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Do you Support Planned Parenthood?

CaféAuLait;8914395 said:
The ultimate Progressive is for abortion but opposed to fossil fuels. So in a perfect, Progressive world would it be reasonable to think that aborted fetuses would be used in place of fossil fuels for America's energy needs? Heck ... it might even become posh to have lampshades made of ...

Sickening thought, I know, but don't Libs reject the idea that unborn babies are really human? So am I really that far off base?

Um, I don't know about lampshades, but the UK are already using fetuses in their ‘waste to energy" plant, heating the hospitals, while telling the parents of miscarried ( not intentionally aborted) babies they had cremated the remains. They did the same to intentionally aborted fetuses as well.

One of the country’s leading hospitals, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, incinerated 797 babies below 13 weeks gestation at their own ‘waste to energy’ plant. The mothers were told the remains had been ‘cremated.’

Another ‘waste to energy’ facility at Ipswich Hospital, operated by a private contractor, incinerated 1,101 foetal remains between 2011 and 2013.

They were brought in from another hospital before being burned, generating energy for the hospital site. Ipswich Hospital itself disposes of remains by cremation.

“This practice is totally unacceptable,” said Dr Poulter.

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals - Telegraph

I wasn't aware of that. That's truly horrible. Harvesting their own young for consumption by the people. Next thing you know they'll be adding babies to their mineral supplements. There are probably some of those ghouls who would readily partake. If a person never believed in evil before they ought to now.
To take Sanger out of context, and then to attempt to take that libelous bullshit and attach it to the modern day Planned Parenthood is a dishonest tactic. Is that how you play, by being a dishonest, lying rube? The ends justify the means, eh?

I do not support Planned Parenthood, but neither do I believe they should be outlawed. I am opposed, however, to public funding for PP.

I also believe the pro-life camp should start their own women's health care clinics to compete with Planned Parenthood. May the better model win.

But if you are going to build your model on lies and credulity, you will fail.
Great catch.

It's a shame people use such tactics. Apparently they think Margaret Sanger supported abortion rights so character assignations was ok. The fact is she never approved of abortion, both because they were dangerous for the mother in the early 20th century and because she believed that life should not be terminated after conception. In her book Woman and the New Race, she wrote: "while there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."

The funny thingto me is i agree with her on abortion, but she did apporve of eugenics, so you have a liberal that thought abortion was far worse than eugenics

Kinda makes the liberals nowadays look sick, escpecially the ones with the coathanger necklaces.

and she was and is among many of the progrssive racists.
I agree with her on non-coercive eugenics such as birth control but not mandatory sterilization for the feeble minded. In the early 20th century mandatory sterilization had many supporters which included Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Supreme Court justices, and many legislators both in congress and in state legislatures. After the Nazi atrocities in WWII, support for coercive eugenics began to disappear.
Always the same sick racists that champions dead babies

tapatalk post
And always the same sick old right to lifers living in a dream world who think the repeal of roe v wade will save lives.
Here is what will really happen: Wealthy women who want an abortion will once more fly to Europe where they can get the safe abortion they want and do a bit of shopping before flying home. The poor who do not have a choice to fly to Europe will once again be subject to back ally butcher shops where they will very literally be putting their lives on the line. The bottom line is that repealing roe v wade will not end abortion it will only force it underground where it was before roe v wade.
One of the reasons the Supreme Court made abortion legal is because they knew that making it illegal would not stop it. Desperate women were prepared to take desperate steps to end a pregnancy they did not want. And so they went to the unregulated back ally butcher shops where the pregnancy was terminated by people who knew nothing about safe medical practices and who were only interested in making some tax free bucks. Unfortunately far to often the women were terminated as well. Ask any medical people who were around before roe v wade and they will tell you the horror stories of women bleeding out and dying after an illegal abortion, women coming to the hospital with sepsis from botched abortions, and women having their uterus so ripped and scarred they became infertile. Instead of saving lives what you will end up with is more lives being lost because now, instead of just counting babies, you will have to count all the women who died at the hands of butchers.
So, pat yourself on the back right to lifers Your ignorance will not stop abortion but what it will do is increase the number of deaths. Now you will get a chance to count murdered women along with aborted babies. I am sure you will be very proud that you have solved nothing and made the situation worse. One question you need to ask yourself: If you end safe abortion and force a women to go to a butcher that manages to kill the fetus and the women, exactly who have you saved?
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Well, here's something Margaret Sanger, its founder, didn't want you to know.


