Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
Costco has 160,292 employees nationally and worldwide.
Walmart has 1.4 million employees.

Comparing Costco to Walmart is like comparing Rhode Island to Texas.

Indeed. Thus I compared it to Sam's Club, Costco's chief rival, and vice versa. And Costco outsells Sam's Club by about 2-to-1.

I doubt Costco is earning twice the proft of Sams Club but if they are, it is because they are making a profit while Sams sales have been flat lately. And BJs is outperforming both.

Even after closing a number of its stores, Sams still operates about 600 stores nationwide. Costco has about 400 and BJs, still an east coast player, has 200.

And it isn't an apple to apples comparison either as each chain has a different approach and its a matter of preference what anybody might prefer if they have a choice. In most places you find a Costco OR a Sams Club OR a BJs and don't usually have easy access to all three. We haven't belong to a Sams Club in years and we dropped our Costco membership this year because the prices aren't enough better than Walmart or Albertsons, both which are very near our home and don't charge a membership fee, and we just didn't think it worth it to pay the fee and drive across town to a Costco or Sams Club. If we had a large family still at hone or otherwise bought large quantities of groceries and stuff, we might rethink that.

Also Costco doesn't have its own super centers competing with its membership club.

Then go look, if it's of interest to you.
Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

Here's what the Wall Street analysts are whining about:

Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.

Since we're buddies and all, maybe I can help:

You're a moron. No shit. It doesn't seem like you are, to you, since well, you'd have to not a be a moron to see that you are a moron. Bit of a paradox, in your case.

So just take my word for it. Seriously. You're an idiot, probably bordering on drooling idiot.

And I'm a fool, for debating an idiot. But at least I'm aware of my foolishness, and can fix it.

Haste la bye-bye, Amigo.

First of all you spelled hasta wrong, and bye-bye in the middle of a sentence is not proper Spanish.

Secondly, you didn't really back anything up when calling me an idiot. The main hate for walmart came from that documentary like 5 years ago talking about how its corporate evilness kills ma and pa shops. Now it has been shifted to they treat their employees like shit. Which is a weird statement since those employees could shift to other growing competition like target and costco that would be happy to take them, I guess walmart somehow forces their employees to stay there? Anyway, this hate comes from the fact that that they are not on the side of the haters political spectrum. Kind of hard to deny this, because that is human nature from a very, very young age (I am talking before the first year of life you can witness these actions in an infant). Humans tend to like those who fit in our group, and make an enemy of those who do not. This is also why politics is such a divisive topic. Look at what happened with Chic-fil-a earlier this year. The owner gave money to a christian organization that doesn't like the idea of gay marriage, they've been giving money to this organization (that does a lot more than just oppose gay marriage), but now all of a sudden Chic-fil-a is somehow full of hate, and has nothing but hate for homosexuals. Weird because they serve and hire everyone, but still poor on the hate somehow because the owner donates to an organization that he happens to like. Is this because they really do indeed hate the gays, or more because they are on the opposite side of the political spectrum?

Thirdly, would a drooling idiot get a 47" LG smart tv for 300 dollars? Sounds like a pretty savvy shopper to me.
For the most part employers pay at a level where a balance between the value of the work performed is matched with the skill level and experience of the employee. In other words, appropriate.
A business that pays more than the value of the work or a high percentage of labor vs productivity is destined to find itself in financial difficulty or possibly out of business.

I don't know where liberals got the idea that employees of a company have to be able to afford to purchase that company's products, like that's some sort of gold-standard, written gospel. How many of the people who work at shipyards can actually afford a yacht? How many of Tiffany's employees actually shop there? Do you suppose the people at high-end department stores would shop there if they didn't have an employee discount?

From Henry Ford, I believe. Also, FDR, who rightly said that any business that does not pay a living wage has no right to exist in our society.

And it seems they were right, having raised wages for manufacturing workers, simply to give them more money. Same work, same value (whatever the fuck that is) just more money for doing the same thing ... and whataya know? Glory Days!!!!

Maybe we need a Glory Days redux, now that more of our people are moving into service jobs: Up the minimum wage by 80%, as we did in 1950, which cut unemployment in half in the 24 months following. Back up workers who wish to organize, and not have Labor (the department) sucking business lobby dick. Require overtime and weekend pay. Just to name a few things we can do to improve the American middle class, since neither businesses nor the wealthy seem to be doing that for us, despite 30 years of Righty claims they would.

Oh, yeah, it was fucking GLORIOUS when American manufacturing became almost entirely outsourced because of those "raised wages JUST to give them more money", as if it was any of FDR's fucking business what private companies paid.

