Do you think the Democrats will be successful in preventing Trump from running?

I voted for Trump twice. Biden is just a cardboard cutout, he’s not even real, and a crook besides.
But there are so many legal hurdles Trump has to overcome. Whether they are legit or not is certainly questionable.
But they are nevertheless real.
We have other good candidates not carrying that baggage.
I get the persecution of Trump angle, and the defiance against those injustices.
But we can’t let the communists win. The stakes are too high.
He may have a slew of Democrat inflicted legal troubles by abusing their power BUT none of them would preclude Trump from running or winning. Even Democrats believe Trump will be the nominee and could win. That tells you something right there. And, you can't use 14A to keep Trump off the ballot if he hasn't been found guilty of violating 14A. And, at best, even if 14A would apply (a hail Mary at best) it would be a state by state thing with only the deepest blue states keeping him off the ballot. Trump wasn't going to win any of those anyway.
I voted for Trump twice. Biden is just a cardboard cutout, he’s not even real, and a crook besides.
But there are so many legal hurdles Trump has to overcome. Whether they are legit or not is certainly questionable.
But they are nevertheless real.
We have other good candidates not carrying that baggage.
I get the persecution of Trump angle, and the defiance against those injustices.
But we can’t let the communists win. The stakes are too high.

They dont want to stop him.....they want him as the nominee, but they want him so damaged by their fake indictments that he cant win...
the p
He may have a slew of Democrat inflicted legal troubles by abusing their power BUT none of them would preclude Trump from running or winning. Even Democrats believe Trump will be the nominee and could win. That tells you something right there. And, you can't use 14A to keep Trump off the ballot if he hasn't been found guilty of violating 14A. And, at best, even if 14A would apply (a hail Mary at best) it would be a state by state thing with only the deepest blue states keeping him off the ballot. Trump wasn't going to win any of those anyway.
roblem is that uninformed people think these indictments are real....and the majority of independents will think any conviction is real and they will not vote for him...and that is the democrat party prosecutors, democrat party judges with democrat party juries.....and normal Americans who dont pay attention to politics until election day think these indictments are actually honest
they know they can beat him, wven biden, that is why they want him on the ballot.
the p

roblem is that uninformed people think these indictments are real....and the majority of independents will think any conviction is real and they will not vote for him...and that is the democrat party prosecutors, democrat party judges with democrat party juries.....and normal Americans who dont pay attention to politics until election day think these indictments are actually honest
He won't be convicted of anything that applies to 14A. Even if they tried keeping him off the ballot, Trump would win in court. This is why even Democrats realize Trump will be the nominee and could win.
I voted for Trump twice. Biden is just a cardboard cutout, he’s not even real, and a crook besides.
But there are so many legal hurdles Trump has to overcome. Whether they are legit or not is certainly questionable.
But they are nevertheless real.
We have other good candidates not carrying that baggage.
I get the persecution of Trump angle, and the defiance against those injustices.
But we can’t let the communists win. The stakes are too high.

They've already won, so not an issue any more. Both Parties agree only 'Elites' have any rights or say in anything, and whatever Red China wants it gets, all you uppity proles are just so much shit and need to be driven back into your proper places and let the technocrats continue to drive the country into oblivion. Right now the agenda is to replace native citizens entirely and throw open all the borders. Both parties agree on this agenda.

Trump can win by a landslide, and it won't change much other than annoy a few party hacks who wanted the title; he still won't control his Party or the tens of thousands of judges and DA's and AG's or the SC, who will sabotage him again, same as last time. It will just be fun watching him piss them all off for a while.
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Trump certainly is incompetent and might be a criminal, just like Olde Joe and most of our political class. However this does not negate my point. The establishment hates Don and might do anything to prevent him becoming potus again.
'Establishment' - Who are they?

Do you think Americans not wanting a incompetent criminal as President might seem logical.
Might they hate the idea of this incompetent individual representing US as a bunch of buffoons.

Biden was actually well liked and respected on both sides of the aisle.

