Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
And the death knell of Walmart began in 1997 with the advent of

Buggy whip makers pass away. Brick and mortar is living on borrowed time - even Walmart.

We could give in to the liberals and just pass a law that all retail and all business should feature very high wages and very high prices. IT would make them so happy.

In the end a liberal simply lacks the IQ to understand capitalism.

Or we could mandate a decent minimum wage and the drooling idiot trailer trash Righties could still shop there affordability since higher wage minimums do not track to higher inflation, which all who have IQs north of a potato should know.

HUH? Higher wages( i.e. more money in the supply) is not inflationary?
Look, labor is the highest percentage of the cost of doing business. Therefore higher abor costs either eat into the bottom line or prices are increased by the seller.
At the end of the day, if you libs want to live by 'the rising tide" axiom, you must live by it 100%
In other words, a sudden increase in wages mandated by the government may be a temporary fix, but would more likely resemble a fiscal sugar rush. Eventually, prices would increase to make up for the higher labor costs.
Then we'd have to endure the cries of "NO FAIR" from you fiscal geniuses on the political left
Mandating a higher wage gives people a brief burst of higher buying power, which soon evaporates as all the people around them work the higher figures into their parts of the economy.

And out go more jobs from the U.S. because the U.S. just became that much less competitive with the rest of the world.

Nope. It has legs and keeps on keeping on. Only temporary tax cuts are short term fixes.

Can we derive from your comments that you believe that wages exist in a vacuum?
The death knell of the traditional mom and pop retail outlet began in the 1960's with the advent of the suburban shopping mall.

And the death knell of Walmart began in 1997 with the advent of

Buggy whip makers pass away. Brick and mortar is living on borrowed time - even Walmart.

What in the HELL are you yammering about?
Look here genius. THere will always be a section of the population that will not ever shop on line. These are people who have the need to do business with a person, look at an item before they buy, and have a place where if the item does not meet their needs or is broken, to return it for credit or refund.
Besides, when has there been a law passed prohibiting companies with physical plants from doing business on line?

I believe his point was that someday (not necessarily soon) the Walmart business model will become obsolete and I suspect he is right. I don't know what will take its place, but eventually Walmart will go the way of Ma Bell.

Hell, if unions and their thugs get their way, this could happen sooner rather than later and all those people will be out of work. But the unions don't care, they resisted unionization for too long.

Sure I shop at K-Mart (that's how its called here)

So many well known cosmetics brands at such a cheap price .... it's all good! YUM! :clap2:
I think I figured it out........Progressives hate Wal-Mart for two reasons... One it doesn't have the communist party union living off the sweat of the employees AND two they cant stand that the unwashed masses have the ability to buy things that they feel only them the elite should have... Like TV's and Computers and Socks.

I think they hate Walmart because it pays low wages to those who stock shelves and point out where things are. I guess a liberal wants rocket scientists to get paid very little and Walmart folks a lot??

No, I think they think that Walmart executives/owners don't deserve their very large salaries and that a whole lot of what they make should be taken in taxes so that the folks who work for them will be paid a 'living wage' depending on your definition of that.

Of course they don't consider that if some folks who know what they are doing and can juggle all the necessary components weren't running stores like those Walmarts, the 1.4+ million Walmart employees might not have those jobs at all.

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.
I think they hate Walmart because it pays low wages to those who stock shelves and point out where things are. I guess a liberal wants rocket scientists to get paid very little and Walmart folks a lot??

No, I think they think that Walmart executives/owners don't deserve their very large salaries and that a whole lot of what they make should be taken in taxes so that the folks who work for them will be paid a 'living wage' depending on your definition of that.

Of course they don't consider that if some folks who know what they are doing and can juggle all the necessary components weren't running stores like those Walmarts, the 1.4+ million Walmart employees might not have those jobs at all.

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.

While I am loathe not to pay people who work for me a decent salary, who decides what a "living wage" is? A living wage for an 18 year old living at home is not the same thing as a living wage for a 22 year old trying to work her way through college.

Managers set wages based on the going market in the area they are trying to hire. They offer the wages that are necessary to get the desired level of work. They try not to pay any more than they have to in order to get that desired level of work.