If you want to have a "Glory Days Redux", you're first going to have to attract some manufacturing BACK here . . . so that you can repeat the process of driving it overseas.

What IS it with you retards that you keep trumpeting the wonders of what you did in the manufacturing sector, as though you can't SEE the manufacturing sector? That's like an abusive mother pointing to her bruised and broken kid and bragging about how well-behaved she taught him to be.
We had plenty of toilet paper before WalMart came along. We had plenty of local stores to purchase in that paid living wages also. People still shopped for the best bargains but the lowest prices did not mean sending all of the money circulating in our communities to China and one family in Tennessee or wherever the fuck the Waltons live.

so we'll pass a law such that all car companies and retail stores must be tiny so we'll have lots and lots of them!! It makes perfect sense, ........if you are a brain dead liberal.

You can pass any law you want. I would have no problem with the government working on behalf of the middle class by promoting buying American made products from local suppliers.

Walmart isn't breaking the law. Walmart, the Waltons and the Chinese need no help from the U S government to stay in business. The middle class of America is on the ropes and needs all the help we can legally direct towards them.
The middle class of America is on the ropes and needs all the help we can legally direct towards them.

Yes, and we'll help them out by making big stores and big car companies illegal so that we'll have many many stores and car companies and prices will be 5 times higher than they are already!!

It makes perfect sense,....if you are a brain dead liberal!
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

We had plenty of toilet paper before WalMart came along. We had plenty of local stores to purchase in that paid living wages also. People still shopped for the best bargains but the lowest prices did not mean sending all of the money circulating in our communities to China and one family in Tennessee or wherever the fuck the Waltons live.

And our state is dotted with the boarded up remnants of small communities that didn't get a Walmart but simply couldn't sustain the Mom and Pop businesses either. And as the Mom and Pop businesses close down, everybody who has to work moves away. Sometimes that happens in communtiies that do get a Walmart too, but more often the Walmart provides enough jobs to keep the community viable and provides an anchor for small specialty stores that offer products or services that Walmart doesn't.

Nostalgia is wonderful for leisurely discussions over a beer or ice tea, but the world is changing. The buying public says they mourn the passing of the mom and pop stores, but they have made it clear that given a choice, most prefer the big box stores. Thus in a city like mine, the stores in the malls and shopping centers have learned to adapt to the big box stores again by offering specialty products and services the big box stores don't provide.

And I imagine in another 50 to 100 years, delivery of products and services will be entirely different than they are now. And people then will be mourning the good old days when they could make fun of the funny looking people shpping at Walmart.
Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.

Since we're buddies and all, maybe I can help:

You're a moron. No shit. It doesn't seem like you are, to you, since well, you'd have to not a be a moron to see that you are a moron. Bit of a paradox, in your case.

So just take my word for it. Seriously. You're an idiot, probably bordering on drooling idiot.

And I'm a fool, for debating an idiot. But at least I'm aware of my foolishness, and can fix it.

Haste la bye-bye, Amigo.

First of all you spelled hasta wrong, and bye-bye in the middle of a sentence is not proper Spanish.

Secondly, you didn't really back anything up when calling me an idiot. The main hate for walmart came from that documentary like 5 years ago talking about how its corporate evilness kills ma and pa shops. Now it has been shifted to they treat their employees like shit. Which is a weird statement since those employees could shift to other growing competition like target and costco that would be happy to take them, I guess walmart somehow forces their employees to stay there? Anyway, this hate comes from the fact that that they are not on the side of the haters political spectrum. Kind of hard to deny this, because that is human nature from a very, very young age (I am talking before the first year of life you can witness these actions in an infant). Humans tend to like those who fit in our group, and make an enemy of those who do not. This is also why politics is such a divisive topic. Look at what happened with Chic-fil-a earlier this year. The owner gave money to a christian organization that doesn't like the idea of gay marriage, they've been giving money to this organization (that does a lot more than just oppose gay marriage), but now all of a sudden Chic-fil-a is somehow full of hate, and has nothing but hate for homosexuals. Weird because they serve and hire everyone, but still poor on the hate somehow because the owner donates to an organization that he happens to like. Is this because they really do indeed hate the gays, or more because they are on the opposite side of the political spectrum?

Thirdly, would a drooling idiot get a 47" LG smart tv for 300 dollars? Sounds like a pretty savvy shopper to me.

I'll get over it, since butchering Spanish while in Spain or Mexico is the price I'll pay from now until death for speaking some Portuguese (Brasileiro). :) I can't help but segue into it when struggling with Spanish, and the looks I get are pretty hilarious.

