Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

And yet, we have sensible limits on it.

You can't belong to a religion that advocates human sacrifice.
You can't scream "Fire" in a crowded theater.
You can't print scurrilous lies about someone in a newspaper without being sued for libel and slander.
Your petitioning the government for a redress of grievances does not include burning down your city or storming the Capitol.

“Prior Restraint” is an important concept, here.

Under the First Amendment, government is strictly prohibited from imposing prior restraint on expression. Government cannot legitimately tell you what you may or may not say.

However, if you abuse these rights, in a manner that unjustly causes harm to someone else, then the one who can show that he was harmed has standing to sue you for it. In some cases, government can even criminally prosecute you. It's not the expression itself that is the tort/crime; it is the unjustifiable causing of harm to another.
martybegan said: Because a line has to be drawn somewhere. mrtybgn.23.11.15 #581

The line was drawn by English Common Law at quickening. Quickening or a quick fetus is comparable to a viable fetus in today’s terminology..

There is no need for you to conjure something up.

nf.23.11.15 #682 to mrtybgn.23.11.15 #581
Bob Blaylock said: However, if you abuse these rights, in a manner that unjustly causes harm to someone else, then the one who can show that he was harmed has standing to sue you for it. bbblylck.23.11.15 #681

Why can’t a woman have a protected right to have access to an abortion if she lives on US soil under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution? This procedure under RvW for fifty plus years has caused no harm to any other post-viability person in any way. nf.23.11.15 #683 to bbblylck.23.11.15 #681
If you want to converse with me, then please learn to write like a literate adult instead if like a defective, malfunctioning AI 'bot.
Bob Blaylock said: However, if you abuse these rights, in a manner that unjustly causes harm to someone else, then the one who can show that he was harmed has standing to sue you for it.​

Why can’t a woman have a protected right to have access to an abortion if she lives on US soil under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution? This procedure under RvW for fifty plus years has caused no harm to any other post-viability person in any way.
Bob Blaylock said: However, if you abuse these rights, in a manner that unjustly causes harm to someone else, then the one who can show that he was harmed has standing to sue you for it.​

Why can’t a woman have a protected right to have access to an abortion if she lives on US soil under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution? This procedure under RvW for fifty plus years has caused no harm to any other post-viability person in any way.

You're asking why one human being cannot have the protected right to murder another human being in cold blood.

Denying the very humanity of the intended murder victim changes nothing about what it is you are asking, and is an exercise in blatant intellectual and moral dishonesty.
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Well, to start with, it isn't the same as doing a live birth and then watching the Baby die and having her body all messed up for her troubles.

Not at all...

Besides the fact that these are policies that all sensible democracies have EXCEPT ours, they are policies that make it easier for women to make the choice YOU prefer.

Again - and I am repeating myself because you are intentionally dense.

The Philippines have the policies YOU want. They have more abortions than we have, with only 1/3rd of our population.

France has the policies I want. They have fewer abortions than we do per capita.
So going in and cutting the baby to pieces is less dangerous then just delivering it? Less chance of complications? :auiqs.jpg:
Well, to start with, it isn't the same as doing a live birth and then watching the Baby die and having her body all messed up for her troubles.
So going in and cutting the baby to pieces is less dangerous then just delivering it? Less chance of complications?

It's entirely about legality.

To deliver the baby intact and alive, and then kill him, is clearly first-degree murder.

But due to a degenerate and wrong legality, it is legal to kill the baby before he emerges, and then to deliver the dead body in pieces.

Ethically, morally, there is no difference at all between the two acts, but legally, one is treated as the most severe form of murder, while the other is treated as perfectly legal.
“Prior Restraint” is an important concept, here.

Under the First Amendment, government is strictly prohibited from imposing prior restraint on expression. Government cannot legitimately tell you what you may or may not say.

Tell that to people who had their lives ruined during McCarthyism because they attended a communist rally once in the 1930's.

It's entirely about legality.

To deliver the baby intact and alive, and then kill him, is clearly first-degree murder.

But due to a degenerate and wrong legality, it is legal to kill the baby before he emerges, and then to deliver the dead body in pieces.

Ethically, morally, there is no difference at all between the two acts, but legally, one is treated as the most severe form of murder, while the other is treated as perfectly legal.

So what's your alternative? Allow the fetus to be delivered, only to live for hours in excruciating pain before it dies, because that is "God's Will".
Tell that to people who had their lives ruined during McCarthyism because they attended a communist rally once in the 1930's.

So what's your alternative? Allow the fetus to be delivered, only to live for hours in excruciating pain before it dies, because that is "God's Will".
It doesn't feel pain when being cut up? Babies in the womb feel pain at 15 weeks and most likely before
If you guys really believed fetuses were people, you would support paid family leave and universal health care. You don't give a fuck about women, you just want to punish them for being sexual.

Here's the reality you don't want to deal with. The laws you want will be unenforceable. Just like the prostitution laws. Just like the drug laws. Just like prohibition was.

There are no rights. There are only the privileges the majority thinks you should have or are willing to tolerate.

The Second Amendment is about Militias, and that's how it was read from1787 to 2010. So it wasn't as explicit as you think it is.

In short, punish those little sluts!

The second amendment is about militias AND the people's RKBA. commas mean things.
And yet, we have sensible limits on it.

You can't belong to a religion that advocates human sacrifice.
You can't scream "Fire" in a crowded theater.
You can't print scurrilous lies about someone in a newspaper without being sued for libel and slander.
Your petitioning the government for a redress of grievances does not include burning down your city or storming the Capitol.

Very very strictly controlled limits on how much the government can restrict it.

You can advocate it, you just can't perform it, even on a willing subject.
That is due to the action, not the speech.
Unless you are part of the press, and then you get a wide leash
Again, actions, not words.
He doesn't care about that, because they're “not human” yet.
I know even though at conception they are fully human! If you really want to get them riled up ask them why fathers do not get equal protection under the law
If you guys really believed fetuses were people, you would support paid family leave and universal health care. You don't give a fuck about women, you just want to punish them for being sexual.

Here's the reality you don't want to deal with. The laws you want will be unenforceable. Just like the prostitution laws. Just like the drug laws. Just like prohibition was.

There are no rights. There are only the privileges the majority thinks you should have or are willing to tolerate.

The Second Amendment is about Militias, and that's how it was read from1787 to 2010. So it wasn't as explicit as you think it is.

In short, punish those little sluts!
Punish? you mean hold accountable for their actions!
Bob Blaylock said: Denying the very humanity of the intended murder victim changes nothing about what it is you are asking, and is an exercise in blatant intellectual and moral dishonesty. bbblylck.23.11.16 #687 .II

But I do not deny the humanity of any fertilized human egg and all that develops after that on the total human life continuum.

NotfooledbyW said: I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society? nf.23.01.18 #6,774

Your argument is invalid Saint Bobblaylock. Do you have another?

nf.23.11.16 #698 to bbblylck.23.11.16 #687 .II
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That distinction doesn't require mutilation, drugging, or enforced cosplay.
That “distinction” is a gender identity.
Biologically no difference. A “beta” can impregnate as many women as any self identifying “alpha”.

No drugging or cosplay?
Yeah right.


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That “distinction” is a gender identity.
Biologically no difference. A “beta” can impregnate as many women as any self identifying “alpha”.

Trans shit is Cosplay trying to become a protected class, nothing more.

And the alpha beta thing is a made up pecking order attempt.

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