DoD EEO Training Manual Refers to Founding Fathers as Extremists!

As I recall, you've posted in numerous threads agreeing that modern liberals are just like the Founding Fathers.
Our founding fathers were 18th century can today's liberals be like them?
Beats heck outta me. Perhaps you might want to tell your fellow lefties that. :lol:

Todays liberals have evolved to fight new struggles. It is Conservatives who have not evolved
You mean we STILL have the most powerful Armed Forces despite this communist/community organizer's best efforts to destroy it? :eusa_eh:

p.s. LAME SHIT you including blacks in your're too far gone to pay attention to....see ya.

Blacks? You mean those blacks who were going to destroy our military strength if we integrated? Those blacks who were not fit for positions of responsibility?

I remember those blacks. Why don't you?

N o one complained about it except DEMOCRATS, so don't hang that shit on everyone else, liar.

It was a DEMOCRAT who integrated our armed forces
Judicial Watch: DOD training docs suggest conservative views 'extremist' - Spokane Conservative |

•Under a section labeled “Extremist Ideologies” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”
•“[A]ctive participation…with regard to extremist organizations is incompatible with military service and, is therefore prohibited.” [Emphasis in original]...

"The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism. And now, in a document full of claptrap, its Defense Department suggests that the Founding Fathers, and many conservative Americans, would not be welcome in today’s military,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

“And it is striking that some the language in this new document echoes the IRS targeting language of conservative and Tea Party investigations. After reviewing this document, one can’t help but worry for the future and morale of our nation’s armed forces,” he added.

Wow, so George Washington could not enlist in todays Army, Navy or Air Force.

How charming.

For that time period they most certainly were. And we are the better for it.

For a person subscribed to the idea that the 'main stream' defines the norm and any who deviate are extremists, maybe you would have a point to that mindset.

But to a person whose moral compass is not dependent on the group-think of the modern age, the extremism of the FF was the ideal example of what one can perceive and do if one's path is lit by the light of reason and not mere convention.
And this is US DoD training doc, not British.

Libtards are so multi-cultural they cant remember what country they live in and are supposedly loyal to.
True, although some of them remember.

It's just not this country they're loyal to.

They are not loyal to any country, they are loyal to an ideology born in the 19th century, a ruthless ideology that knows no mercy, no genuine love of anything familiar, and which will throw anything and anyone under the bus to promote their agenda.

Oh you mean that ideology?
Blacks? You mean those blacks who were going to destroy our military strength if we integrated? Those blacks who were not fit for positions of responsibility?

I remember those blacks. Why don't you?

N o one complained about it except DEMOCRATS, so don't hang that shit on everyone else, liar.

It was a DEMOCRAT who integrated our armed forces

Red Herring. It was Democrats who most opposed the Civil Rights movement, and who formed the biggest block of nay votes for the 1964 civil rights act. The God Ole Boy Truman integrated the Army, IIRC, but he was as racist as anyone in politics today, a trade that Democrats still pursue today, though against whites instead of for them.
Judicial Watch: DOD training docs suggest conservative views 'extremist' - Spokane Conservative |

Wow, so George Washington could not enlist in todays Army, Navy or Air Force.

How charming.

For that time period they most certainly were. And we are the better for it.

For a person subscribed to the idea that the 'main stream' defines the norm and any who deviate are extremists, maybe you would have a point to that mindset.

But to a person whose moral compass is not dependent on the group-think of the modern age, the extremism of the FF was the ideal example of what one can perceive and do if one's path is lit by the light of reason and not mere convention.

Like Lee Harvey Oswald or Tim McVeigh?
N o one complained about it except DEMOCRATS, so don't hang that shit on everyone else, liar.

It was a DEMOCRAT who integrated our armed forces

Red Herring. It was Democrats who most opposed the Civil Rights movement, and who formed the biggest block of nay votes for the 1964 civil rights act. The God Ole Boy Truman integrated the Army, IIRC, but he was as racist as anyone in politics today, a trade that Democrats still pursue today, though against whites instead of for them.

Red Herring my ass!

There was not a single LIBERAL who opposed integrating our military.

Guess which political persuasion whined the loudest ?
It was a DEMOCRAT who integrated our armed forces

Red Herring. It was Democrats who most opposed the Civil Rights movement, and who formed the biggest block of nay votes for the 1964 civil rights act. The God Ole Boy Truman integrated the Army, IIRC, but he was as racist as anyone in politics today, a trade that Democrats still pursue today, though against whites instead of for them.

Red Herring my ass!

There was not a single LIBERAL who opposed integrating our military.

Guess which political persuasion whined the loudest ?

I doubt if he was even alive in 1964 but he sure is either lying or stupid or both. I was in the army when the act was passed.

In fact after the law was passed they actually started to promote black people in the army, something that was rare before the act became law.
Our founding fathers were 18th century can today's liberals be like them?
Beats heck outta me. Perhaps you might want to tell your fellow lefties that. :lol:

Todays liberals have evolved to fight new struggles. It is Conservatives who have not evolved
Funny -- it seems the end result sought by your struggles was declared a failure in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down.

Your struggle is an old one.
It was a DEMOCRAT who integrated our armed forces

Red Herring. It was Democrats who most opposed the Civil Rights movement, and who formed the biggest block of nay votes for the 1964 civil rights act. The God Ole Boy Truman integrated the Army, IIRC, but he was as racist as anyone in politics today, a trade that Democrats still pursue today, though against whites instead of for them.

Red Herring my ass!

There was not a single LIBERAL who opposed integrating our military.

Guess which political persuasion whined the loudest ?
Kenneth Claiborne Royall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He then practiced law and was elected to the North Carolina Senate as a Democrat.


Royall was forced into retirement in April 1949 for continuing to refuse to desegregate the Army even nearly a year after President Truman promulgated Executive Order 9981.​

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