Do You Support LGBT Or Not?

I would voice my opposition to the transgender nonsense...

  • Even in a room packed with gays and lesbians.

  • Selectively, making sure I wasn't in mixed company.

  • Transgender isn't nonsense! It's a real, factual thing.

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When you tell me you are personally opposed to something that the LGBT movement is doing in your name it really does nothing to win your argument. The fact is, bakers ARE being hit with huge life-savings destroying fines for refusing to put two plastic little men or two plastic little women on a wedding cake. The fact that you don't personally support that effort of your fellow LGBT makes no difference at all, I have never seen you here denouncing these tactics or urging your fellow LGBT to show restraint in oppressing Christians who have religious objections to participating in a wedding ceremony they don't believe is legitimate. I know you would not urge such restraint, because then your fellow LGBT, including possibly your husband, would turn on you like wild wolves and take you down.

This is an incredibly lame attempt to save face, even for you. You made up a bunch of nonsense about me and railed aganist it without actually knowing my positions. You could a quick search find out all about my positions concerning public accommodation laws. It isn't a secret. I suppose just making shit up as you go along is much easier, though. :lol:
Public accommodation laws date back to the Civil Rights era, and were added to by the Americans with Disabilities Act. It does not matter what you personally think, the federal government is not going to repeal these laws and allow businesses to go back to discriminating against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and handicapped people in their public accommodations.

Taking the position that you are opposed to ALL public accommodation laws is intellectually dishonest, because you don't really want to see a return to the days when hotels could refuse service to blacks, Mexicans, and Jews. If you really believe that, you are a libertarian extremist, so please make that clear if that is really your position. But I wouldn't believe it even if you said it, because even libertarians don't really believe it, despite what they say.

Exactly. It doesn't matter what I say b/c you'll only believe whatever fits your narrative about me. :thup:
OK, then say it. Say you want to repeal the Civil Rights era laws and go back to the days when blacks could be refused service at lunch counters.

Say it.

I will say it-

Blackrook- you oppose Public Accommodation laws- but only when Christians are required to obey them.

You will gladly embrace PA laws that protect Christians from discrimination.
yes unless we are talking about special rights and shit
actual equality? absolutely

Slade, on the LGBT supporters, believe LGBT individuals deserve special rights in order to make up for their "struggles". He's very clear about how they should have things provided to them for all the mistreatment they've endured.
So you're either on board with LGBT or you're not. If you are even partially on-board, do not ever dare to voice criticism about ANY component of LGBT. The consequences can be severe.
Yeah, they can go to hell.

I will continue to treat individual LGBT people as an individual should be treated with respect, but I will never stop voicing my opposition for making this perversion normalized.
I agree with you. I have no problem with gay peopl, but I refuse to approve of the gay agenda. And I will not entertain transgender mental illness.i will not go there.
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If they intend is to do whatever they want no matter how it impacts other people, then there is most definitely no support out of me.

God bless you always!!!

This thread is funny...... but then again so was the plague....... and the Spanish Inquisition.....

Bring out your dead!! Bring out your dead!!

The Inquisition, what a show, the Inquisition, here we go!!
yes unless we are talking about special rights and shit
actual equality? absolutely

Slade, on the LGBT supporters, believe LGBT individuals deserve special rights in order to make up for their "struggles". He's very clear about how they should have things provided to them for all the mistreatment they've endured.

And by 'special rights' you mean the same rights as everyone else.
So you're either on board with LGBT or you're not. If you are even partially on-board, do not ever dare to voice criticism about ANY component of LGBT. The consequences can be severe.
Yeah, they can go to hell.

I will continue to treat individual LGBT people as an individual should be treated with respect, but I will never stop voicing my opposition for making this perversion normalized.
I agree with you. I have no problem with gay peopl, but I refuse to approval of the gay agenda. And I will not entertain transgender mental illness.i will not go there.

Then don't. I don't approve of your agenda, but why should that bother you?
Taken from this very lengthy and popular discussion: Enough of this transgender nonsense.

This has NOTHING to do with same sex marriage or gays. This is about transgenders who are mentally disturbed people.

Yes but the Church carries as its moniker "LGBT". You can't reject some of their dogma just because it doesn't suit you. Who are you to determine which of "LGBT" is mentally disturbed and which isn't?

You're either all on board or you're the enemy. Which are you? Because I can assure you that if you were sitting in a room with gays talking down "a transgender's right to use the women's showers & restrooms" you would be socially-lynched in a New York minute.

"Lynch"...."New York"...both of them would be on board with ruining you for daring to speak your blasphemy...

So you're either on board with LGBT or you're not. If you are even partially on-board, do not ever dare to voice criticism about ANY component of LGBT. The consequences can be severe. Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns

I'm on board.
When you tell me you are personally opposed to something that the LGBT movement is doing in your name it really does nothing to win your argument. The fact is, bakers ARE being hit with huge life-savings destroying fines for refusing to put two plastic little men or two plastic little women on a wedding cake. The fact that you don't personally support that effort of your fellow LGBT makes no difference at all, I have never seen you here denouncing these tactics or urging your fellow LGBT to show restraint in oppressing Christians who have religious objections to participating in a wedding ceremony they don't believe is legitimate. I know you would not urge such restraint, because then your fellow LGBT, including possibly your husband, would turn on you like wild wolves and take you down.

