Does anyone seriously believe illegals do NOT vote in america!!???

In the future when Trumpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall and moves to some jungle in Central America with the last dregs of Trump believers at his side, let me give you some advice. -

Don't drink the Kool Aid.
Here's some advice for you. Drop forum posting, and take up knitting. :rolleyes:
I realize it may be too many words and not enough pictures but that is not my fault:

The Actually True and Provable Facts About Non-Citizen Voting

It’s not hard to identify non-citizen voting — and many people are looking.

Unlike voter impersonation fraud, which is also exceptionally rare, non-citizen voting involves ineligible persons registering and voting in their own names.

If a non-citizen were to vote, their name would be permanently listed in the record of persons who voted in that election as well as on the list of registered voters in that jurisdiction for as long as they remain registered. Those lists can be reviewed or compared to lists of non-citizens to identify anyone that was ineligible to vote.

The registration and voting records enable several different stakeholders to identify any non-citizens who voted in an election.

First, state election officials are required by law to regularly scour the voter rolls for ineligible voters. Many have used the list comparison technique to comb through their entire list of registered voters, and still found minimal evidence of non-citizens voting.

In 2012, Florida conducted this type of analysis of its list of 12 million registered, active voters. At first the state believed it had identified 180,000 potential ineligible voters by searching a state database with out-of-date citizenship information. Upon further investigation, the state narrowed that list down to 2,600 and sent it on to county election officials for review. After the counties conducted their own investigations, Florida removed just 85 ineligible registrants from their statewide list and only one person was convicted for fraud. Investigations in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio ended similarly.
Non-citizen voting is very rare.
Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting. Based on state prosecution records, votes by non-citizens account for between 0.0003 percent and 0.001 percent of all votes cast.

Election officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections. The National Association of Secretaries of State, whose Republican-majority membership includes the chief elections officers of 40 states, said they “are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump.”

Also, it is relatively easy for a non-citizen to get caught. If an ineligible person intentionally registers or votes, not only do they risk being recognized, but their name will be on permanent lists of voters for later detection. And, as discussed below, lots of people scrutinize those lists looking for potentially ineligible voters, increasing the chances of getting caught. Again, when discovered, non-citizens face fines, time in prison, and deportation.

The Actually True and Provable Facts About Non-Citizen Voting
1. Of course election officials say there's no problem with non-citizen voting in our elections. To say there was, would be an open admission of failure on their part.

2. Equally as stupid, is your claim that "it is relatively easy for a non-citizen to get caught" Actually, is about impossible for a non-citizen to get caught. 22 states don't even ask for ID. Others don't request photo ID, and none of them ask for ID which proves citizenship.

There is nothing to stop illegal aliens from voting. They vote by the millions, and have been doing so for over 50 years.

What incredibly dumb posting we get in this forum. Sheeesh!! :rolleyes:
If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.

Clearly, it is illegal aliens being encouraged to vote.

What sort of low-life scum would do that??????

If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.
I proved it long ago in this forum and elsewhere. But bear in mind, your conception of "proof" is a far cry from mine. My conception is that of what is real, not some agenda-driven propaganda, masquerading as a study, dredged up by some liberal think tank, media, or university charlatan. :biggrin:
If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.

MANY criminals have committed horrendous crimes that could not be the time or ever. That makes them innocent? (crazy thinking)

Not exactly sure why toilet-floats like yourself are so willing to cover for the elitists and the anti-American things they are doing.
Driver licenses for illegals? No voter ID required? Open borders? Sanctuary cities. You'd HAVE to be an utter fool to think illegals aren't voting. The Broward County Supervisor of Elections (Democrat) illegally disposed of thousands of voting stubs to cover for a crime.

But maybe even more importantly.....
Why are you so desperate to lick the bottom of your dream dictator's boots?
You DO realize they don't give a flying fuck about you and only use your naivete ?
If you really think YOUR interests matter to them.....

Well, then you are the perfect stool pigeon for them.
You;ll be kicked to the curb just like any Trumpette....unless you do some SERIOUS ass kissing.

But then, that probably comes naturally for toilet-floats like you.
You probably get paid to come to this forum and say stupid crap don't you? Because if you're really believing the BS you often say, you're certifiable and need to be on meds.
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For the record, I have no problem with Liberals.
I have a problem with RADICAL Leftists claiming to be moderate Liberals when everything they post clearly demonstrates otherwise.

2. Equally as stupid, is your claim that "it is relatively easy for a non-citizen to get caught" Actually, is about impossible for a non-citizen to get caught. 22 states don't even ask for ID. Others don't request photo ID, and none of them ask for ID which proves citizenship.

And all illegals have stolen IDs if not several of them.
If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.

We've already proved it. DACA is the proof. Democrats gave millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't. A party that lawless is not going to then insist on enforcing laws that ban illegals from voting. THINK
protectionist, post: 19695928
1. Of course election officials say there's no problem with non-citizen voting in our elections. To say there was, would be an open admission of failure on their part.

