Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
It's interesting that so many here equate buying the freshest, highest quality foods with spoiled, elitist behavious. I equate it with having parents who raised 6 children most of whom were born before the Great Depression. My parents grew nearly everything we ate in our backyard. We had a large kitchen garden, pear, apple and cherry trees, and a chicken coup. My mother spent all summer canning and preserving everything they grew.

After my father died, I was the only kid still at home, and it was my job to do the gardening as Mom could no longer do it and once again, we could not have eaten well if we hadn't grown our own produce in the summer. Although when my Dad died, Mom had a freezer, which made preserving the vegetables even easier.

Fresh produce is the key to a healthy diet. Produce starts losing nutrients the moment it is harvested. Heavily processed foods have most of their nutrients cooked out of them, and the difference in the flavour between fresh and even a couple of days old, is astounding. Anyone who grew up eating nothing but fresh picked fruits and vegetables never forgets it.

When my older daughter met her husband, he had a typical North American diet, heavy on the pre-prepared supermarket foods and fast food restaurants. He had a range of health problems which required expensive medications, and he could stand to lose a few pounds. Seven years later, my son-in-law is 20 pounds lighter, all of his gastro-intestinal problems are gone, and he is no longer taking any medications.

My youngest daughter's boyfriend moved in with us when his parents moved out of the city. He had a "sensitive stomach" and frequently suffered from an upset stomach, especially if he ate spicy food. Our kitchen motto is "from fresh and from scratch" as much as possible. Snack foods are fresh fruit - apples, grapes, bananas, oranges. After a year, he no longer has a sensitive stomach, enjoys spicy foods and hasn't even purchased stomach medications since his original supply ran out.

My husband and recently spent the weekend at our retirement property, and I told him where we'll put our kitchen garden when we move there permanently. It's one way we can cut our food costs when we're both retired. Plus it's good exercise and it's fun. There is something about getting your hands into the soil that is nourishing to the soul. I cannot explain why.

Those of us who insist on high quality food, do so for our health, not just our taste buds.
"If you are Pro Union you support communism"

this is true in fact the unions were communist in the Depression. Good for you!!

"if you are anti-union you support fascism"

or you support Republican capitalism which involves very very limited governemnt as opposed to communism or fascism both of which involve very very unlimited government. See why we say a liberal will be slow, so very very slow. HItler and Musollini were allies. See what happens when you think???

. And the same guy who jumped on me as a "fucking retard" for daring not to bow before the Supreme Mal-Wart God. And that is why he pegs the hypocrisy meter.

I notice he hasn't been back to defend it. What a surprise.

defend what exactly??????????????
It's interesting that so many here equate buying the freshest, highest quality foods with spoiled, elitist behavious. I equate it with having parents who raised 6 children most of whom were born before the Great Depression. My parents grew nearly everything we ate in our backyard. We had a large kitchen garden, pear, apple and cherry trees, and a chicken coup. My mother spent all summer canning and preserving everything they grew.

After my father died, I was the only kid still at home, and it was my job to do the gardening as Mom could no longer do it and once again, we could not have eaten well if we hadn't grown our own produce in the summer. Although when my Dad died, Mom had a freezer, which made preserving the vegetables even easier.

Fresh produce is the key to a healthy diet. Produce starts losing nutrients the moment it is harvested. Heavily processed foods have most of their nutrients cooked out of them, and the difference in the flavour between fresh and even a couple of days old, is astounding. Anyone who grew up eating nothing but fresh picked fruits and vegetables never forgets it.

When my older daughter met her husband, he had a typical North American diet, heavy on the pre-prepared supermarket foods and fast food restaurants. He had a range of health problems which required expensive medications, and he could stand to lose a few pounds. Seven years later, my son-in-law is 20 pounds lighter, all of his gastro-intestinal problems are gone, and he is no longer taking any medications.

My youngest daughter's boyfriend moved in with us when his parents moved out of the city. He had a "sensitive stomach" and frequently suffered from an upset stomach, especially if he ate spicy food. Our kitchen motto is "from fresh and from scratch" as much as possible. Snack foods are fresh fruit - apples, grapes, bananas, oranges. After a year, he no longer has a sensitive stomach, enjoys spicy foods and hasn't even purchased stomach medications since his original supply ran out.