As for the second part, of course I didn't. That was all your doing.

Lastly, while I understand the Walmart-hate, I do not subscribe to it. They're playing by our rules, so how can I fault them? Thus I advocate the rules be changed.
Thus I advocate the rules be changed.

Great idea!!! so we'll pass a law such that all car companies and retail stores must be tiny so we'll have lots and lots of them!! It makes perfect sense, ........if you are a brain dead liberal.
I don't know where liberals got the idea that employees of a company have to be able to afford to purchase that company's products, like that's some sort of gold-standard, written gospel. How many of the people who work at shipyards can actually afford a yacht? How many of Tiffany's employees actually shop there? Do you suppose the people at high-end department stores would shop there if they didn't have an employee discount?

From Henry Ford, I believe. Also, FDR, who rightly said that any business that does not pay a living wage has no right to exist in our society.

And it seems they were right, having raised wages for manufacturing workers, simply to give them more money. Same work, same value (whatever the fuck that is) just more money for doing the same thing ... and whataya know? Glory Days!!!!

Maybe we need a Glory Days redux, now that more of our people are moving into service jobs: Up the minimum wage by 80%, as we did in 1950, which cut unemployment in half in the 24 months following. Back up workers who wish to organize, and not have Labor (the department) sucking business lobby dick. Require overtime and weekend pay. Just to name a few things we can do to improve the American middle class, since neither businesses nor the wealthy seem to be doing that for us, despite 30 years of Righty claims they would.

Oh, yeah, it was fucking GLORIOUS when American manufacturing became almost entirely outsourced because of those "raised wages JUST to give them more money", as if it was any of FDR's fucking business what private companies paid.

If you want to have a "Glory Days Redux", you're first going to have to attract some manufacturing BACK here . . . so that you can repeat the process of driving it overseas.

What IS it with you retards that you keep trumpeting the wonders of what you did in the manufacturing sector, as though you can't SEE the manufacturing sector? That's like an abusive mother pointing to her bruised and broken kid and bragging about how well-behaved she taught him to be.

Why? What's so magical about it? (tip: not a lot)

With off-shore manufacture, some of your buck goes off shore; round about 5 to 7 cents. The rest of the value-chain is right here: transport and retail. Perhaps you'll note all the billionaires, here, who own Walmart, Costco, Amazon, Kroger, Home Depot, etc. Thus the problem of solving a low-paid workforce is as easy today as when we solved it for low-paid factory workers (pay them more; easy)

And something else happens: the Chinese no longer have cheap US labor helping bring their products to market in the US. Maybe US based manufacturing of some products can return, where a couple pennies on the dollar, along with no cross planet shipping, make them competitive, and thus the "Made in USA" lable has a lower cost differential at the point-of-sale.
Thus I advocate the rules be changed.

Great idea!!! so we'll pass a law such that all car companies and retail stores must be tiny so we'll have lots and lots of them!! It makes perfect sense, ........if you are a brain dead liberal.

Then revive my brain. Explain the economic dynamic to which you allude. Prove me the idiot.

Have a fucking ball. Hahahahahaha
Also, FDR, who rightly said that any business that does not pay a living wage has no right to exist in our society.

FDR is great to quote on economics since he kept Great Depression going for 10 years!!

In fact, all Republican capitalist businesses must pay the highest possible wage or lose their best workers to those who will. This is why Americans are the richest in human history.

Now even you can understand the basics of capitalism.

What, since you're schooling me, did FDR do that caused the GD to go 10 years longer than Hoover policies would have otherwise caused it to last?

I'm all fucking ears, and giddy in anticipation of being schooled.

So thanks in advance.

You're REALLY this out-of-touch? Economists have known this for a while, although I'll admit it took the really dedicated LIBERAL economists a while to get on board.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom

Using data collected in 1929 by the Conference Board and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cole and Ohanian were able to establish average wages and prices across a range of industries just prior to the Depression. By adjusting for annual increases in productivity, they were able to use the 1929 benchmark to figure out what prices and wages would have been during every year of the Depression had Roosevelt's policies not gone into effect. They then compared those figures with actual prices and wages as reflected in the Conference Board data.

In the three years following the implementation of Roosevelt's policies, wages in 11 key industries averaged 25 percent higher than they otherwise would have done, the economists calculate. But unemployment was also 25 percent higher than it should have been, given gains in productivity.

Meanwhile, prices across 19 industries averaged 23 percent above where they should have been, given the state of the economy. With goods and services that much harder for consumers to afford, demand stalled and the gross national product floundered at 27 percent below where it otherwise might have been.

