doctors speak out on corona virus

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

No. They didn't. They are mouthpieces for people too stupid to listen to actual doctors and scientists.
They've been debunked. Stop spreading manure.
This is how it was at the end of March...

children? I thought the majority were old fks.
This is how it was at the end of March...

children? I thought the majority were old fks.
Most were, with my son the hell was they became the city's childrens hospital exclusively. Other hospitals were sending ALL of their kids there as they didn't want kids mixed in with CVs. So his problem was too many patients.
My daughter was the one in the rooms, on the floor with CVs. And yes, most were 60 and above that were critical. By far. But there were at the beginning a few 20 somethings, 30s....40s... but yes most of the deaths were 65 and older.
This is how it was at the end of March...

children? I thought the majority were old fks.
Most were, with my son the hell was they became the city's childrens hospital exclusively. Other hospitals were sending ALL of their kids there as they didn't want kids mixed in with CVs. So his problem was too many patients.
My daughter was the one in the rooms, on the floor with CVs. And yes, most were 60 and above that were critical. By far. But there were at the beginning a few 20 somethings, 30s....40s... but yes most of the deaths were 65 and older.
Now be honest the reason they were busy was that they got all other hospital’s patients. It’s what you wrote. Those hospitals laid off staff due to no work. It’s a misconception of the issue.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

The few and far between errors, were corrected immediately.

There you go trolling as always with Always you proved you covered your ears and closed your eyes,the fact that you ignored how these doctors treated them with a cure that all their patients were cured from as soon as they got itthat’s being suppressed from our corrupt government and corporate controlled media you worship as gospel truth.,you of course are going to come back and troll and say these doctors who have risked their livlihoods and put their career on the line have all lied even after doing that,that these patriot whistleblowers are lying when they have said they have seen gunshot wounds to the head as a cause of death by the virus,quit while you and stop embarrassing
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these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

This coming from someone who is biased towards the dems corruption and believes our corrupt government and mainstream media when it comes to defending the corrupt dem party over doctors who have risked their livilhoodsLol

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

No. They didn't. They are mouthpieces for people too stupid to listen to actual doctors and scientists.
They've been debunked. Stop spreading manure.

Bullshit troll,go troll somewhere else.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Another excellent example how our corrupt government is lying.
These demloving trolls of course have no interest in pesky facts like that,notice how they evaded this excellent post of hee hee.

they are clueless how the cdc is inflating the numbers rulingfatal gunshot wounds with the virus as the cause of death. Thinks for posting that,yeah I forgot about even the cdc stabbing themselves in the foot even admitting they inflated the

I. Have only stated this a hundred fucking times till I was blue in the face just to watch you and fellow troll care4all blantanly ignore those damning facts.
Last edited:

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

they've been threatened for speaking the truth. like any bully demofk does. you know, you don't comply with me I will make your life miserable and all. it's their evil nature. they can't help it, they lie like I take a daily shit.

I think they take baseball bats to cars at dealerships, set buildings on fire.

That kinda logic and pesky facts does not isink in with trolls like him and care4all even though incredibly the exact same thing happened over fifty years with the jfk assassination when witnesses who gave versions that did not go along with the governments version of events when they gave evidence that the facts did not fit the governments version of events,that there were multiple shooters,they all wound up dying in mysterious deaths ,they seem to think our government is not corrupt anymore as it was even back then and those things don’t happen anymore,comedy gold.that all these credible doctors are lying,they need to fucking grow up and stop playing dodgeball.
well we know the hospitals didn't fill up, they laid people off.

damn nursing unions are going on strike for lack of pay.
That’s what’s so comical is that if this virus was as deadly as the cdc and media say it is,you sure would not have all these empty hospitals everywhere,the patients would be lined up for miles trying to get

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Yep. When Democrats say they listen to the "scientists," they mean the leftist elitists who tell them what they want to hear. Not the Medical professionals on the street who are doing the actual hard work

