Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

Your rather naive and starry-eyed notion that sending our troops off to kill and die in such debacles has, or can, in any way advance the cause of freedom elsewhere in the world is plainly invalid as made evident by the gross and persistent failures of these doomed endeavors. They do no good and invariably make things worse. To expect anything different is pathetically futile.

And you would say this to those troops for whom I guess you know better than they did about what they were fighting for and why ? Can you actually do this with a straight face, I mean tell a vet that he was fighting in every war since world war two for nothing ? Would these wars had been failures, if we would have had the proper support back here like we should have, instead of being infiltrated with communist in which Mcarthur warned us all about, whom were working the inside while the communist foriegn enemy abroad was working the outside, and all from within the theaters in which we were found fighting against communism in, and this for those who wanted what we had here (FREEDOM)? Communist infiltration is here and Mcarthur was 100% right about the communist infiltration into America's great halls of power. It is working it's propaghanda on us till this very day in this nation, and it apears to be winning sadly enough.

Yes yes, every person who dissents is obviously a do realize that communism failed and even the communists know that right?

Maybe its time to choose a new boogy man. Like Cosplayers or something equally as frightening.
Anybody who dissents against Obama is a traitor.

Or so the leftist bumper sticker meme goes.
I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.
I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Are you saying that the Military is not part of the goverment?
I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Forcing physicians to join the military is more government for those being conscripted.........
I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Are you saying that the Military is not part of the goverment?

Nah! See one of the two posters quoted above suggested government-funded medical education in exchange for a public service obligation. The other suggested...oh, nevermind. They suggested the same thing.
And you would say this to those troops for whom I guess you know better than they did about what they were fighting for and why ? Can you actually do this with a straight face, I mean tell a vet that he was fighting in every war since world war two for nothing ? Would these wars had been failures, if we would have had the proper support back here like we should have, instead of being infiltrated with communist in which Mcarthur warned us all about, whom were working the inside while the communist foriegn enemy abroad was working the outside, and all from within the theaters in which we were found fighting against communism in, and this for those who wanted what we had here (FREEDOM), except only that they could destroy it and replace it with their own? Communist infiltration is here and Mcarthur was 100% right about the communist infiltration into America's great halls of power. It is working it's propaghanda on us till this very day in this nation, and it apears to be winning sadly enough.
I don't wish to insult or offend you but you clearly are in need of some very basic education. A good place to start is with a book called, The Fog of War, by Robert MacNamara. He was Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam debacle and was largely responsible for all the death, waste, and misery associated with that shameful misuse of our military resources. In his book MacNamara, himself, finally admits that the presence of American troops in Vietnam was an unnecessary mistake -- which is the euphemism he chose rather than saying it was a wholly unjustifiable waste of life and treasure for which he was mainly responsible.

As for your irrational and obsessive fear of communism; I urge you to consider those nation's which have been receptive to a communist form of government. In every case they have been economically destitute and recovering from the devastation of revolution or other prolonged armed internal conflict. This is the only type of nation which might possibly adopt the communist ideology -- and it is a type which is diametrically opposite the political and social status of the United States. Communism has as much chance of gaining a foothold in America as a hot dog vendor would have at a Texas barbecue.

And your choice of heroes is rather misguided in that Douglas MacArthur is one of our Nation's most overrated historical figures. He was a politician in uniform who didn't hesitate to lead an attack against an encampment of homeless and destitute American Army veterans, many of whom he once commanded, who were striking in a demand for the bonuses they were promised. (If you'd like to learn more about that just Google up "MacArthur - Hooverville.") He also didn't hesitate to abandon his army when the Japanese took the Philippines. His now famous parting declaration, "I Shall Return," has been paraphrased by veteran/survivors of the fall of Corregidor as "Fuck you -- I'm outta here!" If some 2nd Lieutenant did what he did it would be called cowardice in the face of the enemy and desertion.