Still support them? :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ Found it on Facebook: Margaret Sanger?s ultimate goal with a link to this 79% of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks, Hispanics | LifeNews.com

She clearly failed there...they're fucking like bunnies still...
I believe Sanger had a very bitter experience in childhood. Her father was an atheist and her mother was a Catholic. Her bitterness towards the Roman Catholic Church is palpable although I do not fault her for that. She could have been molested, raped, who knows? Maybe she had an abortion and was angry it wasn't legal. I have no idea. I only know she is the one accountable for Planned Parenthood and that is one awful legacy to leave your children/grandchildren. Not to mention the WORLD. Very sad.
Sanger was opposed to abortions, both because they were dangerous for the mother in the early 20th century and because she believed that life should not be terminated after conception. In her book Woman and the New Race, she wrote: "while there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."

For most of the history of Planned Parenthood, it opposed abortion. Today, abortion only accounts for 3% of a wide range of services they provide which includes counseling, pregnancy tests, sex education, HIV testing, Pap Smears, Vasectomies, Prenatal Services, HPV Vaccinations, Breast Exams, and Adoption Referrals.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Always the same sick racists that champions dead babies

tapatalk post
And always the same sick old right to lifers living in a dream world who think the repeal of roe v wade will save lives.
Here is what will really happen: Wealthy women who want an abortion will once more fly to Europe where they can get the safe abortion they want and do a bit of shopping before flying home. The poor who do not have a choice to fly to Europe will once again be subject to back ally butcher shops where they will very literally be putting their lives on the line. The bottom line is that repealing roe v wade will not end abortion it will only force it underground where it was before roe v wade.
One of the reasons the Supreme Court made abortion legal is because they knew that making it illegal would not stop it. Desperate women were prepared to take desperate steps to end a pregnancy they did not want. And so they went to the unregulated back ally butcher shops where the pregnancy was terminated by people who knew nothing about safe medical practices and who were only interested in making some tax free bucks. Unfortunately far to often the women were terminated as well. Ask any medical people who were around before roe v wade and they will tell you the horror stories of women bleeding out and dying after an illegal abortion, women coming to the hospital with sepsis from botched abortions, and women having their uterus so ripped and scarred they became infertile. Instead of saving lives what you will end up with is more lives being lost because now, instead of just counting babies, you will have to count all the women who died at the hands of butchers.
So, pat yourself on the back right to lifers Your ignorance will not stop abortion but what it will do is increase the number of deaths. Now you will get a chance to count murdered women along with aborted babies. I am sure you will be very proud that you have solved nothing and made the situation worse. One question you need to ask yourself: If you end safe abortion and force a women to go to a butcher that manages to kill the fetus and the women, exactly who have you saved?
Like gun control, making it illegal will not stop it.
Always the same sick racists that champions dead babies

tapatalk post
And always the same sick old right to lifers living in a dream world who think the repeal of roe v wade will save lives.
Here is what will really happen: Wealthy women who want an abortion will once more fly to Europe where they can get the safe abortion they want and do a bit of shopping before flying home. The poor who do not have a choice to fly to Europe will once again be subject to back ally butcher shops where they will very literally be putting their lives on the line. The bottom line is that repealing roe v wade will not end abortion it will only force it underground where it was before roe v wade.
One of the reasons the Supreme Court made abortion legal is because they knew that making it illegal would not stop it. Desperate women were prepared to take desperate steps to end a pregnancy they did not want. And so they went to the unregulated back ally butcher shops where the pregnancy was terminated by people who knew nothing about safe medical practices and who were only interested in making some tax free bucks. Unfortunately far to often the women were terminated as well. Ask any medical people who were around before roe v wade and they will tell you the horror stories of women bleeding out and dying after an illegal abortion, women coming to the hospital with sepsis from botched abortions, and women having their uterus so ripped and scarred they became infertile. Instead of saving lives what you will end up with is more lives being lost because now, instead of just counting babies, you will have to count all the women who died at the hands of butchers.
So, pat yourself on the back right to lifers Your ignorance will not stop abortion but what it will do is increase the number of deaths. Now you will get a chance to count murdered women along with aborted babies. I am sure you will be very proud that you have solved nothing and made the situation worse. One question you need to ask yourself: If you end safe abortion and force a women to go to a butcher that manages to kill the fetus and the women, exactly who have you saved?
Of course it would save lives.... Only a fucking retard would think otherwise.
Always the same sick racists that champions dead babies