My husband and recently spent the weekend at our retirement property, and I told him where we'll put our kitchen garden when we move there permanently. It's one way we can cut our food costs when we're both retired. Plus it's good exercise and it's fun. There is something about getting your hands into the soil that is nourishing to the soul. I cannot explain why.

Those of us who insist on high quality food, do so for our health, not just our taste buds.

That's a beautiful picture :eusa_clap:

I do that too, to the extent I can. There's nothing like pulling a carrot you grew out of the ground, cleaning it off and biting in, remembering "ah, that's what carrots used to taste like". One more reason to not go you-know-where for one's carrots.
It's interesting that so many here equate buying the freshest, highest quality foods with spoiled, elitist behavious. I equate it with having parents who raised 6 children most of whom were born before the Great Depression. My parents grew nearly everything we ate in our backyard. We had a large kitchen garden, pear, apple and cherry trees, and a chicken coup. My mother spent all summer canning and preserving everything they grew.

After my father died, I was the only kid still at home, and it was my job to do the gardening as Mom could no longer do it and once again, we could not have eaten well if we hadn't grown our own produce in the summer. Although when my Dad died, Mom had a freezer, which made preserving the vegetables even easier.

Fresh produce is the key to a healthy diet. Produce starts losing nutrients the moment it is harvested. Heavily processed foods have most of their nutrients cooked out of them, and the difference in the flavour between fresh and even a couple of days old, is astounding. Anyone who grew up eating nothing but fresh picked fruits and vegetables never forgets it.

When my older daughter met her husband, he had a typical North American diet, heavy on the pre-prepared supermarket foods and fast food restaurants. He had a range of health problems which required expensive medications, and he could stand to lose a few pounds. Seven years later, my son-in-law is 20 pounds lighter, all of his gastro-intestinal problems are gone, and he is no longer taking any medications.

My youngest daughter's boyfriend moved in with us when his parents moved out of the city. He had a "sensitive stomach" and frequently suffered from an upset stomach, especially if he ate spicy food. Our kitchen motto is "from fresh and from scratch" as much as possible. Snack foods are fresh fruit - apples, grapes, bananas, oranges. After a year, he no longer has a sensitive stomach, enjoys spicy foods and hasn't even purchased stomach medications since his original supply ran out.

My husband and recently spent the weekend at our retirement property, and I told him where we'll put our kitchen garden when we move there permanently. It's one way we can cut our food costs when we're both retired. Plus it's good exercise and it's fun. There is something about getting your hands into the soil that is nourishing to the soul. I cannot explain why.

Those of us who insist on high quality food, do so for our health, not just our taste buds.

That's a beautiful picture :eusa_clap:

I do that too, to the extent I can. There's nothing like pulling a carrot you grew out of the ground, cleaning it off and biting in, remembering "ah, that's what carrots used to taste like". One more reason to not go you-know-where for one's carrots.

I guess the libturd bigot is superior to those who go there??
No american should shop at Walmart.They are part of the Global elite.Kmart is there.
I guess the libturd bigot is superior to those who go there??

Once again, when the facts are irrefutable, you attack the poster.

Every liberal and union supporter is NOT a communist. Only a idiot would believe that.

Just because communists were union organziers in the 1930's, doesn't mean that the unions are controlled by communist organizers today. Hell the communism as a global movement died when the Iron Curtain fell. That was nearly 30 years ago.

All of my life I have steadfastly avoided working for union companies because raises and promotions aren't made on merit, but rather seniority. I started my legal career clerking for a lawyer working out of a small office in Forest Hill, and ended it in one of Bay's Street's Seven Sisters doing some of the largest transactions in the world for Forbes 100 corporations.

Yes, Edward, I sold my hippy soul to that devil, capitalism. I admit that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE working with the richest most powerful people in the world. Our firm was so large, that after we outgrew the grand ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel, our firm ended up renting the Royal Ontario Museum for our annual Holiday Party. It was the only place big enough.

