Do you support BLM/The ANC/black nationalism?

Do you support BLM/black nationalism?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Muh KKK

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Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.

Everybody knows they're utter scum, that isn't debatable, though some of the more stupid will keep trying to paint them as something besides hard core racist cop killers, the kind of vermin who should be shot on sight by any armed citizen.
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
BLM is not "Black Nationalism".

You idiots still can't understand that it doesn't mean "only black.lives matter", it means "black lives matter too!"
That is the same message that white nationalists have, idiot. But unlike white nationalists, BLM has an extensive history of racism from the top to the bottom of the organization after receiving mainstream status. BLM Toronto and many other chapters prove this.

You can also look up the BLM website and carefully examine their objectives. All of them correspond exactly with what Stormfront wanted for white people, and all of them correspond with black nationalist groups.

You idiots can’t understand that no one is denying black people a damn thing. Black people are given advantages everywhere in society by law. The entire premise of BLM is racist bullshit.
I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.
Damn I'm good.
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege

I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.

Yes. Mac's gimmick is to run around whining about 'Da Rasiculs N Stuff', denounces all sides, and then proclaims some left wing rubbish or other, the 'genuine moderate position'.
Funny how I am an actual moderate leftist and I don’t do that....
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
BLM is not "Black Nationalism".

You idiots still can't understand that it doesn't mean "only black.lives matter", it means "black lives matter too!"
That is the same message that white nationalists have, idiot. But unlike white nationalists, BLM has an extensive history of racism from the top to the bottom of the organization after receiving mainstream status. BLM Toronto and many other chapters prove this.

You can also look up the BLM website and carefully examine their objectives. All of them correspond exactly with what Stormfront wanted for white people, and all of them correspond with black nationalist groups.

You idiots can’t understand that no one is denying black people a damn thing. Black people are given advantages everywhere in society by law. The entire premise of BLM is racist bullshit.
Dude, you were supposed to share that koolaide with the rest of the kids, not drink the whole pitcher yourself.

The white supremacists want supremacy, it's right there in the name.

BLM wants equality.

There really is no comparison.
BTW OP, you seem to be conflating #BlackLivesMatter and Black Nationalism. They are two totally different things.

The two may intersect for SOME people, but they are different.

Just an FYI.
Damn I'm good.
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege

I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.

Yes. Mac's gimmick is to run around whining about 'Da Rasiculs N Stuff', denounces all sides, and then proclaims some left wing rubbish or other, the 'genuine moderate position'.
Funny how I am an actual moderate leftist and I don’t do that....
You are not a "moderate leftist". You are a RWNJ through and through. And again I say rating my post "funny" doesn't change the facts.
Despite the joke thread that Mac created to somehow prove to himself that voting for Hillary and the Demoncrats was the morally superior choice, this thread will prove that the left is absolutely compromised morally and will naturally fall apart as they are exposed by a stronger right and center of the political spectrum.
BLM is not "Black Nationalism".

You idiots still can't understand that it doesn't mean "only black.lives matter", it means "black lives matter too!"
That is the same message that white nationalists have, idiot. But unlike white nationalists, BLM has an extensive history of racism from the top to the bottom of the organization after receiving mainstream status. BLM Toronto and many other chapters prove this.

You can also look up the BLM website and carefully examine their objectives. All of them correspond exactly with what Stormfront wanted for white people, and all of them correspond with black nationalist groups.

You idiots can’t understand that no one is denying black people a damn thing. Black people are given advantages everywhere in society by law. The entire premise of BLM is racist bullshit.
Dude, you were supposed to share that koolaide with the rest of the kids, not drink the whole pitcher yourself.

The white supremacists want supremacy, it's right there in the name.

BLM wants equality.

There really is no comparison.
“White supremacist” is a bullshit name that YOU give them, moron.

BLM doesn’t want equality:

Not even a little bit:
Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege

I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.

Yes. Mac's gimmick is to run around whining about 'Da Rasiculs N Stuff', denounces all sides, and then proclaims some left wing rubbish or other, the 'genuine moderate position'.
Funny how I am an actual moderate leftist and I don’t do that....
You are not a "moderate leftist". You are a RWNJ through and through. And again I say rating my post "funny" doesn't change the facts.
Your statement has no basis in fact while my political compass results are visible for everyone to see. Mac is too chicken shit to post his own results.

All you idiots who talk about “RWNJs” are literally at the extreme end of the left, literally right next to Stalin. You are lunatics who are a danger to yourselves and the world around you.
BTW OP, you seem to be conflating #BlackLivesMatter and Black Nationalism. They are two totally different things.

The two may intersect for SOME people, but they are different.

Just an FYI.
They are the same thing.

BLM wants “global African villages” according to its website. There is no difference between that and Stormfront wanting “Little Europes” everywhere.
I am not a “winger”, idiot. I am moderate center left.
Idiots like you don’t get it. Non-whites and whites will at first join forces under the banner of civic nationalism to destroy the left. Then we will go our separate ways to preserve the peace.
I love how you think you can’t be moderate center left when supporting separation for purely humanitarian reasons. Hitler was center authoritarian right, moron.

The only reason why I am not actually fairly left wing according to the test is because of my stance on gay marriage, not race.
Damn I'm good.
No you aren’t.
Hey, you may be right - I'm so far up in the heads of wingers on both ends here that I should be charging you guys for the privilege

I am not a “winger”, idiot.

I am moderate center left.

You are most certainly a “winger” though.

Yes. Mac's gimmick is to run around whining about 'Da Rasiculs N Stuff', denounces all sides, and then proclaims some left wing rubbish or other, the 'genuine moderate position'.
The second line of my sig is for childish lies like this, thanks.
I support BLM as they do have a right to have their collective voice heard.
I don't however support most of their methods, which IMO some are 'illegal' & cast BLM in a negative light.
AFA I know BLM are not 'funded' and are typically locally organized, at best.

IMO the black community would be better served if they made the same attempts at addressing 'black on black' crime, which is proven to have a much more negative impact on the black community than the negative impacts of LE interactions with the black community.

That is not IMO to say that BLM does not have a legitimate 'gripe' with the fact of questionable & illegal police actions when interacting within the black community.

All of the above are complex issues based in decades & centuries of racial, political, and fiscal history. None of these issues will be solved unless all parties are ready to step up & be responsible.
Isn’t the center of the political spectrum what you call RINOs and cucks? That center?

Pffft… it's 2018 in politically correct, propaganda drenched America, get your shit together.

The partisan drones consider those in the center extremists.

LOL! Wut?

********************** WWWWWOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH ************************

"There goes the point, if you hurry you might still be able to catch it"

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