Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

How is that, Mac?

The GOP is moving right, arguably to the ultra-right, for as it stands the GOP would be assessed as a right-wing extremist party in Europe. A right-wing party moving further to the right is opening up the center, thus inviting a nominally left-wing party to invade the center, that is, moving to the right.

And yet, you declare Democrats are moving to the left because the GOP gave them an opening. That doesn't even begin to make sense.

Democrats are moving to the left because the rightward lurch of the whole party system since (at least) Reagan proves to be devastating to the country, and to the bottom 80% of the population in particular. The result thereof can be seen in white males in non-supervisory positions not getting a raise in real terms since 1980, and the ghoulish goon currently squatting in the White House. That needs to end, along with the atrocities that are the U.S. immigration system, economic system, justice system, environmental (ill-) protection, and so much more. Everyone with a lick of sense and decency should praise and encourage Democrats doing the right thing, at long last.
Here's another gem: Kamala Harris: "Hey, guys, you know what? America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we're going to put food on their table," Harris said to raucous cheers and applause.

I've got the answer for you Kamala and America. You want food on your table ? GET A FUCKING JOB, and put food on your own table !!!!
You can grow it it doesn't take a job with wages.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.
You better add the real taxes and tax rates and low growth we have had over the last half century. All of your agendas have massive costs and it is at a high tax rate we live with today already.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.

Old and stupid. The country has also regressed and has become way more PC. Even raging Democrat Bill Maher agrees with this. Not all Democrat policies are “progressive” and it was the Republicans who fought for equal rights for blacks and not Democrats.

Thankfully you’re old and out of touch. Hopefully you’ll be in a nursing home soon, drooling on yourself.
Biden moved left and made the election about Trump or Schultz if he decides to run. The Dems are lost.
They're making the bones of fallen Bolsheviks in shallow graves around the ruins of stalin's gulags rattle.
Part of the democrats' problem in having 10000000 losers officially running is that to stand out they will all try to 'out left' each other, which will provide plenty of fodder for the general election dust-up.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


As I warned some time ago, the AOC effect. She was given the spotlight by media, and in turn, her cabal of progressive ideas, it was clear some wanted her to have greater influence than she deserved.

Really these ideas are only popular in Cali, NY and among poorly informed millennials, so in the end, it will hurt their chances in 2020. More important than that though, many of these policies are damaging to America.

I was saying the exact same thing.
I was telling people instead of making memes and making fun of her, they need to be pointing out the many, many fallacies of her policies she brings on.
The Democrats can see very well her popularity among the youth and minorities. Being the vote whores they are, you bet they will move towards her policies whether they agree with them or not.
Republicans do the same thing.
Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

How is that, Mac?

The GOP is moving right, arguably to the ultra-right, for as it stands the GOP would be assessed as a right-wing extremist party in Europe. A right-wing party moving further to the right is opening up the center, thus inviting a nominally left-wing party to invade the center, that is, moving to the right.

And yet, you declare Democrats are moving to the left because the GOP gave them an opening. That doesn't even begin to make sense.

Democrats are moving to the left because the rightward lurch of the whole party system since (at least) Reagan proves to be devastating to the country, and to the bottom 80% of the population in particular. The result thereof can be seen in white males in non-supervisory positions not getting a raise in real terms since 1980, and the ghoulish goon currently squatting in the White House. That needs to end, along with the atrocities that are the U.S. immigration system, economic system, justice system, environmental (ill-) protection, and so much more. Everyone with a lick of sense and decency should praise and encourage Democrats doing the right thing, at long last.
Too funny.

In truth, the GOP has moved left and they have done so significantly in the past 30 years.

The problem is the progressives have moved so far to the left, even Joe Stalin can't see them.

When you are so far left and need a telescope to view the Earth, I guess everyone looks to be moving to the right.
If you want to give control of your healthcare, housing, wages, border security, freedom of speech and education system to your government, you're a Democrat who hates freedom. Add to that the loss of freedom of speech and excessive taxation and you have no freedom.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.

No, it shows certain areas of the country only.


From the University of Michigan

Trump won 306 electoral votes to Hillary’s 232,
Trump 30 states, Hillary 20
Trump 2649 counties, Hillary 503
By TIME’s calculations, Trump’s territory accounts for 75.6% of the nation’s land mass, not including water.
Hillary’s extra popular vote count came from California, as well as New York and Massachusetts
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Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

How is that, Mac?

