Does anyone else see the stupidity in this statement"46 million don’t have health insurance"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said this several times:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children.”

YET The following article
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurers in the individual market to cover anyone who wishes to enroll and restricts how insurers can vary premiums based on enrollee characteristics. Premiums cannot vary at all based on health status or gender. Premium variations based on age are limited to a ratio of three to one (meaning the premiums for a 64 year-old is three times the premium for a 21 year-old).
The Numbers Behind Young Invincibles and the Affordable Care Act The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

So the WHOLE premise of ACA was .."cover the 46 million Americans that don't have health coverage"
So who makes up those 46 million Americans that don't have health insurance???
A) 10 million according to the CENSUS are NOT CITIZENS!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So NOW after ACA passed Obama admits... yup 10 million are not citizens! That left 36 million!

B) But why didn't Obama admit the failure of his administration to enroll 14 million people eligible BEFORE ACA? People that were at the poverty level to be covered by Medicaid BEFORE ACA!
So if Obama's administration was more effective then there would NOT be 14 million uninsured!
The Census agrees with the above and says they have UNDERCOUNTED those people!
That leaves 22 million!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.
So if the above article SAYS the whole premise of ACA was to cover "46 million uninsured" YET
10 million are not citizens, 14 million should have been enrolled by Obama's administration and
HERE the above article is counting 18 million people that don't want, don't need and can afford their employers' health plans! This whole destructive ACA for how many that are legal, and want coverage?

4 million! THAT's IT!!!
So why the charade of "46 million" that Obama
1) now admits is 36 million that Obama forgets includes
2) 14 million HE SHOULD HAVE COVERED under Medicaid BEFORE ACA and
3) 18 million that HE wants to be insured THAT don't want insurance! Don't NEED insurance!
PHONY PHONY number that influenced ACA to pass by just 7 House votes!

And NOW we find out how complicated this crappy phony ACA will affect all of us:
Speaking on H&R Block’s quarterly earnings conference call, CEO William Cobb said that the company was already taking steps to train its tax preparers based on the draft forms that the Internal Revenue Service has released to comply with Obamacare.

“As expected, the forms are very detailed and can present significant complexity, depending on a filer’s coverage status during the year, income level, and household composition,” Cobb said. “Depending on their situation, there are instances where filers may need to file multiple new tax forms and complete additional worksheets.”
“Depending on the type of exemption, the process to claim it could be quite cumbersome and time consuming,” Cobb said.

In addition, many taxpayers who received subsidies to purchase health insurance through Obamacare could be forced to repay the federal government if, due to a miscalculation of their income, they received larger subsidies then they were entitled to under the law.

H R Block CEO says Obamacare to add significant complexity to tax season
The ACA is as practical as the ethanol mandate. Practically without practicality.
Jesus, I was wondering just the other day why healthmyths had not started this topic again.
Jesus, I was wondering just the other day why healthmyths had not started this topic again.

Your comment DOESN"T alter the FACTS that idiots like YOU still believe there are 46 million uninsured even after your messiah NOW after ACA is passed agrees 10 million are not citizens!
Leaves 36 million but of course you and Obama will never admit that 14 million should have been enrolled under Medicaid BEFORE ACA and due to the incompetence of Obama's CMS that didn't happen so why in the f...k penalize us with MORE government bureaucracy if they can't get 14 million enrolled? Then finally idiots like YOU counting people that DON"T want something! GEEZ how can people like you live your daily life if you can't think rationally?
People like you are truly pathetic. Don't you ever think for yourself???
I actually thought the stupidest part of his statement was referring to the US as the wealthiest nation in the world. I doubt that is true any more.
No, but I can see the stupidity in starting 50 threads about it.

healthdolt is quoting Obama from 09 ... helloooooooooooo, its 2014.

but that's why healthdolt is an idiot.

