Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

Do You Support The "Gun Show Loophole?"

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No law abiding citizen is losing his or her freedom or liberty making background checks mandatory for all gun sales. It should make perfect SENSE to any law abiding citizen, then, only a criminal would object.

If it does not infringe anyone's rights to go through a background check maybe we can require them before an abortion also. Would that make sense to you, or do you suddenly see background checks as a violation of rights when they are applied to things other than guns?

If you require all change of ownership on guns to go through a background check every law abiding citizen will lose a bit of their privacy because the government will eventually know exactly who does, and does not, own a gun. That not only violates the rights of people who buy and sell guns, it violates the rights of those who do not.

Like I said before, stop pretending to be the person who is thinking when all you are doing is going along with the executioner.

The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

I will ask this once again..

Since when do we allow the free exercise of an enumerated Right up for a vote?
Authoritarian douchebags always call freedom a "loophole".

Freedom for criminals to buy weapons without a background check is what you are fighting for...great cause Jethro...great cause!

And requiring every legal gun transaction to have a background check will stop criminals from getting weapons how?

Well this time the law will just work, some how.

and if it doesn't?

Well by science we will pass another!! LOGIC BE DAMNED
Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Don't allow firearm purchases without a background check and registration transfer, so a person isn't going to be allowed to sell firearms on Craigslist. The law is enforceable when people are charged with a crime for not having their guns registered. Possession of the gun should require registration and that should start when the gun is assembled.

A gun show can easily find a way to get background checks done on all purchases, but they just don't want to do it, because they want the market to sell to people who can't pass a background check. Since you all claim it isn't important, then stop the gun show loophole! The gun show can set up a way for non-licensed dealers to get background checks and may use a licensed dealer to do it for the gun show.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

It's my business if a gun is sold to someone who can't pass a background check at a gun show, so since it isn't your business, butt out and mind your own business!

It's only your business if you are part of the transaction, otherwise it is NOT any your business.
No law abiding citizen is losing his or her freedom or liberty making background checks mandatory for all gun sales. It should make perfect SENSE to any law abiding citizen, then, only a criminal would object.

If it does not infringe anyone's rights to go through a background check maybe we can require them before an abortion also. Would that make sense to you, or do you suddenly see background checks as a violation of rights when they are applied to things other than guns?

If you require all change of ownership on guns to go through a background check every law abiding citizen will lose a bit of their privacy because the government will eventually know exactly who does, and does not, own a gun. That not only violates the rights of people who buy and sell guns, it violates the rights of those who do not.

Like I said before, stop pretending to be the person who is thinking when all you are doing is going along with the executioner.

The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

You have links to back up these claims, I assume comrade?
Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Don't allow firearm purchases without a background check and registration transfer, so a person isn't going to be allowed to sell firearms on Craigslist. The law is enforceable when people are charged with a crime for not having their guns registered. Possession of the gun should require registration and that should start when the gun is assembled.

A gun show can easily find a way to get background checks done on all purchases, but they just don't want to do it, because they want the market to sell to people who can't pass a background check. Since you all claim it isn't important, then stop the gun show loophole! The gun show can set up a way for non-licensed dealers to get background checks and may use a licensed dealer to do it for the gun show.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

It's my business if a gun is sold to someone who can't pass a background check at a gun show, so since it isn't your business, butt out and mind your own business!

When were you allowed access to another persons privacy?
They ought to change the name of the gun show loophole into the let's-make-it-as-easy-as-possible-for-criminals-to-buy-guns loophole.

They should change the name of every law to lets take away some more freedom from law abiding citizens act and tack a different number on the end.

No law abiding citizen is losing his or her freedom or liberty making background checks mandatory for all gun sales. It should make perfect SENSE to any law abiding citizen, then, only a criminal would object.

So what you're saying is only those planning voter fraud are against ID requirements on election day?
If it does not infringe anyone's rights to go through a background check maybe we can require them before an abortion also. Would that make sense to you, or do you suddenly see background checks as a violation of rights when they are applied to things other than guns?

