doctors speak out on corona virus

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

The few and far between errors, were corrected immediately.

There you go trolling as always with Always you proved you covered your ears and closed your eyes,the fact that you ignored how these doctors treated them with a cure that all their patients were cured from as soon as they got itthat’s being suppressed from our corrupt government and corporate controlled media you worship as gospel truth.,you of course are going to come back and troll and say these doctors who have risked their livlihoods and put their career on the line have all lied even after doing that,that these patriot whistleblowers are lying when they have said they have seen gunshot wounds to the head as a cause of death by the virus,quit while you and stop embarrassing


these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Fake news.

This is how it was at the end of March...

children? I thought the majority were old fks.
Most were, with my son the hell was they became the city's childrens hospital exclusively. Other hospitals were sending ALL of their kids there as they didn't want kids mixed in with CVs. So his problem was too many patients.
My daughter was the one in the rooms, on the floor with CVs. And yes, most were 60 and above that were critical. By far. But there were at the beginning a few 20 somethings, 30s....40s... but yes most of the deaths were 65 and older.
Now be honest the reason they were busy was that they got all other hospital’s patients. It’s what you wrote. Those hospitals laid off staff due to no work. It’s a misconception of the issue.
No that is not what I said... I don't understand your reasoning.
My son works at a children's hospital. One of the top 10 in the nation. They didn't take any CV patients for obvious reasons. However they got inundated by other patients other hospitals sent due to the number of CVs they had, and didn't want sick kids getting CV.
My daughter works at a different hospital. Not connected at all. They had 3 full floors of CVs by April. All of their ICUs were occupied by CV. All of their step ups were occupied by CVs, they were using makeshift rooms as step ups. And lay offs??? Hell no. They work 12 hour shifts normally, 3 days a week. Both were working at least 4 if not 5.
NOW - is a very different story. The children's hospital is back to normal, and my daughters hospital only has a handful of CV with only one in ICU.

The story of the day is this thing is getting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better now. But the liberal news still portrays it as if it was still as bad as it was.
And the layoffs you speak of are not hospital floor staff. Some support staff and doctor nurses were laid off do to no patients being accepted.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Fake news.


Nevertheless it's fake news. The crap in the OP is weeks old and the leader of that disaster has ready lost her job.

Think about that for a minute;

She screwed up so bad that a hospital fired an ER doctor in the middle of a pandemic.

That's nuts.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Fake news.


Yeah I put this shill on ignore a long long time ago,he Always defends the governments version of events no matter how absurd they are,never addressing the evidence that proves the government is lying same as these other two trolls.i have him blocked so I have no doubt his post was childish same as the posts from the other two dem loving trolls who have posted

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

Fake news.


Yeah I put this shill on ignore a long long time ago,he Always defends the governments version of events no matter how absurd they are,never addressing the evidence that proves the government is lying same as these other two trolls.i have him blocked so I have no doubt his post was childish same as the posts from the other two dem loving trolls who have posted

That's because conspiracy theories aren't evidence of anything except the gullibility of the person advancing them.
well we know the hospitals didn't fill up, they laid people off.

damn nursing unions are going on strike for lack of pay.

Yep, the tik tok videos are very telling.


these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

In addition to counting "presumed" and "probable"s, they've also openly admitted counting deaths from clear alternate causes as covid, if the person allegedly tests positive. And since we know the testing itself is unreliable, I am truly amazed that anyone still cites the official numbers, they are a complete joke.


these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

In addition to counting "presumed" and "probable"s, they've also openly admitted counting deaths from clear alternate causes as covid, if the person allegedly tests positive. And since we know the testing itself is unreliable, I am truly amazed that anyone still cites the official numbers, they are a complete joke.

The mistakes early on, were corrected, and taken out of the numbers buttercup, how do you even think you know about them? Because the errors were found....And every article I've read on the mistakes, were corrected.

And no, the main test used in hospitals is the gold standard, covid test, where false neg and pos are a real rarity.

You believing this whacko in the video who has been shown to not know what she and group is talking about is quite surprising that you give her your support. She was laid off of her job for lying.....she never worked with covid patients as she claimed.....

All doctors treating these really sick covid cases in the hospital who die are NOT CROOKS and CORRUPT fraudsters as you keep claiming, nor are the thousands of coroner's confirming the causes of death.