I truly regret that I could not join the neighbourhood group which fought against the purchase of the former Toronto Film Studios lands three blocks from my house, by a consortion of companies which was actively courting Walmart as it's lead tennant. I had done a lot of work on this file, including negotiations with City regarding re-zoning requirements, on behalf of one of the members of the consortium. I had done a lot of work on the negotiations for this property BEFORE they announced their intention to put a Walmart in that location. To even talk to that group, knowing what I knew about that project, would have violated the conflict of interest provisions of the contract I signed when I joined the firm. To speak of it outside the office, knowing what I knew about that deal would violate client/solicitor confidentiality.

That doesn't mean that I didn't smile from ear to ear when the neighbourhood group defeated the re-zoning application which was a condition of the sale. Furthermore, no shopping plaza can ever be built on those land. The promise that high-paying movie studio jobs would not be replaced with minimum wage McJobs made to the neighbourhood when the studio closed was kept. The sound stages are among the most active in the City.

It's not the first time I have done legal work on behalf of clients I would best described as "odius" at best. And not even the worst example. It's part of the reason why I resisted working on Bay Street for so long. But a desire to make more money than I ever had in my life, and not to have to deal with nickle diming clients who expect to pay $100 an hour for $500 an hour work, was also a lure. I was offered two jobs - one doing residential real estate a medium size law firm, and the other doing multi-million dollar real estate working on deals which affect the economy of nations. The money wasn't far apart, but the nature of the practice certainy was and the surroundings were very different.

Big money, oppulent perks (health club membership, billable hours bonuses, premium health insurance (coverages which upgrade the government funded care with coverages which pay for eye glasses, hearing aids, massage therapy, etc. semi-private hospital rooms - things OHIP doesn't pay for), what Americans refer to as a "Cadillac plan", annual retreat for partners in the middle of winter, someplace sunny and warm - Bahamas, Arizona, etc.

Yup. I'm a communist alright.
Somehow I don't think 'fascism' is defined as telling people where they can shop. I don't regard Foxfyre, or anyone else, as a "fascist" simply because they insist I should shop at Mal-Wart. I suspect he works for Sam, that's all. You don't have to be a "fascist" to be wrong.

Besides, if you toss "fascism" around to every little thing you don't like, what are you going to use for actual fascism?

When did Foxfyre or anyone else insist that you "should" shop at WalMart? When did anyone even give the impression that they give that much of a shit WHERE you shop? Arguing that they think your reasons for not shopping there are silly isn't the same as caring one way or another where you spend your money. Get over yourself a little.

Go read the thread a little. Start at post 875 (eight hundred and seventy-five posts on this?) where I had already been attacked as "stick in his asshole", "fucking retard" and "to [sic] fucking stupid" for the crime of daring to answer the Mal-Wart question in the negative. The latter two by the same clown who brought up "fascism" just now. Foxfyre wasn't part of that meltdown, though from that point he continued to lobby that I should be going to Mal-Wart, but I didn't think that made him a 'fascist'. But if you insist, OK then they're all fascists. And in at least one case you may be right considering the next paragraph.

To spell it out for Special Ed: the opposite side of the coin "If you are Pro Union you support communism" would be "if you are anti-union you support fascism" (which is true -- Hitler for example banned trade unions and had all their leaders arrested way back in 1933; it was one of his first steps). Yet this is the signature of the same guy who wants to call other people 'fascists'. And the same guy who jumped on me as a "fucking retard" for daring not to bow before the Supreme Mal-Wart God. And that is why he pegs the hypocrisy meter.

I notice he hasn't been back to defend it. What a surprise.

Oh, my God, put some aloe on your fucking chapped ass and get a grip, would you? Every single thing they said that you have your panties in a ruffle about was by way of arguing that your reasons for not choosing to shop at WalMart are stupid, not trying to force you to shop there. If you can't handle being told that you're wrong, shut the fuck up about your opinions.
When did Foxfyre or anyone else insist that you "should" shop at WalMart? When did anyone even give the impression that they give that much of a shit WHERE you shop? Arguing that they think your reasons for not shopping there are silly isn't the same as caring one way or another where you spend your money. Get over yourself a little.