This is an incredibly lame attempt to save face, even for you. You made up a bunch of nonsense about me and railed aganist it without actually knowing my positions. You could a quick search find out all about my positions concerning public accommodation laws. It isn't a secret. I suppose just making shit up as you go along is much easier, though. :lol:
Public accommodation laws date back to the Civil Rights era, and were added to by the Americans with Disabilities Act. It does not matter what you personally think, the federal government is not going to repeal these laws and allow businesses to go back to discriminating against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and handicapped people in their public accommodations.

Taking the position that you are opposed to ALL public accommodation laws is intellectually dishonest, because you don't really want to see a return to the days when hotels could refuse service to blacks, Mexicans, and Jews. If you really believe that, you are a libertarian extremist, so please make that clear if that is really your position. But I wouldn't believe it even if you said it, because even libertarians don't really believe it, despite what they say.

Exactly. It doesn't matter what I say b/c you'll only believe whatever fits your narrative about me. :thup:
OK, then say it. Say you want to repeal the Civil Rights era laws and go back to the days when blacks could be refused service at lunch counters.

Say it.


You support public accommodation laws, but just not the one that covers queers. I get it. Nobody should be forced to do business with anyone that they don't want. Funny how it is okay to turn away gays from public businesses, but you clutch your pearls the instant it effects people you like. Too funny. You want it both ways.
Taken from this very lengthy and popular discussion: Enough of this transgender nonsense.

This has NOTHING to do with same sex marriage or gays. This is about transgenders who are mentally disturbed people.

Yes but the Church carries as its moniker "LGBT". You can't reject some of their dogma just because it doesn't suit you. Who are you to determine which of "LGBT" is mentally disturbed and which isn't?

You're either all on board or you're the enemy. Which are you? Because I can assure you that if you were sitting in a room with gays talking down "a transgender's right to use the women's showers & restrooms" you would be socially-lynched in a New York minute.

"Lynch"...."New York"...both of them would be on board with ruining you for daring to speak your blasphemy...

So you're either on board with LGBT or you're not. If you are even partially on-board, do not ever dare to voice criticism about ANY component of LGBT. The consequences can be severe. Noow heear this!! DeBlasio bureaucrats to fine businesses that fail to use 'correct' gender pronouns


No, I don't follow other people's rules. They are not the same thing at all to me. Gay people are not delusional or suffering from a mental illness.

They are two completely different things to me, and I have my limits on what I will personally accept. At the same time, they should still have "equal" rights, but not special rights. I just personally do not accept their delusions as reality. I don't care if someone doesn't like it. I DO NOT care. That is my choice to make, and not anyone else's. I have drawn my line in the sand.
I am not in favor of discrimination of LGBT in public accommodations, you are deliberately misstating my position. I think LGBT people should be accommodated, but if the person or business involved has strong moral objections based on religious beliefs to a particular activity that the LGBT person wants him to participate in, he should not be required by law to participate.

For example, there is no reason why a baker would not make a birthday cake for a gay man, and there would be no religious objection to doing that in any religion.

But forcing a baker to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding requires him to violate his religious beliefs, and I believe in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, so government should not have the power to compel that.

Anyone who doesn't see the distinction is being either (1) deliberately stupid; or (2) hostile to religious freedom; or, more likely (3) both.
Why can't we see who voted for what? If you feel comfortable to say it in a room full of them, why not be able to reveal who voted? That's stupid. I have these polls where you can't see who voted for which option.
LGBT is on a collision course with Christianity. Our society will have to choose.
And to be clear, my views have NOTHING to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs.
But science, reason, logic and common sense are not strong enough to withstand the devastating hurricane of destruction that LGBT is unleashing on our society. All of these will crumble and disintegrate in the face of this unrelenting force.

Only within the Church, built on a solid foundation, will there be safe shelter for those who oppose the LGBT agenda, and what it wants to do to our society, including the seduction of our children into the self-destructive LGBT lifestyle.

So there will be no middle ground. You will either be a Christian, or you will be completely abandoned to the worst forms of perversion and immorality. This was predicted in the Bible, and is now coming to pass. I'm not saying this is the end of days, but it is the end of OUR days as a Christian nation.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish this song?
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"Do You Support LGBT Or Not?"

One should support the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, regardless who they are – and not seek to disadvantage them through force of law for no other reason than who they are, predicated solely on errant, subjective beliefs, fears, and intolerance, in violation of the Constitution and its case law.
And to be clear, my views have NOTHING to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs.
But science, reason, logic and common sense are not strong enough to withstand the devastating hurricane of destruction that LGBT is unleashing on our society. All of these will crumble and disintegrate in the face of this unrelenting force.

Only within the Church, built on a solid foundation, will there be safe shelter for those who oppose the LGBT agenda, and what it wants to do to our society, including the seduction of our children into the self-destructive LGBT lifestyle.

So there will be no middle ground. You will either be a Christian, or you will be completely abandoned to the worst forms of perversion and immorality. This was predicted in the Bible, and is now coming to pass. I'm not saying this is the end of days, but it is the end of OUR days as a Christian nation.

I'm not religious.
"Do You Support LGBT Or Not?"

One should support the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, regardless who they are – and not seek to disadvantage them through force of law for no other reason than who they are, predicated solely on errant, subjective beliefs, fears, and intolerance, in violation of the Constitution and its case law.

I don't want to do any of those things. I just will not allow people to try to tell me that a man is a woman or vice versa. That's bull. I'm not going to go along with that delusion.

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