tapatalk post
And always the same sick old right to lifers living in a dream world who think the repeal of roe v wade will save lives.
Here is what will really happen: Wealthy women who want an abortion will once more fly to Europe where they can get the safe abortion they want and do a bit of shopping before flying home. The poor who do not have a choice to fly to Europe will once again be subject to back ally butcher shops where they will very literally be putting their lives on the line. The bottom line is that repealing roe v wade will not end abortion it will only force it underground where it was before roe v wade.
One of the reasons the Supreme Court made abortion legal is because they knew that making it illegal would not stop it. Desperate women were prepared to take desperate steps to end a pregnancy they did not want. And so they went to the unregulated back ally butcher shops where the pregnancy was terminated by people who knew nothing about safe medical practices and who were only interested in making some tax free bucks. Unfortunately far to often the women were terminated as well. Ask any medical people who were around before roe v wade and they will tell you the horror stories of women bleeding out and dying after an illegal abortion, women coming to the hospital with sepsis from botched abortions, and women having their uterus so ripped and scarred they became infertile. Instead of saving lives what you will end up with is more lives being lost because now, instead of just counting babies, you will have to count all the women who died at the hands of butchers.
So, pat yourself on the back right to lifers Your ignorance will not stop abortion but what it will do is increase the number of deaths. Now you will get a chance to count murdered women along with aborted babies. I am sure you will be very proud that you have solved nothing and made the situation worse. One question you need to ask yourself: If you end safe abortion and force a women to go to a butcher that manages to kill the fetus and the women, exactly who have you saved?
Of course it would save lives.... Only a fucking retard would think otherwise.
I notice you do not provide a single fact to back up your statement.
I am curious, are your really so ignorant that you believe abortions were not occurring prior to roe v wade? Abortions have been occurring pretty much from the time man has first walked upright. Laws have been written to stop many crimes but those crimes still happen each day. It is against the law to murder, steal, bear false witness, assault someone, lie in court, speed, have more than one wife, carry guns on planes, and on and on and on and yet every day we read about the law being broken. ARE YOU REALLY SO STUPID YOU BELIEVE THAT MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL WILL STOP ABORTIONS? Are you really that stupid? Here is a really, really simple question for you: When the government outlawed the sale of alcohol, did that stop alcohol from being sold? Why do you think abortion will be any different?
The only difference will be that with roe v wade the baby died. With the repeal of roe v wade the baby will still die but now the mother's life will also be at risk. Learn the facts before you start making stupid statements.
And always the same sick old right to lifers living in a dream world who think the repeal of roe v wade will save lives.
Here is what will really happen: Wealthy women who want an abortion will once more fly to Europe where they can get the safe abortion they want and do a bit of shopping before flying home. The poor who do not have a choice to fly to Europe will once again be subject to back ally butcher shops where they will very literally be putting their lives on the line. The bottom line is that repealing roe v wade will not end abortion it will only force it underground where it was before roe v wade.
One of the reasons the Supreme Court made abortion legal is because they knew that making it illegal would not stop it. Desperate women were prepared to take desperate steps to end a pregnancy they did not want. And so they went to the unregulated back ally butcher shops where the pregnancy was terminated by people who knew nothing about safe medical practices and who were only interested in making some tax free bucks. Unfortunately far to often the women were terminated as well. Ask any medical people who were around before roe v wade and they will tell you the horror stories of women bleeding out and dying after an illegal abortion, women coming to the hospital with sepsis from botched abortions, and women having their uterus so ripped and scarred they became infertile. Instead of saving lives what you will end up with is more lives being lost because now, instead of just counting babies, you will have to count all the women who died at the hands of butchers.
So, pat yourself on the back right to lifers Your ignorance will not stop abortion but what it will do is increase the number of deaths. Now you will get a chance to count murdered women along with aborted babies. I am sure you will be very proud that you have solved nothing and made the situation worse. One question you need to ask yourself: If you end safe abortion and force a women to go to a butcher that manages to kill the fetus and the women, exactly who have you saved?
Of course it would save lives.... Only a fucking retard would think otherwise.
I notice you do not provide a single fact to back up your statement.
I am curious, are your really so ignorant that you believe abortions were not occurring prior to roe v wade? Abortions have been occurring pretty much from the time man has first walked upright. Laws have been written to stop many crimes but those crimes still happen each day. It is against the law to murder, steal, bear false witness, assault someone, lie in court, speed, have more than one wife, carry guns on planes, and on and on and on and yet every day we read about the law being broken. ARE YOU REALLY SO STUPID YOU BELIEVE THAT MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL WILL STOP ABORTIONS? Are you really that stupid? Here is a really, really simple question for you: When the government outlawed the sale of alcohol, did that stop alcohol from being sold? Why do you think abortion will be any different?
The only difference will be that with roe v wade the baby died. With the repeal of roe v wade the baby will still die but now the mother's life will also be at risk. Learn the facts before you start making stupid statements.
Anytime a abortion is not done a life is saved.... What is so hard to understand?
Great catch.

