Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

They need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that is supposed to get a vote of the full Senate when Senators return in June.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs spend the weekend thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.
All Senators and Representative have email addresses as well. I use mine frequently. I have the good fortune of having at least one Senator who actually responds with direct answers instead of a referral to some CFR cite that doesn't have anything to do with the issue posed.
The bill is going to pass. The issue is going to be how much more secure can the border be made.
Sadly, both of my Senators are going to vote for it.. One helped to write it, the other is Open borders type Liberal.

I have to just hope it gets killed in the House.
There is a chance that it might not survive in the House but apparently that is decreasing by the day.
I think for issues this big that will affect us all, we should go to the polls and let the people decide.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

And the damage it does the country means nothing to you.. Or are you one of those is cheering the downfall of the country?
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

Hispanics will not vote for Republicans just because they help pass an immigration bill.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

Hispanics will not vote for Republicans just because they help pass an immigration bill.

Jake is the kind of Republican/conservative who thinks giving people free stuff is the way to buy the most votes. That's why no one thinks Jake is a conservative. Mitt Romney, lol....

We can't even get our finances straight BEFORE the immigration problem...
You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"?

It's a problem if you're importing third world poverty bringing with them no skills that we need or they can use to support themselves and they end up on the public dole, fat ass. That's why it's a problem.
Not until the border is secure and we know how many are really here getting it.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

Half the world wants to live here! Your post is one of the dumbest I've seen in awhile. What are you 8 years old?
You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"?

It's a problem if you're importing third world poverty bringing with them no skills that we need or they can use to support themselves and they end up on the public dole, fat ass. That's why it's a problem.

Right Wing Myths & Legends. This tale of woe has been puked out by racists, nativists, and the ethnically anxious for more than a century now. The country bumpkins that hated the Italians, Irish and Slavs were wrong then, and the country bumpkins that hate the Hispanics are wrong today.

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