Do You Still Believe Only The Rich Benefitted From The Bush Tax-cuts??

I was soooo impressed with the poster who said that because the poor don't own property, they don't pay property tax, they pay rent. When I rent a property, I total up all of the costs - mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance and average maintenance costs, and divide by 12 and that's the minimum, amount of rent I must charge to break even. Of course I will also consider market factors and I'll rent the property for more, if I can.

Renters most definitely do pay taxes, but indirectly, as part of their rent.

You are right so under your correct theory corporations never pay taxes. The corporations you pay rent to NEVER pay taxes.
YOU pay the taxes. Corporations NEVER pay taxes.
Thanks for offering solid evidence to show that liberal claim is a myth and a lie.
If you're living in the real world you wouldn't want 4 more years of the SOS.

I can tell you don't really have the experience you claim.


Tell me what's changed so drastically for me, personally, wise Genie.


My taxes went down, my raise freeze lifted, my 401k rebounded like a mawww fakka (slang, foo') - I bought a house, I had a daughter. Life's good, Obama isn't "ruinging meeee!!!" like apparently he's doing to you.

Obama has no effect on you having a daughter. At least not yet.

The most glaring change is we never got below $3.10 a gal gas during his 4 years. This effects everything.

The trick to Keynesian economics is to never allow drastic changes because that can alarm the voters, so you shouldn't be able to put your finger exactly on the changes. However when you compare your bills from a couple of years ago you'll notice everything has gotten more expensive yet your income doesn't go up to match it.


For years Democrats lied about the effects of the Bush tax-cuts.

I guess their supporters aren't about to make them pay a price for that bold-faced lie.

Will any of you admit now that they were lying or are you going to ignore it?

CBO data - Federal individual income tax revenue trends from 2000-2009 (dollars and % GDP)

There was and is considerable controversy over who benefited from the tax cuts and whether or not they have been effective in spurring sufficient growth. Supporters of the proposal and proponents of lower taxes claimed that the tax cuts increased the pace of economic recovery and job creation. Further, proponents of the cuts asserted that lowering taxes on all citizens, including the rich, would benefit all and would actually increase receipts from the wealthiest Americans as their tax rates would decline without resort to tax shelters. The Wall Street Journal editorial page states that taxes paid by millionaire households more than doubled from $136 billion in 2003 to $274 billion in 2006 because of the JGTRRA.[2]

The Heritage Foundation concludes that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden and the poor shouldering less;[3] while the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has concluded that the tax cuts have conferred the "largest benefits, by far on the highest income households." However that same publication indicates that more than 75% of tax savings (and cost to the treasury) went to households in the bottom 99% of income.[4] The underlying policy has been criticized by Democratic Party congressional opponents for giving tax cuts to the rich with capital gains tax breaks while acknowledging some benefit extended to middle and lower income brackets as well.[5]


Bush tax cuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the heritage foundation is a rightwing "think tank". what makes you think they're being honest?

and an opinion piece in the wall street journal isn't evidence... nor is wikipedia on a subject like this.

that said, how much do you think the average person saved based on shrub's tax cuts?

the answer is that it was about $200 bucks a family.

that's enough for a nice meal out.

what do you think the average 1 percenter saved? and what do you think the relative impact on the economy was... particularly when he then chose to run two wars on china's dime?

and why should middle and working class and poor families suffer because of that stupidity?

What they offered was IRS FIGURES, dollars paid and from what tax bracket and income level.
How is that "think tank" opinion in any way.
Your mind is closed.
Stupid is the inability to learn which you are not stupid.
Ignorant is the refusal to learn and you are that.
Keep you money dirt-bag.

You're gonna need it.

I'm fine where I sit financially, I'm not the one claiming Obama is ruining my life bitch tits.

that's because you're not an obama deranged liar.

but there ya go.

It's happening to everyone around Mr. Whistle, but he does not apparently need any help from those not struggling as much. Good for him, but I don't believe Obama's hurt him one bit.
It's "fucking," not fucken, and the Bush era rates going back to Clinton rates is not across the board, not in any Obama proposal.

Yes, they have expiration dates - because they were designed to alleviate hardship during a recession. That's called "smart."

Jesus christmas.

Of course not across the board.

But that is some small consolation.

And I'll spell it any way I choose. I guess you've never heard of slang before.

slang is a poetic license used and accepted often, but typically one does watch their spelling in a post calling someone else an idiot. That was the point, poindexter.

Pot meet kettle.
I'm fine where I sit financially, I'm not the one claiming Obama is ruining my life bitch tits.

that's because you're not an obama deranged liar.

but there ya go.

It's happening to everyone around Mr. Whistle, but he does not apparently need any help from those not struggling as much. Good for him, but I don't believe Obama's hurt him one bit.

