Do You Support A Woman's Right To Choose?

You are a bunch of morons you learn nothing from the past. Abortion is not and never will be murder. When a person is born it's we celebrate their birthday. Before that time this person does not exist only the potential for another human being exists. You can call it murder all you want it never will be murder.
It's a HUMAN from conception to death. Stop rejecting SCIENCE
You are a bunch of morons you learn nothing from the past. Abortion is not and never will be murder. When a person is born it's we celebrate their birthday. Before that time this person does not exist only the potential for another human being exists. You can call it murder all you want it never will be murder.
I guess the jury got it wrong in the case of Scott Peterson, eh. He murdered his pregnant wife and in vitro son and was CONVICTED of two counts of MURDER. Try again moron.
It's a HUMAN from conception to death. Stop rejecting SCIENCE
That's not science. A human being a person celebrates their birth date the day they were born is the day they became a person not before not while they're a tadpole in their mother's uterus
That is only the potential for a human being if one is wanted and loved if it is not it should not be brought into this world end of story. Quit trying to twist science into what you want it to be.
A woman who wants to have a child is a totally different story from a woman who does not want to have a child that is pregnant. Again it is not murder it's in a medical procedure called an abortion and it shouldn't be in the courts at all.
In the leftist mind, the baby in the womb is only human IF THE WOMAN SAYS ITS A BABY.

Satan is with Stann
That's not science. A human being a person celebrates their birth date the day they were born is the day they became a person not before not while they're a tadpole in their mother's uterus
That is only the potential for a human being if one is wanted and loved if it is not it should not be brought into this world end of story. Quit trying to twist science into what you want it to be.
Did you graduate from public education? You sure do act like it..
Either it is a fetus, or an unborn son, which is it?
That's the f****** problem, you people think everything is a unborn child they're not if it's not wanted if it's not loved it's not a child it's a it's a scientifically a fetus all the time it's a fetus but you can call onboard child if you want just don't do that to other people that want abortions that's not fair to anyone. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
A woman who wants to have a child is a totally different story from a woman who does not want to have a child that is pregnant.
The slut should have thought about the consequences before she spread her legs, moron. Consequences--all of life's choices have them. I hope you enjoy your choices as you are burning in hell for advocating unbridled MURDER.
You are very sick you talk about me projecting you're the one who's condemning people calling them murders that is sick this is none of your business a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body that's the bottom line and I don't care what you or anybody else says.

Wow, it's hard for you leftist narcissists to let go of the notion that your approval is deeply important and desperately desired, and that reality is made simply by you asserting something.

You can keep posting, "THIS is facts. THIS is true. So THERE!" until your stupid face turns blue. Won't make it real, and it won't make it a valid argument.

And DON'T mansplain to me about women.
Women have a choice of:
birth CONTROL pills,
morning after pills
If she is stupid enough to get pregnant with all of that at her disposal, then her rights stop at conception and the new life's rights begin.

My wife didn't get pregnant until after she started taking birth control pills. My grandfather proclaimed that I had "determined sperm".

Other than abstinence, nothing's 100%...
The slut should have thought about the consequences before she spread her legs, moron. Consequences--all of life's choices have them. I hope you enjoy your choices as you are burning in hell for advocating unbridled MURDER.
Now you're just being f****** ridiculous go to hell already I'm not talking to you anymore you're a jerk.
Another one of those f****** idiots. The fetus has never even lived there is no body. That stupid Texas law abortion law protected something that isn't even a fetus yet. At 6 weeks it's definitely not human it's a half inch long it weighs a quarter ounce it looks like a weird tadpole his tail is 1/3 the length of his body. I'm sorry we need to protect people children not the possibility of children. Women are here they are people they have rights and if they don't have the right over their own body you can go to hell.

"You're such a fucking idiot, talking all that science when I want THIS to be true, so it is!!!"

Your post contradicts ITSELF, never mind what a fucking joke it is alongside biological reality. My kids knew more about science in the first grade than you do as an alleged adult. Be ashamed to be you.
You are a bunch of morons you learn nothing from the past. Abortion is not and never will be murder. When a person is born it's we celebrate their birthday. Before that time this person does not exist only the potential for another human being exists. You can call it murder all you want it never will be murder.

"You're all so stupid. I keep telling you that THIS is true, and you just keep insisting on reality that I don't want!!!"

Keep talking, ass clown. We'll keep laughing.

"People celebrate the day they were born, so THAT means a fetus isn't alive!" Really? THAT is what passes for logical thought in your shriveled brain stem? How do you even find the On/Off switch on your computer so you can come in here and humiliate yourself?
That's the f****** problem, you people think everything is a unborn child they're not if it's not wanted if it's not loved it's not a child it's a it's a scientifically a fetus all the time it's a fetus but you can call onboard child if you want just don't do that to other people that want abortions that's not fair to anyone. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

If life only exists when someone else wants it, how do you explain yourself?

Also, please learn how to form sentences. Investigate this thing that intelligent people - ie. people who aren't you - call "punctuation". You're getting more and more incoherent, which is frankly hard to believe given the level of brain death you started at.
A woman who wants to have a child is a totally different story from a woman who does not want to have a child that is pregnant. Again it is not murder it's in a medical procedure called an abortion and it shouldn't be in the courts at all.

"I know what's best for women, so all you women just shut up and accept my superior wisdom! It's not murder, because look how many times I have stated that it isn't!"
That's not science. A human being a person celebrates their birth date the day they were born is the day they became a person not before not while they're a tadpole in their mother's uterus
That is only the potential for a human being if one is wanted and loved if it is not it should not be brought into this world end of story. Quit trying to twist science into what you want it to be.

"REAL science is looking at what day people celebrate! Stop calling all that biology stuff science!!"

I wonder if it has ever occurred to this joke that the best arguement he could make for anything he believes is to never talk.

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