Do You Support LGBT Or Not?

I would voice my opposition to the transgender nonsense...

  • Even in a room packed with gays and lesbians.

  • Selectively, making sure I wasn't in mixed company.

  • Transgender isn't nonsense! It's a real, factual thing.

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Then don't. I don't approve of your agenda, but why should that bother you?
It doesnt.

This is The United States of M*&^%er Fucking America.

You have every right to disagree with me and be as wrong as you want to be.
You support public accommodation laws, but just not the one that covers queers. I get it. Nobody should be forced to do business with anyone that they don't want. Funny how it is okay to turn away gays from public businesses, but you clutch your pearls the instant it effects people you like. Too funny. You want it both ways.
I think most would just say no discrimination save for situations where someone has a plausible conscientious objection, much as some have similar objections to the draft, killing in self defense or listening to Wham!
I am not in favor of discrimination of LGBT in public accommodations, you are deliberately misstating my position. I think LGBT people should be accommodated, but if the person or business involved has strong moral objections based on religious beliefs to a particular activity that the LGBT person wants him to participate in, he should not be required by law to participate.

For example, there is no reason why a baker would not make a birthday cake for a gay man, and there would be no religious objection to doing that in any religion.

But forcing a baker to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding requires him to violate his religious beliefs, and I believe in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, so government should not have the power to compel that.

Anyone who doesn't see the distinction is being either (1) deliberately stupid; or (2) hostile to religious freedom; or, more likely (3) both.

Your position is quite plain. You want bakers to have a right to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex marriage, but compell them by law to do so for all others. Even if they don't want to do so. You have to bake a cake for a Jewish wedding or an interfaith marriage regardless of your beleifs. Funny how those deeply held religious beliefs don't matter to hypocrites. Shut up and bake the wedding cake...unless it is for homos. lol
And to be clear, my views have NOTHING to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs.
But science, reason, logic and common sense are not strong enough to withstand the devastating hurricane of destruction that LGBT is unleashing on our society. All of these will crumble and disintegrate in the face of this unrelenting force.

Only within the Church, built on a solid foundation, will there be safe shelter for those who oppose the LGBT agenda, and what it wants to do to our society, including the seduction of our children into the self-destructive LGBT lifestyle.

So there will be no middle ground. You will either be a Christian, or you will be completely abandoned to the worst forms of perversion and immorality. This was predicted in the Bible, and is now coming to pass. I'm not saying this is the end of days, but it is the end of OUR days as a Christian nation.


It must be terribly hard for you to type with your hair on fire.
You forgot an option

The I don't care option

I'll take that one

Look folks life is short really short if people are happy and not bothering you then mind your own fucking business
Your position is quite plain. You want bakers to have a right to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex marriage, but compell them by law to do so for all others. Even if they don't want to do so. You have to bake a cake for a Jewish wedding or an interfaith marriage regardless of your beleifs. Funny how those deeply held religious beliefs don't matter to hypocrites. Shut up and bake the wedding cake...unless it is for homos. lol

Well then I'm sure you'll be supportive of laws forcing gay billboard makers to HAVE TO print HUGE highway signs for a Christian customer that say "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". If they decline for personal objection to content, the Christians may then sue them for bigotry and discrimination; citing public accommodation laws...

You forgot an option...The I don't care option...I'll take that one...Look folks life is short really short if people are happy and not bothering you then mind your own fucking business

Except that children are involved in all aspects of the LGBT "outreach" and "marriage" situations. Your civic duty to protect children and care about what happens to them (with "trans" being drugged and coerced into amputating healthy organs from their bodies), is overwhelming. There are citizens and there are dead weights. I think I know which one you are.
Well then I'm sure you'll be supportive of laws forcing gay billboard makers to HAVE TO print HUGE highway signs for a Christian customer that say "Homosexuality is a sin unto God". If they decline for personal objection to content, the Christians may then sue them for bigotry and discrimination; citing public accommodation laws...

No, I am opposed to all public accommodation laws. You're fine with the protections it affords you, but not when it protects homos. You want to force people to do business with each other against their wishes, but not when it comes to queers. You're a flaming hypocrite.
No, I'm opposed to PA laws as well. My example served to illustrate to those in favor of them to force Christians to worship at the altar of LGBT, that there is another side to that coin.
No, I'm opposed to PA laws as well. My example served to illustrate to those in favor of them to force Christians to worship at the altar of LGBT, that there is another side to that coin.

Holy shit! We actually agree on something. I might have to consult Revelations as surly this is a sign of the apocalypse. lol
Those opposed to PA laws....what have you actively done to get them repealed in your state?

I write letters to my senators and representatives every month. They've stopped responding to my letters on the matter ages ago. lol
This is an incredibly lame attempt to save face, even for you. You made up a bunch of nonsense about me and railed aganist it without actually knowing my positions. You could a quick search find out all about my positions concerning public accommodation laws. It isn't a secret. I suppose just making shit up as you go along is much easier, though. :lol:

mdk is the most non gay acting gay guy I have ever met. Now if more gays carried themselves with the same dignity as he does and if more straght people were not so crazy homophobic,
we all could get along better.

The problem comes down to this....too many radical gays and too many radical homophobes get all the attention and fuck it up for every one else.
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This is an incredibly lame attempt to save face, even for you. You made up a bunch of nonsense about me and railed aganist it without actually knowing my positions. You could a quick search find out all about my positions concerning public accommodation laws. It isn't a secret. I suppose just making shit up as you go along is much easier, though. :lol:

mdk is the most non gay acting gay guy I have ever met. Now if more gays carried themselves with the same dignity as he does and if more straght people were not so crazy homophobic,
we all could get along better.

The problem comes down to this....too many radical gays and too many radical homophobes get all the attention and fuck it up for every one else.

You would not be making this statement if you witnessed my reaction yesterday to the big ass wolf spider that fell into my hair while I was clearing brush at my brother's house. I could have shattered a greenhouse with my shrieks. :lol:

Thank you for the kind words, NLT. Cheers!
I am opposed to the lgbt tactics of in your face intimidation, their endless lawsuits and their intolerances toward others viewpoints. I am in favor of them keeping their sex lives out of politics. The bakers suffering turned the tide for me.
I am opposed to the lgbt tactics of in your face intimidation, their endless lawsuits and their intolerances toward others viewpoints. I am in favor of them keeping their sex lives out of politics. The bakers suffering turned the tide for me.

For me the straw broke my back when I saw a real-life version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show being played out in politics, and as you say, strong-arm lawsuits, intimidation and intolerances towards normal people. Anyone who wants to really understand the end-game of what the Church of LGBT is up to ought to watch that movie. They were, at least, kind enough to let everyone know from the get-go what their intentions were.
Dipshit believes Rocky Horror was a documentary. :lol:
I am opposed to the lgbt tactics of in your face intimidation, their endless lawsuits and their intolerances toward others viewpoints. I am in favor of them keeping their sex lives out of politics. The bakers suffering turned the tide for me.

For me the straw broke my back when I saw a real-life version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show being played out in politics, and as you say, strong-arm lawsuits, intimidation and intolerances towards normal people. Anyone who wants to really understand the end-game of what the Church of LGBT is up to ought to watch that movie. They were, at least, kind enough to let everyone know from the get-go what their intentions were. have been on your 'hate the gays' agenda for years- promoting discrimination against and hatred for gays.

Christians being required to follow the very same law as every one else is not a 'strong-arm' tactic.
Sil, this may come as a shock to you, but Melissa Joan Hart is neither a teenager nor a witch. lol

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