Mr whistle is a landlord. His tenants use Sec 8 housing vouchers to pay their rent.

Of course Muddy is doing ok. All those tenants with guaranteed rent money. What a moocher Muccy is. Living off the guvment teat.
that's because you're not an obama deranged liar.

but there ya go.

It's happening to everyone around Mr. Whistle, but he does not apparently need any help from those not struggling as much. Good for him, but I don't believe Obama's hurt him one bit.

Mr whistle is a landlord. His tenants use Sec 8 housing vouchers to pay their rent.

Of course Muddy is doing ok. All those tenants with guaranteed rent money. What a moocher Muccy is. Living off the guvment teat.

amazing he leans the way he does. wow.
Of course not across the board.

But that is some small consolation.

And I'll spell it any way I choose. I guess you've never heard of slang before.

slang is a poetic license used and accepted often, but typically one does watch their spelling in a post calling someone else an idiot. That was the point, poindexter.

Pot meet kettle.

I wasnt the one who called you idiot, dipshit.
This is about the Bush tax cuts. Fed taxes. Not State and local.

Everyone who pays Fed taxes benifited from the Bush tax cuts. Not just the wealthy.

If Barry didn't like the tax cuts he shouldn't have pushed for the extention. You can blame the Reps all you want but He and the Dems agreed to the extention.

The tax cuts should expire for all and go back to the pre tax cut levels.

I'm sure the economy will rebound and take off like a rocket. YR

He agreed to the extension because the Republicans used them as a bargaining chip against extending unemployment.

Bottom line is Barry and the Dems agreed to the tax cut extentions. Doesn't matter why. They agreed to the extention when they didn't have to.

I am glad they did though because raising taxes in this economy is the stupidest, most ignorant move they could have made. We'll see what happens when they raise taxes on those making 250K and up. I'm sure this sluggish economy will just love it. Aren't you??
This is about the Bush tax cuts. Fed taxes. Not State and local.

Everyone who pays Fed taxes benifited from the Bush tax cuts. Not just the wealthy.

If Barry didn't like the tax cuts he shouldn't have pushed for the extention. You can blame the Reps all you want but He and the Dems agreed to the extention.

The tax cuts should expire for all and go back to the pre tax cut levels.

I'm sure the economy will rebound and take off like a rocket. YR

He agreed to the extension because the Republicans used them as a bargaining chip against extending unemployment.

Bottom line is Barry and the Dems agreed to the tax cut extentions. Doesn't matter why. They agreed to the extention when they didn't have to.

I am glad they did though because raising taxes in this economy is the stupidest, most ignorant move they could have made. We'll see what happens when they raise taxes on those making 250K and up. I'm sure this sluggish economy will just love it. Aren't you??

It does matter why.
Know what, bro?

PM me your paypal.

I'll throw ya a few bucks if you're doing so bad under the Pres.

Keep you money dirt-bag.

You're gonna need it.

I'm fine where I sit financially, I'm not the one claiming Obama is ruining my life bitch tits.

I never said Obama is ruining my life.

I guess if you wanted to really know what I've claimed you go back and read my previous posts. But if you did and still maintain that I've said Obama ruined my life you'd be lying.

Funny, you're simply repeating what I said yet acting like I didn't say it. One of them is this false narrative that Obama is out to help the poor and punish the rich. Well the rich always find a way but the poor usually don't have as many options.

Another thing you're ignoring which is posted earlier maybe on another thread is that all economies are local. One city may be suffering while another is doing just fine. I would rather live somewhere else but I choose to live here because the standard of living is better. The house I live in would be worth $750k in California where here it's only worth $189k. Those are rough estimates mind you. Living here the swings in the economy aren't as severe. The property values still dropped but not as much as they did where I used to live in CA. Maybe where you live things are fine but a friend of mine Long Island would beg to differ. He's been unemployed for going on two years. Some of my other friends say that at the latest Chamber of Commerce meeting businesses are packing up and leaving CA. The state has been flooded with illegals and you have to know Spanish just to order a Big Mack in parts of San Bernadino.

So are you done being an asshole or do you want to continue, because I can indulge you? I love a challenge.
Keep you money dirt-bag.

You're gonna need it.

I'm fine where I sit financially, I'm not the one claiming Obama is ruining my life bitch tits.

I never said Obama is ruining my life.

I guess if you wanted to really know what I've claimed you go back and read my previous posts. But if you did and still maintain that I've said Obama ruined my life you'd be lying.

Funny, you're simply repeating what I said yet acting like I didn't say it. One of them is this false narrative that Obama is out to help the poor and punish the rich. Well the rich always find a way but the poor usually don't have as many options.

