Do you think Obama will be remembered as one of the most ineffective presidents?

Will the Obama presidency be looked upon as a failire years later?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters
Hoover fed Belgium in 1920, a great guy. Too bad. Had a Pub congress too.

Hoover's Commitee for relief in Belgium worked during World War I ans hortly afterward. In 1920 Hoover was no longer active in this field but was involved in aid to Russia.

Hoover did good things AFTER his Presidency; I do not think Obama will be deemed as ineffective as Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, or Van Buren. Middle of the pack, though it is too soon to judge.
It'll be between FDR, Carter, Obama and Wilson.

FDR and Obama f'd up the country the most long term. Carter will have a case for worst short term though.

I wouldn't put Carter in that list of top ten Presidents
I have no idea. He could be seen as the greatest hero that stopped the seas from rising for all I know. History paints some people in odd and ironic ways sometimes.

But if history is honest, then i dont think he will be remembered much at all.

He'll be remembered as the first black American President.

He'll also be remembered as the guy who landed in a mess and who's polices made that mess even bigger. Fifteen Trillion bigger.

He'll be remembered as the guy who apologised for America around the globe and the guy who tried to change a center right country to a lefty utopia.

I prefer to remember him as the abject failure he is.
Hoover fed Belgium in 1920, a great guy. Too bad. Had a Pub congress too.

Hoover's Commitee for relief in Belgium worked during World War I ans hortly afterward. In 1920 Hoover was no longer active in this field but was involved in aid to Russia.

Hoover did good things AFTER his Presidency; I do not think Obama will be deemed as ineffective as Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, or Van Buren. Middle of the pack, though it is too soon to judge.

Hoover did a lot of good things before his Presidency (1929-1933) too.
I think he will go down much in the same was as Carter....I a one-term President who served in difficult times and did not rise to the occasion. Once the kid gloves come off, I think Presidential historians will remark on the stark contrast between what he says and what is reality. They will write about his days in Chicago where obvious political kickbacks and six-figure gifts were given to his family in return for following suit. They will write about his connections with marxist, leftist and racist. They will write about those he tried to give cabinet positions to who were outright socialist. They will write about the failure of Obamacare, and how he simply handed it over to the sharks and minnow in the houses.

He is a failure to everyone but the blind faithful.
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If so why? If not why?

With any luck he won't be remembered at all. He will be the Chester Arthur of presidents, the Martin van Buren. There will be a vague air of warning like, don't elect unqualified people president because this is what happens.
Hoover's Commitee for relief in Belgium worked during World War I ans hortly afterward. In 1920 Hoover was no longer active in this field but was involved in aid to Russia.

Hoover did good things AFTER his Presidency; I do not think Obama will be deemed as ineffective as Buchanan, Pierce, Harding, or Van Buren. Middle of the pack, though it is too soon to judge.

Hoover did a lot of good things before his Presidency (1929-1933) too.

Yes, he took too much of the blame for the Great Depression, the years before his presidency set the stage. A good man, who could not work miracles in three years.
Actually he was a progressive whose policies fucked up the country even worse. Sort of like Obama.
His first term will be remembered for the most dismal do nothing Pub congress ever, and the most important social program ever. Now the EU is going to get their shytte together, and his second term will make him a great president.

Or you will find me in Goa.

sure Frankie.....hey you going to run from this thread like you did the other one if someone asks you a question you cant answer?....i gotta know....if so i wont bother with you....
If so why? If not why?

With any luck he won't be remembered at all.
Yeah....let's HEAR IT!!!, for political-notoriety!!!!!

[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]

BTW, everyone in foreign countries think the GOP is nuts and full of ugly 'Murkins...LOL and they're right.

EVERYONE Frankie?.....every stinking person in every foreign country?.....dam what poll did you find? it, im sure EVERYONE here would like to see it....
If so why? If not why?


They spent all their time, effort, complete control of the house and senate, and political capital from the election passing Obamacare first instead of immediately addressing the economic disaster we are still dealing with today.
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A) What running away? What question? Bullshytte!
B) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHaven't seen any problem. Is this like calling AYRES a murdering terrorist when the gov't's case was thrown out and he's been a respected professor and family man for 30 years?
C) Ok, Mr. OCD, the great majority. They're very polite. Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, and the arrogant, insulting foreign policy.
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Only the Pub Propaganda Machine, if it still exists, will produce the Pubcrappe you dupes expect. Everything you know is wrong, change the channel LOL

Borgs like you are something else Frankie.....EVERYTHING everyone else knows is wrong.....but what you know is right....just like your girlfriend TM's who said everyone elses links and sources come from Hacks.....except of course hers,they are from the real deal....maybe you should change the station Frankie.....there is more on then the test pattern....
A) What running away? What question? Bullshytte!
B) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHaven't seen any problem. Is this like calling AYRES a murdering terrorist when the gov't's case was thrown out and he's been a respected professor and family man for 30 years?
C) Ok, Mr. OCD, the great majority. They're very polite. Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, and the arrogant, insulting foreign policy.

this thread here.....the one you started......

Romney's plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare, raise Pentagon, cut debt 2035...

go back and talk.....and dont give me your Franco-American double talk.....answer the dam questions....

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