"High wages and high prices in an economic slump run contrary to everything we know about market forces in economic downturns," Ohanian said. "As we've seen in the past several years, salaries and prices fall when unemployment is high. By artificially inflating both, the New Deal policies short-circuited the market's self-correcting forces."

Why don't you go tell UCLA's Department of Economics what a bunch of wrongheaded conservatives they are, and how you know better?

My favorite part of the entire article:

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

FDR is great to quote on economics since he kept Great Depression going for 10 years!!

In fact, all Republican capitalist businesses must pay the highest possible wage or lose their best workers to those who will. This is why Americans are the richest in human history.

Now even you can understand the basics of capitalism.

What, since you're schooling me, did FDR do that caused the GD to go 10 years longer than Hoover policies would have otherwise caused it to last?

I'm all fucking ears, and giddy in anticipation of being schooled.

So thanks in advance.

You're REALLY this out-of-touch? Economists have known this for a while, although I'll admit it took the really dedicated LIBERAL economists a while to get on board.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate / UCLA Newsroom

Using data collected in 1929 by the Conference Board and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cole and Ohanian were able to establish average wages and prices across a range of industries just prior to the Depression. By adjusting for annual increases in productivity, they were able to use the 1929 benchmark to figure out what prices and wages would have been during every year of the Depression had Roosevelt's policies not gone into effect. They then compared those figures with actual prices and wages as reflected in the Conference Board data.

In the three years following the implementation of Roosevelt's policies, wages in 11 key industries averaged 25 percent higher than they otherwise would have done, the economists calculate. But unemployment was also 25 percent higher than it should have been, given gains in productivity.

Meanwhile, prices across 19 industries averaged 23 percent above where they should have been, given the state of the economy. With goods and services that much harder for consumers to afford, demand stalled and the gross national product floundered at 27 percent below where it otherwise might have been.

"High wages and high prices in an economic slump run contrary to everything we know about market forces in economic downturns," Ohanian said. "As we've seen in the past several years, salaries and prices fall when unemployment is high. By artificially inflating both, the New Deal policies short-circuited the market's self-correcting forces."

Why don't you go tell UCLA's Department of Economics what a bunch of wrongheaded conservatives they are, and how you know better?

My favorite part of the entire article:

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."


My oh my, how easily ya'll drink up the koolaid, brewed by a coupla rightie-economists, with some funding from the anti-tax misinformation crowd.

And all it takes to prove the thesis? Recast history! Bingo. WSJ and other Murdock media will run with it like rabbits from a pack of coyotes. And with enough rightie idiots buying in, it may even go viral.

Hahahahahahahahaha. Ahh, morons. Goddamnit they're entertaining.

(The right-wing New Deal conniption fit -
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My oh my, how easily ya'll drink up the koolaid, brewed by a coupla rightie-economists,

dear, if you say FDR did not prolong the Depression with liberal policies for 10 years you must say why or admit as a liberal you lack the education, IQ, and character to do so.

You seems to want to comment on economics but have no substance whatsoever. Do you think you are fooling anyone or proving that liberalism is based on ignorance???
Explain the economic dynamic to which you allude. Prove me the idiot.

dear, you are an economic idiot at least, since you have never been able to contribute they tiniest amount of substance here. Liberals hate Walmart so in effect want to break it up and in theory want to break up all big efficient enterprises for the same reason and replace them with millions of tiny inefficient enterprises.

THe result would be diminished economies of scale, super high prices , and instant poverty for Americans.
Explain the economic dynamic to which you allude. Prove me the idiot.

dear, you are an economic idiot at least, since you have never been able to contribute they tiniest amount of substance here. Liberals hate Walmart so in effect want to break it up and in theory want to break up all big efficient enterprises for the same reason and replace them with millions of tiny inefficient enterprises.

THe result would be diminished economies of scale, super high prices , and instant poverty for Americans.

No argument.

Now then, what substance have you in support of your thesis?
But the society can only sustain itself if the wages you pay enable a person to live and consume at a base level: clothing, food, toaster, etc. Certainly your business depends on wage earners who make decent livings.
For the most part employers pay at a level where a balance between the value of the work performed is matched with the skill level and experience of the employee. In other words, appropriate.
A business that pays more than the value of the work or a high percentage of labor vs productivity is destined to find itself in financial difficulty or possibly out of business.

I don't know where liberals got the idea that employees of a company have to be able to afford to purchase that company's products, like that's some sort of gold-standard, written gospel. How many of the people who work at shipyards can actually afford a yacht? How many of Tiffany's employees actually shop there? Do you suppose the people at high-end department stores would shop there if they didn't have an employee discount?