If you need a truly heroic military officer to admire, look up General Lewis ("Chesty") Puller. He was an officer and a true soldier -- not a politician in uniform

Another good book for you to read is, "Born On The Fourth Of July," by Ron Kovic. He was an idealistic and patriotic young Marine who was wounded and paralyzed in Vietnam. He had a lot of time to think about things and I'm sure you'll be interested in reading what he has to say. It's very educational.

The question now is whether or not you are at all educable or if you've been so thoroughly brainwashed there is little or no hope for you.
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I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Are you saying that the Military is not part of the goverment?
"More government is not the solution to every problem."

Read it again. Pay particular attention to the first word.
I often thought that the government should have a school like the military acadamys to train doctors, nurses, hospital staff, research and so forth. If we can create schools to kill and maim, whey not a school to treat and cure? As the military acadamys require a payback in service for their education, the medical scholarships would require a payback in medical service. Imagine if America had put into medical research just the money it spent for Vietnam Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps we would have some cures for cancer and other diseases that are far more fearful than Iraqis invading America.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Forcing physicians to join the military is more government for those being conscripted.........
Indeed. And you'll please note that the word "encourage" is in no way a synonym for the word "force".
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Are you saying that the Military is not part of the goverment?

Nah! See one of the two posters quoted above suggested government-funded medical education in exchange for a public service obligation. The other suggested...oh, nevermind. They suggested the same thing.
Yeah, not really. But thanks for playing.
Ron and Rand Paul work for the government.
Yep, and they both love it! As they prosper GREATLY for it. They both left the private sector to suck on the government teet.

Ron Paul is a professional candidate from one of my neighboring districts and is generally viewed down here as a kook. Rand still has to make his bones in public life but he should've probably stayed in his prior occupation.
They're both kooks, Rand isn't too far from pops. I'm not yet sure which one is worse, Rand SEEMS to be more sane, just slightly. But that's just for the time being. I have a sinking feeling that he's more kookier. We'll find out soon enough.

And you would say this to those troops for whom I guess you know better than they did about what they were fighting for and why ? Can you actually do this with a straight face, I mean tell a vet that he was fighting in every war since world war two for nothing ? Would these wars had been failures, if we would have had the proper support back here like we should have, instead of being infiltrated with communist in which Mcarthur warned us all about, whom were working the inside while the communist foriegn enemy abroad was working the outside, and all from within the theaters in which we were found fighting against communism in, and this for those who wanted what we had here (FREEDOM), except only that they could destroy it and replace it with their own? Communist infiltration is here and Mcarthur was 100% right about the communist infiltration into America's great halls of power. It is working it's propaghanda on us till this very day in this nation, and it apears to be winning sadly enough.
What does feelings have to do with facts? It's not about how the troops FEEL you kook.

This post has cemented your place in the nutjob category for good. Enjoy your status. :clap2:
Well whatdaya know, a kook trying to call someone else a kook....Muuwhahahahahahahaha, it's just to funny this place is.. Hmmmm they always say that it takes one to know one, so I guess we will be kooks together in this kooky place called earth until the end then.
Or we could encourage medical professionals to enter military service, often paying for the education in exchange for a service obligation.

You know -- like we do now. And it works pretty good.

More government is not the solution to every problem.

Forcing physicians to join the military is more government for those being conscripted.........
Indeed. And you'll please note that the word "encourage" is in no way a synonym for the word "force".

