Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
Why would anyone celebrate the birth of Christ, by purchasing gifts manufactured in near slave conditions?

so the workers will have jobs and not starve to death, or become prostitutes. Got is down now??

In China everyone had near slave jobs, then they introduced Republican capitalism and now everyone is getting rich. Sorry about the inconvenient facts.
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wild assertions or other horseshit

dear, if you think taxing the private economy to pay for a huge public works project will help the private economy why not try to explain how that could possibly happen rather than try to change the subject and hope no one will notice??

You're getting too far in front of me, Professor. What taxes, exactly, and how did they affect sectors of the private economy?

You see, Professor, being I'm such a dimwit, I need some of them basics before we get to them there in summary parts. Surely that's not lost on you, yeah Professor?
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Why would anyone celebrate the birth of Christ, by purchasing gifts manufactured in near slave conditions?

so the workers will have jobs and not starve to death, or become prostitutes. Got is down now??

In China everyone had near slave jobs, then they introduced Republican capitalism and now everyone is getting rich. Sorry about the inconvenient facts.

So what the PRC is calling "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is Republican capitalism, ya reckon?

Hahahahahahahaha. Ah, Righties. Pure fucking comedy. No shit. I'm rolling, here.
Back on topic: no; I do not shop at Walmart, nor Sam's Club.

How about "Vlad's Club?"

Why? As for Sam's, I'm in Kirkland, where Costco began, and I am thus loyal to Costco, plus they pay the above average wages ...

Actually, Sam's and Costco pay about the same - but Costco employees have to give part of their pay to the glorious peoples party - Sam's employees don't.

and, whadaya know, Costco has great prices, too. Imagine that. Decent, livable wages for their workers, and milk isn't $20 a gallon. In fact, Costco kicks Sam's Club butt, while paying a better wage. Maybe life as we know it will not come to an end if Walmart and other companies like it were to pay a decent wage.

Well, not exactly:

{As for the other categories evaluated by the researcher’s, Sam’s beat Costco in most—among other things, Sam’s accepted more payment methods, offered better delivery and installation of electronics, and had more membership options and benefits.}

From your link.

I shop at both and they are within pennies of each other on the same items. You know why? Because THEY shop each other and set prices accordingly - competition helps consumers - a lesson communists simply can't grasp.

And in re: Walmart, they do not have dry-aged prime steaks, great cured meats from Italy and Spain nor top-quality organic produce and dairy. So Metropolitan Market, which makes Whole Foods seem cut-rate, is my preferred. Spendy,

Yeah, but you're a union goon paid $200K to read water meters, ignore people trying to renew their vehicle registration, or push a button on a machine - most people have to live within a budget.

and yet ironically, they do not pay as well as Costco, albeit, nor as poorly as Walmart, and stores like Walmart.

Really? What does Walmart pay?

So I'm having a devil of a time thinking of a single example where decent wages made the things we buy more expensive. Righties seem to think they will. But I challenge any one of them to show where decent wages made a store's products unaffordable.

Commies cry a lot about "mom and pop" stores - tell me, what are/were the wages at a family run grocer?
What, since you're schooling me, did FDR do that caused the GD to go 10 years longer than Hoover policies would have otherwise caused it to last?

Trick question, since both Hoover and FDR employed Keynesian stimulus to alter the business cycle.

Roosevelt engaged in more extreme manifestation that even Lord Keynes condemned.

{I do not mean to impugn the social justice and social expediency of the redistribution of incomes aimed at by N.I.R.A. and by the various schemes for agricultural restriction. The latter, in particular, I should strongly support in principle. But too much emphasis on the remedial value of a higher price-level as an object in itself may lead to serious misapprehension as to the part which prices can play in the technique of recovery. The stimulation of output by increasing aggregate purchasing power is the right way to get prices up; and not the other way round.} JM Keynes

An Open Letter to President Roosevelt

I'm all fucking ears, and giddy in anticipation of being schooled.

Too bad that you're not all fucking brains, or even a little bit so.

So thanks in advance.

Economics is clearly not your forte - but I'll bet you can push the hell out of a "start" button on a press making fenders or bolts at the GM plant...
Back on topic: no; I do not shop at Walmart, nor Sam's Club.

How about "Vlad's Club?"

How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Why? As for Sam's, I'm in Kirkland, where Costco began, and I am thus loyal to Costco, plus they pay the above average wages ...

Actually, Sam's and Costco pay about the same - but Costco employees have to give part of their pay to the glorious peoples party - Sam's employees don't.