You nailed it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

And she obviusly would buy that reel estate from you you tell her you have in the ocean if you ever met face to face with her incredible gullibility,comedy gold.
As I have written other threads on this several months ago, my two kids are absolutely on the front lines of this.
April/May and into June was bad. By July it was getting better.... today... in both of their metropolitan hospitals there are only a handful of CV patients. Last time I asked my daughter, there was only 2 on a respirator. Back in May there were two whole floors dedicated to CV patients and dozens on respirators.
Most people who test positive are not only not sick enough to go to the hospital, but they are asymptomatic... not even getting sick.
I question every one of the asymptomatic counts. all 89 million. I have a dozen friends never tested who tested positive. yes sir, you read that right.
Someone would have to be an idiot NOT to question them,haven’t these trolls ever learned in their life to always question authority. Apparently not. I would not only say it’s safe to say all those deaths are from the cause of something else because of this excellent fact you pointed out,but also,my best friends father who had a Three year battle with a stroke,he died in January two months Before they even started talking about the virus,they correctly ruled the death at the time being from the stroke,well guess what? Back in March two months later when the alleged virus came out,the hospital ruled his death from the virus,true story. I wish it wasn’t because it’s so sick and evil but it is,I just can’t make this kind of stuff up,I’m not clever like

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Thanks for the video. I'll check it out and let you know what I think.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Fantastic video. This one tells the truth about how dishonest our media has been about reporting the number of people affected by Covid-19. They've been dishonest AND dangerous with their misinformation.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Another excellent example how our corrupt government is lying.
These demloving trolls of course have no interest in pesky facts like that,notice how they evaded this excellent post of hee hee.

they are clueless how the cdc is inflating the numbers rulingfatal gunshot wounds with the virus as the cause of death. Thinks for posting that,yeah I forgot about even the cdc stabbing themselves in the foot even admitting they inflated the

I. Have only stated this a hundred fucking times till I was blue in the face just to watch you and fellow troll care4all blantanly ignore those damning facts.

They know the cdc is manipulating the numbers. None of them know of any wuhan illnesses.

they checked their souls with the devil

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Another excellent example how our corrupt government is lying.
These demloving trolls of course have no interest in pesky facts like that,notice how they evaded this excellent post of hee hee.

they are clueless how the cdc is inflating the numbers rulingfatal gunshot wounds with the virus as the cause of death. Thinks for posting that,yeah I forgot about even the cdc stabbing themselves in the foot even admitting they inflated the

I. Have only stated this a hundred fucking times till I was blue in the face just to watch you and fellow troll care4all blantanly ignore those damning facts.

They know the cdc is manipulating the numbers. None of them know of any wuhan illnesses.

they checked their souls with the devil

As I have written other threads on this several months ago, my two kids are absolutely on the front lines of this.
April/May and into June was bad. By July it was getting better.... today... in both of their metropolitan hospitals there are only a handful of CV patients. Last time I asked my daughter, there was only 2 on a respirator. Back in May there were two whole floors dedicated to CV patients and dozens on respirators.
Most people who test positive are not only not sick enough to go to the hospital, but they are asymptomatic... not even getting sick.
I question every one of the asymptomatic counts. all 89 million. I have a dozen friends never tested who tested positive. yes sir, you read that right.
Someone would have to be an idiot NOT to question them,haven’t these trolls ever learned in their life to always question authority. Apparently not. I would not only say it’s safe to say all those deaths are from the cause of something else because of this excellent fact you pointed out,but also,my best friends father who had a Three year battle with a stroke,he died in January two months Before they even started talking about the virus,they correctly ruled the death at the time being from the stroke,well guess what? Back in March two months later when the alleged virus came out,the hospital ruled his death from the virus,true story. I wish it wasn’t because it’s so sick and evil but it is,I just can’t make this kind of stuff up,I’m not clever like

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