So you want them to incenitvize it? So more government spending. So "more" government.
And you would say this to those troops for whom I guess you know better than they did about what they were fighting for and why ? Can you actually do this with a straight face, I mean tell a vet that he was fighting in every war since world war two for nothing ? Would these wars had been failures, if we would have had the proper support back here like we should have, instead of being infiltrated with communist in which Mcarthur warned us all about, whom were working the inside while the communist foriegn enemy abroad was working the outside, and all from within the theaters in which we were found fighting against communism in, and this for those who wanted what we had here (FREEDOM), except only that they could destroy it and replace it with their own? Communist infiltration is here and Mcarthur was 100% right about the communist infiltration into America's great halls of power. It is working it's propaghanda on us till this very day in this nation, and it apears to be winning sadly enough.
I don't wish to insult or offend you but you clearly are in need of some very basic education. A good place to start is with a book called, The Fog of War, by Robert MacNamara. He was Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam debacle and was largely responsible for all the death, waste, and misery associated with that shameful misuse of our military resources. In his book MacNamara, himself, finally admits that the presence of American troops in Vietnam was an unnecessary mistake -- which is the euphemism he chose rather than saying it was a wholly unjustifiable waste of life and treasure for which he was mainly responsible.

As for your irrational and obsessive fear of communism; I urge you to consider those nation's which have been receptive to a communist form of government. In every case they have been economically destitute and recovering from the devastation of revolution or other prolonged armed internal conflict. This is the only type of nation which might possibly adopt the communist ideology -- and it is a type which is diametrically opposite the political and social status of the United States. Communism has as much chance of gaining a foothold in America as a hot dog vendor would have at a Texas barbecue.

And your choice of heroes is rather misguided in that Douglas MacArthur is one of our Nation's most overrated historical figures. He was a politician in uniform who didn't hesitate to lead an attack against an encampment of homeless and destitute American Army veterans, many of whom he once commanded, who were striking in a demand for the bonuses they were promised. (If you'd like to learn more about that just Google up "MacArthur - Hooverville.") He also didn't hesitate to abandon his army when the Japanese took the Philippines. His now famous parting declaration, "I Shall Return," has been paraphrased by veteran/survivors of the fall of Corregidor as "Fuck you -- I'm outta here!" If some 2nd Lieutenant did what he did it would be called cowardice in the face of the enemy and desertion.

If you need a truly heroic military officer to admire, look up General Lewis ("Chesty") Puller. He was an officer and a true soldier -- not a politician in uniform

Another good book for you to read is, "Born On The Fourth Of July," by Ron Kovic. He was an idealistic and patriotic young Marine who was wounded and paralyzed in Vietnam. He had a lot of time to think about things and I'm sure you'll be interested in reading what he has to say. It's very educational.

The question now is whether or not you are at all educable or if you've been so thoroughly brainwashed there is little or no hope for you.

:clap2: :clap2:
Forcing physicians to join the military is more government for those being conscripted.........
Indeed. And you'll please note that the word "encourage" is in no way a synonym for the word "force".

So you want them to incenitvize it? So more government spending. So "more" government.

No, genius. I want them to continue doing exactly as they have been.

It's working fine. We don't need any more leftist feel-good bullshit.
Everyone on this post is wasting their time. The stat of 83% is a deception. They sent out 16000 surveys to doctors and 83% of those who responded said they had considered quitting. Sounds good, but only 700 actually responded. So more accurate stats would show that only 3.6% of doctors considered quitting (since non responses on surveys like these almost entirely favor the less radical response).
Everyone on this post is wasting their time. The stat of 83% is a deception. They sent out 16000 surveys to doctors and 83% of those who responded said they had considered quitting. Sounds good, but only 700 actually responded. So more accurate stats would show that only 3.6% of doctors considered quitting (since non responses on surveys like these almost entirely favor the less radical response).

Well, that's handy to claim, isn't it?

Got anything to back it up?
Everyone on this post is wasting their time. The stat of 83% is a deception. They sent out 16000 surveys to doctors and 83% of those who responded said they had considered quitting. Sounds good, but only 700 actually responded. So more accurate stats would show that only 3.6% of doctors considered quitting (since non responses on surveys like these almost entirely favor the less radical response).

Well, that's handy to claim, isn't it?

Got anything to back it up?