You're wrong. In fact, Wall Street Analysts frequently decry Costco's policy of paying above the prevailing wage. No shit. Check it out. Learning can be fun, even.

Well, not exactly:

{As for the other categories evaluated by the researcher’s, Sam’s beat Costco in most—among other things, Sam’s accepted more payment methods, offered better delivery and installation of electronics, and had more membership options and benefits.}

From your link.

I shop at both and they are within pennies of each other on the same items. You know why? Because THEY shop each other and set prices accordingly - competition helps consumers - a lesson communists simply can't grasp.

More commie-card stupidity? Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?

Now then, Costco had a smidge over 3% lower prices, in the test items. And it out-sells Sam's Club by more than double. I'd say that's kicking ass, even with folks making above the prevailing wage. Not too shabby.

Yeah, but you're a union goon paid $200K to read water meters, ignore people trying to renew their vehicle registration, or push a button on a machine - most people have to live within a budget.

and yet ironically, they do not pay as well as Costco, albeit, nor as poorly as Walmart, and stores like Walmart.

Really? What does Walmart pay?

For checkers, which is the largest point-of-entry, the starting Walmart salary is $9 - $10, compared to Costco's $11.50, with built-in raises of $0.50 - $1.00 every 800 hours worked.

And no, I own a couple of business and do some business consulting. I am not in, nor never have been in, nor ever been paid by a union.

Imagine you guessing wrong. Knock me over with a feather.

So I'm having a devil of a time thinking of a single example where decent wages made the things we buy more expensive. Righties seem to think they will. But I challenge any one of them to show where decent wages made a store's products unaffordable.

Commies cry a lot about "mom and pop" stores - tell me, what are/were the wages at a family run grocer?

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

You're wrong. In fact, Wall Street Analysts frequently decry Costco's policy of paying above the prevailing wage. No shit. Check it out. Learning can be fun, even.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

More commie-card stupidity? Astonishing. How do you get dressed in the morning?

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

Now then, Costco had a smidge over 3% lower prices, in the test items. And it out-sells Sam's Club by more than double. I'd say that's kicking ass, even with folks making above the prevailing wage. Not too shabby.

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

For checkers, which is the largest point-of-entry, the starting Walmart salary is $9 - $10, compared to Costco's $11.50, with built-in raises of $0.50 - $1.00 every 800 hours worked.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

And no, I own a couple of business and do some business consulting. I am not in, nor never have been in, nor ever been paid by a union.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine you guessing wrong. Knock me over with a feather.

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?
The Lithonia Walmart made the news. A shoplifter, intent on stealing either 'DVD's' or DVD players, was apprehended by employees--he is dead. Investigations ongoing. If he had stolen DVD's--ridiculous in the first place--and not worth a life, in the second place.

I am certain that store has to deal with such incidents too frequently. IIRC, the incident occurred around 1:30 AM, Sunday. Maybe they shouldn't stay open past 11PM. It was the holiday weekend--guess they thought it would be worth it.

While everyone was at Walmart, I dropped by Home Depot for leaf/trash bags. Found a spot near the door--walked through the Garden Center--lots of good plants are available and they were already selling Christmas trees. The leaf/trash bags were conveniently placed inside the store. $1.88 for five. I paid the cashier--even got some change and was on my way.

That was the extent of my consumerism this weekend.
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

Hey cabbage is a great substitute for toilet paper, especially if you have problems with hemorrhoids. Cabbage has been found to have anti-swelling properties as well as pain managment properties. Its also great for dealing with pain during breast feeding. I am so sick of the hate I hear constantly towards cabbage.
I have only anecdotal opinions of Costco vs Walmart. But in my experience:

Costco has some good bargains but also has a much higher buyer's beward environment than Walmart as some items are not discounted and some priced higher than what other stores charge. The shopping experience at Cosgtco has much more of a warehouse feel than Walmart and their emplyees do not seem to enjoy their work as much as Walmart employees do. Costco does pay somewha more but doesn't seem to have a better promotion or advancement policy.

Again I go to the people I know who work at Walmart who could make more elsewhere but stay at Walmart because they like their Walmart jobs.
I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

Here's what the Wall Street analysts are whining about:

The New York Times has a great article about Costco, the huge American chain of supermarkets who spend much more on their employees than their main competitors:

Costco’s average pay, for example, is $17 an hour, 42 percent higher than its fiercest rival, Sam’s Club. And Costco’s health plan makes those at many other retailers look Scroogish.

