But he already used his get out of jail free card with Alex Acosta. There was no way Trump could get his buddy out of this one. He was going to go to jail for the rest of his life.

If the Clinton's did it, then they or someone representing them paid a guard $1 million dollars to take a half hour walk while Epstein did what he had to do.
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.

What a ridiculous argument. Do you know if the children on his island were paid? You obviously don't know the entire story if you are going to sit here and say this shit.

He bought a ranch that he was going to use to bring underage girls to impregnate as many as possible to help put more of his DNA into society... and what is your profession again? Didn't you say you are in the law field?
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.

All your posts that I've read have practically defended his actions (or at least minimized them) and blamed the victims. Absolutely disgusting.
Ok now that I know a few more facts let me make this pretty easy to follow:

#1. The jail is extremely under-staffed due at first to the federal hiring freeze Trump put in place, and then later by AG Sessions after Trump lifted his. Then after so long, they actually just cut some of the jobs that were not filled. This caused some officers to be working DOUBLE mandatory overtime shifts four times per week. Many of these officers lived in New York where because of traffic it would take an hour and a half to 2 hours EACH WAY to travel from home to work and back. That means of the 7 hours they had between shifts, 3 to 4 hours of that was spent in traffic. So they had a total of 3 to 4 hours to sleep, eat, and do all the other things people normally do.

#2. With the knowledge from #1, that gives quite a good explanation why Epstein wasn't still on suicide watch, on top of the fact that procedures say a person can only be on suicide watch for so long do to the fact that after a period of time it violates the inmates 8th Amendment Rights against Cruel and Unusual Punishment. If the jail is already understaffed, it would make it even tougher for them to put an officer on suicide watch duty, where they sit in front of Epstein's cell door writing down documentation every 15 minutes.

#3. With the jail already under-staffed and overworked, it makes it a lot easier to understand why the staff working 3rd shift were not properly making their 30-40 minute cell check rounds. Yes, they were derelict in doing their job, but that is what happens when they are getting a total o about 2-3 hours of sleep 4 days in a row. Not only are they extremely tired, they are quite frustrated that the jail isn't hiring more officers.

#4. Epstein was in a cell by himself because he is charged with child sex crimes, which is a very common procedure. He'd already been attacked within his first week in jail. Those convicted are moved to protective custody in most correctional facilities because their life is in danger. Ask any veteran correctional officer and they will tell you that even the very worst of the worst convicts (Yes there is a difference between inmate and convict) think convicted inmates of child sex crimes are scumbags that need to die for what they did. Epstein's cellmate that was moved out was facing 4 murder charges.

So there are common sense reasons for all the things that people believe point to conspiracy...
Last edited:
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.
Not all of Epstein's victims were paid and returned.

Just because some were doesn't mean it always happened.

How do you know this anyways? Have you been to rape island?

And doesn't this sound just like a Trump buddy? Paying off women to keep quiet?

Any woman who votes for Trump is insane.

I bet if you asked Trump about the people who visited rape island he'd say there were nice people on both sides. Some of the rapists were nice and some of the victims were nice too. They didn't even mind having Don on top of them.

Ok now that I know a few more facts let me make this pretty easy to follow:

#1. The jail is extremely under-staffed due at first to the federal hiring freeze Trump put in place, and then later by AG Sessions after Trump lifted his. Then after so long, they actually just cut some of the jobs that were not filled. This caused some officers to be working DOUBLE mandatory overtime shifts four times per week. Many of these officers lived in New York where because of traffic it would take an hour and a half to 2 hours EACH WAY to travel from home to work and back. That means of the 7 hours they had between shifts, 3 to 4 hours of that was spent in traffic. So they had a total of 3 to 4 hours to sleep, eat, and do all the other things people normally do.

