Do you support abolishing the Federal Dept of Education?

Do you support abolishing the Fed Dept of Ed in favor of Parents and the States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 78.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 21.9%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure what the Department of Education does. What do they do? Why do they exist? How do they improve education? What do they do that isn't done at the state and local level?

I'd be inclined to scrap it because I don't know why they exist.
As a relative outsider, has this thread been borne out of concern over the quality of education being delivered in the classroom, or concerns over discipline and safety? And is a there a [national] consensus or debate forming that claims localisation and overall state (as opposed to federal) administration would be a force for good? If the latter's the case, would funding that comes from any federal sources be allocated on merit? If so, how would states whose newly localised education system flourishes under this proposed system deal with educational migration from states whose education system is comparatively underperforming?
Were it up to me all public education would be Federalized.

Not that I'm especially thrilled or impressed with what passes for the Dept of ED. In fact, I think that department is screwed up.

But it would behoove the American people to insure it that every child in the USA got a consistently good education.

And having our educational system bulkanized into 17,000 different schools systems is NOT a very efficient or fair system, either.
The government has no roll in education. It can make history that should be taught in schools, but the education system is about educating children. The no child left behind is a complete train wreck, because of that we have had a dumbing down in a MAJOR way (my the daughters in their late teens, all on honor the roll, all grades are about 85%, have no idea there was a cold war, do not know the preamble of the Constitution which starts with the three most important words in this country has put to paper "We The People ...") it is stunning to know that your children are being taught nothing.

They have classes on political correctness "sensitivity class" and classes on sexual oriantation .... Not sex education as we had it in the past (Tab "a" goes into Slot "b") but a class that instructs homosexual behavious

Their standardized tests have resulted in cheating on tests by the schools and school districts to get fed funding, lowering of testing standards, pairing down of the things to be taught and simply not teaching anything that is not a question on the fed test. When funding is dependant on how schools do on tests, it becomes the test scores that are important, not the general education of the students.

Yes, it should be removed
Yep. Get rid of the Dept of Ed.

Education would be better served at the local level by folks who are right there and can see what works and what doesn't and adjust.

While your at it. Get the damn unions out as well.

Charter schools work wonderfully without a union in site.
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

so religious types can teach creationism as if it's equal to evolution?

or so teachers can set up creches in their classrooms?

I have nothing against basic standards being set at the federal level, the main issue is that most of the DOEd budget is for pass through funding and for the buracracy that is "needed" to oversee it.

The DOEd should be a small part of the federal government, with the sole task of setting base level educational standards. It should have no ability to fund programs, and should have a fraction of the current staffing it has now.
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

so religious types can teach creationism as if it's equal to evolution?

or so teachers can set up creches in their classrooms?

I have nothing against basic standards being set at the federal level, the main issue is that most of the DOEd budget is for pass through funding and for the buracracy that is "needed" to oversee it.

The DOEd should be a small part of the federal government, with the sole task of setting base level educational standards. It should have no ability to fund programs, and should have a fraction of the current staffing it has now.

:clap2: I agree 100%. There should be a minimum Federal standard set, there should not be any $ involved from the Feds. Let the states keep what is theirs.

I have only one issue, I was educated in Public Schools in the 60s and 70s, in a suburb of Chicago. I now live in Georgia, our education system here is severely lacking. However, no federal intervention has helped. Not sure what the answer is, but what we have now is not it.
so religious types can teach creationism as if it's equal to evolution?

or so teachers can set up creches in their classrooms?

You are welcome to remove your children from such a classroom. You are welcome to work towards building your local school so that no religion is discussed whatsoever. Get involved, make your case.

You are not welcome to impose your view on another's children or another community. That you, and all other nanny-staters believe you know what is best for others is the heart of the problem.
There is no proven correlation between race and intelligence. Thus, argument nullified.

As to the OP, I believe that the Dept. of Education has committed the criminal act (in education) of homogenizing education.

Education needs to be personalized.
Sorry but blacks aren't as intelligent as whites. Mixing blacks in the classrooms with white children has caused the Dept of Education to change testing proceedures in order to make it easier for the black child to compete. It is a truth that must be accepted.

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Sorry pal, I've read many of your posts and you're as dumb as a lamp post; I've worked with African Amerian attorney's, Judges, detectives, custodians, teachers, probation officers, parole agents, therapists, coaches and arrested African American's and none of them are as stupid or fucked up as you.

But you never sat in a public high school classroom with blacks, which is what USArmy is talking about.
As odious as the guy is, desegregation was not the panacaea it was promised to be.
Back to the OP, the Dept of Education's budget is inversely proportional to the performance of students on standardized tests. That ought to tell us something.
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

so religious types can teach creationism as if it's equal to evolution?

or so teachers can set up creches in their classrooms?

The goal here is that so kids have the necessary intellectual tools to make that kind of decision for themselves.

Right now kids aren't being taught well enough that they are absorbing anything. There are people out there with hight school diplomas who read at a 3rd grade level and lack the math skills to do a double recipe on a Betty Crocker cake box. You go to any employment agency and they give you a basic skills test in math and reading skills at 4th grade level. And there are large numbers of people with high school diplomas who fail those tests

What schools are about these days is authoritarian indoctrination. And they do that as well as they do math and grammar.

Right now I am past caring if there is a crucifix in the school or not, or a Buddha. I might draw the line at Kali or Baal. But kids should get out of school knowing how to add fractions and be able to figure the area of a rectangle. That is what is important.

And if kids do have the reading skills necessary to survive in the modern world, then they can make up their own minds about whether to worship Bacchus or Athena.
I'm not sure what the Department of Education does. What do they do? Why do they exist? How do they improve education? What do they do that isn't done at the state and local level?

I'd be inclined to scrap it because I don't know why they exist.

It exists to give high paying jobs to deserving Democrats where they can flee from any job that imposes pay for performance.
I have more trust in the ordinary citizen making the right choice versus an overbloated incompetent inept federal dept.
Convince me that education is not a vital national interest, and you'll convince me the federal government ought not be concerned with it.

Convince me that the Federal Government's involvement in education has improved it.

Obviously education is a vital national interest. Nobody is saying it isn't but burdening it with layer upon layer of Federal regulations and spending billions on administrators that don't TEACH isn't doing anything to make our education system better. Education, like most things, is best handled at the local level.
One thing that we need to do is re-segregate the public school system. Degregation has ruined public schools all across the nation and it has taken our education system downhill.

The ignorance displayed by this post is staggering. Segregation isn't the problem.
One might say that USArmyRetarded is a sample of the result of the federal interference in the school system and a demonstration of just how big a disaster it was.
Convince me that education is not a vital national interest, and you'll convince me the federal government ought not be concerned with it.

Convince me that the Federal Government's involvement in education has improved it.

Obviously education is a vital national interest. Nobody is saying it isn't but burdening it with layer upon layer of Federal regulations and spending billions on administrators that don't TEACH isn't doing anything to make our education system better. Education, like most things, is best handled at the local level.

In NY Fizzy One's world, the ample evidence that it isn't working proves that it is working.

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