It's a shame people use such tactics. Apparently they think Margaret Sanger supported abortion rights so character assignations was ok. The fact is she never approved of abortion, both because they were dangerous for the mother in the early 20th century and because she believed that life should not be terminated after conception. In her book Woman and the New Race, she wrote: "while there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."

The funny thingto me is i agree with her on abortion, but she did apporve of eugenics, so you have a liberal that thought abortion was far worse than eugenics

Kinda makes the liberals nowadays look sick, escpecially the ones with the coathanger necklaces.

and she was and is among many of the progrssive racists.
I agree with her on non-coercive eugenics such as birth control but not mandatory sterilization for the feeble minded. In the early 20th century mandatory sterilization had many supporters which included Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Supreme Court justices, and many legislators both in congress and in state legislatures. After the Nazi atrocities in WWII, support for coercive eugenics began to disappear.

i just find it funny that progressives supported this stuff, not conservatives like taft, ect. Which most people think the opposite because of propaganda.

So props to you for being honest on this piece

imdont beleive in eugenics at all, i think its justma scientific term for racism.

My dad is a professor and ive never had a problem with any other race, religion or culture in general. i just think the govt needs tomstop interfering and people would be much better off.

the only thing i have a problem with are behaviors like homosexuality and yes i know several and they know my stances, but we still remain friends for a,variety of reasons. And just like my black criend, my gay friends can be harder on their own people than i am at times. Its kinda funny when i have to calm them down on some issues
Of course it would save lives.... Only a fucking retard would think otherwise.
I notice you do not provide a single fact to back up your statement.
I am curious, are your really so ignorant that you believe abortions were not occurring prior to roe v wade? Abortions have been occurring pretty much from the time man has first walked upright. Laws have been written to stop many crimes but those crimes still happen each day. It is against the law to murder, steal, bear false witness, assault someone, lie in court, speed, have more than one wife, carry guns on planes, and on and on and on and yet every day we read about the law being broken. ARE YOU REALLY SO STUPID YOU BELIEVE THAT MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL WILL STOP ABORTIONS? Are you really that stupid? Here is a really, really simple question for you: When the government outlawed the sale of alcohol, did that stop alcohol from being sold? Why do you think abortion will be any different?
The only difference will be that with roe v wade the baby died. With the repeal of roe v wade the baby will still die but now the mother's life will also be at risk. Learn the facts before you start making stupid statements.
Anytime a abortion is not done a life is saved.... What is so hard to understand?
Making abortion illegal won't stop them any more than banning guns would prevent the sale guns. Back alley abortions for the poor would be common just as they were 50 years ago. For all but the very poor, abortions would be easy had in both Canada and Caribbean or at home with an abortion pill or a morning after pill. All banning abortions would do is make them dangerous and more expensive.
Even most animals will try tp protect their young BUT 50 MILLION + HUMAN MOTHERS KILLED THEIR BABY BEFORE IT COULD EVEN SEE ONE DAY IN THE SUN!!!
I notice you do not provide a single fact to back up your statement.