#2. With the knowledge from #1, that gives quite a good explanation why Epstein wasn't still on suicide watch, on top of the fact that procedures say a person can only be on suicide watch for so long do to the fact that after a period of time it violates the inmates 8th Amendment Rights against Cruel and Unusual Punishment. If the jail is already understaffed, it would make it even tougher for them to put an officer on suicide watch duty, where they sit in front of Epstein's cell door writing down documentation every 15 minutes.

#3. With the jail already under-staffed and overworked, it makes it a lot easier to understand why the staff working 3rd shift were not properly making their 30-40 minute cell check rounds. Yes, they were derelict in doing their job, but that is what happens when they are getting a total o about 2-3 hours of sleep 4 days in a row. Not only are they extremely tired, they are quite frustrated that the jail isn't hiring more officers.

#4. Epstein was in a cell by himself because he is charged with child sex crimes, which is a very common procedure. He'd already been attacked within his first week in jail. Those convicted are moved to protective custody in most correctional facilities because their life is in danger. Ask any veteran correctional officer and they will tell you that even the very worst of the worst convicts (Yes there is a difference between inmate and convict) think convicted inmates of child sex crimes are scumbags that need to die for what they did. Epstein's cellmate that was moved out was facing 4 murder charges.

So there are common sense reasons for all the things that people believe point to conspiracy...

This guy was too valuable. The testimony would have been amazing.
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.
Not all of Epstein's victims were paid and returned.

Just because some were doesn't mean it always happened.

How do you know this anyways? Have you been to rape island?

And doesn't this sound just like a Trump buddy? Paying off women to keep quiet?

Any woman who votes for Trump is insane.

I bet if you asked Trump about the people who visited rape island he'd say there were nice people on both sides. Some of the rapists were nice and some of the victims were nice too. They didn't even mind having Don on top of them.

If not for his money, trump couldn't even get Rosie O'Donnell in bed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.

Attorney General William Barr says the Justice Department has already found “serious irregularities” at the federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein took his own life over the weekend.

Barr said Monday he was angry to learn that staffers at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York had “failed to adequately secure this prisoner.”

Barr did not provide specific details but said investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department inspectors general are continuing.

All you know is what lame excuses people are giving for how something like this could happen. I'll be honest, I was happy to hear he killed himself but now I'm pissed because he had a lot of information he could have ruined a lot of powerful evil corrupt men who you Republicans worship. Captains of industries. CEO's. Politicians. Billionaires. Bankers.

He was too valuable of a witness to let him kill himself. It would have been ok after the trial but not before.
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.

Attorney General William Barr says the Justice Department has already found “serious irregularities” at the federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein took his own life over the weekend.

Barr said Monday he was angry to learn that staffers at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York had “failed to adequately secure this prisoner.”

Barr did not provide specific details but said investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department inspectors general are continuing.

All you know is what lame excuses people are giving for how something like this could happen. I'll be honest, I was happy to hear he killed himself but now I'm pissed because he had a lot of information he could have ruined a lot of powerful evil corrupt men who you Republicans worship. Captains of industries. CEO's. Politicians. Billionaires. Bankers.

He was too valuable of a witness to let him kill himself. It would have been ok after the trial but not before.

Of course Barr will say that... if he didn't people would be freaking out.

What I shared are NOT lame excuses. You should be more pissed off at the Trump group for letting conditions get to this point.

Is it lame that the officers watching Epstein were working 72 hour weeks where for 4 days they were getting 2-3 hours a day sleep?

Is it lame that the jail as NOT violating Epstein's 8th Amendment rights?

Just because YOU think he had a lot of important information, doesn't mean he gave two shits what you thought when he was sitting in jail knowing he was more than likely going to be killed by some convict in his near future, probably after he was gang raped and tortured first. Is that an ending he probably deserved? Maybe, but that isn't how the criminal justice system works in the United States. EVERYONE has rights, and those locked up in prison or jail are no different.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.

And consider this. It isn't us liberals who are doubting the conspiracy. It seems like no one in America is buying that this guy killed himself without help.

Rudy Giuliani Tries To Tamp Down Epstein Conspiracy Theories After Trump Spread One
The president’s attorney is asking the public to withhold judgment on the accused sex trafficker’s death.