Or a framer who cannot afford the homes he helps build. Or countless other workers engaged in occupations which make or sell things that are far out of their league.
I have only anecdotal opinions of Costco vs Walmart. But in my experience:

Costco has some good bargains but also has a much higher buyer's beward environment than Walmart as some items are not discounted and some priced higher than what other stores charge. The shopping experience at Cosgtco has much more of a warehouse feel than Walmart and their emplyees do not seem to enjoy their work as much as Walmart employees do. Costco does pay somewha more but doesn't seem to have a better promotion or advancement policy.

Again I go to the people I know who work at Walmart who could make more elsewhere but stay at Walmart because they like their Walmart jobs.

Warehouse Clubs do not necessarily have better deals. I look at unit pricing and other factors.
For example, there are just three of us in our family. So while those large quantity packages look like good deals, buying perishable items is no bargain
Anyway, the Costco here seem to have decent employees. I detect no morale issues.
Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

Here's what the Wall Street analysts are whining about:

Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.

Since we're buddies and all, maybe I can help:

You're a moron. No shit. It doesn't seem like you are, to you, since well, you'd have to not a be a moron to see that you are a moron. Bit of a paradox, in your case.

So just take my word for it. Seriously. You're an idiot, probably bordering on drooling idiot.

And I'm a fool, for debating an idiot. But at least I'm aware of my foolishness, and can fix it.

Haste la bye-bye, Amigo.
No. You have it wrong. You're an unconditional fool.
You say you own a business and come on here with your "do as I say, not as I do" bullshit.
Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.

Since we're buddies and all, maybe I can help:

You're a moron. No shit. It doesn't seem like you are, to you, since well, you'd have to not a be a moron to see that you are a moron. Bit of a paradox, in your case.

So just take my word for it. Seriously. You're an idiot, probably bordering on drooling idiot.

And I'm a fool, for debating an idiot. But at least I'm aware of my foolishness, and can fix it.

Haste la bye-bye, Amigo.

First of all you spelled hasta wrong, and bye-bye in the middle of a sentence is not proper Spanish.

Secondly, you didn't really back anything up when calling me an idiot. The main hate for walmart came from that documentary like 5 years ago talking about how its corporate evilness kills ma and pa shops. Now it has been shifted to they treat their employees like shit. Which is a weird statement since those employees could shift to other growing competition like target and costco that would be happy to take them, I guess walmart somehow forces their employees to stay there? Anyway, this hate comes from the fact that that they are not on the side of the haters political spectrum. Kind of hard to deny this, because that is human nature from a very, very young age (I am talking before the first year of life you can witness these actions in an infant). Humans tend to like those who fit in our group, and make an enemy of those who do not. This is also why politics is such a divisive topic. Look at what happened with Chic-fil-a earlier this year. The owner gave money to a christian organization that doesn't like the idea of gay marriage, they've been giving money to this organization (that does a lot more than just oppose gay marriage), but now all of a sudden Chic-fil-a is somehow full of hate, and has nothing but hate for homosexuals. Weird because they serve and hire everyone, but still poor on the hate somehow because the owner donates to an organization that he happens to like. Is this because they really do indeed hate the gays, or more because they are on the opposite side of the political spectrum?

Thirdly, would a drooling idiot get a 47" LG smart tv for 300 dollars? Sounds like a pretty savvy shopper to me.

The main source of hatred for Walmart comes from the fact that Sam Walton was and has passed on a vehement opposition to unions.
Union people are into this "respect" thing. Eve when unions are not wanted, their leadership still believes they are entitled to their "tribute".
Precisely the reason why pro union people on here at the end of every argument will conclude with "unions got you the 40 hour work week, benefits" etc ad nauseum. As though even though we have no interest in belonging to a labor collective, we should all kneel at the union altar.
We had plenty of toilet paper before WalMart came along. We had plenty of local stores to purchase in that paid living wages also. People still shopped for the best bargains but the lowest prices did not mean sending all of the money circulating in our communities to China and one family in Tennessee or wherever the fuck the Waltons live.

so we'll pass a law such that all car companies and retail stores must be tiny so we'll have lots and lots of them!! It makes perfect sense, ........if you are a brain dead liberal.

You can pass any law you want. I would have no problem with the government working on behalf of the middle class by promoting buying American made products from local suppliers.

Walmart isn't breaking the law. Walmart, the Waltons and the Chinese need no help from the U S government to stay in business. The middle class of America is on the ropes and needs all the help we can legally direct towards them.
If you want government involved in your life to that extent them by all means, YOU pay for it. Don't demand the rest of us have your schemes rammed down our throats.

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