Does anyone actually TRUST the MSM?

MSM = Pravda 1970. Sad but true. I view BOTH through the same lens.

Do people trust them?

Just look around USMB for your clue. There are countless proles who WORSHIP them.

It's easier to worship than to think.
Everything is pretty much politicized or monetized or both these days, from the media to the gov't and even to the scientists and scientific organizations. You hear something and have to wait for a few days to see the rebuttal from the other side and try to decide who's lying. Sometimes longer, and new data can come out that changes your calculus.
I mean, they have lied and cajoled too many times. Nick Sandman then we go into that twilight zone thing of Geo. Floyd accidental fentanyl overdose was a murdered magically by knee. Not to mention just how corrupt our entire legal system has become over this.

So who do you trust?

Trump? He lied almost every day
Being that the media ignores say, the Durham investigation of democrats and god knows what yet they played up the unproven Trump-Russian colusion for 3 years. Impeached a president on unproven allegations, based on rumors from anonymous unnamed sources. They ignore that. We don't. Screw the media, lets see where the facts in the Durham investigation goes, we will take it from there. Facts don't need "narratives", propaganda does.
You mean they aren't saying what fox told you.

Not magically idiot. There us clear footage of it and he was judged as murdering him. He was a racist mongrel copper and the man reported it correctly. You disagreed because your a racist bigot.

It wasn't corrupt while trump was appointing his preferred judges. Now they didn't reverse the election, suddenly is all corrupt. How convenient you idiot.
Is the actual man the same as the ordinary man?

The assumption that Officer Chauvin is "racist" and that is the reason why he supposedly "killed" George Floyd is a load of shit.

The two men, Chauvin and Floyd , knew each other and were co-workers. Floyd was the furthest thing from just an anonymous black guy to Chauvin.

If he really intended to clip Floyd, what was the motive? The persecution in this case offered no proof that Floyd had poisoned Chauvin's wife or fucked Chauvin's dog- or vice versa. There was not motive proven in this case at all.
Really? G. Floyd died of hypoxia induced by fentanyl, the white cops knee?
Really! Did you learn this from one of the Fox News Talking heads? Seriously, you need to get a good therapist, who may work with a psychiatrist and get you in touch with reality.
The way I see it is everything is just propaganda.

You pick the propaganda you like and I pick the propaganda I like.

Perhaps someday (hopefully soon) somebody will start a news outlet that is factual, does not have an agenda and keeps its editorial views on the opinion page.

It might be a great success.
Leslie Stahl: 60 Minutes only reports verified facts: They did report on Russiagate. No facts necessary,, CBS posed rumor as fact, they never investigated the truth nor any of that because they say so. But they won't report on the Drummond report. What the hell happened to real journalism?
Lefties trust the MSM. That's all they use to form their perception of the political landscape.
yes we tend to trust journalists over propagandists who will say anything for a buck... you have one TV station and three newspapers owned by rupert murdoch in the entire world LOL. snap out of it.
I mean, they have lied and cajoled too many times. Nick Sandman then we go into that twilight zone thing of Geo. Floyd accidental fentanyl overdose was a murdered magically by knee. Not to mention just how corrupt our entire legal system has become over this.


Not any longer.
The assumption that Officer Chauvin is "racist" and that is the reason why he supposedly "killed" George Floyd is a load of shit.

The two men, Chauvin and Floyd , knew each other and were co-workers. Floyd was the furthest thing from just an anonymous black guy to Chauvin.
When did Floyd ever work for the police? Are you serious
If he really intended to clip Floyd, what was the motive?
He was a racist. End of story. He had him cuffed on the ground them still kolled him. Are you mad?

The persecution in this case offered no proof that Floyd had poisoned Chauvin's wife or fucked Chauvin's dog- or vice versa.
You must mean prosecution.
As for the two scenarios above, don't make me laugh. It never happened.
There was not motive proven in this case at all.
There didn't have to be. He murdered him before the eyes of the world and you are still defending him Because you don't v asluse the life of a black man because he had drugs in him. What a squalid racist arsehole you are.
Go back to your burrow.
When did Floyd ever work for the police? Are you serious

He was a racist. End of story. He had him cuffed on the ground them still kolled him. Are you mad?

You must mean prosecution.
As for the two scenarios above, don't make me laugh. It never happened.

There didn't have to be. He murdered him before the eyes of the world and you are still defending him Because you don't v asluse the life of a black man because he had drugs in him. What a squalid racist arsehole you are.
Go back to your burrow.

Floyd didn't work for the police. The officer had a part time security gig at a nightclub that Floyd worked at too.

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