Another thing you're ignoring which is posted earlier maybe on another thread is that all economies are local. One city may be suffering while another is doing just fine. I would rather live somewhere else but I choose to live here because the standard of living is better. The house I live in would be worth $750k in California where here it's only worth $189k. Those are rough estimates mind you. Living here the swings in the economy aren't as severe. The property values still dropped but not as much as they did where I used to live in CA. Maybe where you live things are fine but a friend of mine Long Island would beg to differ. He's been unemployed for going on two years. Some of my other friends say that at the latest Chamber of Commerce meeting businesses are packing up and leaving CA. The state has been flooded with illegals and you have to know Spanish just to order a Big Mack in parts of San Bernadino.

So are you done being an asshole or do you want to continue, because I can indulge you? I love a challenge.

^ that's all common sense, and it exists with or without Obama intervention, derp derp.

So, what side of the fence does your boy from long island lay on?

Is he a moocher for not finding a job by two years?
Or are people sitting on UE for two yerars NOT moochers?
Should he be cut off?

where do you sit, with him?

And fuggoutta here with your section 8 yielding ass. I can't even take you serious, tbh. You dont walk the walk.
that's because you're not an obama deranged liar.

but there ya go.

It's happening to everyone around Mr. Whistle, but he does not apparently need any help from those not struggling as much. Good for him, but I don't believe Obama's hurt him one bit.

Mr whistle is a landlord. His tenants use Sec 8 housing vouchers to pay their rent.

Of course Muddy is doing ok. All those tenants with guaranteed rent money. What a moocher Muccy is. Living off the guvment teat.

Just doing whatever I can to get by biatch.

I'm fine where I sit financially, I'm not the one claiming Obama is ruining my life bitch tits.

I never said Obama is ruining my life.

I guess if you wanted to really know what I've claimed you go back and read my previous posts. But if you did and still maintain that I've said Obama ruined my life you'd be lying.

Funny, you're simply repeating what I said yet acting like I didn't say it. One of them is this false narrative that Obama is out to help the poor and punish the rich. Well the rich always find a way but the poor usually don't have as many options.

Another thing you're ignoring which is posted earlier maybe on another thread is that all economies are local. One city may be suffering while another is doing just fine. I would rather live somewhere else but I choose to live here because the standard of living is better. The house I live in would be worth $750k in California where here it's only worth $189k. Those are rough estimates mind you. Living here the swings in the economy aren't as severe. The property values still dropped but not as much as they did where I used to live in CA. Maybe where you live things are fine but a friend of mine Long Island would beg to differ. He's been unemployed for going on two years. Some of my other friends say that at the latest Chamber of Commerce meeting businesses are packing up and leaving CA. The state has been flooded with illegals and you have to know Spanish just to order a Big Mack in parts of San Bernadino.

So are you done being an asshole or do you want to continue, because I can indulge you? I love a challenge.

^ that's all common sense, and it exists with or without Obama intervention, derp derp.

So, what side of the fence does your boy from long island lay on?

Is he a moocher for not finding a job by two years?
Or are people sitting on UE for two yerars NOT moochers?
Should he be cut off?

where do you sit, with him?

And fuggoutta here with your section 8 yielding ass. I can't even take you serious, tbh. You dont walk the walk.

I learned never to ask. It's none of my business. He's a product of his education and his environment.

And as you said before, I shouldn't bitch and instead just find a way when times are tough. You ether bitch and complain and lose everything or you adapt to the economy. I had some bad expiriences with Section 8 renters in CA but the renter's laws here are more landlord friendly. When you live in a military town the economy sinks during a large deployment. But it's still better than living elsewhere.
Oh, and BTW, G.T.

You're a hypocrite.
It's happening to everyone around Mr. Whistle, but he does not apparently need any help from those not struggling as much. Good for him, but I don't believe Obama's hurt him one bit.

Mr whistle is a landlord. His tenants use Sec 8 housing vouchers to pay their rent.

Of course Muddy is doing ok. All those tenants with guaranteed rent money. What a moocher Muccy is. Living off the guvment teat.

Just doing whatever I can to get by biatch.


Holy fucking hypocrite.

It's ok though, most of the other "conservatives" on this site yelling for smaller government are hypocrites too. You're just another one of the sheep.
Yea, a guy who cries daily about moochers fully exascerbates their existence in his real life, and thinks he has a soap-box?


discarded to the irrelevant posters box. Walk the walk.
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank whose mandate is to produce position papers to promote conservative values. Hardly an unbiased source.

Even the CBPP had to admit that the poor received benefits from the tax-cut. Many of the lower income folks completely stopped having to pay income-taxes. That's 100% for those who can't figure that out on their own. So I don't care what charts you come up with.

I see everyone dancing around the issue but not answering the question.

Were the Bush Tax-cuts only beneficial to the rich?

Yes or no?

Not only did the lower income folks quit paying income taxes, they received returns. Free money for nothing other than beeing poor. Mostly funded by the 1%.

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