The GOP is moving right, arguably to the ultra-right, for as it stands the GOP would be assessed as a right-wing extremist party in Europe. A right-wing party moving further to the right is opening up the center, thus inviting a nominally left-wing party to invade the center, that is, moving to the right.

And yet, you declare Democrats are moving to the left because the GOP gave them an opening. That doesn't even begin to make sense.

Democrats are moving to the left because the rightward lurch of the whole party system since (at least) Reagan proves to be devastating to the country, and to the bottom 80% of the population in particular. The result thereof can be seen in white males in non-supervisory positions not getting a raise in real terms since 1980, and the ghoulish goon currently squatting in the White House. That needs to end, along with the atrocities that are the U.S. immigration system, economic system, justice system, environmental (ill-) protection, and so much more. Everyone with a lick of sense and decency should praise and encourage Democrats doing the right thing, at long last.
My God
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

There must be snowballs in hell right now because that is the first intelligent thing you have posted. Of course Democrats have moved to the extreme left. The Democrat Party of Harry Truman and John F Kennedy is dead and buried.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.

No, it shows certain areas of the country only.

View attachment 266733
From the University of Michigan

Trump won 306 electoral votes to Hillary’s 232,
Trump 30 states, Hillary 20
Trump 2649 counties, Hillary 503
By TIME’s calculations, Trump’s territory accounts for 75.6% of the nation’s land mass, not including water.
Hillary’s extra popular vote count came from California, as well as New York and Massachusetts
Los Angeles county....COUNTY... has more population than the ten states combined! That county actually ranks 10th in a list of states by population.

Los Angeles County, California, Population vs. State Populations

But the left would have the entire country's direction determined by such locations.
Popular vote doesn’t count, and your figure is also wrong.

It doesn't count for selecting the president, but it clearly shows where the country is collectively.

Here's the thing... we've had discussions on issues, and the left has kind of prevailed on a lot of them.... as they always do, as society always progresses.

Blacks having equal rights was a crazy liberal idea at one point. Like within my lifetime, and while i am old, I'm not that old. Now no one really debates they shouldn't.

No, it shows certain areas of the country only.

View attachment 266733
From the University of Michigan

Trump won 306 electoral votes to Hillary’s 232,
Trump 30 states, Hillary 20
Trump 2649 counties, Hillary 503
By TIME’s calculations, Trump’s territory accounts for 75.6% of the nation’s land mass, not including water.
Hillary’s extra popular vote count came from California, as well as New York and Massachusetts
Los Angeles county....COUNTY... has more population than the ten states combined! That county actually ranks 10th in a list of states by population.

Los Angeles County, California, Population vs. State Populations

But the left would have the entire country's direction determined by such locations.
Of course, because they love there. To hell with anyone else. Lol
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

Some of the new is leftist many of the older ones are still bought by dark money and run the gauntlet for the global corporations....
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


What's the alternative? Trump? I think not.

In all reality these politician's from both sides promise all sorts of bullshit when they are running for office but only a small fraction of what they promise or propose only comes to fruition.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

I have no doubt Trump (and Obama) have pushed Democrats (and a majority of voters) to the left in ways this recent TRNN interview reveals regarding one "leftist" 2020 POTUS candidate:

First Democratic Debate: A Shift to the Left, Some Shifted More Than Others (1/2)

So I’m going to—To get a sense about what type of shift this is, I’m going to pick on the candidate that I’m familiar with probably the most of the suite of candidates that we see— Corey Booker.

"So Corey Booker, when he was Mayor of Newark, he basically turned over the Newark Public Schools to Facebook. I believe in the last presidential election— not the one four years ago, the one eight years ago— he critiqued, I believe, at least somebody associated with the Democratic Party for going against private equity because private equity was, kind of, a source of a lot of his own campaign funds.

"But given the shift to the left, he can no longer maintain the same types of stances for corporate consolidation and for privatization that he once took for granted.

"Now the thing is, it’s complicated. So the bit that he was answering about there, he was asked specifically about Facebook and Google. And his answer moved away from Facebook—

"MARC STEINER Right. There was a lot of dancing last night. Lots of dancing—"

2020 has the potential to change the US more fundamentally than any POTUS contest since 1932, imho.

How it will turn out is not at all clear to me.

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