Common sense and a Stats degree. Think about it, ho many of those 15,300 doctors thought to themselves "Yeah, I've thought of quitting. In fact, I'm so raging mad at Obama that I am going to... not fill out this survey." There's a reason why there are so compliments and thank yous in the vent section of your newspaper (or these forums for that matter). People act when they are motivated to do so, and that's usually when they are not happy about something.
Everyone on this post is wasting their time. The stat of 83% is a deception. They sent out 16000 surveys to doctors and 83% of those who responded said they had considered quitting. Sounds good, but only 700 actually responded. So more accurate stats would show that only 3.6% of doctors considered quitting (since non responses on surveys like these almost entirely favor the less radical response).

Well, that's handy to claim, isn't it?

Got anything to back it up?

Common sense and a Stats degree. Think about it, ho many of those 15,300 doctors thought to themselves "Yeah, I've thought of quitting. In fact, I'm so raging mad at Obama that I am going to... not fill out this survey." There's a reason why there are so compliments and thank yous in the vent section of your newspaper (or these forums for that matter). People act when they are motivated to do so, and that's usually when they are not happy about something.

Here is what you are looking for.

Non-response bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 4% response rate isn't exactly great. If the Doctor Patient people were actually interested in an accurate survey, they would have figured out a way to get more responses.

And they would have gotten more than a 10% response rate from hospital based physicians.
Well, that's handy to claim, isn't it?

Got anything to back it up?

Common sense and a Stats degree. Think about it, ho many of those 15,300 doctors thought to themselves "Yeah, I've thought of quitting. In fact, I'm so raging mad at Obama that I am going to... not fill out this survey." There's a reason why there are so compliments and thank yous in the vent section of your newspaper (or these forums for that matter). People act when they are motivated to do so, and that's usually when they are not happy about something.

Here is what you are looking for.

Non-response bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 4% response rate isn't exactly great. If the Doctor Patient people were actually interested in an accurate survey, they would have figured out a way to get more responses.

And they would have gotten more than a 10% response rate from hospital based physicians.

Thank you. I tried attaching a link but since I'm a newbie, I guess I don't have that privilege yet. Stats can only be used to make assumptions about a population if the sample is random and large enough. I had to laugh out loud when I read their publishings.
Common sense and a Stats degree. Think about it, ho many of those 15,300 doctors thought to themselves "Yeah, I've thought of quitting. In fact, I'm so raging mad at Obama that I am going to... not fill out this survey." There's a reason why there are so compliments and thank yous in the vent section of your newspaper (or these forums for that matter). People act when they are motivated to do so, and that's usually when they are not happy about something.

Here is what you are looking for.

Non-response bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 4% response rate isn't exactly great. If the Doctor Patient people were actually interested in an accurate survey, they would have figured out a way to get more responses.

And they would have gotten more than a 10% response rate from hospital based physicians.

Thank you. I tried attaching a link but since I'm a newbie, I guess I don't have that privilege yet. Stats can only be used to make assumptions about a population if the sample is random and large enough. I had to laugh out loud when I read their publishings.

The biggest canard is the fact that they recruited respondents via fax line. Which means that if a doctor didn't have a fax, they weren't part of the survey.

Which, not surprisingly, led to a sample that was comprised overwhelmingly of solo and small group providers. Emergency Medicine wasn't represented in the results. You know, the profession that is treating a lion's share of the unemployed.
Everyone on this post is wasting their time. The stat of 83% is a deception. They sent out 16000 surveys to doctors and 83% of those who responded said they had considered quitting. Sounds good, but only 700 actually responded. So more accurate stats would show that only 3.6% of doctors considered quitting (since non responses on surveys like these almost entirely favor the less radical response).

Well, that's handy to claim, isn't it?

Got anything to back it up?

Common sense and a Stats degree. Think about it, ho many of those 15,300 doctors thought to themselves "Yeah, I've thought of quitting. In fact, I'm so raging mad at Obama that I am going to... not fill out this survey." There's a reason why there are so compliments and thank yous in the vent section of your newspaper (or these forums for that matter). People act when they are motivated to do so, and that's usually when they are not happy about something.

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