Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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Everything Trump does for the country that is good is also in his own best interest,

You may think it benefits you if Trump gets re-elected but that STILL is the definition of bribery. HIS personal gain ..that is illegal
Everything Trump does for the country that is good is also in his own best interest,

You may think it benefits you if Trump gets re-elected but that STILL is the definition of bribery. HIS personal gain ..that is illegal
I never said I think it benefits me if Trump is really elected, this nonsense post is meant to distract from the fact that you cannot post the smoking gun in the public transcript of Trump's call, and that you cannot admit that you are unable to post it.
I don't mind if it gets released.
Good! I ignored the rest of your cultish fantasies.
Lol, You had no choice but to ignore the rest. Every lefty who has responded to what you pretend to ignore has had to come up with something else besides the smoking gun too.
You are a delusional cultist. I knew this when you said we uad no reason to think anything was ommitted, despite the fact that it is now public knowledge that this is precisely what the ellipses in the scam release mean. Now, go on, back to your regularly acheduled cultist self soothing... you freaks are a dime a dozen on the board...
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Everything Trump does for the country that is good is also in his own best interest, since he is more likely to be released elected if he does his job well. Can you quote something from the call transcript that proves what you claim?

You are admitting that whatever he does...regardless of the fact that it is for HIS personal're good with it
As we can see, lefties cannot and will not post any smoking gun from the call transcript that has been released to the public. Lefties will post all kinds of stuff that is meant to dodge, divert, derail, invert, ignore, redefine or otherwise evade, but they absolutely will not post the smoking gun. This is because there is no smoking gun, and this is why they are screaming for another copy that they hope might contain the smoking gun that was not found in the transcript was released. They need the next document for the witch hunt to continue. Even if they get their hands on the version of the transcript described in this thread, they will still need more when they can't find the smoking gun in that version either.

If any lefties dare respond to this post, it absolutely will not be to post a quote of a smoking gun in the call transcript that was made public.
As we can see, lefties cannot and will not post any smoking gun from the call transcript that has been released to the public. Lefties will post all kinds of stuff that is meant to dodge, divert, derail, invert, ignore, redefine or otherwise evade, but they absolutely will not post the smoking gun. This is because there is no smoking gun, and this is why they are screaming for another copy that they hope might contain the smoking gun that was not found in the transcript was released. They need the next document for the witch hunt to continue. Even if they get their hands on the version of the transcript described in this thread, they will still need more when they can't find the smoking gun in that version either.

If any lefties dare respond to this post, it absolutely will not be to post a quote of a smoking gun in the call transcript that was made public.

I Would like you to do us a favor THOUGH
As we can see, lefties cannot and will not post any smoking gun from the call transcript that has been released to the public. Lefties will post all kinds of stuff that is meant to dodge, divert, derail, invert, ignore, redefine or otherwise evade, but they absolutely will not post the smoking gun. This is because there is no smoking gun, and this is why they are screaming for another copy that they hope might contain the smoking gun that was not found in the transcript was released. They need the next document for the witch hunt to continue. Even if they get their hands on the version of the transcript described in this thread, they will still need more when they can't find the smoking gun in that version either.

If any lefties dare respond to this post, it absolutely will not be to post a quote of a smoking gun in the call transcript that was made public.
All the lefties do is whine about Trump. They are so boring.
"Us"? Come one... Did you use all caps on "though" so I wouldn't notice the "us"? "Us" is absolutely not the same thing as "me", it refers to nation.

From my post that you just quoted:

"Lefties will post all kinds of stuff that is meant to dodge, divert, derail, invert, ignore, redefine or otherwise evade, but they absolutely will not post the smoking gun. "

You were like clockwork. Go on now, post some more stuff that isn't a quote of the smoking gun.
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Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
When you are done conducting your witch hunt with secret accusers, secret hearings, and secret evidence, then we can discuss exposing National Security Interests to aide you in your witch hunt.

You got the Mueller Report. The Mueller Report is one sided. The President was NEVER allowed to defend himself, and NEVER allowed to present evidence in his favor, NEVER allowed to cross examine any witnesses, and NEVER see any evidence against him.

It was still a flop besides being so biased and one sided. The President did not have to release the Mueller Report, but he did against The Advice of Counsel. It did nothing to help your Jihad to remove The President. In fact, it made your side look like fanatical Trump hating idiots, and strengthened The President's argument that you have engaged in a witch hunt for him since he won The Election and you vowed to remove him from office by any corrupt means possible.

You then went further asking that Grand Jury Testimony be Illegally Exposed putting The Grand Juror's Personal Safety at risk. You want to do that, but you refuse to let The President know who his fake accuser is in your new assault on him.

You tried COUP 2.0 which is really COUP 4.0, and came up with a Fake Whistle Blower who had nothing to do with The Ukraine call and who never listened in on it, and just passed along gossip.

The President again, tripped you up, and foiled your Evil Plan by voluntarily releasing The Transcript of The Call which he did not have to do, and again, it made you all look like Rabid Trump Hating Dogs.

It is found out, that this Spy was a CIA Operative, and worked for Biden, Obama, and Clinton and was involved in The Fake Russian Collusion Hoax, and also had no direct knowledge of The Call.

It is also found out that he does not qualify as a Whistle Blower. The Rules state that you need to have first hand knowledge of an event, BUT One of your Deep State Obama-Clinton sycophants who was unauthorized to make changes to policy without notifying The White House, attempted to change the rules at the last minute possible regarding whistle blowers to cover Gossip, Innuendo, Opinion, and 2nd and 3rd hand information, just to protect this weasel from being exposed.