look forward to 50 more threads on this topic.... fragile minds ya know.
RIGHT and of course YOU have no idea who PolitiFact is do you?
Owned by the Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Pravda West "St. Petes times"!
And they while ACKNOWLEDGING NOW that 10 million are not citizens so THEY reduced to 36 million!
They at the same time LIKE Ignorant people who still contend there are now 36 million..
that 14 million were NOT enrolled by Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
SO how f...king stupid is it to think that if this SAME incompetent group that can't get 14 million enrolled they will do any better with aCA???
Finally you and all the other ignorant like Politifact still ignore the 18 million they and you stupidly count as uninsured THAT DON"T WANT OR NEED Insurance!
Why is that so hard to comprehend that 10 million of 46 million are not citizens..
14 million should have been enrolled by the incompetent CMS/Medicaid and it is totally bogus to count 18 million that don't want , don't need health insurance!
Bogus bogus number when reality less then 4 million!
But idiots like you and politifact totally ignoring the REAL numbers WHY are you people so DENSE???
And all because these idiots can't even do simple MATH!!!
NEVER was 46 million uninsured when counted as "uninsured"
1) 10 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million totally eligible for Medicaid but further evidence of incompetency counted!
3) 18 million that don't want , don't need still counted to pump the number up...
4 Million truly uninsured and the government is messing those people up NOW!!!
RIGHT and of course YOU have no idea who PolitiFact is do you?
Owned by the Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Pravda West "St. Petes times"!
And they while ACKNOWLEDGING NOW that 10 million are not citizens so THEY reduced to 36 million!
They at the same time LIKE Ignorant people who still contend there are now 36 million..
that 14 million were NOT enrolled by Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
SO how f...king stupid is it to think that if this SAME incompetent group that can't get 14 million enrolled they will do any better with aCA???
Finally you and all the other ignorant like Politifact still ignore the 18 million they and you stupidly count as uninsured THAT DON"T WANT OR NEED Insurance!
Why is that so hard to comprehend that 10 million of 46 million are not citizens..
14 million should have been enrolled by the incompetent CMS/Medicaid and it is totally bogus to count 18 million that don't want , don't need health insurance!
Bogus bogus number when reality less then 4 million!
But idiots like you and politifact totally ignoring the REAL numbers WHY are you people so DENSE???

their #'s are from the census...

That 46 million number — which to be exact, is actually 45.7 million — comes from the U.S. Census Bureau, which releases estimates of the uninsured yearly. That estimate is for 2007, and the data were released in 2008. (The 2008 data are scheduled for release on Sept. 10, 2009.)

you have no idea you're an idiot do you
RIGHT and of course YOU have no idea who PolitiFact is do you?
Owned by the Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Pravda West "St. Petes times"!
And they while ACKNOWLEDGING NOW that 10 million are not citizens so THEY reduced to 36 million!
They at the same time LIKE Ignorant people who still contend there are now 36 million..
that 14 million were NOT enrolled by Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
SO how f...king stupid is it to think that if this SAME incompetent group that can't get 14 million enrolled they will do any better with aCA???
Finally you and all the other ignorant like Politifact still ignore the 18 million they and you stupidly count as uninsured THAT DON"T WANT OR NEED Insurance!
Why is that so hard to comprehend that 10 million of 46 million are not citizens..
14 million should have been enrolled by the incompetent CMS/Medicaid and it is totally bogus to count 18 million that don't want , don't need health insurance!
Bogus bogus number when reality less then 4 million!
But idiots like you and politifact totally ignoring the REAL numbers WHY are you people so DENSE???

their #'s are from the census...

you have no idea you're an idiot do you

What do you mean???
MY numbers are from the CENSUS!!!
If you aren't so afraid of the truth GO check these web sites out I"m NOT making this UP!
A) 10 million according to the CENSUS are NOT CITIZENS!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current
Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing
government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
(SCHIP) under current rules.

The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals
actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the
Census survey.
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”

According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured
population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates.
While this view is shared by some policy analysts, others disagree and there is no consensus.
It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be
developed based on the most accurate data possible.

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.
GO check this web site OUT! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
  • Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
THEY Don't want or NEED health insurance!
PLEASE what is the problem in simply checking these sources out?
ARE YOU gutless? Afraid?
See people like YOU just can't fathom that such a humongous gigantic LIE was perpetuated to pass
ACA! Totally unneeded!!!

YOU are a gigantic chickenshit if YOU don't at least check out the sources...
So Seite... WHAT is your response?
The Census SAID:
Census survey.
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”

The Census SAID:
10 million according to the CENSUS are NOT CITIZENS!
18 million don't want and don't NEED...
So where are there 46 million legal Americans, of which 14 million who said they were uninsured simply need to get registered with Medicaid and then 18 million that DON"T want insurance!
Subtract those 42 million and you are left with less then 4 million that truly want and need!
YET idiots have fallen for that 46 million false pumped exaggerated number and NOW we have a really bad mess!


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