If you require all change of ownership on guns to go through a background check every law abiding citizen will lose a bit of their privacy because the government will eventually know exactly who does, and does not, own a gun. That not only violates the rights of people who buy and sell guns, it violates the rights of those who do not.

Like I said before, stop pretending to be the person who is thinking when all you are doing is going along with the executioner.

The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

I will ask this once again..

Since when do we allow the free exercise of an enumerated Right up for a vote?

If you think you have a right to not get a background check, tell it to the Judge, because if I have my way, your ass is going to jail, if you are caught with an unregistered weapon with background check and you will lose your "right" to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment prohibits the populace from being disarmed. It doesn't prohibit people like you being stupid.
They should change the name of every law to lets take away some more freedom from law abiding citizens act and tack a different number on the end.

No law abiding citizen is losing his or her freedom or liberty making background checks mandatory for all gun sales. It should make perfect SENSE to any law abiding citizen, then, only a criminal would object.

So what you're saying is only those planning voter fraud are against ID requirements on election day?

What he said
The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

I will ask this once again..

Since when do we allow the free exercise of an enumerated Right up for a vote?

If you think you have a right to not get a background check, tell it to the Judge, because if I have my way, your ass is going to jail, if you are caught with an unregistered weapon with background check and you will lose your "right" to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment prohibits the populace from being disarmed. It doesn't prohibit people like you being stupid.
actually we have the right to privacy

something liberals removed with the background checks
The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

I will ask this once again..

Since when do we allow the free exercise of an enumerated Right up for a vote?

If you think you have a right to not get a background check, tell it to the Judge, because if I have my way, your ass is going to jail, if you are caught with an unregistered weapon with background check and you will lose your "right" to own a gun. The 2nd Amendment prohibits the populace from being disarmed. It doesn't prohibit people like you being stupid.

So, you want me to register guns I bought mail order in the 60's, guns my dad bought in the 30's, guns taken off the bodies of dead soldiers in WW II? I have guns that were legally purchased that don't have serial #'s.

Any requirement for registration of weapons now legally owned cannot be enforced.
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Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Because that is not legal.

Because it's a ridiculous idea, not to mention an unenforceable law.

More likely: the dude that wants a gun just looks on Craigslist.

Don't allow firearm purchases without a background check and registration transfer, so a person isn't going to be allowed to sell firearms on Craigslist. The law is enforceable when people are charged with a crime for not having their guns registered. Possession of the gun should require registration and that should start when the gun is assembled.

A gun show can easily find a way to get background checks done on all purchases, but they just don't want to do it, because they want the market to sell to people who can't pass a background check. Since you all claim it isn't important, then stop the gun show loophole! The gun show can set up a way for non-licensed dealers to get background checks and may use a licensed dealer to do it for the gun show.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

how much does it cost?
I own a handful of guns Including an AR15 that I will not give up even if they say I have to, I am fully Pro Second. I just think Compromise now, or lose bigger later. If you have not noticed we are losing a lot of fights lately lol.

Do you honestly think the Brady Campaign to ban Handguns has changed its spots simply because they call themselves the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence? They are in this for the long haul, their compromise is to let you lose small now, more later, and big in a few years because the only way to prevent gun violence is to get rid of the guns.

Like I said, we are losing big right now. The game is totally rigged in their favor. They own the Press, they Educate our kids, they make our movies and entertainment. We are slowly losing this country, and I fear the best we can do now is try and make it as slow a march as possible.

Except we aren't loosing. Opposition to banning assault weapons is actually higher than it was before Sandy Hook despite all the blathering from the politicians and the media. All we have to do is explain how absurd their talking points are, point out that people like Dorner went through multiple background checks yet were still able to buy weapons, even the assault weapons that are actually banned in California, unless you are a police officer. The only way we are going to lose is if we don't fight.
Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Don't allow firearm purchases without a background check and registration transfer, so a person isn't going to be allowed to sell firearms on Craigslist. The law is enforceable when people are charged with a crime for not having their guns registered. Possession of the gun should require registration and that should start when the gun is assembled.

