Do you think you are smarter than your parents?

If you do, you are probably a "progressive" who came from an intellectually vacant family and were an empty vessel into which liberal propaganda was filled.

Am I right?
HaHa! But if you are not? What are you. JW?
If you do, you are probably a "progressive" who came from an intellectually vacant family and were an empty vessel into which liberal propaganda was filled.

Am I right?
Haha! Answer your own question.

"Do you think* you are smarter** than your parents?"

No, but I was fortunate to have inherited much of my father's superior reasoning ability and my mother's photographic memory. As a result, I couldn't possible be a "progressive."

*Meaning "believe" rather than derived from objective measurement.

**Meaning "more intelligent" rather that higher level of education, which is confusing to most "progressives."
Even though you answered no, I detect a hint of equivocation in your answer. But that is alright. This was a fun and informative OP that surprisingly didn't get polluted with a bunch of USMB execrate comments. Thank you.
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years."--Mark Twain
If you do, you are probably a "progressive" who came from an intellectually vacant family and were an empty vessel into which liberal propaganda was filled.

Am I right?
I didn't really know my father, but met him later when he was Dying. He had done well for himself. So he must have had some stuff on the ball. My mother who is 90, has been married 6 times, and is the dumbest bitch you can imagine. She will not save a penny, she's a thief, and is totally untrustworthy. I may be smarter than her, but it has been said of her that's she's crazy like a fox, but I don't really know. We were forced to avoid her.
Both of my parents are deceased. Looking back, I would to say that I am smarter than my mother, but not smarter than my father.

My parents were both Christians of the Catholic religion. My mother got caught up in Catholic nonsense. I can remember her in church in her veil, gazing starry-eyed at the altar, and I even had to accompany her when she went to the Vatican. She even began the sex talk with me with a reference to the Virgin Mary. I don't think that she ever read a book in her life. What she did do was introduce me to the Rockettes at Radio City and the wonders of Greenwich Village, including the art shows at Washington Square. She did speak highly of Jackie Robinson and she seemed to approve Marion Anderson singing at the Lincoln Memorial after Ms. Anderson was shut out of DAR Constitution Hall.

My Dad brought home books from the library, mostly about history. We would sit on the porch and discuss them for hours. I particularly remember talking about whether the U.S. was right in dropping nuclear bombs on on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He was the one who comforted me as a child when I was upset that someone had said that one of my friends who was Jewish was not going to Heaven. He was the one who stopped the car so that we could admire the beauty of the sunset. He taught me wisdom, to check the facts, to not accept anything on face value, and go my own way. My Dad loved walking. He would never take the car. One day I was taking part in an anti-war silent demonstration on the village square and my Dad walked by. He smiled at me and kept walking.

I would hope that I am smarter than my mother. I am at least as smart as my father who taught me.

I love my Dad. I always will.

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