You want to believe they all are...So your conspiracy can work out in your head, I suppose? But I just don't buy in to that far fetched and imo, ridiculous, and outlandish, crapola.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

In addition to counting "presumed" and "probable"s, they've also openly admitted counting deaths from clear alternate causes as covid, if the person allegedly tests positive. And since we know the testing itself is unreliable, I am truly amazed that anyone still cites the official numbers, they are a complete joke.


these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

In addition to counting "presumed" and "probable"s, they've also openly admitted counting deaths from clear alternate causes as covid, if the person allegedly tests positive. And since we know the testing itself is unreliable, I am truly amazed that anyone still cites the official numbers, they are a complete joke.

The mistakes early on, were corrected, and taken out of the numbers buttercup, how do you even think you know about them? Because the errors were found....And every article I've read on the mistakes, were corrected.

And no, the main test used in hospitals is the gold standard, covid test, where false neg and pos are a real rarity.

You believing this whacko in the video who has been shown to not know what she and group is talking about is quite surprising that you give her your support. She was laid off of her job for lying.....she never worked with covid patients as she claimed.....

All doctors treating these really sick covid cases in the hospital who die are NOT CROOKS and CORRUPT fraudsters as you keep claiming, nor are the thousands of coroner's confirming the causes of death.

You want to believe they all are...So your conspiracy can work out in your head, I suppose? But I just don't buy in to that far fetched and imo, ridiculous, and outlandish, crapola.

I didn’t even watch that video in the original post, I wasn’t talking about that, and I wasn’t talking about temporary mistakes or errors. I was talking about THEIR OWN methods for counting cases, straight from the horses mouth! That has been ongoing since the start, and it has been in their own writings, which you have completely ignored, only to believe the liars on the controlled corporate media!

And it’s not just in their own writings, numerous doctors and healthcare workers have corroborated that, and tons of regular people have attested to the statistical chicanery going on and what a joke the whole thing is!

Seriously, you need to stop trusting the liars on the controlled msm, who are nothing but the mouthpiece of the ptsb, and start opening your eyes! I get that you’re deeply invested in your position, but you have to be completely and willfully blind at this point to not see what is going on. Have you not noticed the tyranny happening in different places around the world? Have you not noticed what is happening in Australia, which has become an outright police state in certain areas? Are you unaware of the numerous draconian agendas attached to this scam? And not new agendas that suddenly came about in response to this scamdemic, but agendas that had been in the works for a long time that just needed a pretext.

You don’t strike me as a dishonest type, so if you can’t see what is going on by now then you are deeply brainwashed and stubbornly committed to your position with zero interest in anything but what the idiot box is spoon-feeding you.
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these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

Fake news

I have others. they all fake cause you said so? there's a link from the CDC. here.

COVID-19 deaths are identified using a new ICD–10 code. When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

Why These Numbers are Different

Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Counts by NCHS often track 1–2 weeks behind other data.
  • Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps to filling out and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays.
  • States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation between states.
Can't make it up. they report any death a wuhan death. then maybe they go back when it doesn't come back as such weeks later. yeah, I have real estate for you in the ocean.

In addition to counting "presumed" and "probable"s, they've also openly admitted counting deaths from clear alternate causes as covid, if the person allegedly tests positive. And since we know the testing itself is unreliable, I am truly amazed that anyone still cites the official numbers, they are a complete joke.

The mistakes early on, were corrected, and taken out of the numbers buttercup, how do you even think you know about them? Because the errors were found....And every article I've read on the mistakes, were corrected.

And no, the main test used in hospitals is the gold standard, covid test, where false neg and pos are a real rarity.

You believing this whacko in the video who has been shown to not know what she and group is talking about is quite surprising that you give her your support. She was laid off of her job for lying.....she never worked with covid patients as she claimed.....

All doctors treating these really sick covid cases in the hospital who die are NOT CROOKS and CORRUPT fraudsters as you keep claiming, nor are the thousands of coroner's confirming the causes of death.

You want to believe they all are...So your conspiracy can work out in your head, I suppose? But I just don't buy in to that far fetched and imo, ridiculous, and outlandish, crapola.

I didn’t even watch that video in the original post, I wasn’t talking about that, and I wasn’t talking about temporary mistakes or errors. I was talking about THEIR OWN methods for counting cases, straight from the horses mouth! That has been ongoing since the start, and it has been in their own writings, which you have completely ignored, only to believe the liars on the controlled corporate media!

And it’s not just in their own writings, numerous doctors and healthcare workers have corroborated that, and tons of regular people have attested to the statistical chicanery going on and what a joke the whole thing is!