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is urging the public to stop spreading conspiracy theories about the death of financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — two days after Trump helped promote one.

“The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying,” Giuliani tweeted Monday. “The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding [judgment] is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.”

Rudy Giuliani

The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying. The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding judgement is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.

8:18 AM - Aug 12, 2019

Giuliani’s latest statement was more measured than a tweet he posted on Saturday. “It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch,” he tweeted, urging people to “Follow the motives.”

Rudy Giuliani


What does the word watch mean in the phrase suicide
Watch? Who was watching? What does camera show? It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch? Follow the motives.

2:27 PM - Aug 10, 2019 · Manhattan, NY

Though Trump has yet to comment on the death in his own words, he retweeted a post from comedian and conservative commentator Terrence Williams, who wrote, “we know who did this!”

“Jeffrey Epstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead,” Williams claimed, hashtagging his remarks ”#ClintonBodyCount,” a reference to a conspiracy theory falsely accusing the Clintons of murdering their political enemies. The claim was first debunked by a Snopes fact check in 1998, but has continued to circulate for years.
If you were him and knew how child molesters are treated in prison, you'd do it too. Every day in prison for the rest of his life he would be walking on egg shells just waiting to be killed.
He didn’t care when the women he raped cried and begged. I wish he would have gotten raped every week for five years then killed himself
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

Wow you are attacking the underage victims. There is a reason why we don't let people under the age of 18 make major life choices on their own.
Right. That's why sexually exploiting minors is a crime. It is called statutory rape. This doesn't change the fact that the girls were paid and returned more than once. They didn't cry and if they begged it was for more money.

What a ridiculous argument. Do you know if the children on his island were paid? You obviously don't know the entire story if you are going to sit here and say this shit.

He bought a ranch that he was going to use to bring underage girls to impregnate as many as possible to help put more of his DNA into society... and what is your profession again? Didn't you say you are in the law field?
The girls that have come forward said they were paid $300.00 each time they performed. Were they lying? If the girls were under age that's a crime. It's statutory rape. Epstein paid the girls mostly for massages and hand jobs. He provided to friends girls for intercourse. Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson and Alan Dershowitz are named more than once. Did Epstein ever have sex with any of these girls?

Where are all Epstein's children? Surely a man who wanted to impregnate girls and was as prolific a fucker as he was would have at least a few children running around. Was he sterile? Did he have a vasectomy? Is the DNA story a crock? Is he unable to have normal sex?

He bought the ranch in New Mexico because New Mexico does not have a sex offender registry.

Ask the right questions. His pimp should be put over an open fire and grilled.
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.

And consider this. It isn't us liberals who are doubting the conspiracy. It seems like no one in America is buying that this guy killed himself without help.

Rudy Giuliani Tries To Tamp Down Epstein Conspiracy Theories After Trump Spread One
The president’s attorney is asking the public to withhold judgment on the accused sex trafficker’s death.

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is urging the public to stop spreading conspiracy theories about the death of financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — two days after Trump helped promote one.

“The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying,” Giuliani tweeted Monday. “The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding [judgment] is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.”

Rudy Giuliani

The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying. The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding judgement is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.

8:18 AM - Aug 12, 2019

Giuliani’s latest statement was more measured than a tweet he posted on Saturday. “It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch,” he tweeted, urging people to “Follow the motives.”

Rudy Giuliani


What does the word watch mean in the phrase suicide
Watch? Who was watching? What does camera show? It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch? Follow the motives.

2:27 PM - Aug 10, 2019 · Manhattan, NY

Though Trump has yet to comment on the death in his own words, he retweeted a post from comedian and conservative commentator Terrence Williams, who wrote, “we know who did this!”

