Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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Freedom for criminals to buy weapons without a background check is what you are fighting for...great cause Jethro...great cause!


We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

Felons do not, and someone has to be declared mentally unfit by a judge (that whole due process thing.)

But selling to one of them is already illegal. All you seem to want to do is infringe on the rights of people who are eligible to get firearms.
If it does not infringe anyone's rights to go through a background check maybe we can require them before an abortion also. Would that make sense to you, or do you suddenly see background checks as a violation of rights when they are applied to things other than guns?

If you require all change of ownership on guns to go through a background check every law abiding citizen will lose a bit of their privacy because the government will eventually know exactly who does, and does not, own a gun. That not only violates the rights of people who buy and sell guns, it violates the rights of those who do not.

Like I said before, stop pretending to be the person who is thinking when all you are doing is going along with the executioner.

The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

You have links to back up these claims, I assume comrade?

Over 90 percent of Americans support gun background checks: poll

By a margin of 92 percent to 7 percent, voters supported background checks, the Quinnipiac University telephone poll showed. In households with a gun, 91 percent were in favor, while 8 percent were opposed, Quinnipiac said.
I will ask this once again..

Since when do we allow the free exercise of an enumerated Right up for a vote?

If you think you have a right to not get a background check, tell it to the Judge, because if I have my way, your ass is going to jail, if you are caught with an unregistered weapon with background check and you will lose your "right" to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment prohibits the populace from being disarmed. It doesn't prohibit people like you being stupid.
actually we have the right to privacy

something liberals removed with the background checks

This one is so simple even an adult in your home can explain it to you.

If you want to protect your privacy, don't own a gun. Otherwise, you will need to submit to a background check.
Freedom for criminals to buy weapons without a background check is what you are fighting for...great cause Jethro...great cause!


We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?
One of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty and consistency is standing by the the principle, even though it may not end up producing the best case scenario.

That aside, the lunatic perps of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah, Aurora, Sandy Hook and innumerable gang related homicides, have had no problem getting weapons, despite your idiotic and ineffective background checks.

Now nitwits like you are screaming to double down on the stupidity and ineffectiveness.

We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

Felons do not, and someone has to be declared mentally unfit by a judge (that whole due process thing.)

But selling to one of them is already illegal. All you seem to want to do is infringe on the rights of people who are eligible to get firearms.

That is a lie. I support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms to protect themselves, their family and their property. I DON'T support the right of felons and the mentally ill to own a firearm. The universal background check on all sales truly is a no brainer. There is no logical, reasonable or intelligent argument against that common sense law...NONE.
Freedom for criminals to buy weapons without a background check is what you are fighting for...great cause Jethro...great cause!


We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

Do you know what the law actually says about felons owning guns?
If you think you have a right to not get a background check, tell it to the Judge, because if I have my way, your ass is going to jail, if you are caught with an unregistered weapon with background check and you will lose your "right" to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment prohibits the populace from being disarmed. It doesn't prohibit people like you being stupid.
actually we have the right to privacy

something liberals removed with the background checks

This one is so simple even an adult in your home can explain it to you.

If you want to protect your privacy, don't own a gun. Otherwise, you will need to submit to a background check.

If you want privacy don't do anything I don't like, That certainly is simple, and hypocritical.
REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

Felons do not, and someone has to be declared mentally unfit by a judge (that whole due process thing.)

But selling to one of them is already illegal. All you seem to want to do is infringe on the rights of people who are eligible to get firearms.

That is a lie. I support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms to protect themselves, their family and their property. I DON'T support the right of felons and the mentally ill to own a firearm. The universal background check on all sales truly is a no brainer. There is no logical, reasonable or intelligent argument against that common sense law...NONE.

I can think of three reasons not to support it, all of them just as logical as your reason for supporting it.

  1. I don't like it.
  2. It is creepy.
  3. Fuck off, asshole.

We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?
One of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty and consistency is standing by the the principle, even though it may not end up producing the best case scenario.

That aside, the lunatic perps of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah, Aurora, Sandy Hook and innumerable gang related homicides, have had no problem getting weapons, despite your idiotic and ineffective background checks.

Now nitwits like you are screaming to double down on the stupidity and ineffectiveness.

Then why have ANY laws at all you moronic asshole? Let's repeal all laws because people still break them. Let's send you and your butler to Somalia to see how anarchy works out.
REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?
One of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty and consistency is standing by the the principle, even though it may not end up producing the best case scenario.

That aside, the lunatic perps of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah, Aurora, Sandy Hook and innumerable gang related homicides, have had no problem getting weapons, despite your idiotic and ineffective background checks.

Now nitwits like you are screaming to double down on the stupidity and ineffectiveness.

Then why have ANY laws at all you moronic asshole? Let's repeal all laws because people still break them. Let's send you and your butler to Somalia to see how anarchy works out.
False dichotomy, no-brain asshole. :lol:
Felons do not, and someone has to be declared mentally unfit by a judge (that whole due process thing.)