According to Costco’s CEO Jim Sinegal, this makes good business sense:

Good wages and benefits are why Costco has extremely low rates of turnover and theft by employees, he said. And Costco’s customers, who are more affluent than other warehouse store shoppers, stay loyal because they like that low prices do not come at the workers’ expense. “This is not altruistic,” he said. “This is good business.”

The results are pretty impressive:

Costco’s stock price has risen more than 10 percent in the last 12 months, while Wal-Mart’s has slipped 5 percent. Costco shares sell for almost 23 times expected earnings; at Wal-Mart the multiple is about 19.
Costco has 160,292 employees nationally and worldwide.
Walmart has 1.4 million employees.

Comparing Costco to Walmart is like comparing Rhode Island to Texas.
Costco has 160,292 employees nationally and worldwide.
Walmart has 1.4 million employees.

Comparing Costco to Walmart is like comparing Rhode Island to Texas.

Indeed. Thus I compared it to Sam's Club, Costco's chief rival, and vice versa. And Costco outsells Sam's Club by about 2-to-1.
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

You're wrong. In fact, Wall Street Analysts frequently decry Costco's policy of paying above the prevailing wage. No shit. Check it out. Learning can be fun, even.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine you guessing wrong. Knock me over with a feather.

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

Here's what the Wall Street analysts are whining about:

The New York Times has a great article about Costco, the huge American chain of supermarkets who spend much more on their employees than their main competitors:

Costco’s average pay, for example, is $17 an hour, 42 percent higher than its fiercest rival, Sam’s Club. And Costco’s health plan makes those at many other retailers look Scroogish.

According to Costco’s CEO Jim Sinegal, this makes good business sense:

Good wages and benefits are why Costco has extremely low rates of turnover and theft by employees, he said. And Costco’s customers, who are more affluent than other warehouse store shoppers, stay loyal because they like that low prices do not come at the workers’ expense. “This is not altruistic,” he said. “This is good business.”

The results are pretty impressive:

Costco’s stock price has risen more than 10 percent in the last 12 months, while Wal-Mart’s has slipped 5 percent. Costco shares sell for almost 23 times expected earnings; at Wal-Mart the multiple is about 19.

Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.
I have only anecdotal opinions of Costco vs Walmart. But in my experience:

Hi Foxy;

Walmart and Costco can't be compared - they are vastly different retail models. Costco, like Sam's Club, specializes in name brand, high quality goods, sold in bulk to reduce the overall cost. Food isn't really cheaper at Costco/Sam's, but the quality is WAY higher.

Costco has some good bargains but also has a much higher buyer's beward environment than Walmart as some items are not discounted and some priced higher than what other stores charge. The shopping experience at Cosgtco has much more of a warehouse feel than Walmart and their emplyees do not seem to enjoy their work as much as Walmart employees do. Costco does pay somewha more but doesn't seem to have a better promotion or advancement policy.

Costco is a warehouse chain, so it should have that feel. On an exact item, I can generally ALWAYS get the item cheaper at Costco than Walmart - but I'll have to buy in bulk at Costco.

Again I go to the people I know who work at Walmart who could make more elsewhere but stay at Walmart because they like their Walmart jobs.

We all do, those who attack Walmart are doing so on behalf of predatory unions. What they post is bullshit, they and we know it - they just want to increase the power of the Union monopoly.
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

Here's what the Wall Street analysts are whining about:

The New York Times has a great article about Costco, the huge American chain of supermarkets who spend much more on their employees than their main competitors:

Costco’s average pay, for example, is $17 an hour, 42 percent higher than its fiercest rival, Sam’s Club. And Costco’s health plan makes those at many other retailers look Scroogish.

According to Costco’s CEO Jim Sinegal, this makes good business sense:

Good wages and benefits are why Costco has extremely low rates of turnover and theft by employees, he said. And Costco’s customers, who are more affluent than other warehouse store shoppers, stay loyal because they like that low prices do not come at the workers’ expense. “This is not altruistic,” he said. “This is good business.”

The results are pretty impressive:

Costco’s stock price has risen more than 10 percent in the last 12 months, while Wal-Mart’s has slipped 5 percent. Costco shares sell for almost 23 times expected earnings; at Wal-Mart the multiple is about 19.

Hey buddy, there is not much of a difference between costco and walmart. It just that costco supports your side of the political spectrum more than walmart does. And costco puts just as many ma and pa shops out as walmart does.

