Do you still watch CNN, Fox News etc.


  • No

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • Just internet based sites.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Nothing much anymore, TV or internet...I am sick of it.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.
I use newspapers and get truth with a grain of salt added. You are correct about fux and the cnn is kinda like you say.
The cable networks are pretty tough to watch at this point. They don't seem to be even TRYING to hide their bias at this point.

In terms of teevee, I've actually found myself watching local news much more. Far less slanted, and no insipid, insulting "panels".
The cable networks are pretty tough to watch at this point. They don't seem to be even TRYING to hide their bias at this point.

In terms of teevee, I've actually found myself watching local news much more. Far less slanted, and no insipid, insulting "panels".

We watch local news on Sat. mornings, a few times in the evening... but it is almost all local stuff.
I don't believe there is a source for actual national news anymore. Things that matter.
I read Fortune for financial in depth info, bounce around here and a few other places and see stories.
But the average American is almost wholly ignorant of actual information that seriously affects them.
I am not a conspiracy junkie...but I have to give pause that this is all by design.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.
Is MSNBC still on the air?
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.
Is MSNBC still on the air?
Is there any difference between them and CNN anymore?
MSNBC use to be the class clown, trying all kinds of antics trying to get noticed. Now that is normal across all three.
The cable networks are pretty tough to watch at this point. They don't seem to be even TRYING to hide their bias at this point.

In terms of teevee, I've actually found myself watching local news much more. Far less slanted, and no insipid, insulting "panels".

We watch local news on Sat. mornings, a few times in the evening... but it is almost all local stuff.
I don't believe there is a source for actual national news anymore. Things that matter.
I read Fortune for financial in depth info, bounce around here and a few other places and see stories.
But the average American is almost wholly ignorant of actual information that seriously affects them.
I am not a conspiracy junkie...but I have to give pause that this is all by design.
I've given up cable news. I used to watch Meet the Press. It got bad with David Gregory and fell off the deep end with Chuck Todd's open hate for Trump. I switched over to This Week on ABC, but I can hardly watch it any longer because it is all open hate for Trump as well by the panel. I used to really admire panelist Matthew Dowd, but every time he is on now and the discussion turns to Trump, you can visible see his face twist up and he almost spits his words out. This week has the same issue that Meet the Press has, their show is hosted by a liberal and 3 of the 4 panelists are all liberals. In their NYC/DC bubble, they honestly believe that they are being representative with an 80% panel of liberals. They think that is America. That's why they can't understand why people keep complaining about fake news or understand why Trump won. Just doing your freakin job and report the news and leave your shitty outlook out of it.
I used to think CNN was the better station years ago. While Fox was leaning right, and MSNBC was leaning left, I think CNN tried to market themselves as the more "balanced" channel. All that resulted in was them consistently coming in last in the ratings. I would always hear liberals call CNN "Fox News lite", and conservatives call them "Communist News Network". It became obvious that the people want an echo chamber. Not to worry though. Since Trump's election they've become the "Trump Bashing Channel". I'm not sure even MSNBC compares anymore.
The cable networks are pretty tough to watch at this point. They don't seem to be even TRYING to hide their bias at this point.

In terms of teevee, I've actually found myself watching local news much more. Far less slanted, and no insipid, insulting "panels".

We watch local news on Sat. mornings, a few times in the evening... but it is almost all local stuff.
I don't believe there is a source for actual national news anymore. Things that matter.
I read Fortune for financial in depth info, bounce around here and a few other places and see stories.
But the average American is almost wholly ignorant of actual information that seriously affects them.
I am not a conspiracy junkie...but I have to give pause that this is all by design.
I've given up cable news. I used to watch Meet the Press. It got bad with David Gregory and fell off the deep end with Chuck Todd's open hate for Trump. I switched over to This Week on ABC, but I can hardly watch it any longer because it is all open hate for Trump as well by the panel. I used to really admire panelist Matthew Dowd, but every time he is on now and the discussion turns to Trump, you can visible see his face twist up and he almost spits his words out. This week has the same issue that Meet the Press has, their show is hosted by a liberal and 3 of the 4 panelists are all liberals. In their NYC/DC bubble, they honestly believe that they are being representative with an 80% panel of liberals. They think that is America. That's why they can't understand why people keep complaining about fake news or understand why Trump won. Just doing your freakin job and report the news and leave your shitty outlook out of it.

Good point, I use to watch Sunday Morning...miss Timothy of the last, actually probably IS the last, host committed to the story rather than producing an angle.
David Gregory is a joke. Like someone said above, he doesn't even try to hide the bias anymore. And you are right...I challenge anyone to watch the show and find 3 minutes where something negative isn't said about Trump. They are working very hard on the next election. And that is the clear priority... make Trump lose. Anyone who doesn't see it, is again, blind.
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Yeah, watch it all day. I learned how to rebuild transmissions by watching CNN.
I watch mainly dvds and cds on my tv, from the Good Will, get my news on the internet by search engine for stories, pictures, or information. If there's anything I can't stand, it's political lies, so I seldom watch stations that proffer hubris, which I can smell from a mile off due to being brought up in a home of military discipline, sports, and education. When I'm here and notice people or politicians saying or doing untoward things, I often just get down on my knees and pray for them, hoping that someday the light of goodness will be important to them as they work their way through the sometimes confusing world of accepting each other for the sake of this country that is already divided enough. That is all.
I watch mainly dvds and cds on my tv, from the Good Will, get my news on the internet by search engine for stories, pictures, or information. If there's anything I can't stand, it's political lies, so I seldom watch stations that proffer hubris, which I can smell from a mile off due to being brought up in a home of military discipline, sports, and education. When I'm here and notice people or politicians saying or doing untoward things, I often just get down on my knees and pray for them, hoping that someday the light of goodness will be important to them as they work their way through the sometimes confusing world of accepting each other for the sake of this country that is already divided enough. That is all.

I watch Fox News exclusively but I know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. I used to watch CNN until they turned far left.
I cut the cable almost 10 years ago. I don't miss it. Network and cable news was already too personality-focused and trying to get anything useful from three to five minute segments with people cutting each other off and talking over each other is wasteful. Not to mention the thinly-cloaked biases. Just give me the facts. Yeah, right.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.

I don’t watch any of them. When an acesses hollyweird twerp like shep Smith is called a journalist the ship is sunk.
Ii have full cable for a year. If any news is happening? I turn on Fox only. But less and less.

I watch other stuff between commercials. First 48, Gold Rush, Deal or no Deal, 60 days in....a lot of aimless remote searching thru 200 channels. A movie once in a while.

I find all news highlights pop up here in one place. I used to go Drudge, Savage.....Yahoo for comments only at work. I dominate there if I choose to grace them with my good common sense and humor learned in here and sports boards.

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