Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !

This cr@p will cost the dumb Dems..

Yet, 10 years ago Democrats never wanted to give free healthcare, or college to Illegals.

I'm convinced this proved the DNC isn't evolving naturally, or logically.
But... Rather I tend to think Soros runs the DNC behind the scenes.

It's amazing to see them devolve this quickly. Just devoid of any rational logical thought.
Come on Mac1958 dont let me shut your whole thread down with a little raw logic....haha
Well, you complain about this topic with such frequency and nastiness that it just becomes noise after a while.

If you think that such a tactic is going to be helpful to you electorally, by all means, keep going.

I just don't know how you expect me to respond or contribute.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yep, the Democratic Party has moved left. But why is that bad? The left is 'of the people', and to be clear and honest, the right is not.

Lincoln said it best, we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. That alone should enlighten the readers that the Republican Party in the 21st Century is no longer the party of Lincoln.

The left hates this country. Quit lying.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
The bottom line is this; and it’s undeniable....Mexicrats had no where to go but further Left.
The have put all the eggs in one basket...the basket of filth and foreigners.
The Party Of Filth And Foreigners could not have stayed relevant if it not for degenerate pukes, white guilt whackos, wetbacks, faggots and rug munchers, feminazi’s and men in dresses.

Love the terminology.

Rug munchers. :rofl:
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yep, the Democratic Party has moved left. But why is that bad? The left is 'of the people', and to be clear and honest, the right is not.

Lincoln said it best, we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. That alone should enlighten the readers that the Republican Party in the 21st Century is no longer the party of Lincoln.

What's wrong with the centre?

Q. What is wrong with the center?

A. Nothing, they will lean one way or the other, and they will decide on who wins and who loses.

Hopefully they will listen carefully, and reject Trumpism as they did in '18. But once again the GOP can win, but only when the special interests give them millions to spread the BIG LIES which won them the Congress in 2010 and brought the Tea Party to power.

Listen carefully, the R Party has no positive agenda to offer, except more tax cuts; its messages will bring more hate and fear to the airways, which will be echoed by the lunatic fringe which dominates most threads here.

What are the BIG LIES: We've already seen it on this message board and in this forum.

Some of the BIG LIES:
  • Democrats want to take your guns away
  • Democrats want to kill babies
  • Democrats support open borders
  • Democrats are Socialists and Communists
  • Democrats are Racists and Bigots
  • Democrats are war mongers
  • Democrats hate America
  • Democrats are known tax and spenders
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yep, the Democratic Party has moved left. But why is that bad? The left is 'of the people', and to be clear and honest, the right is not.

Lincoln said it best, we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. That alone should enlighten the readers that the Republican Party in the 21st Century is no longer the party of Lincoln.

What's wrong with the centre?

Q. What is wrong with the center?

A. Nothing, they will lean one way or the other, and they will decide on who wins and who loses.

Hopefully they will listen carefully, and reject Trumpism as they did in '18. But once again the GOP can win, but only when the special interests give them millions to spread the BIG LIES which won them the Congress in 2010 and brought the Tea Party to power.

Listen carefully, the R Party has no positive agenda to offer, except more tax cuts; its messages will bring more hate and fear to the airways, which will be echoed by the lunatic fringe which dominates most threads here.

What are the BIG LIES: We've already seen it on this message board and in this forum.

Some of the BIG LIES:
  • Democrats want to take your guns away
  • Democrats want to kill babies
  • Democrats support open borders
  • Democrats are Socialists and Communists
  • Democrats are Racists and Bigots
  • Democrats are war mongers

As far as I can see, there are no Democrats left. Morphed into virtue signallers and tree huggers.

Nancy Pelosi is full of it. At her age, she should have learnt.
Come on Mac1958 dont let me shut your whole thread down with a little raw logic....haha
Well, you complain about this topic with such frequency and nastiness that it just becomes noise after a while.

If you think that such a tactic is going to be helpful to you electorally, by all means, keep going.

I just don't know how you expect me to respond or contribute.

Why wouldn’t the “tactic” work? Trump just proved that it works..didn’t he?
He has said and done shit that no POTUS in decades has had the nuts to do and say and it earned him the title of Most Powerful Man In The World. You want to believe that his polarizing dynamic is a bad thing...but it’s exactly what all good, real Americans have begged to see/hear for years....IT WORKS.
The Mexicrat Party is simply in retreat mode...they’re desperate as all hell, they know they can not appeal to core Americans. They must sell their twisted bullshit to twisted GROUPS and hope to garner support from foolish millennials whom dismiss all that actually matters and vote on FEELZ alone.
You’re an intelligent guy...I know you know this.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


They've not only shifted far left they gone right over the edge of sanity into insanity.
Come on Mac1958 dont let me shut your whole thread down with a little raw logic....haha
Well, you complain about this topic with such frequency and nastiness that it just becomes noise after a while.