But selling to one of them is already illegal. All you seem to want to do is infringe on the rights of people who are eligible to get firearms.

That is a lie. I support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms to protect themselves, their family and their property. I DON'T support the right of felons and the mentally ill to own a firearm. The universal background check on all sales truly is a no brainer. There is no logical, reasonable or intelligent argument against that common sense law...NONE.

I can think of three reasons not to support it, all of them just as logical as your reason for supporting it.

  1. I don't like it.
  2. It is creepy.
  3. Fuck off, asshole.

1) game
2) set
3) match
Winner Bfgrn

We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?
One of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty and consistency is standing by the the principle, even though it may not end up producing the best case scenario.

That aside, the lunatic perps of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah, Aurora, Sandy Hook and innumerable gang related homicides, have had no problem getting weapons, despite your idiotic and ineffective background checks.

Now nitwits like you are screaming to double down on the stupidity and ineffectiveness.

He missed the stats on socialists' and communists' regime murders for the realm against indigenous citizens According to Walter Williams, 2000 article in Deseret:


Union of Soviet Socialists' Republic, 1917-1987, 65,000,000

China, 1900s, 35,000,000

The History Place the Statistics of WWII:

Nazis, WWII, 52,199,252
REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

Felons do not, and someone has to be declared mentally unfit by a judge (that whole due process thing.)

But selling to one of them is already illegal. All you seem to want to do is infringe on the rights of people who are eligible to get firearms.

That is a lie. I support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms to protect themselves, their family and their property. I DON'T support the right of felons and the mentally ill to own a firearm. The universal background check on all sales truly is a no brainer. There is no logical, reasonable or intelligent argument against that common sense law...NONE.

Except you guys NEVER propose just that. Its about registration, waiting periods (to let the background check happen of course) magazine limits and all the other crap.

Say to our faces you will DROP everything else, AND return gun rights to people in liberal hellholes like NYC Chicago and DC and i "MAY" consider a universal instantaneous background check system (paid by the government)
One of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty and consistency is standing by the the principle, even though it may not end up producing the best case scenario.

That aside, the lunatic perps of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah, Aurora, Sandy Hook and innumerable gang related homicides, have had no problem getting weapons, despite your idiotic and ineffective background checks.

Now nitwits like you are screaming to double down on the stupidity and ineffectiveness.

Then why have ANY laws at all you moronic asshole? Let's repeal all laws because people still break them. Let's send you and your butler to Somalia to see how anarchy works out.
False dichotomy, no-brain asshole. :lol:

Better have the butler get out the dictionary. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Then why have ANY laws at all you moronic asshole? Let's repeal all laws because people still break them. Let's send you and your butler to Somalia to see how anarchy works out.
False dichotomy, no-brain asshole. :lol:

Better have the butler get out the dictionary. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
The one who has NFI what hes sputtering about is you, you braying jackass....And I damn sure know what a false dichotomy is.

Oh, and your idiotic background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective...Just to stay on topic so I don't get a spanking from Li'l Bro.
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False dichotomy, no-brain asshole. :lol:

Better have the butler get out the dictionary. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
The one who has NFI what hes sputtering about is you, you braying jackass....And I damn sure know what a false dichotomy is.

Oh, and your idiotic background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective...Just to stay on topic so I don't get a spanking from Li'l Bro.

OK, then it should be easy for you to explain how it is a false dichotomy?

So, you don't believe anyone should have to have a background check to buy guns?
That is a lie. I support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms to protect themselves, their family and their property. I DON'T support the right of felons and the mentally ill to own a firearm. The universal background check on all sales truly is a no brainer. There is no logical, reasonable or intelligent argument against that common sense law...NONE.

I can think of three reasons not to support it, all of them just as logical as your reason for supporting it.

  1. I don't like it.
  2. It is creepy.
  3. Fuck off, asshole.

1) game
2) set
3) match
Winner Bfgrn

Did you ever get back to me on how more background checks would have stopped Dorner?

Didn't think so. Can you explain how you won when you can't even answer a simple question?
Better have the butler get out the dictionary. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
The one who has NFI what hes sputtering about is you, you braying jackass....And I damn sure know what a false dichotomy is.

Oh, and your idiotic background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective...Just to stay on topic so I don't get a spanking from Li'l Bro.

OK, then it should be easy for you to explain how it is a false dichotomy?

So, you don't believe anyone should have to have a background check to buy guns?
Easy...I said that background checks are idiotic and ineffective (which they are) and you launched off into the all-too-typical progressive/socialist/commie douchebag "why have any laws at all?....ANARCHY!" rant...That's a textbook false dichotomy.

And your idiotic and completely ineffective background checks are still idiotic and completely ineffective, so, yes, they should be ended altogether.
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