I shop at both, and personally I prefer walmart. I like to buy my drinks and some food and the occasional clothes from costco, but the rest of my groceries and electronics come from walmart... I like the selection and atmosphere better. Electronics at costco aren't any sort of deal whatsoever, and I find that I pay more buying a piss ton of food I don't need but am kind of forced to buy at costco. At walmart, I get the food I need at a good price, and I got a 47 " smart tv at walmart for 300 bones, come on now thats a steal.

Since we're buddies and all, maybe I can help:

You're a moron. No shit. It doesn't seem like you are, to you, since well, you'd have to not a be a moron to see that you are a moron. Bit of a paradox, in your case.

So just take my word for it. Seriously. You're an idiot, probably bordering on drooling idiot.

And I'm a fool, for debating an idiot. But at least I'm aware of my foolishness, and can fix it.

Haste la bye-bye, Amigo.
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

You're wrong. In fact, Wall Street Analysts frequently decry Costco's policy of paying above the prevailing wage. No shit. Check it out. Learning can be fun, even.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine you guessing wrong. Knock me over with a feather.

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

the liberals don't want a law to control just Walmart and the health care industry, they want a socialist law to control the entire economy simply because they lack the IQ to understand capitalism. This is why they spied for Stalin.
How about growing a functioning brain cell and canning the commie-card stpudity? Good idea?

Come on sparky, it's the perfect retail model for regressives. You sign over your entire paycheck, but everything in the store is free. Well, they're out of toilet paper and the only produce is cabbage - they'll get some meat in next month. It's perfect, the prelude to life in general in a few years.

You're wrong. In fact, Wall Street Analysts frequently decry Costco's policy of paying above the prevailing wage. No shit. Check it out. Learning can be fun, even.

I'm not wrong, sparky. Both pay a fairly decent wage and offer decent benefits.

SAM'S CLUB Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

PayScale - Costco Wholesale company Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

A bit touchy comrade, I thought the charade was over and you were out in the open?

So then your own link states that overall, prices are lower at Sam's - but both are close. Here in the Peoples Republic, both carry the same meat and are identical in price.

I posted the actual pay charts, they are damned close in pay.

You're the queen of England too, right?

Imagine you guessing wrong. Knock me over with a feather.

Imagine, a Bolshevik on the internet claiming to be a business owner - nothing spells "entrepreneurial spirit" quite like hatred of commerce...

Do you fall down much? Maybe your parents dropped you frequently when you were a child? What's with the repeated and retarded commie-card bullshit? You got nothing else?

So, about these mom and pops, what wages do they pay? How about benefits? People are so much worse off after the big box stores, right comrade?

We had plenty of toilet paper before WalMart came along. We had plenty of local stores to purchase in that paid living wages also. People still shopped for the best bargains but the lowest prices did not mean sending all of the money circulating in our communities to China and one family in Tennessee or wherever the fuck the Waltons live.
We had plenty of toilet paper before WalMart came along. We had plenty of local stores to purchase in that paid living wages also. People still shopped for the best bargains but the lowest prices did not mean sending all of the money circulating in our communities to China and one family in Tennessee or wherever the fuck the Waltons live.

so we'll pass a law such that all car companies and retail stores must be tiny so we'll have lots and lots of them!! It makes perfect sense, ........if you are a brain dead liberal.
Costco has 160,292 employees nationally and worldwide.
Walmart has 1.4 million employees.

Comparing Costco to Walmart is like comparing Rhode Island to Texas.

Indeed. Thus I compared it to Sam's Club, Costco's chief rival, and vice versa. And Costco outsells Sam's Club by about 2-to-1.

I doubt Costco is earning twice the proft of Sams Club but if they are, it is because they are making a profit while Sams sales have been flat lately. And BJs is outperforming both.

Even after closing a number of its stores, Sams still operates about 600 stores nationwide. Costco has about 400 and BJs, still an east coast player, has 200.

And it isn't an apple to apples comparison either as each chain has a different approach and its a matter of preference what anybody might prefer if they have a choice. In most places you find a Costco OR a Sams Club OR a BJs and don't usually have easy access to all three. We haven't belong to a Sams Club in years and we dropped our Costco membership this year because the prices aren't enough better than Walmart or Albertsons, both which are very near our home and don't charge a membership fee, and we just didn't think it worth it to pay the fee and drive across town to a Costco or Sams Club. If we had a large family still at hone or otherwise bought large quantities of groceries and stuff, we might rethink that.

Also Costco doesn't have its own super centers competing with its membership club.

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