If you think that such a tactic is going to be helpful to you electorally, by all means, keep going.

I just don't know how you expect me to respond or contribute.

Why wouldn’t the “tactic” work? Trump just proved that it works..didn’t he?
He has said and done shit that no POTUS in decades has had the nuts to do and say and it earned him the title of Most Powerful Man In The World. You want to believe that his polarizing dynamic is a bad thing...but it’s exactly what all good, real Americans have begged to see/hear for years....IT WORKS.
The Mexicrat Party is simply in retreat mode...they’re desperate as all hell, they know they can not appeal to core Americans. They must sell their twisted bullshit to twisted GROUPS and hope to garner support from foolish millennials whom dismiss all that actually matters and vote on FEELZ alone.
You’re an intelligent guy...I know you know this.
I'm consistently lousy at predicting elections and political stuff, so I don't know.

But given the trajectory of our demographics, and the fact that so much of the GOP is so willing to contribute to its reputation with minorities, it's difficult to see this lasting for long.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while pointing out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yep, the Democratic Party has moved left. But why is that bad? The left is 'of the people', and to be clear and honest, the right is not.

Lincoln said it best, we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. That alone should enlighten the readers that the Republican Party in the 21st Century is no longer the party of Lincoln.

What's wrong with the centre?

Q. What is wrong with the center?

A. Nothing, they will lean one way or the other, and they will decide on who wins and who loses.

Hopefully they will listen carefully, and reject Trumpism as they did in '18. But once again the GOP can win, but only when the special interests give them millions to spread the BIG LIES which won them the Congress in 2010 and brought the Tea Party to power.

Listen carefully, the R Party has no positive agenda to offer, except more tax cuts; its messages will bring more hate and fear to the airways, which will be echoed by the lunatic fringe which dominates most threads here.

What are the BIG LIES: We've already seen it on this message board and in this forum.

Some of the BIG LIES:
  • Democrats want to take your guns away
  • Democrats want to kill babies
  • Democrats support open borders
  • Democrats are Socialists and Communists
  • Democrats are Racists and Bigots
  • Democrats are war mongers

As far as I can see, there are no Democrats left. Morphed into virtue signallers and tree huggers.

Nancy Pelosi is full of it. At her age, she should have learnt.

It's not what you've seen, its what you want others to believe. In fact, this sentence,

"Nancy Pelosi is full of it. At her age, she should have learnt."

You've done what is expected, attacking the Speaker who may not be a good orator, because she is a leader with experience and energy to lead her troops.

You attack her because she can stand up to the bully in the White House, are you honest enough to admit that?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while point out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
Your party drops taxes and increases spending.

You've been conned.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while point out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
Your party drops taxes and increases spending.

You've been conned.
All symptoms of voting being a right.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Yep, the Democratic Party has moved left. But why is that bad? The left is 'of the people', and to be clear and honest, the right is not.

Lincoln said it best, we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. That alone should enlighten the readers that the Republican Party in the 21st Century is no longer the party of Lincoln.

What's wrong with the centre?

Q. What is wrong with the center?

A. Nothing, they will lean one way or the other, and they will decide on who wins and who loses.

Hopefully they will listen carefully, and reject Trumpism as they did in '18. But once again the GOP can win, but only when the special interests give them millions to spread the BIG LIES which won them the Congress in 2010 and brought the Tea Party to power.

Listen carefully, the R Party has no positive agenda to offer, except more tax cuts; its messages will bring more hate and fear to the airways, which will be echoed by the lunatic fringe which dominates most threads here.

What are the BIG LIES: We've already seen it on this message board and in this forum.

Some of the BIG LIES:
  • Democrats want to take your guns away
  • Democrats want to kill babies
  • Democrats support open borders
  • Democrats are Socialists and Communists
  • Democrats are Racists and Bigots
  • Democrats are war mongers

As far as I can see, there are no Democrats left. Morphed into virtue signallers and tree huggers.

Nancy Pelosi is full of it. At her age, she should have learnt.

It's not what you've seen, its what you want others to believe. In fact, this sentence,

"Nancy Pelosi is full of it. At her age, she should have learnt."

You've done what is expected, attacking the Speaker who may not be a good orator, because she is a leader with experience and energy to lead her troops.