A gun show can easily find a way to get background checks done on all purchases, but they just don't want to do it, because they want the market to sell to people who can't pass a background check. Since you all claim it isn't important, then stop the gun show loophole! The gun show can set up a way for non-licensed dealers to get background checks and may use a licensed dealer to do it for the gun show.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

It's my business if a gun is sold to someone who can't pass a background check at a gun show, so since it isn't your business, butt out and mind your own business!

What makes it your business? Do you make money off the sale? Are you forced to pay for the sale in some way? Did the seller come up to you and slap your face after he sold the gun?

Since the answer to all those questions is no, the sale is not your business. The truth is that you are nosy and want to know what everyone is doing. Do that around the wrong people and you are definitely going to get your ass handed to you.
No law abiding citizen is losing his or her freedom or liberty making background checks mandatory for all gun sales. It should make perfect SENSE to any law abiding citizen, then, only a criminal would object.

If it does not infringe anyone's rights to go through a background check maybe we can require them before an abortion also. Would that make sense to you, or do you suddenly see background checks as a violation of rights when they are applied to things other than guns?

If you require all change of ownership on guns to go through a background check every law abiding citizen will lose a bit of their privacy because the government will eventually know exactly who does, and does not, own a gun. That not only violates the rights of people who buy and sell guns, it violates the rights of those who do not.

Like I said before, stop pretending to be the person who is thinking when all you are doing is going along with the executioner.

The executioners usually use GUNS. It is the right of law abiding citizens to do demand that laws are in place and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. The ONLY way to identify criminals and the mentally ill is a background check.

Over 90% of citizens support universal background checks on all gun sales. Only gun manufacturers, the NRA which is a shill for the manufacturers, criminals and a tiny percentage of extremist zealots oppose this no brainer law. That makes you an enemy of the people. You are an accomplice to criminals buying guns in a legal setting.

Executioners work for the government, the last time I looked the most common method of execution was lethal injection, not firing squads. You really should stop pulling facts out of your ass in an attempt to impress five year old children.

You have no right to demand that laws exist just because you are afraid to go outside after dark.

The same poll that shows that people support universal background checks also shows that people oppose gun control laws, which include universal background checks. I already pointed that out earlier in this thread, you should go back and read it.

Just so you don't misuse the word executioner again I have provided the definition for you. noun 1. an official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuance of a legal warrant.
Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Don't allow firearm purchases without a background check and registration transfer, so a person isn't going to be allowed to sell firearms on Craigslist. The law is enforceable when people are charged with a crime for not having their guns registered. Possession of the gun should require registration and that should start when the gun is assembled.

A gun show can easily find a way to get background checks done on all purchases, but they just don't want to do it, because they want the market to sell to people who can't pass a background check. Since you all claim it isn't important, then stop the gun show loophole! The gun show can set up a way for non-licensed dealers to get background checks and may use a licensed dealer to do it for the gun show.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

how much does it cost?

I neither know nor care because, if I elect to sell something, I see no need to verify the person I am doing business with is approved by the government.
Attention CharlesMAin.

This is the guy you are surrendering to, he is not interested in compromise.

Anyone at a gun show that wants to go sell his weapon through a background check can get a dealer to run one. Anyone that does not is none of my business.

how much does it cost?

I neither know nor care because, if I elect to sell something, I see no need to verify the person I am doing business with is approved by the government.
That's up to you As for me I only would sale to someone I knew.
Black said:
A violent thug fresh out of the penitentiary, a terrorist, or a nutcases ready to commit the next sandy hook could go down to their local gun show, or find a classified ad selling a firearm and they could purchase deadly weapons, with no questions asked.

A violent thug fresh out of the penitentiary, a terrorist, or a nutcase would not go to a gun show to buy a gun, they would get one off the streets.


Every gun show I have attended had at least one cop, and usually two sitting at the entrance checking out the folks that came in. That alone would deter a lot of the dirtbags from coming into the show.
Authoritarian douchebags always call freedom a "loophole".

Freedom for criminals to buy weapons without a background check is what you are fighting for...great cause Jethro...great cause!


We are standing up for our Constitutional rights.

as a lying liberal, you wouldn't understand

REALLY? Do felons and the mentally ill have the constitutional right to own a weapon?

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