Doctor who Specializes in Treating Trannies in Trouble for Sexually 9 of His Patients

because you're an uneducated Bingo.
and you are?
Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but some people may develop mental health problems because of gender dysphoria.

Sexual identity is not a mental illness , but some people (especially pre-pubescents) may develop a sexual identity problems listening to folks like Curried Goats who claim it's all in their heads......

It's not you dumb Bingo. 😄 Read a book.
Most transsexuals disagree
I said I'm not getting into a spam fest with you.
Because you have nothing to hurt me with while I can always point and laugh at you pretending the NHS is nobody like the sad Simp that you are. 😄
I don't buy your BS and in all honesty you're just another left loon. I despise left loons. Go troll elsewhere
I don't give a shit what you buy. Show me the reputable professional institution that agrees with you. If you can't find one then maybe stop pretending like a thirsty bitch and just admit you're on the opposite side of conventional scientific thinking. You pretending is all the evidence I need for your desperate desire for approval from decent society.
and you are?

Sexual identity is not a mental illness , but some people (especially pre-pubescents) may develop a sexual identity problems listening to folks like Curried Goats who claim it's all in their heads......

Your make believe is mighty impressive. 😄
The NHS isn't a make believe institution and yes, they said gender dysphoria is not a mental illness.

I'm not here to debate that CG

I'm confronting sorts like YOU , who prostitute this>>>>

Children may show an interest in clothes or toys that society tells us are more often associated with the opposite gender. They may be unhappy with their physical sex characteristics.

Tip of the iceberg is my guess. Sexual predators dose these poor kids with hormones and God only knows what else and parents aren't even involved. The media is generally silent and democrats support the agenda.
Pictures aren't arguments you dumb Bingo. You're just admitting the extent of your capabilities. When you progress pass picture books let me know. 😄
Pics are very much, facts.

So many people, and then there is you stereotyping, exhibiting bigotry.

The democrat party never changed

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