If an employee can't live on Walmart wages as a stock boy then perhaps they need to apply for a different position either with Walmart or another company. They should not just demand Walmart pay them $20/hr if Walmart can find employees that want to work for them for $10/hr.

I think they hate Walmart because it pays low wages to those who stock shelves and point out where things are. I guess a liberal wants rocket scientists to get paid very little and Walmart folks a lot??

No, I think they think that Walmart executives/owners don't deserve their very large salaries and that a whole lot of what they make should be taken in taxes so that the folks who work for them will be paid a 'living wage' depending on your definition of that.

Of course they don't consider that if some folks who know what they are doing and can juggle all the necessary components weren't running stores like those Walmarts, the 1.4+ million Walmart employees might not have those jobs at all.

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.
why do they deserve to be paid enough to have a roof over thier heads?
No, I think they think that Walmart executives/owners don't deserve their very large salaries and that a whole lot of what they make should be taken in taxes so that the folks who work for them will be paid a 'living wage' depending on your definition of that.

Of course they don't consider that if some folks who know what they are doing and can juggle all the necessary components weren't running stores like those Walmarts, the 1.4+ million Walmart employees might not have those jobs at all.

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.
why do they deserve to be paid enough to have a roof over thier heads?

Because in America, everyone deserves to live in a mansion... didn't you know that?

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.
why do they deserve to be paid enough to have a roof over thier heads?

Because in America, everyone deserves to live in a mansion... didn't you know that?


Mansions are nice! :dunno:


aren't they? :D
why do they deserve to be paid enough to have a roof over thier heads?

Because in America, everyone deserves to live in a mansion... didn't you know that?


Mansions are nice! :dunno:


aren't they? :D

Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?

How about we agree that the Walmart Execs deserve higher pay than the stock boys but the stock boys should still make enough to provide a roof over their heads, food in the stomach, health care, transportation and utilities? It shouldn't be a family wage but it should darn sure be a living wage.
why do they deserve to be paid enough to have a roof over thier heads?

Because in America, everyone deserves to live in a mansion... didn't you know that?


We sure do too!!!!

Because in America, everyone deserves to live in a mansion... didn't you know that?


Mansions are nice! :dunno:


aren't they? :D

Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?


I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D
Mansions are nice! :dunno:


aren't they? :D

Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?


I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D

That was me and I quit once I could afford my own mansion and people to take care of me....
Mansions are nice! :dunno:


aren't they? :D

Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?


I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D

Most likely though, your parents put in the effort required to hire two nannies, a cook and a gardener. They didn't just assume that because they were liberals they deserved it.

Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?


I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D

That was me and I quit once I could afford my own mansion and people to take care of me....

Well that is fine and dandy Sir! :D
Of course they are... but I don't deserve to live in one if I am not going to work my ass off to earn it.

Also, who the hell wants to live in a mansion anyway? Too much damned upkeep to enjoy life! Oh wait, maybe we all deserve servants as well?


I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D

Most likely though, your parents put in the effort required to hire two nannies, a cook and a gardener. They didn't just assume that because they were liberals they deserved it.


My parents were NEVER on the left .... bless their souls
I grew up with two nannies and a cook ... a gardener came once a week

Not any more though ... nope way LOL :lol:

I have nice memories of the past .... :D

That was me and I quit once I could afford my own mansion and people to take care of me....

Well that is fine and dandy Sir! :D

Actually, I did have a wonderful person named Louise who was a very sweet person. The only problem is that I liked my shirts done a certain way so I would iron them myself and she got offended and wanted to leave so I gave her a raise and promised not to interfere.
I've worked a lot of jobs for less than a living wage and was glad to have the work. But I didn't plan to stay in those jobs. If I didn't have opportunity to prove my ability to qualify for a much better paying job after a reasonable time, I moved on. Nobody is owed a living. Nobody who has achieved the age of majority deserves a living he or she has not worked for. It is up to us to educate ourselves, earn decent references, and acquire marketable skills that qualify us for a living wage and then we have a shot at convincing an employer to hire us at a wage we can living on.

Evenso a living wage for a kid still living at home is a very different animal than is the person who has to pay rent, transportation, living expenses, food, clothing, etc. in Albuquerque, and a living wage in Albuquerque is far less than somebody living in San Francisco or Washington DC.
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