Those election officials are Republicans and Democrats. A Republican election official exposing tens of thousands of undocumented illegal Dem leaning voters would be a Republican hero. That would not be failure. You don't think much do you?
Those election officials are Republicans and Democrats. A Republican election official exposing tens of thousands of undocumented illegal Dem leaning voters would be a Republican hero. That would not be failure. You don't think much do you?
They're more concerned with THEIR OWN PERSONAL welfare, than party loyalties. You can start thinking now.
And all illegals have stolen IDs if not several of them.
They still don't need them to vote though. Nobody checks citizenship ID. Anybody can have an ID. Illegal aliens have VALID ID's (like company they work for) Means nothing in terms of voting.
With his DACA and DAPA programs Obozo gave millions of these criminal invaders a certificate telling them they can live and work here even though the LAW SAYS THEY CAN DO NEITHER!!! And yet democrats tell us they were strict about enforcing the laws against illegals voting. HAHAHAHA

Obama ENCOURAGED the illegals to vote both 2012 and 16 and they did by the millions. It's extremely important to an illegal that the open borders and welfare party be in power. They undoubtedly vote at a higher rate than citizens do.
People in the country illegally do not vote. Voting increases their chances of getting caught. You fuckers are really dumb.
Obama ENCOURAGED the illegals to vote both 2012 and 16 and they did by the millions. It's extremely important to an illegal that the open borders and welfare party be in power. They undoubtedly vote at a higher rate than citizens do.
People in the country illegally do not vote. Voting increases their chances of getting caught. You fuckers are really dumb.

It's the only thing they can clutch to.
RE: the thread question.


YES, almost all liberals will say with a straight face that non-citizens do NOT vote in our elections.

Those Democrats who know that non-citizens DO vote choose to keep their mouths shut, lest they be called traitors.

The "Democrats" are willing to use undemocratic means to win elections.


President Trump tried to investigate how many non-citizens voted in 2016, but -- of course -- the blue states refused to cooperate.

And even some Republican politicians refused to help, lest they be called the dreaded R-word.


I assume that many races in November of this year (especially here in the Golden State) will be determined by non-citizens.


We Americans should really stop lecturing other nations on "clean" elections.
If the far-left could, they would send out voter ballots to all voting age individuals in China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Vietnam.
If the far-left could, they would send out voter ballots to all voting age individuals in China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Voting age? Democrats should lower the voting age to 16, to get high school students involved in our political process. After all, in many states they can be criminally prosecuted as adults at 16, so why not treat them as adults.
If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.
I proved it long ago in this forum and elsewhere. But bear in mind, your conception of "proof" is a far cry from mine. My conception is that of what is real, not some agenda-driven propaganda, masquerading as a study, dredged up by some liberal think tank, media, or university charlatan. :biggrin:
You proved you’re hallucinating. You didn’t prove illegals voted. Posting polls certainly doesn’t prove it because fuckers like you will lie in such polls, if called to participate, just to create the appearance that illegals vote. For you to prove it, you have to catch them. And only 2 or 3 were caught. At least one of them voted for Trump.
If you can’t prove illegals voted — that’s because they didn’t. You’re imagining things.

MANY criminals have committed horrendous crimes that could not be the time or ever. That makes them innocent? (crazy thinking)

Not exactly sure why toilet-floats like yourself are so willing to cover for the elitists and the anti-American things they are doing.
Driver licenses for illegals? No voter ID required? Open borders? Sanctuary cities. You'd HAVE to be an utter fool to think illegals aren't voting. The Broward County Supervisor of Elections (Democrat) illegally disposed of thousands of voting stubs to cover for a crime.

But maybe even more importantly.....
Why are you so desperate to lick the bottom of your dream dictator's boots?
You DO realize they don't give a flying fuck about you and only use your naivete ?
If you really think YOUR interests matter to them.....

Well, then you are the perfect stool pigeon for them.
You;ll be kicked to the curb just like any Trumpette....unless you do some SERIOUS ass kissing.

But then, that probably comes naturally for toilet-floats like you.
You probably get paid to come to this forum and say stupid crap don't you? Because if you're really believing the BS you often say, you're certifiable and need to be on meds.
The claim is that millions of illegals voted in the election. The ones who are certifiable are the ones making such claims but can’t come anywhere near proving it.
You proved you’re hallucinating. You didn’t prove illegals voted.

This is all that's necessary to prove that illegals vote

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Simple as that, but liberal loons will insist that some kind of study be produced. More proof of liberal insanity. (combined with stupidity)
The claim is that millions of illegals voted in the election. The ones who are certifiable are the ones making such claims but can’t come anywhere near proving it.
What a double disgrace. Lies in the signature, and then pretends that illegal alien voting needs to be proven. Can you prove that fish can swim ? How ? LOL

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