You attack her because she can stand up to the bully in the White House, are you honest enough to admit that?

Are you the bully who wants me to admit to something I don't know what I'm supposed to admit to?
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while point out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
Your party drops taxes and increases spending.

You've been conned.
All symptoms of voting being a right.
And by the way, you won't be able to find me "blaming only Republicans" for the Meltdown.

I realize you're trained to just make shit up as you go, but I wanted to point that out for you.

Your ignorance of what caused the Meltdown is a willful ignorance, as you dutifully and obediently copy and paste the talk radio line, ignoring so much. There is plenty of information out there for you, but unfortunately it doesn't exist within the right wing alternate universe.

You've been conned. Badly. You should feel foolish.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.


Their proposed policies clearly have moved further left.
I think that the Democratic Party NEEDED to move to the left. Since Bill Clinton moved the party 50 paces to the right to win election in 1992, Democrats have basically abandoned leftist policies. But now the full on destruction of 40 years of right wing low tax policies, no infrastructure or program investments for the people, combined with the economic drain of 18 years of continuous war, has come home to roost, it's time to stop pretending that Republicans know how to stimulate an economy, or provide a stable platform for economic growth.
They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while point out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
Your party drops taxes and increases spending.

You've been conned.
All symptoms of voting being a right.
And by the way, you won't be able to find me "blaming only Republicans" for the Meltdown.

I realize you're trained to just make shit up as you go, but I wanted to point that out for you.

Your ignorance of what caused the Meltdown is a willful ignorance, as you dutifully and obediently copy and paste the talk radio line, ignoring so much. There is plenty of information out there for you, but unfortunately it doesn't exist within the right wing alternate universe.

You've been conned. Badly. You should feel foolish.
Aaaand he obfuscates and uses the old copy and paste from some radio show blah blah blah.

They took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and ran with it as if it were gospel. And now they've got a guy in the White House who goes out of his way to insult and polarize.

This has left the door wide open for the Left to act. The problem is that they're going too far, which is typical in the political world.

I mentioned earlier that the biggest concern I've had since the day Trump was elected has been that the response and reaction to him would be like nothing we've ever seen before. So far I think I'm right. And that could lead to a kneejerk reaction that goes too far.
Holy shit

Are you telling your fucking clients that the party of big tax is better than the party of lower absurd regulations under the guise of concerns for the planet or lower taxes?

In what specific ways has Trump been bad for this country's economy? List the fucking reasons you piece of shit.

I will be waiting for that. Then again an ignorant fuck like you blames ONLY REPUBLICANS on the 2008 debacle and actually still blames Bush despite these facts.


  • August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying "first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options." (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, the White House, 8/9/07)

  • August: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd ignores the President's warnings and calls on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," The New York Times, 8/11/07)

  • December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying "These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon." (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, the White House, 12/6/07)

  • February: Assistant Treasury Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, saying "A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully." (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

  • March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and "move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages." (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

  • April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and "modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

  • May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.
    • "Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

    • "[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator." (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

    • "Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans." (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)
  • June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying "we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

  • July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform legislation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.

  • September: Democrats in Congress forget their previous objections to GSE reforms, as Senator Dodd questions "why weren't we doing more, why did we wait almost a year before there were any significant steps taken to try to deal with this problem? … I have a lot of questions about where was the administration over the last eight years." (Dawn Kopecki, "Fannie Mae, Freddie 'House Of Cards' Prompts Takeover," Bloomberg, 9/9/08)

Make sure you obfuscate from that and giggle while point out how I cut and paste the official White House archives.

Well, how has Trump been bad for the economy HERE?

Wait for it everyone. A socialist American who is a "financial advisor" and yet I am guessing he does not voluntarily pay more taxes, as he votes proudly for the party of mass regulation and higher taxes.
Your party drops taxes and increases spending.

You've been conned.
All symptoms of voting being a right.
And by the way, you won't be able to find me "blaming only Republicans" for the Meltdown.

I realize you're trained to just make shit up as you go, but I wanted to point that out for you.

Your ignorance of what caused the Meltdown is a willful ignorance, as you dutifully and obediently copy and paste the talk radio line, ignoring so much. There is plenty of information out there for you, but unfortunately it doesn't exist within the right wing alternate universe.

You've been conned. Badly. You should feel foolish.
Aaaand he obfuscates and uses the old copy and paste from some radio show blah blah blah.

It is what it is, and you're free to believe whatever you'd like.

Sometimes I envy this little world you folks have created. You're required to know so little.

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