Go read the thread a little. Start at post 875 (eight hundred and seventy-five posts on this?) where I had already been attacked as "stick in his asshole", "fucking retard" and "to [sic] fucking stupid" for the crime of daring to answer the Mal-Wart question in the negative. The latter two by the same clown who brought up "fascism" just now. Foxfyre wasn't part of that meltdown, though from that point he continued to lobby that I should be going to Mal-Wart, but I didn't think that made him a 'fascist'. But if you insist, OK then they're all fascists. And in at least one case you may be right considering the next paragraph.

To spell it out for Special Ed: the opposite side of the coin "If you are Pro Union you support communism" would be "if you are anti-union you support fascism" (which is true -- Hitler for example banned trade unions and had all their leaders arrested way back in 1933; it was one of his first steps). Yet this is the signature of the same guy who wants to call other people 'fascists'. And the same guy who jumped on me as a "fucking retard" for daring not to bow before the Supreme Mal-Wart God. And that is why he pegs the hypocrisy meter.

I notice he hasn't been back to defend it. What a surprise.

Oh, my God, put some aloe on your fucking chapped ass and get a grip, would you? Every single thing they said that you have your panties in a ruffle about was by way of arguing that your reasons for not choosing to shop at WalMart are stupid, not trying to force you to shop there. If you can't handle being told that you're wrong, shut the fuck up about your opinions.

Looks like being unable to handle being told you're wrong is what you just demonstrated in your little meltdown. I didn't say they succeeded at getting me to shop at Mal-Wart, speaking of reading comprehension. That's never going to happen. I just noted what their goals were. As I noted elsewhere, I never did the reverse to them. So who's got a force-fantasy?
I like the meter hanging there above your words. It fits.
Lets see progressive want to tell us how we










On 600 thread count sheets

After she's gotten off 2 or 3 whopper orgasms

Martell Cordon Bleu

During sex (get off you back)

Well. Chicks dig it.


Don't (in your case)
They do. Very few of those who bash them shop some place else.

Our local Zellers became a Walmart on November 1st. I quit shopping there October 31st. I can walk to Walmart - it's about 5 blocks from my house, and they have free parking. Now I have to take a streetcar downtown to the Bay Store (they used to own Zeller's), or pay Eaton Centre parking rates (highest in the City) and put up with downtown traffic (street car is cheaper, faster, easier), and I am happy to do that rather than give my money to Walmart.

Most of the Zellers stores were sold to Target. Had Target taken over our local Zellers, I'd still be shopping there.
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They do. Very few of those who bash them shop some place else.

Our local Zellers became a Walmart on November 1st. I quit shopping there October 31st. I can walk to Walmart - it's about 5 blocks from my house, and they have free parking. Now I have to take a streetcar downtown to the Bay Store (they used to own Zeller's), or pay Eaton Centre parking rates (highest in the City) and put up with downtown traffic (street car is cheaper, faster, easier), and I am happy to do that rather than give my money to Walmart.

Most of the Zellers stores were sold to Target. Had Target taken over our local Zellers, I'd still be shopping there.

Please don't interpret this as any sort of acual interest in where you shop or what you do, or, God forbid, some attempt to actually change your choices due to some sort of interest in what you do. I'm just mildly curious.

Why is it that WalMart is so "evil" as to require you to go to stupid lengths on inconvenience in order to feel self-righteous and smug abou not "giving them my money", but Target is not?
They do. Very few of those who bash them shop some place else.

Our local Zellers became a Walmart on November 1st. I quit shopping there October 31st. I can walk to Walmart - it's about 5 blocks from my house, and they have free parking. Now I have to take a streetcar downtown to the Bay Store (they used to own Zeller's), or pay Eaton Centre parking rates (highest in the City) and put up with downtown traffic (street car is cheaper, faster, easier), and I am happy to do that rather than give my money to Walmart.

Most of the Zellers stores were sold to Target. Had Target taken over our local Zellers, I'd still be shopping there.

So it is a union thing for you.....
Because Target pays living wages and doesn't ask its workers to depend on government subsidies. Because Target isn't under investigation in numerous countries for unfair trade practices. Because Target didn't declare it's dividends before December 31st in order for it's largest shareholders to avoid paying $180 million in taxes on dividends after January 1st.

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