Seriously, you need to stop trusting the liars on the controlled msm, who are nothing but the mouthpiece of the ptsb, and start opening your eyes! I get that you’re deeply invested in your position, but you have to be completely and willfully blind at this point to not see what is going on. Have you not noticed the tyranny happening in different places around the world? Have you not noticed what is happening in Australia, which has become an outright police state in certain areas? Are you unaware of the numerous draconian agendas attached to this scam? And not new agendas that suddenly came about in response to this scamdemic, but agendas that had been in the works for a long time that just needed a pretext.

You don’t strike me as a dishonest type, so if you can’t see what is going on by now then you are deeply brainwashed and stubbornly committed to your position with zero interest in anything but what the idiot box is spoon-feeding you.

I notice true to form as she ALWAYS does,after a major ass kicking by you she ran off with her tail between her legs like clockwork.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

i see how she keeps cowardly and arrogantly evading the pesky facts of mine as well that whistle blower doctors have come forward putting their careers and livlihoods on the line by going against the government narrative.they are risking everything doing that,they have NO REASON to make up stuff that they have seen pretty much every death from a car accident to a fatal gunshot wound ruled as a suicide. to ignore those facts is blatantly trolling.

she is obviously dense as well to the fact there are doctors out there that because they are people,they are only human and like many humans,they cave into greed thinking money will buy them happiness sense they know they have so much money to gain by ruling a fatal gunshot wound to the head as a death from covid they do so,duh,how freaking dumb can someone get?:abgg2q.jpg:

she also blatantly ignores what i have said till i was blue in the face that many patriot doctors who have a conscience and understand money WONT buy them happiness,whisle blowers like them that are NOT corrupt,have come forward and talked about the doctors that ARE corrupt and have gone along with it.someone here needs to fucking grow up and stop evading facts that these hospitals are getting tens of thousands of dollars for ruling all deaths from something else as being from covid. grow up.

my best friends father,after a three year battle with a stroke,passed away in january.the hospitalcorrectly ruled his death at the time as cause of stroke, when the virus started hitting the news two months later,they then changed the ruling of the death to covid,these are sick people,she is in denial on that. she probably will say im making this all up or crap like that. I am not clever like that,i could never dream something up like that,i dont have that kind of imagination.jesus christ,grow up already and act like an adult.:cuckoo:
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these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Problem is Jack, you are usually mistaken about almost everything.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Problem is Jack, you are usually mistaken about almost everything.

coming from a troll who cowardly ignores how the patriots cant beat great teams in the playoffs without cheating and have the refs in their pockets plus ignores the corruption of a certain country,your one to talk. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

obviously a propaganda link,miserable fail.:auiqs.jpg:

trolls who defend the corruption of the cheatriots and ignore the corruption of a country as yourself,have no more credibility than care4all does. :auiqs.jpg:
plus dismises everything misterbeal says,the most honest,objective,open minded constructive poster at this site.:asshole:

oh and not only that,buttercup took the trolls here that keep tooting the horn of the governmnets version of events in her last post,that the media is lying and the dem leaders are detroying this country. love how you think some propaganda bs INTERNET link somehow debunks my factual videos. :auiqs.jpg:
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and this is why troll


jesus christ grow the fuck up over your childish hate for trump that you cant get past the facts and stop being such fucking cowards afraid to look at the facts.

these doctors are patriots and my heros.

This is old news. They've already been debunked and dismissed. If I'm not mistaken, one of them believes in demon sperm and alien DNA. The female doctor speaking at the mic was dismissed from her hospital.

Bullshit they’ve been debunked liar.there have been many patriot whistleblowers that have seen hospital deaths caused by gunshot wounds or car accidents ruled as Covid virus deaths you brainwashed sheep,did I put this in the current events section,no I did no so stop with the babble.

well there are those who have not been tested and received calls they were positive! there is that.

There is the admitted fudging of the numbers by the CDC here.

jc456 also took you to school toofreak think others have not come on here nad backed me up cause you are butthurt i have proved you wrong so many times like how you love cheaters who cant beat great football teams without cheating proving what a troll you are who has no
i wonder what all the stupid fuck trolls who keep ignoring these credible doctors are going to try and come up with this time in their embarrassment that the media is lying to them.LOL

well we know the hospitals didn't fill up, they laid people off.

damn nursing unions are going on strike for lack of pay.

Yep, the tik tok videos are very telling.

What's wrong with this? Don't they have a right to have fun like this even in this pandemic? It's not like they are doing this everyday LMAO. Don't you know the word resiliency???

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