I am curious, are your really so ignorant that you believe abortions were not occurring prior to roe v wade? Abortions have been occurring pretty much from the time man has first walked upright. Laws have been written to stop many crimes but those crimes still happen each day. It is against the law to murder, steal, bear false witness, assault someone, lie in court, speed, have more than one wife, carry guns on planes, and on and on and on and yet every day we read about the law being broken. ARE YOU REALLY SO STUPID YOU BELIEVE THAT MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL WILL STOP ABORTIONS? Are you really that stupid? Here is a really, really simple question for you: When the government outlawed the sale of alcohol, did that stop alcohol from being sold? Why do you think abortion will be any different?
The only difference will be that with roe v wade the baby died. With the repeal of roe v wade the baby will still die but now the mother's life will also be at risk. Learn the facts before you start making stupid statements.
Anytime a abortion is not done a life is saved.... What is so hard to understand?
Making abortion illegal won't stop them any more than banning guns would prevent the sale guns. Back alley abortions for the poor would be common just as they were 50 years ago. For all but the very poor, abortions would be easy had in both Canada and Caribbean or at home with an abortion pill or a morning after pill. All banning abortions would do is make them dangerous and more expensive.
No one has a right to kill
No, I don't approve of Margaret Sanger and what she has done to America. What she was involved in is utterly evil.

Giving women the ability to control their fertility is utterly evil?

Do you realize what life was like for women - especially poor women - before there was birth control?

No, it wasn't evil. It was finally, we had the ability to choose whether or not we wanted to be pregnant.
You are misstating this of course.

Women have always had the ability to control their fertility and practice birth control. PRIOR to getting pregnant. Afterwards, its amounts to a difference of opinion on the killing of innocent life for no more than convenience.

Spare Me the details about back alley abortions. They were not as prevalent as stated, and no more horrible than the tragedies that have occurred under legal, medical abortion. In truth, given the barbarian in Philly, abortion has done little more than make us more cavalier about the cheapness of life just to save us from being inconvenienced.
I notice you do not provide a single fact to back up your statement.
I am curious, are your really so ignorant that you believe abortions were not occurring prior to roe v wade? Abortions have been occurring pretty much from the time man has first walked upright. Laws have been written to stop many crimes but those crimes still happen each day. It is against the law to murder, steal, bear false witness, assault someone, lie in court, speed, have more than one wife, carry guns on planes, and on and on and on and yet every day we read about the law being broken. ARE YOU REALLY SO STUPID YOU BELIEVE THAT MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL WILL STOP ABORTIONS? Are you really that stupid? Here is a really, really simple question for you: When the government outlawed the sale of alcohol, did that stop alcohol from being sold? Why do you think abortion will be any different?
The only difference will be that with roe v wade the baby died. With the repeal of roe v wade the baby will still die but now the mother's life will also be at risk. Learn the facts before you start making stupid statements.
Anytime a abortion is not done a life is saved.... What is so hard to understand?
Making abortion illegal won't stop them any more than banning guns would prevent the sale guns. Back alley abortions for the poor would be common just as they were 50 years ago. For all but the very poor, abortions would be easy had in both Canada and Caribbean or at home with an abortion pill or a morning after pill. All banning abortions would do is make them dangerous and more expensive.
The big misconception.

they were not all that common.

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