You then engaged in Secret One Sided Partisan Hearings. You refuse to let The Public see them, or even have access to The Transcripts. You refuse to allow the Overwhelming majority of Congress to know what is happening in The SCIFF which is only supposed to be used to discuss Classified Material. Schiff admitted there was none, so there is no reason to have these hearings secret.

If I were The President and Executive Branch I would refuse to cooperate. He gave the Ukraine transcript voluntarily, and there is nothing there. Where are The Transcripts from Schiff's SECRET HEARINGS? He refuses to provide them. Why cannot the SECRET SPY be interviewed and asked DIRECT QUESTIONS? You only want written questions, so DNC Lawyers can write The Replies.

This is not going to stand. NO ONE SHOULD TOLERATE violations of ONE's Civil Rights and Due Process.

COUP 2.0 is a failure just like COUP 1.0 was. Mueller was unable to recommend a single indictment to write articles of impeachment on. And to date, neither Adam Schiff, or Nazi Pelosi can cite a single crime The President committed, and neither could Mad Moscow Mueller.

Let me tell you how this is going to end. There was a COUP. Let's not forget how they tried to cover up "The Insurance Policy" and lied to the IG about all the texts involving skull-duggery that members of Mueller's team were engaged in that was so egregious when exposed, Mueller was forced to fire half of his partisan staff. Missing Texts, Missing Emails. Bleach Bit, destroyed electronics devices, Pakistani Hackers, stolen debate questions, rigged primaries, and secret servers are not how HONEST PEOPLE conduct business.

These people will be punished. The Whistle Blower will have to be exposed because of DUE PROCESS if Hoax 2.0 ever makes it to Fake Articles of Impeachment over a Non Crime that never happened. Once you are forced to expose these Fake Secret Hearings, and your Fake Whistle Blower, The American People will hate you more than they hated you for Fake Russian Collusion Hoax 1.0.

Then there will be a blood bath November 2020 as we see a parade of former Obama-Clinton Officials being lead by one by one in front of the world to see in handcuffs to jail to pay for their treasonous acts that they committed during and since the 2016 election. And you will have to endure this, because there will have to be scapegoats prosecuted and incarcerated to protect Obama and Clinton from being prosecuted, so as to save The Brand (Democrat Inc.) from being permanently damaged.

Mark my WORDS.... The PAIN is Coming, and all you and your Party has done, has delayed your treachery from being exposed, but the problem for you, is that you are running out of time, and the walls are closing in on people like Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, McCabe, Comey and others, who have direct ties to Russia, and The Fake Dirty Russian Dossier.

Now, don't you have some Putin Pudding to make for your Daddy Al Baghdadi?
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There are a few of you on this thread that really need to work on your vocabulary. What was released wasn't a transcript, it was a SUMMARY. Transcripts by their very definition are to be word for word accounts of what was said because quite often, they are entered into official records. Summaries aren't word for word transcripts, it is a general overview of what was said, and parts could be left out.

Interestingly, at the bottom of the summary that was released, it states that it is not a verbatim record of the phone call, but rather a summary.

Yes, I want the full transcript that is residing on the secret server (they recorded the phone call, which is why it is on the secret server), and not just the summary that Trump has already released.

For you people with vocabulary problems, here ya go.............................

[ tran-skript ]
1. a written, typewritten, or printed copy; something transcribed or made by transcribing.
2. an exact copy or reproduction, especially one having an official status.
3. an official report supplied by a school on the record of an individual student, listing subjects studied, grades received, etc.
4. a form of something as rendered from one alphabet or language into another.

[ suhm-uh-ree ]
noun, plural sum·ma·ries.
1. a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
2. brief and comprehensive; concise.
3. direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
4. (of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server?
Same as with all such stuff, there is classified material on it not fit for wide public consumption. So by "original" transcript, it is understood to mean the original with needed redactions.
Same as with all such stuff, there is classified material on it not fit for wide public consumption.
Peak Trump cultism.

It is public knowledge that storing his phone conversations on that server was highly irregular. You cultists really are shameless liars.
Yes, I want the full transcript that is residing on the secret server

Then you must not have found a smoking gun in the transcript that has been made public. Now you need the next exhibit in the witch hunt to see if you can find something there. If I am wrong here, post a quote of the smoking gun that is in the transcript that has been made public.
Then you must not have found a smoking gun in the transcript that has been made public.
Of course we did, but all that info will corroborate it.

I gotta tell ya genius, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out. Try to do better.
You were unable to quote it, so I call bs
No, you are calling bs because you are a freakish cultist. And that's all.
I have predicted in each of my posts that you will not be posting the smoking gun that no lefty can find and post. You will NEVER be able to post it.

You will NEVER be able to post it. You will only be able to continue with the same dodge, deflect, divert, invert, ignore, redefine, or other wise evade that you have been doing every time you are challenged to post it. NEVER. Time to call me a racist and put me on ignore, you've been beat.
I have predicted in each of my posts that you will not be posting the smoking gun that no lefty can find and post.
We all have. Many times. You simply don't think it is a smoking gun.

So stop your incessant goddamn whining already.
Lol, that's not a quote of the smoking gun. Your next post will again be to dodge deflect, divert, convert, ignore, redefine, or otherwise evade. Go on ahead and post your next evasion, since you will NEVER be posting the smoking gun.

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