Do You Think That Dick Cheney Is A Good Person?

Which One Would You Categorize Dick Cheney To Be?

  • He's Good AND He's Honest

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • He's Good but He's NOT Honest

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • He's NOT Good AND He's NOT Honest

    Votes: 39 54.9%
  • He's NOT Good, But At Least He's Honest

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
Why don't you answer the question MarcATL?

What exactly has he been dishonest about?
What exactly makes him a "bad person"?

Its funny how you libs pretend you like to believe people are innocent until proven guilty, except of course when it comes to Republicans.

I've never really understood this obsession libs have with Cheney.

I sense that you people cannot name ONE good or honest thing that he did.

However, I'll answer. He believes in torture and is unapologetic about it...there goes his goodness.

He lied about the WMDs to push an uneccessary war that him and his cronies already were planning on going into pre-911...there goes his honesty.

To top it off, he almost blew one of his so-called friends to smithereens with a shot-gun while hunting.

Can any of you extreme RW partisan hacks name ONE thing that's good or honest about the scum-sucking pig?

You are off the rails. His whole career has been good and honest.

He was elected to the House of Representatives from 1978-1989.
He was Sec. of Defense during Bush I. He helped plan the Gulf War to free Kuwait.
....After allowing Saddam Hussein to think no one would interfere:​

TARIQ AZIZ: Our policy in OPEC opposes sudden jumps in oil prices.

HUSSEIN: Twenty-five dollars a barrel is not a high price.

U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie: We have many Americans who would like to see the price go above $25 because they come from oil-producing states.

HUSSEIN: The price at one stage had dropped to $12 a barrel and a reduction in the modest Iraqi budget of $6 billion to $7 billion is a disaster.

GLASPIE: I think I understand this. I have lived here for years. I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.

I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60's. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via Klibi or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly."

I think he sucks. Except that he does support gay rights. HA!!! If his daughter wasn't a lesbian he would be as loathsome on the topic as the rest of Republicans are. He's a hypocrite.

And I don't like the way he threw everybody under the bus in his book. So smug and arrogant. I'd love to barf all over his stupid bald head. And that wife of his!!! They just project that they are so much better than other mere mortals.
Dick Cheney is the worst thing to have happened to the Republican Party since... Hell, I can't think of anything worse through out Republican History.

There has to be something. Someone will come along and remind me soon, I am sure.

Dick was neither good nor honest

Few, if any pols are either and none are both.

However he was willing to do what he thought was right for the safety of America and more than willing to take on the critics he knew had to come.

right man, right time, right place.

You may not have liked how he went about it, but you can't argue with the results.

One can make up their own minds, with additional information, about the man and his decisions, if they spend an hour tonight, Tuesday, Aug. 30th, watching and listening to Sean Hannity interviewing Dick Cheney, for an hour, beginning at 9:00 P.M. ET on Fox News Channel.
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I think he sucks. Except that he does support gay rights. HA!!! If his daughter wasn't a lesbian he would be as loathsome on the topic as the rest of Republicans are. He's a hypocrite.

And I don't like the way he threw everybody under the bus in his book. So smug and arrogant. I'd love to barf all over his stupid bald head. And that wife of his!!! They just project that they are so much better than other mere mortals.

You read his book?

Dick ran the white house until Junior grew a pair the last two years of his Presidency. If Junior would not have relied on Dick so much, his presidency may not have gone down as one of the worst in Modern History.
Not really.

Lil' Dumbya was a BORN fuck-up.....​

"Born at the earliest fringe of the baby boom, Mr. Bush was pressed during his years at Yale, 1964 to 1968, to take sides in the great battles then unfolding over politics, civil rights, drugs and music. Mostly he was a noncombatant in those upheavals, but when forced to choose, he ultimately retreated to the values and ideals established by his parents' generation, and to their accepted methods of rebelling.

In short, while some students took to the barricades, Mr. Bush took to the bar."

....And, your average, ordinary, garden-variety LOUD-MOUTHED TEXAN!!!

"Those who encountered Bush in Alabama remember him as an affable social drinker who acted younger than his 26 years. Referred to as George Bush, Jr. by newspapers in those days, sources say he also tended to show up late every day, around noon or one, at Blount's campaign headquarters in Montgomery. They say Bush would prop his cowboy boots on a desk and brag about how much he drank the night before.

They also remember Bush's stories about how the New Haven, Connecticut police always let him go, after he told them his name, when they stopped him "all the time" for driving drunk as a student at Yale in the late 1960s. Bush told this story to others working in the campaign "what seemed like a hundred times," says Red Blount's nephew C. Murphy Archibald, now an attorney in Charlotte, N.C., who also worked on the Blount campaign and said he had "vivid memories" of that time.

"He would laugh uproariously as though there was something funny about this. To me, that was pretty memorable, because here he is, a number of years out of college, talking about this to people he doesn't know," Archibald said. "He just struck me as a guy who really had an idea of himself as very much a child of privilege, that he wasn't operating by the same rules."

Born a PUNK!!!!!
He's a good person....and he's a professional politician. I think most politicians are, in essence, good people but its easy to see them in the worst possible light.

Same question...what things that he did that stood out as particularly good to you?