“Jeffrey Epstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead,” Williams claimed, hashtagging his remarks ”#ClintonBodyCount,” a reference to a conspiracy theory falsely accusing the Clintons of murdering their political enemies. The claim was first debunked by a Snopes fact check in 1998, but has continued to circulate for years.
Snopes has been in the Clinton camp for years.
They are saying there's Bill Clinton.Lets get him laid before he screws Chelsea.
MI6 ...Mossad...Deep State Clintons (and all that scum in the US).....

All of them have a motive to have killed him.

and they probably did.
Don’t forget trump was one of his best buddies for decades.

Trump gave ivanka to Epstein on her 15th birthday.

Trump already popped her at 14
Shitstain obama rented Sasha to Harvey Weinstein for an entire summer. He needs money for his presidential center.

Trump, however, was no friend of Epstein's.

Pictures are worth 1000 words



The caption on this one should be, "which one are you going to rape tonight? I'm going to rape that one"
They are saying "there's Bill Clinton.Lets get him laid before he screws Chelsea"
The women he raped pocketed the money and asked when they could come back.

This is the greatest conspiracy ever. No one believes the guy hung himself and it was just prison guard incompetency. No one. But there are so many things I would accept.

a. He paid the guards a million dollars each to let him kill himself
b. Someone other than Trump and Clinton paid to silence him.
c. Trump's behind it
d. The Clinton's are behind it

This guy had dirt on the illuminati. The most rich and powerful people on the planet.

Look at how a child rapist was treated so good and put under house arrest after he was found guilty. And the guy who oversaw it ends up in Trump's cabinet? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is going down as another Kennedy assassination type incident where we will never know now. And that's exactly what they wanted.

He can't pay the guards that... because all the guards on duty are going to be investigated, and Cohen's accounts are all controlled by the federal government through forfeiture laws because they have human trafficking charges on him and have no idea what money and properties he got from that, ... of which Trump had AG Sessions make more wide ranging.

Trust me, the man had liquid money everywhere. Even friends of friends have briefcases with his name on it. They were his if he ever came for them. Or half was his. But if he died you get to keep it all.

Or someone was threatened?

Who knows. I'll never believe the official explanation. This guy was too valuable as far as a witness with information on too many rich and powerful people.

You people will never understand who is ruining this country. You worship them too much to blame them for being rich evil bastards.

Well there are some that when something happens would rather believe in conspiracy theories, and then there are others who have knowledge of how things work that know it is nothing more than what actually happened.

And consider this. It isn't us liberals who are doubting the conspiracy. It seems like no one in America is buying that this guy killed himself without help.

Rudy Giuliani Tries To Tamp Down Epstein Conspiracy Theories After Trump Spread One
The president’s attorney is asking the public to withhold judgment on the accused sex trafficker’s death.

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani is urging the public to stop spreading conspiracy theories about the death of financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — two days after Trump helped promote one.

“The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying,” Giuliani tweeted Monday. “The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding [judgment] is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.”

Rudy Giuliani

The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying. The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding judgement is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.

8:18 AM - Aug 12, 2019

Giuliani’s latest statement was more measured than a tweet he posted on Saturday. “It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch,” he tweeted, urging people to “Follow the motives.”

Rudy Giuliani


What does the word watch mean in the phrase suicide
Watch? Who was watching? What does camera show? It is inconceivable Epstein could have hung himself if there was a suicide Watch? Follow the motives.

2:27 PM - Aug 10, 2019 · Manhattan, NY

Though Trump has yet to comment on the death in his own words, he retweeted a post from comedian and conservative commentator Terrence Williams, who wrote, “we know who did this!”

“Jeffrey Epstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead,” Williams claimed, hashtagging his remarks ”#ClintonBodyCount,” a reference to a conspiracy theory falsely accusing the Clintons of murdering their political enemies. The claim was first debunked by a Snopes fact check in 1998, but has continued to circulate for years.

Yeah... of course they are. Trump and his rodents are trying to blame it on the Clintons because that is much better than admitting he killed himself in a federal jail run by Trump's government. That's not difficult to figure out.

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