The Ukraine war wasn't started by Biden and actually was a miscalculation by Putin. It is best dealing Putin now before he starts getting ideas(and Putin does get ideas)... Europe has a bad history of letting this shit go... The resources US is giving, a lot of it is older equipment which US is finished using. I would suggest giving them F-16s, gain air supieority and push the Russians out of Ukraine and send the message to Russia (and everyone else), NATO is strong and will kick your ass if you get ideas..

US allies are a major part of US power. That is one of the major US can call themselves great. US being 'Great' doesn't mean its allies is not.
They invade Catholic churches and homes and put their jackboots on the throats of people complaining that their daughters are raped in schoolgirls restrooms by boys wearing dresses at school board meetings. Don't worry. The Patriot Act won't be used against you. Wait until it gets you.
You know that answered none the questions I asked...

  • We need to ask a few foundation questions first...
  • So tell us how you join the Deep State?
  • Who is there leader? what is their manage style?
  • What is the pay like...
  • Can you tell us who are the members...
That way we can address these Catholic fuelled jackboots...

So is the Deep State a Catholic organisation?
If they are, What is there relationship to Opus Dei?
Is the the Pope the leader of the Deep State?

There is so many questions...
'Establishment' - Who are they?

Do you think Americans not wanting a incompetent criminal as President might seem logical.
Might they hate the idea of this incompetent individual representing US as a bunch of buffoons.

Biden was actually well liked and respected on both sides of the aisle.

The Ukraine war wasn't started by Biden and actually was a miscalculation by Putin. It is best dealing Putin now before he starts getting ideas(and Putin does get ideas)... Europe has a bad history of letting this shit go... The resources US is giving, a lot of it is older equipment which US is finished using. I would suggest giving them F-16s, gain air supieority and push the Russians out of Ukraine and send the message to Russia (and everyone else), NATO is strong and will kick your ass if you get ideas..

US allies are a major part of US power. That is one of the major US can call themselves great. US being 'Great' doesn't mean its allies is not.
Biden is an incompetent criminal, so why would Trump who is the same concern you?

Fuck NATO. Only a fool thinks it shouldn’t have been disbanded after the fall of the USSR. It’s existence is solely to enrich the MIC. Do you know what the MIC is?

You obviously don’t know who runs this criminal corporate kleptocracy of a country.
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The establishment never backed Donny. The R Party did, but reluctantly and many elected Rs hate him now. Think Mitch and Mitt???
Mitch will support Trump if he gets the nomination which is all but certain, unless he's locked up where he belongs. And the rest of his lackeys like Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Collins, traitor Hawley etc will also back traitor Trump because they're all nothing but spineless scum who only support Democracy when their candidate wins.

The fact that Trump is nothing but criminal scum means nothing to those people.
It’s not communists against Trump. It’s the entire establishment i.e. both parties, big media, big government, military, deep state, Wall Street, etc.
Its what Eisenhower called the Military Industrial Complex...and what George H.W. Bush later called the New World Order. Every president since Bush has continued to refer to it as the New World Order, gleefully......except for Trump who finally began to expose it....which has led to the largest most expensive witch-hunt the world has ever seen.
They've already won, so not an issue any more. Both Parties agree only 'Elites' have any rights or say in anything, and whatever Red China wants it gets, all you uppity proles are just so much shit and need to be driven back into your proper places and let the technocrats continue to drive the country into oblivion. Right now the agenda is to replace native citizens entirely and throw open all the borders. Both parties agree on this agenda.

Trump can win by a landslide, and it won't change much other than annoy a few party hacks who wanted the title; he still won't control his Party or the tens of thousands of judges and DA's and AG's or the SC, who will sabotage him again, same as last time. It will just be fun watching him piss them all off for a while.
This talk about 'Elite'... Comes from the teaching of Karl Marx...

Fuck off with your Marxism..

Your a fucking Marxist trying to pretend your not... You are pushing Marxist ideas..

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