He raised a family, served his Country on several occassions, didn't simply take a job as CEO or board member (which is what most people do after leaving office) and count his millions. He got back into it.

Suffered a number of heart attacks but yet continues to contribute--if you want to call it that--to the national debate.

I know that if I were him, I wouldn't go anywhere near politics; he can make more doing much much less and not have to put up with guys like you and me watching his every move.

As a simple CEO, he'd have been able to OUT-SOURCE THE IRAQ WAR TO CORPORATE-AMERICA....huh??

[ame=]Preview of interview with Robert Greenwald on Iraq for Sale - YouTube[/ame]

You need to pay a little closer-attention.

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No and No. He's an ardent supporter of the expansion of the powers of the Presidency and he's been a vocal and active advocate for unilateral military action all over the world. If he had his way we'd be involved in brushfires all over the world. He's also been implicated in some of the most outrageous human rights abuses in the nation's history and has supported some pretty amazing efforts to undermine the individual rights of Americans.

Of course it's completely a coincidence that said brushfires would turn out to be extremely profitable for a few select companies he was once involved in.

Hey the Johnson family has to be thrilled. Think of how much money they've made from blood spilt around the world.

Starting in 'nam.

LBJ was scum of the Earth. He did maybe one thing right, and that was his support of the Civil Rights Movement. He deserves a pretty low place in history for Vietnam.....

Know what-the-fuck you're talkin'-about, before you bring-up 'Nam, again!!!

The American-participation, in Vietnam, started with TRUMAN!!!



[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 3 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 4 - YouTube[/ame]​
Yes I do. The socialists hate him because he is able to carry through on policies that are good for the nation.
Yeah....right.....let's HEAR it, for....


Yes I do. The socialists hate him because he is able to carry through on policies that are good for the nation. That means they are not able to force their Marxist policies on the rest of us. He stands for freedom and they just can not handle it. I have lived long enough to recognize socialist lies and tactics. One of the foremost tactics is to attack someone's character when there is nothing else legitimate to do. Cheney is out of office so get a life and get over him. He is by far a better American than any of you who hate him so much!

So down with Socialism and hail the Fascist, huh? I almost never use the f-word but Cheney is the closest modern American politics has seen to fascism.

Dick was neither good nor honest

Few, if any pols are either and none are both.

However he was willing to do what he thought was right for the safety of America and more than willing to take on the critics he knew had to come.

right man, right time, right place.

You may not have liked how he went about it, but you can't argue with the results.

One can make up their own minds, with additional information, about the man and his decisions, if they spend an hour tonight, Tuesday, Aug. 30th, watching and listening to Sean Hannity interviewing Dick Cheney, for an hour, beginning at 9:00 P.M. ET on Fox News Channel.

Won't matter, the liberal mindset.... "String up that evil Dick Cheney"….Give foreign terrorists constitutional rights...I mean, "why do they hate us?":cuckoo:
Or an honest person?

Why/why not?

Cheney was a major disappointment to me. He had a long history of being a rare true conservative in Washington. But as W's Veep he just became a classic neocon. Police the world and spend like a banche. I don't hate him like Karl Rove who was pretty directly responsible for Obama's election, but Cheney should have been an ally of freedom and he just wasn't.

I voted good man and honest, he is personally. It's his performance that sucked.
I think he sucks. Except that he does support gay rights. HA!!! If his daughter wasn't a lesbian he would be as loathsome on the topic as the rest of Republicans are. He's a hypocrite.

And I don't like the way he threw everybody under the bus in his book. So smug and arrogant. I'd love to barf all over his stupid bald head. And that wife of his!!! They just project that they are so much better than other mere mortals.

You read his book?


Don't be silly!!! I watched several of the interviews he did about the book.
I think he sucks. Except that he does support gay rights. HA!!! If his daughter wasn't a lesbian he would be as loathsome on the topic as the rest of Republicans are. He's a hypocrite.

And I don't like the way he threw everybody under the bus in his book. So smug and arrogant. I'd love to barf all over his stupid bald head. And that wife of his!!! They just project that they are so much better than other mere mortals.

You read his book?


Don't be silly!!! I watched several of the interviews he did about the book.

This is how I see you reading that book read a page, tear it out and throw it in the fire, read the next page and repeat.

I honestly have no intention of reading his book. I haven't liked him since the Day he was announced to be Bush's running mate.

I did read Colin Powell's book and it was pretty interesting for an autobiography. I typically don't enjoy those.

Dick was neither good nor honest

Few, if any pols are either and none are both.

However he was willing to do what he thought was right for the safety of America and more than willing to take on the critics he knew had to come.

right man, right time, right place.

You may not have liked how he went about it, but you can't argue with the results.

One can make up their own minds, with additional information, about the man and his decisions, if they spend an hour tonight, Tuesday, Aug. 30th, watching and listening to Sean Hannity interviewing Dick Cheney, for an hour, beginning at 9:00 P.M. ET on Fox News Channel.

Won't matter, the liberal mindset.... "String up that evil Dick Cheney"….Give foreign terrorists constitutional rights...I mean, "why do they hate us?":cuckoo:

The whole "why do they hate us" angst cracks me up. Do terrorists actually like anyone?

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